Warrier's Collage on Sunday September 18, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday September 18, 2022 Prayer 🙏 : Purusha Suktam https://youtu.be/r10RxUayVEQ Six Amazing Things to watch in Dubai https://youtu.be/9kiPDhnhEgg (Link Courtesy : T J Kurup Thiruvananthapuram) Good Morning 🌄 Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday September 24, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 Note : As part of size management, a Weekend Supplement is being shared separately later 🙏-Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) K N Ganapathy Generally parting is painful. We felt that very much while retiring from RBI. But in the past few years we had a consolation in the form of Warrier's Collage for emotional satisfaction and interaction with our old colleagues. From the financial point of view, from RBI we get consolation in the form of pension. From the Collage we can expect consolation in the form of weekly mails. Deeply thankful to Mr Warrier for bringing us together and the efforts he has taken to collect and edit the contributions from members. We know he needs some respite. Grateful to members who have contributed immensely for the Collage. K N Ganapathy 2) Dr A Vasudevan Thank you for sending the Collage on Sundays instead of daily. This I think is a good move especially given the humongous information flows daily on current affairs and other issues that would not of course exclude matters relating to faiths. This is a quick unedited note. On inflation management, your suggestion that the relationships between the Centre, States and RBI seem to be persisting is generally well taken partly because writings on coordination of monetary and Government authorities often ignore the States' views. That apart, it is still not clear as to which of the agencies has superior information on macroeconomic indicators and financial markets and financial regulation issues and the rationale of their respective viewpoints. In any case, these viewpoints never come out in the public space and the press accounts on such viewpoints could well be tinged with a mix of bias and preferences of the writers of such columns. In any case I enjoyed reading your quick response to TVG for whom I have great regard. My personal regards to you. A Vasudevan Pocket Cartoon : https://photos.app.goo.gl/jSQEU8W9TPFnWJSL8 3) Sitendra Kumar Many of us are not aware that Shri C V Subbaraman is a poet also. We are all aware about his crusade for pension updation, his learned articles to the GUV and HRMD, CO requesting them to grant the admissible due to the retirees. This time in the wake of assertion by FM that, 'Inflation management can't be singularly left to RBI', he has written a beautiful poem on Inflation management. He has enjoined upon all of us, the public, to resist consumption of highly priced goods to control the prices. Kindly enjoy the poem and think it over : 4) C V Subbaraman Inflation Management is not to control prices but how the government in power manages to meet criticism! Price control is only possible by people resisting consumption of high priced goods at least temporarily. Here is a poem on Inflation Management : The buzz word now is inflation, Which is no cause for elation, Not for any jubilation, Or for any celebration. It is a demon or disease, Tried to be treated not with ease, By doctors called Economists Who do not have ready cure lists; Some theorise like communists While others back capitalists, Some prefer to ape socialists, Yet others protest with clenched fists. Prices witness an all-round rise, When common man suffers and cries, Government knows not, where answer lies. The central banker makes some tries, And tinkers with interest rates, Ere other steps he contemplates, For, easy options are tried first Though they may result in the worst. Inflation is the hot topic, Its discussion is endemic, In all meetings and seminars As if strategy in great wars, But the solution eludes all And prices do not make a fall. This results in many a brawl, And thin sales in every mall. People have to perforce endure, For which no one has any cure, The world moves on merrily round Leaving the folks to lick their wound. When the price rise becomes static The new level becomes basic For the future inflation rate, People resign unto their fate. They soon forget though not forgive And learn to suffer and to live As they have only Hobson’s choice And little else now to rejoice. Wisdom dawns on the horizon Too late in the day, when all’s done: The best way to curb inflation Is to refrain from consumption And the will to shun temptation Without any hesitation. This is time-tested solution, The ultimate revelation. C V Subbaraman 5) R Jayakumar Dear Sitendra Kumar ji and Guptaji Ref : The poem on wiser management of inflation penned by Shri Subbaraman. I am not worthy (sic) to find it for an easy digestion And I will tell you what is, for this, my reason. CVS Sir's poem looks more an item for the Collage Where, for food for thoughts, economists do forage; But being a product of an unknown village I know not what is printed on a yellow page, Yet dare and say what is my inflation message. That man is born to live; and to live I must consume, And how can I stop my habit of consumption? Will I stop eating my breakfast if eggs sell for eighty a dozen Or the sweet potato a kilo costs me ninety plus ten. Will I say tata to Bata and stop wearing my footwear For the price-tag is hiked to what I can't bear, Or do I have to skip my daily dose of medicine Because it is highly priced like gold and wine And stop cutting my hair and let it flow all over Because my barber's fee costs me a treasure trove! No, I will consume and keep consuming Not because I am not worried of prices rising But because I need to make my basic needs met, What if for this all economists break their heads... (Sir it is purely for time pass and entertainment, no poem, no economics involved) R Jayakumar 6) Sitendra Kumar Thanks for Collage on Sunday September 11. Glad that the Collage survives, maybe on weekly basis but it has covered all the aspects which were in the earlier Collage as well. Even the latest developments in Britain find mention in this issue. My heartfelt good and warm wishes for Weeky Collage. Sitendra Kumar 7) S Nallasivan I wholeheartedly endorse what all Shri K Ramasubramanian has to say on Shri Warrier and his Collage. It is upto Warrier how and when to bring the Collage, daily or on Sundays as weekly edition. As a daily issue he must have certain strain on time management, the contents, coverage and unusually unwieldy size. As an Editor he had very little role to make it precise and brief and make it handsome and handy. The Contributions though were of high quality friends feared to counsel Warrier that it needed lot of trimming and loading too much that exhibited the contributor's indepth knowledge as an Editor Warrier had been too generous to allow them to contain long of repeat pages making it heavy for the readers and avoid becoming tired. Now that Warrier has full week he can now exhibit his genius as an ace Editor. He can easily dissuade himself from the selection of his Contributors and the subjects for publication with an ease of mind. He can even discuss the contents and coverage with his regular Contributors to make perusal of Collage a pleasure to read and more interesting and attractive . Did not somebody say brevity is the soul of wit. S Nallasivan 8) S R Badrinarayanan Welcome to the Collage in a weekly format. A digest with important developments, banking and non-banking, during the week under review will enrich any reader to brush up his/her contents on the relevant topic. Earlier, the preparation and presentation of the daily must have earned the instant wrath and, therefore, the displeasure of the next kin of the editor. May be, now he has prime time exclusively to share with his kith and kin. After all, not only charity but also unconditional love begins at home! பத்ரி Badrinarayanan B Panchapagesan's Column SUNDAY COLLAGE SUN GOD ON SUNDAY COLLAGE WORTH KNOWING…. Now that COLLAGE is appearing only on SUNDAYS… It is better to know more about SUN WHO GIVES US ENERGY AND ENTHUSIASM FOR OUR day to day LIVING. WHAT AN AWESOME SIGHT DAILY TO SEE SUN DAWN AND RISE SLOWLY IN THE HORIZON STARTING THE DAY REJUVENATING OUR SPIRITS!!! Making our living worthy. Diameters of Moon and Sun are (in miles ) 2160 & 8,64,000 Distance from Earth 234000 & 9,35,00000 Ratio : Diameter & Distance from the Earth : 108.33 & 108.22 Is this a coincidence or is this by Plan? Surya Siddhanta 400 AD an ancient astronomy text talks of the distance between the earth and moon as 2,53000 miles which is close to the currently Verified of 2,52,710 miles. Yagyavalkya 1800 BC actually talks of 108 times the respective diameter as the distance from earth both the Sun and the he Moon. The Sun is like the truth. One cannot see the Sun directly. but the Sun's rays are reflected by the moon. A master in the form of Guru is required. The moon is the presiding deity of the mind. Waxing and Waning are symbolic of the moods of the mind. We meditate daily Creator's/ Lord's most excellent light chanting Gayathri Mantram. Daily as many times as possible eliminating agitation prevailing within mind frame. Our intellect inspires He who is Supreme. Let us know more about THE SUN. It s really amazing that The Sun is so HOT that it could melt IN ONE SECOND a column of ICE 21/2 miles Square and stretching the 93 million miles From Earth to The Sun Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Great Lakes could be emptied Into it but The Sun would not even SPUTTER. From every square yard of The Sun's vast surface there streams continuously Over one 100,1000 H P enough to lift 250 Ten-ton tanks to the top of a 40 Storey building in one minute. If we had to pay some power company got the light received by The Earth daily from The Sun, the billl would make the national debt look like Carfare. It could supply two billion more earths like our own. Darwin's evolution theory came to be known to us about 300 years or so ago. Our culture spreads much before Christ was born. From time immemorial, this land has been known as Bharat, a Sanskrit word that denotes a man or a nation immersed in knowledge. What is called A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY. The only way to reach anything of value to the Indian hearts and minds, has become getting the idea through the west…… THIS Has to be curbed AND COLLAGE WEEKLY MESSAGE TO US ALL BY Contributors who WILL HAVE TO REJUVENATE OUR THINKING TO A GREATER HEIGHT WITH A WEEKLY FACELIFT, remembering without the right goals we will never be realistic and meaningful in life, no matter how great a name we make for ourselves. 🌹🌺🌻 V T Panchapagesan C Collage Profile : PENCIL* ✏️ (*Shared by P P Ramachandran Mumbai) Small things in our life can teach big lessons and as I read this story by Paulo Coelho in his book “Like the flowing river” I thought I should share this story with a larger audience. The title of the story is “The story of a pencil” “A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked ‘Are you writing a story about what we have done? Is this a story about me’ His grand mother stopped writing her letter and said to the grandson ‘I am writing about you actually but more important than the words is the pencil I am using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.’ Intrigued the boy looked at the pencil. It didn't seem very special. ‘But it's like any other pencil I've ever seen.’ ‘It depends on how you look at things. The pencil has five qualities, which if you manage to hang on to them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.’ First quality : you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that the hand of God, and He always guides us according to his will. Second quality: now and then I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little but afterwards, he is much sharper. So you too must learn to bear pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.’ Third quality : the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out mistakes. This means that correcting something we did, is not necessarily a bad thing, it helps us to keep on the road to justice. Fourth quality : what really matters in a pencil is not the wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.’ Finally the pencil's fifth quality : it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.” I would like to add up one more quality to the pencil which is very important in today’s world. A pencil can write in any medium. When the space programme was launched the Americans were wondering how to develop a special ink that will write in the vacuum of space. But the Russians used a pencil. The graphite is unaffected by vacuum, heat or cold. So also, if we want to contribute in a positive manner in our lives, we should be able to adapt ourselves to varying environments. D Current Affairs 1) RBI Bulletin September 2022 https://m.rbi.org.in//Scripts/BS_PressReleaseDisplay.aspx?prid=54380 RBI Bulletin – September 2022 The Reserve Bank of India today released the September 2022 issue of its monthly Bulletin. The Bulletin includes four Speeches, three Articles and Current Statistics. The three articles are: I. State of the Economy; II. Sensitivity of Output Prices to Input Prices: An Empirical Analysis for India; and III. Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Activity across Indian States. I. State of the Economy Loss of momentum in global economic activity may be taking the edge off inflation, which remains elevated. The Indian economy is poised to shrug off the modest tapering of growth momentum in the first quarter of 2022-23. Aggregate demand is firm and poised to expand further as the festival season sets in. Domestic financial conditions remain supportive of growth impulses. Inflation remains elevated and above the tolerance level, underscoring the need for monetary policy to keep second order effects contained and inflation expectations firmly anchored. II. Sensitivity of Output Prices to Input Prices: An Empirical Analysis for India This article decodes the pass-through behaviour from input prices to output prices to assess the second order effects of cost-push pressures. Input prices have seen a broad-based rise following the repeated waves of the pandemic and the war in Europe. With output prices not rising proportionately due to persistent slack in the economy during the period, the gap between input and output prices have widened. 2) Media Response : M G Warrier September 14, 2022 Hanuman and India This refers to the report "What is holding back your investments, FM asks India Inc" (The Hindu Business Line, September 14). FM's comparison of India Inc to Hanuman is very apt. Perhaps we can take it further to the present slumber of "We The People". Maybe, with the exception of PM Modi and the Foreign Minister Jaishankar, top leadership also compare notes with so called developed countries and try to convince themselves that we are in the race and one day, India also will catch up. One hopes, Sage Agastya reincarnates and wakes up India with a modern Adityahrudayam, reminding her about the huge untapped domestic resources waiting to be mainstreamed and productively deployed. They include : 1) Domestic gold stock worth about US$ 1200 billion, which, if mapped and part of which is accounted for, nation's networth and image will change. 2) Long coastal areas which have great potential for being developed into international ports, Ship-building facilities and tourists attractions. 3) Forests awaiting mapping, planned re-forestation, development of medicinal gardens in and around and commercial exploitation of forest produce without harming environment. With our huge infrastructure for Ayurvedic treatment, the scope for herbal tourism is growing. 4) Workforce in India which is in disarray for various historic reasons. They need to be realigned and upskilled to international standards which will involve a relook at and overhaul of, our higher education and training facilities. The list is illustrative. The potential is huge. M G Warrier Mumbai 2) Onam Celebrations This family has Onam Pookkalam 365 days : https://www.deccanchronicle.com/lifestyle/viral-and-trending/230816/pookkalam-is-an-everyday-affair-in-purameri-kovilakam.html When the Thamburatti passed away in 2002, her son K.C. Udaya Varma Raja, former headmaster of Kadathanad Raja's High School and his wife Valsala Thamburatti, also a teacher at the same school, followed the tradition. He has crossed 70 and still he finds time to arrange the Pookkalam early in the morning and says his wife preserves the tradition of daily Pookkalam at home. "It is a great start to a day, by adorning the earth with fresh flowers plucked from the garden. Instead of putting flowers in the flower vase, we arrange them on the floor, as a mark of respect to the earth," says Mr Varma. *K C Udaya Varma Raja and I were classmates in K R High School Purameri during 1952-59. When the 365 Days Onam Pookkalam was being covered in Malayalam TV Channels last week, he remembered to inform me in advance. One of the few classmates I'm in touch with, after 60 plus years. Wish Raja and family Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏-Warrier E Collage in Classroom Message shared by V R Chittanandam Borrow more from Sanskrit* : A hilariously drafted essay on some Latin idioms and their meanings. I still wonder why in the English speaking world they don't borrow and embrace as many Sanskrit words, phrases and idioms as they do with Latin ones ! I beseech the eminent lawyers in this group should resolve to launch a collective and sustained campaign to introduce as many Sanskrit phrases as possible while constructing legal mumbo-jumbo, judicial lexicons and drafting plaints, briefs and affidavits. That's the only way Sanskrit will come up to par with Latin. For Example, read below to understand how widely prevalent Latin phraseology has become in the English language : A Latinate Meet : From Quid Pro Quo to In Flagrante Delicto to Non Compos Mentis : One evening, all Latin expressions gathered at the Taverna to discuss Quid Pro Quo's phenomenal rise in popularity thanks to impeachment hearings in the United States. A wave of resentment ran through Ad Hoc, Pro Bono, Vice Versa, Et Cetera etc., who considered themselves frontrunners in Latinism sweepstakes before Quid Pro Quo had sprinted ahead in recent weeks. “Well, let’s get real,” said Bona Fide, who was always truthful. “Quid Pro Quo is being promoted by no less a person than the U.S President, even though Pro Bono is available for free.” Hearing this, Pro Bono, who was selfless and always unquestioningly volunteering herself, asked Prima Facie if this was indeed the case. “On the face of it, yes,” confirmed Prima Facie. “Although the President likes Ad Hoc, Quid Pro Quo is his current favorite.” “What about me? I am always bringing up the rear… though I am used so often,” complained Et Cetera. “At least you and your comrades Nota Bena and Post Script are made of two words, unlike that useless Addendum,” consoled Alter Ego, looking over his shoulder at his shadow. “Quid Pro Quo is made of three words!” pointed out Carpe Diem, groaning, “I should have seized the moment when the poet Horace wrote me into his Odes!” “Actually, we should have all gone to war!” yelled Casus Belli, who was always in a confrontational mood. “We would have backed you!” shouted twins De Facto and De Jure. “Hear! Hear!” roared Vox Populi. Et Cetera was comforted, but he knew he could never become the favorite; he’d always be an afterthought. “Well, fair is foul and foul is fair,” explained Vice Versa, an opportunist who flip-flopped often. “Indeed, I'm sorry about our fate. If y’all want I am happy to take the blame,” offered the always-apologetic Mea Culpa. “Let’s just stay rooted to the ground. Our day will come!” advised Terra Firma. “No, let’s keep on rolling and rolling and…” pressed Ad Infinitum. “The bird walked to the toy store,” said Non Sequitur. Alma Mater, who was nourishing her children Alumnus and Alumna, watched the agitated Latinisms with Sotto Voce, who was usually quiet and spoke only occasionally in a low voice. “Too bad everyone thinks the President has flipped for Quid Pro Quo,” she whispered. “No one believes me but I’ve seen him canoodling with that sexy wench In Flagrante Delicto.” Suddenly they heard someone chuckling in the shadows. It was Non Compos Mentis, giggling with the knowledge that she, not In Flagrante Delicto, was the President’s first love. Adios, Hasta la Vista! Sudarshan In all fairness, you must admit that Latin is as dead, if not more dead, than Samskrit. I endorse Mr. Sudarshan 's suggestion. That would root out the last vestiges of colonialism. I must confess that I have a personal score to settle with Latin When I was Mason Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government in 1976/77, I was selected to deliver the Graduate Oration at Commencement, based on the results of a competition. Two days later, I was told that the decision had been reconsidered. My Indian accent, I was told, cannot be understood by the audience. When I protested, I was asked to undergo training with a Speech Therapist said there was nothing wrong with my accent. The student community rallied behind me and asked How many in the audience would understand the Latin Oration. Harvard refused to reconsider its decision. To buy peace that year the Graduate Oration was cancelled. But the Latin Oration went ahead as usual. Swaminathan *In my writings, I have started using words like "Arthat"-Warrier F Babusenan's Column : An avoidable controversy On 22nd September, 108 years ago, the German warship Emden visited the Madras port and fired a few shots. Beyond damaging a merchant ship anchored there and setting a couple of oil tanks on fire, it did not do much damage. Yet, from that day onwards, any Tamil or Malayaali scoundrel, capable of mischief, was nick-named 'Emden.' More or less the same thing happened to the British royalty. Since Queen Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert in1840, the British royalty belonged to the house of Saxe Coburg Gotha, a German royal house. With the start of the first World War, Germans were naturally loathed by the British and the royalty's position became embarrassing. Added to that was the fact that the aeroplane that bombarded London heavily carried the name of the Royal family. Thus ,out of sheer compulsion, the name of the royal family was officially changed to 'House of Windsor'(it is a place in England) in1917. Queen Elizabeth was a Windsor. Her eldest son Charles, the present monarch, is also a Windsor. In the early18th century, Britain decided to have only Protestant monarchs and the mantle fell on the king of Hanover in Germany. The then king of this small kingdom was George Louis who happily and promptly left Hanover with bag and baggage for London and started reigning as George, the first. He deliberately left behind a very precious appendage and that was none other than the famous engineer-cum- mathematician-cum-philosopher,Leibniz.That was to avoid a very likely controversy. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the librarian and intellectual aide to the king of Hanover very much liked to accompany his master to the proud land of the legend,Sir.Isaac Newton. That was precisely why the king did not take him. The reason for the avoidance was interesting. For quite a long time, Leibniz was in Paris as the king's ambassador. He got a lot of free time which he partly used to invent a new branch of mathematics known now as differential and integral calculus which proved to be immencely helpful in the field of engineering to make very complex calculations. Reminding us of the dictum 'Great people think alike,' almost at the same time, Sir Isaac Newton in Cambridge also did the same and a very unpleasant quarrel started between them as to who invented it first. Newton went to the extent of saying that Leibniz stole it from him. In that quarrel the whole Britain was with Newton without bothering to find out whose Calculus was better. Thus Leibniz became a persona non grata in England for no fault of his. Russell later said about this avoidable controversy that Leibniz's Calculus was definitely superior and, because of its chauvinism, Britain was left one century behind Europe in the realm of Mathematics! G Vathsala Jayaraman's Column : Diamonds Fluorescence : It is said that some of the best varieties of D-F have negative fluorescence effect and they become hazy in sunlight and glitter only in dark. The second best variety seems to be best costwise & brilliance wise. Some 50 years back much was talked about dosham or tint in diamonds. But now a days all the people buy diamond studs, rings etc on the strength of the oral guarantee or Assay cert from authorities concerned. Since gold price has reached unimaginable levels, people have switched over to diamond, with lesser gold content because of the pride & respect it earns. Vathsala Jayaraman. H Life 1) Self Development https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/myunplannedlife/a-beginning-to-find-myself-44788/ Posted online comments : Any traditionally accepted routes for self-discovery can be tried. Finally you are on your own and have to find your way. Like taking horse to the water, Gurus and Scriptures will help you to find out the right track. Driving and reaching is your responsibility. Keep sharing your thoughts. 2) Mindfulness https://www.cornerstonedynamics.com/the-10-best-mindfulness-quotes/ I was a bit disappointed to discover that meditation wasn't as exotic as I’d expected… Feel my breath!?… But I soon found out just how life-changing it would be simply to focus my attention on inhaling and exhaling in order to connect fully with my experience in a whole new way, one that allowed me to be kinder to myself and more open to others. ~ Sharon Salzberg 3) Books a) Bhagavad Gita https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/bhagavadgita/the-bhagwad-gitas-impact-on-life-and-leadership-44787/ b) ORDINARY PEOPLE, EXTRAORDINARY TEACHERS https://amzn.eu/d/6PsPD6P About the book Two classrooms in this school double up as a night hostel for students whose parents migrate seasonally so that they do not miss school. For a large majority of Indian children, their only chance of an education is the government school. For nearly two decades, S Giridhar has been crisscrossing the country in the course of his work with the Azim Premji Foundation, travelling to remote corners and observing the public education system. In these years, he has met hundreds of government school teachers—profoundly committed to improving the lives of the children in their care. These are teachers who defy all constraints because of a burning belief that every child can learn. Ordinary People, Extraordinary Teachers has emerged from Giridhar's in-depth study of these inspirational teachers and the ecosystem they function in. Innovative and creative, dogged and resourceful, firm and kind—the government school teacher wears many a hat. This book is a tribute to their commitment and resilience.


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