Collage TRUST Day 2020
Welcome to Warrier's
November 20, 2020 Friday
Collage TRUST DAY, 20112020
This morning, I Googled for "World Trust Day". I was directed to "World Statistics Day, October 20". LoL!
Decided to observe November 20 as Collage TRUST DAY.
TRUST has a multiplier effect. Give trust, you are left with more.
It was about TRUST, Isavasyopanishad said:
"Poornasya Poornamadaya
Remembering Gettysburg Address
(November 19, 1863)
(Of the People, By the People, For the People)
Quotes for the day:
"O, fly and never tire,
Fly and never tire,
Fly and never tire,
There’s a great camp-meeting in the Promised Land."
"Don’t discount our powers;
We have made a pass
At the infinite."
-Quoted in "Promised Land" by Barrack Obama
Passage of Time
Hope you are enjoying "Collage" as much as I am, putting it together.
Depending on the theme or content, we get diverse responses from different readers. Collage tries to share as much responses as possible, everyday, with you.
During 1985, Sudha and I, with Kiran and Reshmy had travelled from Thiruvananthapuram to Calcutta to attend a family function. The function was the celebration of 28th Day after the birth of Sudha's younger brother's son. We availed RBI's Leave Fare Concession and planned our onward journey by train and return journey, part train and part by flight.
We visited major tourist spots in ad around Calcutta also during our stay there. Visited RBI to experience the elevator stairs operated with electricity!
The child we blessed then is Vineet Warrier, Technical Specialist with Temenos, Bangalore today. Before moving to Temenos, Vineet was with Infosys.
Yesterday Vineet gifted a copy of "Restoring TRUST in Governance" to his father-in-law. He is perhaps the first person to accept and implement the Collage suggestion (made early this month) to consider this book as a Diwali gift option for 2020.
Now more people may consider gifting this book to their near and dear ones. eBook version costs just $2 abroad and Rs 149 in India.
When my friend Edassery Madhavan commented "Good Cover", I genuinely thought he was joking about the content of the book. But, now I agree with him. If you keep the book on the tepoy in the drawing room or near the locker, you can safely keep your doors open for ventilation and sleep peacefully. The word TRUST in bold letters on the cover will be a deterrent for cleptomaniacs and burglars.
Jokes apart, after receiving the print edition, I was glancing through some pages. I found the word TRUST used in different situations justifying the title of the book.
More and more people are discussing TRUST.
Reviewers please note.
M G Warrier