Warrier's COLLAGE August 31, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday August 31, 2021 Welcome the Pain* https://youtu.be/4doHokOFStM (*Dr Tiny Nair, Senior Cardiologist explains why one should welcome the pain. Posted online comments-Warrier) Good Morning Collage tries to remain interactive. Yesterday, after finding the link to his daughter Charukesi's article, A P Ramadurai said : "Such a pleasant surprise seeing Charu's article." My response was : "I allow my mind to wander freely after sending out Collage in the morning. She comes back with next day's subject quickly. Tomorrow you will be reading and listening to Dr Tiny Nair. Tomorrow Collage opens with : "Welcome the Pain"" I've kept my word! Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages Yashodhan Mujumdar & Saravana Varma, Mumbai & V T Panchapagesan Chennai On the occasion of Shri Krishna Janmmashthami : Excellent information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna 1) Shri Krishna was born 5252 years ago 2) Date of Birth : 18th July, 3228 B.C 3) Month : Shravan 4) Day : Ashtami 5) Nakshatra : Rohini 6) Day : Wednesday 7) Time : 00:00 A.M. 8) Shri Krishna Lived 125 yrs 08 mnths 07 days. 9) Date of Death : 18th February 3102 BC. 10) When Krishna was 89 years old ; The mega war (Kurukshetra) took place. (Continued at H1) B Writer's Progress Part I 1) Dr Tiny Nair, Cardiologist, Thiruvananthapuram https://www.thehindu.com/features/metroplus/society/dr-tiny-nairs-guide-to-being-happy/article7557524.ece/amp/ Excerpts : "Growing up as a single child, books were Tiny’s friends. Instead of souvenirs of his various trips abroad in connection with his profession, it is books that he brings home as mementos of his journeys. And although he is a bibliophile and has an impressive library at his residence at Poojappura, turning writer was never on his rolls. “I did write scientific pieces that were turned into books, but I never thought of trying my hand at fiction.” It was an article of his that got published in The Hindu, which led him on a literary path." C Writer's Progress Part II Dr Tiny Nair : Articles 1) In the company of centenarians Thiruvananthapuram: Comfy in the company of centenarians: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/comfy-in-the-company-of-centenarians/article32473495.ece Excerpts : "Right after the first yawn of the dawn, most of us grope in the semi-darkness for the cell phone. A recent data analysis from Western Digital Corporation indicates that every day in India, one out of three cell phones freeze and crash because of data overload; mainly resulting from ‘good morning’ messages flooding the internet. With 400 million WhatsApp users, it is a true traffic jam. The software experts are now devising a ‘hierarchy algorithm’ which would auto-delete unread ‘good morning’ messages to solve a storage space constraint. Right from childhood, I tended to enjoy the company of senior citizens, the ‘grandpa’ type; perhaps as an inherited family trait. Their snow-white hair, the crow-feet around their eyes, toothless smile, and the slightly bent torso attracted me. Be it a case of a school teacher or a gardener, I loved and respected the elder ones more, and I should not deny that I got compensated well. My grandfather showered me with gifts; the trick was to speak a little louder, close to their ear; show your helpless expression, followed by the cutest smile, and all the chocolate was mine." 2) BP & the Heart https://medicaldialogues.in/cardiology-ctvs/perspective/prompt-bp-control-with-an-early-combination-therapy-role-of-a-fixed-dose-combination-of-an-arb-and-a-ccb-69454 Early start of a combination therapy provides prompt blood pressure control and is recommended by international guidelines as well. Renin-angiotensin system inhibitor (RASI), in combination with calcium channel blocker, is one of the most preferred combinations for the early treatment of Hypertension. (This is included more for the benefit of medical doctors among readèrs-Warrier) D Life Vulture and the child (Sudan : Ken's Award winning photograph) https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/blink/watch/the-vulture-in-the-frame/article9901741.ece/amp/ Excerpts : (Reason for reviving the memory of this agonizing photograph is a Malayalam video on the subject shared with me yesterday. Someone who is active in Social Media was using his oratory skills to accuse the photographer for returning home before "saving" the child. I responded : "Photo of the vulture and the child : Several people have criticized this photographer. Are they perfect by their own standards? Who's sure that this photographer was the only human being around? And the one phone call was the trigger for his suicide? Why these saddists never criticize the trigger-happy rich and the powerful who hoard the world's resources and keep 70 percent of the population poor and hungry, to reach their dream level of riches? Where do these guys hide, when Media agents "create" stories about hunger deaths and suicides while they are capable of collecting huge funds for "sensational causes"? Why we refuse to make laws fixing social responsibility on individuals/corporates/government earning huge profits from an area to ensure that people losing traditional livelihood in the area do not starve or become homeless and jobless? For me, the vulture in the frame is the representative of the exploiters who survive on the sweat and blood of the "exploited"- M G Warrier" Later in the day yesterday, T V M Warrier, Nashik said : "The photographer exhibited extreme compassion and dexterity by transferring the fleeting moment in his camera and made it enduring. He touched the heart strings of masses and perhaps is the messenger of hope. An art can express what a thousand words cannot. It is cruelty to shoot the messenger.") 2) Revenge...A distant dream https://www.angelfire.com/ca/pollayil/poems.html English version of few lines from the poem Vazhakkula by Malayalam Poet Changampuzha : This scene below perceiving The heart of the sun inflames. It melts in pity for the kids And spreads a shade cool and wet ! The helpless, weak and forlorn, Oh ! their pangs of sorrow Who cares to know? Bare, burnt and baked in the sun When will their starvation cease? Whips and scorns are their lot, Yet frank and innocent they are, When will their misery end? Laws are here, laws are there Rules are crowding everywhere But not an inch of space they have To rest their foot anywhere. With stumbling steps gallop the world, Recklessly and unmindful of others, And little time they have got To look at them, the poor awhile. With parching throats and scorching lips They are dying, dying, dying. No one cares to bid them farewell Or worries to give a fitting burial. You fanatics, you the rich, With your pomp and pride Begone ! and be lost, as you like, In your drunken revelries (More at H3) E Readers Write Medha and Buddhi : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai The human mind has two distinct capabilities. One is to acquire worldly skills and another is to do spiritual discrimination. These two faculties are called Medha Sakthi (cleverness) and Buddhi (intellect) respectively. The objective of this thread is to analyze the difference between the two as often people misunderstand the two faculties. (Continued at H2) F Leisure Many are awaiting your response* Whenever I feel depressed in life I open my G Mail in box... I find... 1. 6 banks are giving me easy loans. 2. 10/15 banks waiting to deliver my pre approval credit cards. 3. I have won ₹1,00,00,000 for unknown reasons. 4. 8-10 job companies have best jobs for me. 5. 3 matrimonial sites have most suited matches for me. 6. Dr. Batra has claimed that he will cure my hair fall. 7. 5-6 universities are giving me degrees in random subjects. 8. Approx 20-25 mails from Rita, Priya and Neha who feeling lonely and want to meet me. What more you want in life. Forward received from R Jayakumar Mumbai via Group email (I thought I was the only person getting these comforting messages, because I am very popular through my Collage. Now, I'm depressed-Warrier) G Quotes about Heart https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/heart-quotes Like : Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become. Johnny Weir Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. Swami Sivananda (John Weir is an American figure skater and television commentator. He is a two-time Olympian, the 2008 World bronze medalist, a two-time Grand Prix Final bronze medalist, the 2001 World Junior Champion, and a three-time U.S. National champion) H 1) Continued from A1 Krishna... 11) He died 36 yrs after the Kurukshetra. 12) Kurukshetra War was started on Mrigashira Shukla Ekadashi, BC 3139. i.e. 8th December 3139 BC and Ended on 25th December, 3139 BC. 12) There was a Solar eclipse between 3 PM to 5 PM on 21st December, 3139 BC; Cause of Jayadrath's death. 13) Bhishma died on 2nd February, (First Ekadasi of the Uttarayana), in 3138 B.C. 14) Krishna is worshipped as: (a) Krishna Kanhaiyya : Mathura (b) Jagannath:- In Odisha (c) Vithoba:- In Maharashtra (d) Srinath: In Rajasthan (e) Dwarakadheesh: In Gujarat (f ) Ranchhod : In Gujarat (g) Krishna : Udupi in Karnataka (h) Guruvayurappan in Kerala 15) Bilological Father: Vasudeva 16) Biological Mother: Devaki 17) Adopted Father :- Nanda 18) Adopted Mother : Yashoda 19) Elder Brother: Balaram 20) Sister : Subhadra 21) Birth Place : Mathura 22) Wives : Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana 23) Krishna is reported to have Killed only 4 people in his life time. (i) Chanoora ; the Wrestler (ii) Kansa ; his maternal uncle (iii & iv) Shishupaala and Dantavakra ; his cousins. 24) Life was not fair to him at all. His mother was from Ugra clan, and Father from Yadava clan, inter-racial marriage. 25) He was born dark skinned. He was not named at all throughout his life. The whole village of Gokul started calling him the black one ; Kanha. He was ridiculed and teased for being black, short and adopted too. His childhood was wrought with life threatening situations. 26) 'Drought' and threat of wild wolves made them shift from 'Gokul' to 'Vrindavan' at the age 9. 27) He stayed in Vrindavan till 10 years and 8 months. He killed his own uncle at the age of 10 years and 8 months at Mathura.He then released his biological mother and father. 28) He never returned to Vrindavan ever again. 29) He had to migrate to Dwaraka from Mathura due to threat of a Sindhu King ; Kala Yaavana. 30) He defeated 'Jarasandha' with the help of 'Vainatheya' Tribes on Gomantaka hill (now Goa). 31) He rebuilt Dwaraka. 32) He then left to Sandipani's Ashram in Ujjain to start his schooling at age 16~18. 33) He had to fight the pirates and rescue his teachers son ; Punardatta; who was kidnapped near Prabhasa ; a sea port in Gujarat. 34) After his education, he came to know about his cousins fate of Vanvas. He came to their rescue in ''Wax house'' and later his cousins got married to Draupadi. His role was immense in this saga. 35) Then, he helped his cousins establish Indraprastha and their Kingdom. 36) He saved Draupadi from embarrassment. 37) He stood by his cousins during their exile. 38) He stood by them and made them win the Kurushetra war. 39) He saw his cherished city, Dwaraka washed away. 40) He was killed by a hunter (Jara by name) in nearby forest. 41) He never did any miracles. His life was not a successful one. There was not a single moment when he was at peace throughout his life. At every turn, he had challenges and even more bigger challenges. 42) He faced everything and everyone with a sense of responsibility and yet remained unattached. 43) He is the only person, who knew the past and future ; yet he lived at that present moment always. 44) He and his life is truly an example for ever human being.🙏🏻 Jai Shri Krishna. Happy Janmmashthami 2) Continued from E Medha and Buddhi In the hierarchy of the human, the highest position is held by the divine consciousness which is called with so many names and let us assume it here as “Atma". Buddhi is like a pipeline that connects Atma with the rest of the tools that are gifted by the Lord to the human beings. After Buddhi, the manas (Mind) plays a prominent role with respect to our memory, worldly knowledge, analytical skills, emotions, etc. Our experiences create a profound impact in this part of our body setting guidelines with respect to our day to day life. It is our past encryption that create thoughts and depending on the energy assigned by our mind, we perform actions. The divine consciousness that resides in us is gift wrapped to be used by the human mind. Below the mind, we have five senses and body. Medha Shakthi is how we convert the reactions of our senses into worldly knowledge whereas Buddhi is how we make decisions in our life using our discrimination power. Let us analyze the components of Buddhi to understand more about how it functions. There are three elements that are important for the Buddhi not to get clogged leaving mind to function without consulting the Buddhi. They are known as Shradda (earnestness), the product of yearning and steadfastness. It is the earnestness that sets goals for the well-being and improvement of true knowledge in a human being. The next is called Sathyam (Truth) which provides the ability to the human being to recommend right actions. Sometimes, this is called inner voice and this is very feeble if the mind is dominant, and powerful if the mind is subservient. Lastly, there is Yoga (power of control) which has the ability to guide the mind how to control the senses and the body. All of them together, i.e. Shradda, Sathyam and Yoga when reach their full capacity become Mahat Sakthi (Divine Power). Being exclusively related to the phenomenal world, Medha Sakthi would help a person to be shrewd in worldly matters and achieve success in society. However, it is Buddhi that helps a person eliminate encryption to liberate the divine consciousness. When the body and senses listen to the mind and when the mind listens to the intellect, the human thoughts, words and actions are sanctified by the Mahat Sakthi. A clever man is restless, does not enjoy peace, and often goes through mental conflicts based on rules defined by the analytical mind. He becomes a slave to his ego, which casts a veil over the Self and renders Buddhi ineffective. In Mahabharatha, when Arjuna was ready for the war, despite the Medha Sakthi he possessed to fight any warrior, it didn't come to his rescue at a time when he faced all his relatives in front of him in a battlefield. It is Lord Krishna who taught him Bhagavad Gita to make him understand the difference between Medha Sakthi and Mahat Sakthi. When he asked Lord Krishna,“Are you saying Krishna that Medha Sakthi is irrelevant?", the Lord responded,“No. It is very important. One needs to know everything about the environment one lives. In fact, we need the body and mind in order to execute the divine command that comes from Buddhi. But all I am saying is to consult Buddhi to reach the divine consciousness so that it will be filled with Shradda, Truth and Yoga and becomes Mahat Sakthi.” “Manomoolam Idam Jagath is the saying meaning,“the world we see is what the mind projects us it to be”. Therefore, if we aspire to learn the true knowledge, practice truth and control the senses and the mind by the constant use of the intellect, the pipe that brings the divinity to the human, the world we see will be different than what we see from our Medha Sakthi alone. We also need Medha Sakthi to understand the environment but eventually, it is Mahat Sakthi that provides the peace we aspire. Medha Sakthi gives us the free will and Mahat Sakthi gives us the divine energy. While Medha Sakthi is gained by reaching out to the world to acquire knowledge, Mahat Sakthi is gained by practising virtues to reach inside the encryption that is all knowing and full of wisdom. Some twelve years back I read an article 'Medha Vs Buddhi' in a book authored by Sathya Sai Baba. As I was much fascinated by the article I had it copied in my notebook. Very often, whenever I think that I am worldly wise and pragmatic, I used to refer to that article to assess myself. On many occasions, on a pragmatic scale 'Medha' works better and it falls in line with other norms too.,though we may not have specific 'Buddhi'. Shraddha, Sathyam and Yoga combination culminating in 'Mahat Shakthi' in fact was the essence of that article. When we are in crisis, we cannot think much about the 'Athma ' etc and our aim will be to tide over the crisis with our 'medha' alone. When the situation calms down, we can think on higher plane. Lord Shiva in his Guru form 'Dakshinamurthy' is known as 'Medha Dakshinamurthy' in many temples of South India and never as 'Buddhi Dakshinamurthy'. As far as my little understanding goes, we need not worry much about the difference between 'Medha' and 'Buddhi'. We act as per our conscience as per the required norms as our 'Medha' suggests and 'Buddhi' will take care of itself. But spiritual leaders argue differently. Good becomes debatable only at Medha Sakthi level. But there is only one good at the Buddhi level. When we acquire Medha Sakthi, the feeling of "I" is strong and whatever our mind interprets becomes the right action. All knowing power resides in us and there is a connection to it through Buddhi, if one prefers to use it. We can call it by any name whether it is Supreme Consciousness or Atma or Divine Power. It has the potential to help us remove our encryption created by our own past and present actions. That is true liberation from the bondage and gives true knowledge from ignorance. Sometimes, our own analytical mind tends to present a very convincing answer about the right action which is deceptive and often mistaken as conscience. Buddhi is inner voice that is unaffected by the dictates of the mind. It has inherent knowledge derived from the divine existence which learned people call us as our true Self. But when Medha Sakthi develops a habit to consult Buddhi as a second opinion, a pipe to the all knowing power, we derive Mahat Sakthi as well. In order to do that, we need disciplines such as earnestness, truth and control of senses. Vathsala Jayaraman 3) Lines from the poem "Vazhakkula" by Malayalam Poet Changampuzha : A few lines from the poem: When the rains lashed the earth, In the yard of his lowly hut, A plantain sapling, Malayappulayan planted. As hopes in boson bloom From the sapling, one by one Emerald shoots began to spring. And the sapling Azhaki fondled As one among her own little ones. When the rains left the vault of heaven, And sky was clear and bright His myna with a merry note Started whistling sweetest songs. When the trees were clad in flowers, The fondling breeze came dancing by. And flower was here and flower was there, And Malayan's hut was clad in flowers. Time was up in fields For sowing paddy seeds And full many a hard row- They had to hoe. At break of day to till They to the fields will hustle, And never homeward will they turn Before the sky begins to darken. Yet seldom will they fail And seldom do they forget To water the little sapling. Thus from nursing day by day Faster, faster, the sapling began to grow Like the bud of love the country - lass Unfolds for her shepherd - lad! The sapling with its shades Spreads a carpet for the kids, Where they go and sit Till the livelong daylight pales. With their belly burning And baking themselves in the sun inflaming, Yonder play the poor children. Oh ! how painful is the scene ! It will grieve any human being However hard and callous be that being. They wail at times They smile at times And tussle between - whiles These kiddies, black and naughty.


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