Warrier's Collage November 9, 2020
Welcome to Warrier's
November 9, 2020 Monday
Your daily share of inspiration, writings - by you, for you : Curated by MG Warrier
Joe Biden's speech
(First speech as President-elect)
(Yeh Chand Ka Roshan Chehra...)
(Link courtesy: Ramesh Warrier)
Quote for the day:
" The greatest gift is the ability to forget- forget the bad things, and focus on good things "
—joe Biden
Thanks to all of you who have spoken encouraging words, which keep me and my Collage going.
M G Warrier
A Interaction
1) K Ramasubramanian, Mumbai
Responding to V Babusenan's observations (Collage, November 8):
"Dear All
Most of the books are written as a contribution to society for its thought process. Some lucky men are using that as an avenue for profit. Seer Valmiki gave the epic and was not rich. Thiruvalluvar continued his weaving activity for earning his life. Avvaiyar travelled all over Tamil Nadu at others' benevolent alms. Their creations light the humanity for ever. Quran or Bible or Gita or Granth sahib are the widely read literature having their place carved out in history. Those who are endowed with skills in thinking and writing are blessed humans and posterity will be grateful to them forever. Thanks for RB I pension and housing loans, we are fortunate."
(Best Seller ranking for "Restoring Trust in Governance" at Amazon.in was below 6,000 yesterday morning. Likely to improve thanks to Collage readèrs who are supporting the book 🙏-Warrier)
2) PKK Nair
"Are the copies of your book available online for me to purchase one copy and where to place order? PKKNair"
(Please try this link:
In case of any problems, let me know-Warrier)
3) Dr Prabha Ramadurai
" Dear Shri Warrier,
My husband Sri A.P.Ramadurai joins me in wishing you all the very best on your latest book - “Restoring Trust in Governance”. We wish you success in all the fields you venture into.
My entire service was in the cash department, resulting in a heavy toll on my hands, fingers and eyes. Now a stage has come (aggravated by age) that I am unable to hold anything in my hands or work on the computer continuously- not more than 5 to 10 minutes.
Now I have stopped acupuncture and acupressure treatment for my patients -only giving counseling and flower remedies-keeping me active and energetic.
As usual, discussions and interactions on various subjects are very lively. Various views about Atma (my favorite subject) are very interesting and thought provoking.
My sincere thanks to all who through their writing keep my mind engaged purposefully.
Best wishes,
Prabha Ramadurai"
(Many Thanks-Warrier)
4) V R Chittanandam Cheñnai
" Hearty Congratulations, Shri Warrier, on the publication of your third Book, ' 'Restoring Trust in Governance'!"
5) R Narayanan Thiruvananthapuram
"Dear Shri Warrier
I am extremely happy to note that you have brought out one more book. I had read your earlier book, which I found very useful to know many things.
I am sure your latest book will be more useful to readers like me.
I have observed that you have the knack and ability to put forward new ideas on issues/ topics you handle. I wish you all success in your new endeavor.
I am placing an order with Amazon for a copy of the book, today.
6) E T Rajendran
" Your new publication, ‘Restoring Trust in Governance’, is the result of your indomitable spirit and untiring hard work. Congratulations! I shall get my copy soon.
(Thanks. Only representative responses included today. Such encouraging words keep me going-Warrier)
7) Deepa Sugathan, Lawyer, London
The book is available only in India. How can I buy it?
(Within a week, it'll be available across the world as eBook and in print at online sales outlets like Amazon.com-Collage)
B Joe Biden's first speech as President-elect
C Music Season : Vathsala Jayaraman
November has started. Normally it is the Music Season in Chennai.
Music has popularly been defined as the harmonious blending of sounds, aimed at giving contentment, solace and happiness to people.
However, some of our greatest Carnatic Music geniuses have contended this definition and offered their own conception of music.
Let me delve into my memories and try to re-live the process of one such re–definition.
It was 1957. I was in Pre University Class. The subject was 'South Indian Music' The Music lecturer Ms. Baalam entered and wished everyone. When she started I was a little bit confused. She started with
the class with linguistics,
the scientific study of languages.
One of the principal tenets of linguistics is that language acquires the capacity to communicate because it deals with ‘differentiation’. For example, what is meant in English by the word ‘cat’ is that which is
not ‘not cat’. All other words signify
‘non cats’, while ‘cat’ refers to ‘cat’
and ‘cat’ alone. And what exactly is ‘cat’? In terms of language,
“cat’ is everything that is not ‘not cat’. In short, language acquires the capacity to communicate
because it deals mainly with negatives. Languages define the worlds in which they exist in terms of what ‘is not’. When cats started mewing in our ears, she actually came to the subject 'music'.
When this analogy is transferred to music, we naturally find that music or musicality necessarily resides in the possibility of ‘non-music’ or to use a better and a more succinct term, musicality is one of the functions of ‘silence’! Many are the stalwarts of Carnatic music who have recognized the enormous implications of this possibility and worked upon it to build up glamorous and spacious edifices of music. Cut to the early eighties. A small auditorium
in Kozhikode, Kerala, was all abuzz with excitement. The hall was overflowing with music lovers and the hum of whispered consultations and the aroma of high-blown expectation was palpable. The occasion was a mike-less concert, to be presented by Shri M A Sundaresan, accompanied
by Tiruparkadal Veeraraghavan on the violin and none other than Palakkad Mani Iyer on the mridangam.
The tempo, weight and grace of the program were enhanced many times over by the inimitable accompaniment of Mani iyer. How ever, what
still lingers in memory is Mani Iyer’s
impromptu lecture in the middle of the concert. What started out as an emotional out pouring against the wide spread dependence on the
microphone at the expense of full throated singing, soon turned into an intellectual exposition of how silence becomes the golden frame that adds to the value of good music. In essence, Mani Iyer’s argument was that the corridor of silence, consciously crafted by vaggeyakaras( composers) of the past, was what differentiated music from sound.
It is the juxtaposition of sound against silence that makes or mars music. He also contended
that good percussion accompaniment also makes use of these silence during Thani Aavarthanam
All sounds cannot be called music. But definitely all music is a cluster of sounds. Then how do we differentiate sound from music? Let alone the aspect of aestheic sense,
Bhakthi, emotion,elevating us to higher plane etc etc be there.
Music is not just sound.It is the minute 'gap' between sounds that creates music.When sounds are put in harmony, it is music. What is harmony? It is 'silence' between two
sounds. The sound creates a 'depth' to the 'silence' and 'silence' creates a depth to the ' sounds'. So 'silence' and' sound' start interplaying with each other to form a symphony called MUSIC. Depending
on the interval of silence and the
impact it creates on various
types of sounds , the whole world of music is created -we have a sea of ragas in Karnatic, Hindustani and Western Classical and all other types of music in the entire world. Rhythmic
patterns and jatis are also produced similarly. Without silence, there will be no music.
This is the truth and science behind MUSIC.
The world of music works on Silence. Strange!!!
Vathsala Jayaraman
D. Blogs and Links
1) Death and closure
2) Focus and Concentration
Learning from Bhagavad-Gita
E Joe Biden Quotes