Demons of demonetization: Vivek K. Agnihotri

Please use the above link to read the Hindu Open Page article by Vivek K. Agnihotri

Vivek K. Agnihotri’s Open Page article “The demons of demonetization”(The Hindu, Open Page, November 22) is the best article yet, I read on the subject from November 9, till date. The piece stands out in coverage of several dimensions of the measure, its current and future impact on the concept of currency as an instrument of exchange and the agony and ecstasy felt and enjoyed by the common man during the last fortnight.
From Trump’s triumph to ‘drowning of sorrows’, the narrative is well decorated. The only conspicuous omission-being a Malayalee and an ex-auditor (two-in-one!), I am trained to pick up at least one hole in any perfect creation- one can point out is that the writer spares the media-social, anti-social, electronic and print- left their half-done stories on the midnight of November 8 and focused on demon(ET)isation all through. One is in total dark about all other developments in the universe since then.

M G Warrier, Mumbai


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