Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 11, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday September 11, 2022 Prayer 🙏 : Hiranmayena... https://youtu.be/bMNF8b4jiro 1) Lalbagh ka Raja : Immersion 2022 https://youtu.be/c0hB2j2ki6A 2) Robot receiving a bank loan in Kochi https://youtu.be/K9UafaL85Xg (Link Courtesy : T V Sumangala Thrissur) 3) World Record for Onam Pookkalam https://youtu.be/qbRC53NrumM (Link Courtesy : K Balasubramanian Coimbatore) Good Morning 🌄 This is the first issue of Collage in its new Avtar as a Weekly. Effort is to keep it live as a Weekly Message from me to you on weekends. Likely, Collage may grow in size. Will try to control obesity! Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday September 17, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes to all. Nice Day M G Warrier Sunday Photo Sunset clicked while on train : https://photos.app.goo.gl/FnXTN6q6ZmQBs7Dm8 (Photo Courtesy : S K Gupta) (Vishnu Kelkar : These days here in Mumbai the rain God has deprived us of viewing stunning, bold and brilliant sun set at Juhu beach. Your pictures taken while travelling from New Delhi to Chandigarh came as a great relief. We just love to see the sun rise and sun set which marks the beginning and end of the day. Your glimpses of the setting sun display light pinky sky and lots of green plains which scenario is different than the sunset on beaches. Thanks for sharing. VNKelkar) R Jayakumar adds : Dear Gupta ji You have clicked the photos from the fast moving train. The things close by are appearing hazy due to the high speed of the train and the setting sun, though looks small is clear to view because of its long distance away from the earth. There is some science behind it! Lovely photos. R Jayakumar A Select Messages/Responses 1) T V Sharat Kochi I have been following Collage regularly and found it very informative with a dash of humour and good insite into our vedas, puranas and mythology too. Thanks for the hard work. Can understand the efforts to make it also 🙏🙏 2) K Ramasubramanian Mumbai We, as the readers of Collage, have our own views on the continuous morning coverage of a variety of subjects at one place. We will be missing it very dearly. Knowing you very well for more than 5 decades your decision will be a well informed one, taking all relevant factors into account. I will accept any decision that you make in the matter of ending the publishing of everyday Collage. Your views on any subject on earth as and when you feel to share will always be welcome. RAMASUBRMANIAN 3) Vishnu Kelkar Current Affairs Shri Gupta's fear about so called ban on fire crackers upto 1 January 2023 seems to be genuine considering what happened to such restrictions in the past. VNKelkar B Babusenan's Column : Naming Ceremony During the mid 1964, when the world was honeymooning with the moon, NASA's spacecraft Ranger- 7 took the first nearest photograph of the moon. The great dancer Mrinalini Sarabhai refused to look at it saying that she preferred the beautiful moon of the full moon night to the rugged and ugly moon the Ranger7 presented. She, being a hundred percent artist, could not say anything different and I am with her. An ugly truth cannot be beautiful and artists always prefer beauty to truth. Was it not Keats who said famously : 'Beauty is truth and truth beauty'. But, remember ,when he wrote that line in the 'Ode on a Grecian Urn', he was hardly 24 and had yet to learn many things in life. The clever Indian, on the contrary, will not like to make such erratic statements. He will cleverly hide ugly truths in beautiful golden containers (hiranmayena paathrena)*. Scientists are said to be seekers of truth and they do not bother if the truth is unpleasant. Yes. That is the scientists' privilege. But, when they are called upon to name a thing that they discovered after persistent effort, they, unfortunately, do not display propriety. If, for instance, a group of scientists happen to detect a new type of crocodile in a river in Rajkot and if they are Gandhians, they may not hesitate to call it 'Crocodylus Gandhi' although there are any number of politicians deserving to be named. You may say that it is maliciously hypothetical. In that case, what about this recent news item? Scientists, who found a new variety of wasps in a place near the Kodaikanal lake in Tamil Nadu, have named it 'Taeniogonalus Lathe' out of their esteem for Latha Mangeshkar. How preposterous! It may perhaps suit some new genre of mosquitoes from their singing quality! *Know More : https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/understanding-the-essence-of-isha-upanishad-axiom-tat-twam-pushan-apavrinu The complete verse is as follows : Hiranmayena Patrena Satyasya / Apihitam Mukham / Tat Tvam Pushan Apavrunu Satya / Dharmaya Drustaye. Meaning in English is somewhat as follows : "A golden vessel covers the fact of Truth, O thou Nourisher ( Sun God), remove the cover so that votary and seeker of Truth may witness Him." Arthat : The Indian's Prayer 🙏 to the Lord of Light (Sun) is "to remove the golden cover and expose the truth." C Current Affairs Inflation Management Comments by Dr T V Gopalakrishnan A late realisation, but welcome thought if pursued with dynamic fiscal policies and enhanced governance standards to contain corruption, black money, supply constraints, and encourage people to desist from unethical ways of making money and indulging in uncalled for and avoidable luxuries. Inequality seen in the economy also causes inflation and this can be tackled only through imaginative and effective fiscal and administrative measures. Both politicians and bureaucrats need to be more prudent and become role models for the people to pursue and practice of simple living and if possible high thinking suiting our ancient culture and decent living standards. Our inflation is partially man made is a fact which needs to be recognised and addressed, acted upon fast. Sensitising the people to be part and parcel of the economy management is also the need of the hour to aspire for a welfare nation in letter and spirit. Dr T V G Media Response : M G Warrier September 9, 2022 Inflation, a multi-faced monster This refers to the observation that "If States'inflation is also to be attributed to the Centre, there is a need to find a way for the Centre to work together to handle inflation" made by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman (The Hindu Business Line, September 9). One was all along under the impression that such an effort to coordinate and synchronise monetary policy of Reserve Bank of India and fiscal policies of Central and State Governments was being made through interactions at various fora where top brass of RBI and governments have opportunities to meet. This one observation by the Finance Minister makes one suspect whether the relationship issues between RBI and Central Ministries and between Centre and States of Pre-Modi era are still persisting. Leaving aside wider issues, one is tempted to emphasis the need for having a consensus on policies affecting inflation management across all stakeholders. Such an approach will call for transparent interaction on the subject among Centre, States and RBI to clear suspicions about resources mobilization and sharing as also costs, prices and wages across public and private sectors. M G Warrier Mumbai 2) Britain gets a King after a long gap a) Obituary : Queen Elizabeth II https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61585886 b) King Charles III takes over... https://indianexpress.com/article/world/uk-queen-elizabeth-dead-funeral-live-updates-8139099/ (World slowly reconciles to the departure of Queen. Long live the King!-Collage) D Spirituality/Faith Sunday Collage 1) V T Panchapagesan FEAR iS DEATH….ATHARVA VED…BK 16 SUNDAY COLLAGE Vouchsafe us length of life And give us hope of immortality……. Atharva Ved.. Let us Look… Behind us, of what we have already accomplished… Up, and believe that the Sky will clear. Down, to make Sure we are on the right path. Ahead, and claim Success over every obstacle! Socrates tells us this that there are Eighteen “ities” One will attain Immortality, Absence of vanity, Adaptability, Charity, Equanimity, Fixity, Generosity, Humility, Integrity, Magnanimity, Non-irritability, Nobility, Purity, Regularity, Serenity, Sincerity, Simplicity, Tenacity, and Veracity. Mothers do not FEAR DEATH. THEY ARE AFRAID OF... LEAVING behind their children, Knowing that nobody will Love and Care for them like SHE DID. How to overcome FEAR : Sadhguru : You cannot overcome Something Which does not Exist. It's not that in every moment of your life You are in Fear, Stay like that... To be fearful you have to use excessive imagination; But to be fearless you don't need To do anything at all. Deepak Chopra says a motivating factor through Structure, Metabolism and Movement Which means through Body, Mind and Intellect…its proper usage… Finally Veda proclaims : Be Charitable, Be Compassionate, Be Humble.. Let us Evaluate impartially as age advances Gripping Fear which might be haunting us, Towards end, as the past is lost forever, And the future is not to be claimed as ours.. Now is the only time we own Let us think well, using it well… 2) Dr Charan Singh I https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1567961978945302530?s=20&t=6dgP180TTAMt8ttWZNzNcQ Unity in Diversity - 369 सभ तेरी स्रिसटि तूं आपि रहिआ समाई The entire universe is yours; You yourself permeate and pervade it Guru Ramdass, Gauri Gwaarayree, 164, SGGS II https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1568356418302128129?s=20&t=-Gha7BO1BCyWL6aEZEGosQ Unity in Diversity - 370 मन मेरे सगल उपाव तिआगु गुरु पूरा आराधि नित इकसु की लिव लागु My mind, give up all other methods/efforts Meditate on the Perfect Guru, and fix attention on one Almighty Guru Arjan, Srirag, 45, SGGS E Blogs & Links 1) Useful link : Online Consultation with Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala https://www.aryavaidyasala.com/inter-consultation.php Consultation Book Online Video Consultation with Doctors of ARYA VAIDYA SALA. 2) How to overcome poverty https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/eat-organic-live-healthy/how-to-overcome-poverty-44762/ Posted online comments : ' sharing of any thought having poverty alleviation in mind should be welcomed by all. basic issue delaying poverty eradication is concentration of wealth in a miniscule percentage of world population refusing to share with less fortunate. even india has concealed and unmapped domestic resources more than adequate to eradicate poverty within the country in a short time frame. thanks ð for opening the discussion' F Leisure 1) Sanskrit Language & Teachers* Sanskrit gradation of teachers based on teaching levels : 1. The teacher who gives you information only is ...Adhyapak 2. The one who imparts knowledge combined with information is....Upadhyaya 3. The one who imparts the skills is ....Acharya 4. The one who is able to give an insight into any subject is .....Pundit 5. The Master who has a futuristic view on a subject and teaches you to think in that manner is ....."Dhrishta" 6. The Superior Master who is able to impart wisdom in you is the ....Guru Sanskrit is probably the only language that has got this distinct vocabulary to distinguish among teaching levels in such a precise manner. *Shared by S Venugopal Chennai 2) Dad's advice* Son : Dad, I have a doubt. Dad : What's it, son ? Son : I learnt that Shri Ram attained Godly status by listening to his father in Tretayug. Dad : That's true, son Son : But then Pralhad became great by not listening to his father in Satyayug. Dad : That is also true. Son : So, Dad, kindly enlighten me, should I listen to you or not ? Dad : My dear son, we are living in Kaliyug. It's good for both of us to listen to your mother to lead a peaceful harmonious and humorous life. *Shared by Jaydev Raja Rao G Quotes on Sanskrit Language Vivekavani https://vivekavani.com/swami-vivekananda-quotes-sanskrit-language/ Like : Just look at Sanskrit. Look at the Sanskrit of the Brâhmanas, at Shabara Swâmi’s commentary on the Mimâmsâ philosophy, the Mahâbhâshya of Patanjali, and, finally, at the great Commentary of Achârya Shankara: and look also at the Sanskrit of comparatively recent times. You will at once understand that so long as a man is alive, he talks a living language, but when he is dead, he speaks a dead language. H A parting scene* : Just saw this on another group : ❤ What lovely words... Phillip came to me today, Said it was time to go. I looked at him and smiled, As i whispered that "I know" I then turned and looked behind me, And seen I was asleep. All my Family were around me, And I could hear them weep. I gently touched each shoulder, With Phillip by my side. Then I turned away and walked, With My Angel guide. Phillip held my hand, As he lead the way, To a world where King's and Queens, Are Monarch's every day. I was given a crown to wear, Or a Halo known by some. The difference is up here, They are worn by everyone. I felt a sense of peace, My reign had seen its end. 70 years I had served my Country, as the peoples" friend. Thank you for the years, For all your time and love. Now I am one of two again, In our Palace up above *Author unknown. Shared by Franklin Misquith


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