Intellectual conviction*

Sastras quote many rational examples drawn from nature and from individual experience to explain subtle and esoteric truths. But they also proclaim that the experience of the ultimate truth is caught and cannot be taught.
It is a fine balance to be struck between rational thought and faith. Hence the Upanishads stress the value of reflection and meditation and point out that meditation in its highest form is concentration on the Ultimate Truth, pointed out Sri R. Krishnamurthy Sastrigal in a discourse. Only repeated reflection and meditation can bring about an inner awareness and intellectual conviction.
A simple example from daily life illustrates the difficulty in the effort of external forces to bring about this conviction. One cannot deny the fascination of bursting crackers that one may have experienced as a child. But as one grows old, the truth that there is no happiness in this act as in the case of the many pet longings one might have cherished soon becomes evident. This is how one develops viveka as a matter of course. But this truth cannot be taught to one’s children or grandchildren who are still to see the hollowness in this form of enjoyment.
This is the state of mind of a jnani in whose consciousness there is direct perception of truth and reality. He is right in the world, but remains aloof. He observes, eats and sleeps as any ordinary person. But in his mind he is able to dissociate himself from these acts and hence their consequences. He maintains equanimity in all situations. One involved in worldly affairs cannot easily understand the state of mind of a jnani. The jnani for his part is also aware that there is no guarantee that those spiritual aspirants around him can understand the truth as he sees it.
 Source: FAITH, The Hindu, January 14, 2017


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