Mystery of the wrapped gift solved

Mystery of the wrapped gift solved: Many housewives have unusual talents and abilities, but often they remain suppressed and unknown albeit to the few members of today’s nuclear family. My wife has one such. She can sense and predict...

Mystery gift
This refers to Tiny Nair’s interesting story “Mystery of the wrapped gift solved”(The Hindu, Open Page, November 8). These days, gifts come in different shapes and packings and many a time from ‘unknown’ sources! When a gift is a ‘quid pro quo’ or a gesture of love and affection or even a mark of appreciation as in this case, things are under control. Sometimes, gifts herald possible future demands, as in the case of gifts the politicians fighting elections receive.
And there are occasions when you get ‘return gifts’ just for your attendance. Some of the invitees and intruders who attend certain celebrations will be ‘picked and chosen’ for award of such gifts. I received one such gift while in Nagpur, during late 1990’s. We (myself and wife) were invited for the wedding of a colleague’s relative. As we did not know the family directly, there was a little embarrassment, still we attended the wedding as we were in the good company of several others from our office. In the light of the ‘no presents, only presence’ advice on the invitation and after enquiring about the general practice, none of us carried any gift for the new couple. It was a grand function, with music, dances and buffet dinner capable of satisfying the taste buds of all. We returned happy.

After a few days, my colleague who had invited us for the wedding came and delivered a ‘packet’ to me, explaining that the packet contained a ‘gift’ for me. After a detailed interrogation, it turned out that it was the ‘return gift’ given to close friends and relatives who attended the wedding. He persuaded me to accept it. The packet contained a wall clock on which a photograph of the newly married couple had been embossed. Sometimes, gifts leave sweet memories of love and affection. This was one such occasion.
M G Warrier, Mumbai


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