Education best way to fight poverty: Modi - Moneylife

Education best way to fight poverty: Modi - Moneylife


Allow me to quote 2 paras from my article “Human development
indicators: Need for a National Education Plan
” posted at on
October 17, 2012(Included as Chapter III.4 Literacy: A Tool for Development in
my 2014 book “Banking, Reforms & Development: Development Issues in 21st
Century India”):
Ensuring universal education, which alone can bring about a change in
the quality of governance also, must at this stage graduate into a massive
movement supported by political will, whole-hearted participation from all
households, legislatures, local bodies and educational institutions, failing
which, the present effort also will remain a restatement of noble intentions
with no specific ground level results.
***    ***
 One is tempted to fear that there are some vested interests like
an interest in keeping unskilled labour cheap and still worse, showing higher
percentage of children passing out of schools and joining colleges (such
statistics would better the country’s position in international assessments!)
which keep the drop-out level before Standard X alarmingly high. The targets
for Gross Enrolment Rates at secondary level can be achieved with ease if pass
out percentage at primary level is low!

G Warrier


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