My granduncle's hat

My granduncle's hat: S Muthiah and Ranjitha Ashok's book collects plenty of such anecdotes from erstwhile employees of British firms in India, and presents them in an immensely readable format...

Excerpts from the review of the book "OFFICE CHAI, PLANTER'S BREW" by Uttaran Das Gupta
"A granduncle of mine had a carefully preserved top hat in his bedroom cabinet. As far as memory serves me, he always wore pristine dhotis and kurtas, and a hat seemed an incongruous addition to his wardrobe. But when asked about it, he would tell the story that had become family lore. As an employee of the British Petroleum in the 1930s, he was working outdoors on a summer day, when his immediate superior, one Mr Jones, took off his own hat and gave it to my granduncle. Like many of his generation, my granduncle rued the passing of the paternalistic British corporate culture."

Interesting review.Book must be equally interesting!
M G Warrier


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