Warrier's Collage on Friday September 2, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday September 2, 2022 Prayers 🙏 : https://youtu.be/d0DiDPiIU3Y 1) Swami Sivanand 126 https://youtu.be/oznODFGf0F8 (Link Courtesy: T J Kurup Thiruvananthapuram) 2) A tour of Jerusalem https://youtu.be/BanxqagThQI (Link Selection : Prompted by T R Surej Kottakkal) Good Morning 🌄 My visitors on September 1, 2022 : https://photos.app.goo.gl/zCxUnjKQSoPRAVf79 Nice Day M G Warrier Let's Write Letters* Verse for today : Franklin Misquith 💐🌹🌷 World Letter Writing Day Sorry to say, That hardly anyone pen's any letter today, The art of writing letters has vanished away, The advent of the mobile has brought about a stay. Letter writing has given way to whatsapp, Facebook, Messenger, Twitter and other similar App's, It is easier to give another a piece of our mind, And thus cover many laps, Instead of doling out some sound slaps, But this will not help fill in the gaps, Though words can flow like a flood, As though from open taps.💐🌹🌷 We must get back to writing a letter or two, Just as we take care to polish our shoe, Dash off a letter once in a while, Your friend or relative will receive it, With joy and let out a smile.🌹🌷💐 *& Get Replies : https://images.app.goo.gl/idU8ZVCZ1atzEfB48 A Messages/Responses 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram In the 'Sethubandhan' of inflation economics, let this old man too join like the proverbial squirrel. In the late 50s, when I was a high school teacher, I got a consolidated monthly pay of a whopping Rs60. Then, on one fine morning, I got an invitation to serve the Kerala State, at its Secretariat, on a clerical scale of pay ofRs40-120- of course, with a graduate allowance added to it. The problem for me was that, the same postman, gave me then another invitation that was from the RBI to join them as a clerk on a scale of pay Rs100-300. The wide difference in the pay scales naturally caused some doubts as to job security, but I joined the latter and had no occasion for regret. I do not know the economics of it, but, oftentimes, I get a feeling that we were much better in those days of lesser incomes. Many a time, I remember what that well-known Indian-English poet Harindranath Chattopaadhyaay (the younger brother of the Nightingale of India) used to say, that the value of everything was going up except that of man. Is it not more valid now? (And me : Got employed on invitation from Kozhikode Employment Exchange, as a teacher in Government High School, Payyoli on a monthly salary of Rs100/- from August 1, 1963. That year Onam vacation started from August 31. Received offer of appointment as Lower Division Clerk in Regional Provident Commissioner's Office Thiruvananthapuram on a Pay Scale Rs 110-3/7-131-4/11-175-5-180(19 years) with DA Rs15 plus HRA 7.50. Joined on September 6, 1963. Had to refund a day's salary Rs3/55 to School authorities as I didn't work on August 31, 1963 and had received full salary for the month. Left RPFC's Office and joined AG's Office as Upper Division Clerk in September 1964 (Pay Scale 130-300). Resigned to join RBI Thiruvananthapuram on January 15, 1968 (Clerk Grade II Pay Scale 145-380). As I had served more than 3 years in AG's Office and passed some departmental exams to get extra increments, difference in salary in RBI was Rs20 with no pension benefits. Inflation didn't affect salaries much during 1950 to 1970) 2) Swami Sivanand ps://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/swami-sivananda-oldest-man-ever-says-no-sex-no-spice-daily-yoga-key-to-age/story-TfNv8QsC670tfP7lTIfSWP.html 3) S W Fadnawis I have read Shri Franklin Misquith's poem in today's Collage over and over again and found it very interesting and appropriate at this stage of life. S W Fadnavis 4) Cricket S Venugopal Chennai reports : Srilanka vs Bangladesh ended as thriller at Dubai in the Asia Cup T20 tournament, Bangladesh hit up 183 runs and Srilanka after their loss rather badly seemed to be on the weaker side. Bangladesh too lost against Afghans but not as badly. Srilanka kept the tempo by run rate and also wicket losing rate. Kusal at one end was solid but when he was out Bangla seemed to have taken the game. But SL tail also wagged and they won the game by 2 wickets. BD hard luck-&Kudos SL. T20 format is becoming interesting B Current Affairs RBI Governor on Inflation target A reader asked why Collage is discussing Inflation target now. The context was an article in The Hindu Business Line. The article was speculative in nature. A week before, RBI Governor had explained that RBI has plans ready to tame inflation : https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/banks/rbi-sets-2-year-timeframe-to-bring-down-inflation-to-4-governor-das-says-9073411.html Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has set for itself a two-year timeframe to bring down inflation closer to its 4 percent target, Governor Shaktikanta Das told a television channel on August 23. “We have said earlier that we would like to bring down inflation over a time period of about two years or so,” Das told ET Now in an interview. “We are moving to 4 percent inflation in a steady manner without too much growth sacrifice." C Collage Philosophy Kathopanishd : Speaking Tree https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/the-katha-upanishad Nachiketas said, "What good is this, what is the use of this long life? What do you mean by "long life"? How long will it be? One day it has to end. So anything that has to end is to be considered as short. It may be long from one point of view, but it has to end one day. Even if it is millions of years – after millions of years, what happens? It stops. Then why do you call it "long life"? It is short. All the life put together is futile and petty. I do not want long life. And what is the good of all the glory and majesty and the beauty and the enjoyments to which you have made reference? What is enjoyment to a person whose sense organs have worn out? As long as the sense organs are vigorous, things look beautiful, tasty and worthwhile. When the senses wither away, who will enjoy the world? So why do you tempt me with these offerings? 'Ask for better things,' you said. What can be better than the knowledge of this mystery of the soul after its departure from this body, this tabernacle?" D Collage Life Life's lessons : Vathsala Jayaraman I I feel that both cup and coffee are equally important. We need something to sustain life. Coffee cannot stand in air. I am reminded of what my mother-in-law used to say. Kannadasan, the great poet had untold vices, an addict to drinks. His poems were exemplary. After a few years the same Kannadasan realised his folly and wrote 'Arthamulla Hindu matham', a classic in itself. We bought all the volumes and I asked my mother-in-law also to read. She bluntly refused saying 'one should be worthy of writing such philosophical texts. I told her not to consider the earlier life of the author and look to what he has produced. My MIL's words still are still ringing in my ears. "If you give the aromatic sweet payasam in a messy brass tumbler with green stains everywhere, nobody would have mind to taste the payasam, however nice it be. To enjoy the payasam, the tumbler also should be clean and neat" It is entirely a different issue that I argued with her and made her read the book and later she realised. Vathsala Jayaraman II That Little Extra Chess Player PRAGYANANDA though young, Has become international recognized player Due to his achievement… His mother used to tell him to put VIBUTHI ON HIS FOREHEAD WHICH HE IS DOING METICULOUSLY WHEREVER HE GOES PLAYING CHESS… He has unshakable faith in it and we can see His face with that little extra MARK….. SOCIETY Has built-in days for gift giving, But it is often the little unexpected Unshakable faith , The mark which we seldom Smear and remove when going out , Means the most for us all towards all round happiness. E Spirituality/Faith Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1565087762826465280?s=20&t=tfc3Fv0A_eFtds_xAGDWOw Unity in Diversity - 361 गयउ दुखु दूरि बरखन को सु गुरू मुखु देखि गरू सुखु पायउ Gone is the distress of many years : gazing at the face of the Guru, peace is found (Follow/obey the Guru (meditate on Naam) and have a peaceful life) Bard Nalh, 1400, SGGS F Leisure 1) Given a choice... I do not know who has done this research but its quite interesting N͟O͟T͟ A͟ C͟O͟I͟N͟C͟I͟D͟E͟N͟C͟E͟! 1. ADULT has 5 letters, so does YOUTH. 2. PERMANENT has 9 letters, so does TEMPORARY. 3. GOOD has 4 letters, so does EVIL. 4. BLACK has 5 letters, so does WHITE. 5. CHURCH has 6 letters, so does MOSQUE, TEMPLE & MANDIR 6. BIBLE, GEETA has 5 letters, so does QURAN. 7. LIFE has 4 letters, so does DEAD. 8. HATE has 4 letters, so does LOVE. 9. ENEMIES has 7 letters, so does FRIENDS. 10. LYING has 5 letters, so does TRUTH. 11. HURT has 4 letters, so does HEAL. 12. NEGATIVE has 8 letters, so does POSITIVE. 13. FAILURE has 7 letters, so does SUCCESS. 14. BELOW has 5 letters, so does ABOVE. 15. CRY has 3 letters, so does JOY. 16. ANGRY has 5 letters, so does HAPPY. 17. RIGHT has 5 letters, so does WRONG. 18. RICH has 4 letters, so does POOR. 19. FAIL has 4 letters, so does PASS. 20. KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters, so does IGNORANCE. 21. LETTERS has 7 letters, so does REPLIES. This means LIFE is like a double-edged sword, but the choice we make determines our future🙏🏾🙏🏾 2) Cricket S Venugopal Chennai reports on August 31, 2022 ROhits Team India won over the new entrant Hong Kong by 40 runs at Dubai in the Asia Cup. India was put to bat and again Rohit and Rahul did not fare too well with the bat. Kohli hit up a decent 59 runs. It was Suryakumar Yadav who hit up 68 runs and played good shots all over the fields. India set a kind of imposing target of 193 runs for Hongkong. HK did very well and hit up 152 for 5in the end and India won the game in style. HK which qualified and came into Asia Cup really played well and tried to get at the big target. Kudos India which enters the Super 4 of Asia Cup now! G Quotes on poetry https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/poetry-quotes Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things. T. S. Eliot


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