Warrier's Collage November 23, 2020: C-THING

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE November 23, 2020 Monday "We are, what we think" M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/we-are-what-we-think-27962/ (Times of India Reader's Blog) Quotes* for the day: "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." -Socrates *More Quotes @ F Please don't skip through B and C. Before deleting, kindly glance through 🙏 M G Warrier A Interaction 1) C V Subbaraman Mysuru Quotes from the Ramayana: The first among the quotes attributed to Hanuman to Rama completely brings out the large ocean of TRUTH in a nutshell. As for the roles of men and women in a war: “War, in some ways, is merciful to men. It makes them heroes if they are the victors. If they are the vanquished - they do not live to see their homes taken, their wives widowed. But if you are a woman - you must live through defeat...” ― Samhita Arni, Sita's Ramayana There are examples of women in war. These include some goddesses and some verily mortal humans. In the present day world women have been admitted to ranks in the Army, Navy and Airforce! they do not live through defeat.....they become martyrs or come back with unprecedented honour. Naaree Shakti is tremendous. Even our scriptures say that Purush is provided Shakti by the feminine power. And we should not forget that even the great masculine warriors are given birth to by women! Subbaraman Ramayana Quotes Quotes tagged as "ramayana" Showing 1-20 of 20 “Lord Ram gave Hanuman a quizzical look and said, "What are you, a monkey or a man?" Hanuman bowed his head reverently, folded his hands and said, "When I do not know who I am, I serve You and when I do know who I am, You and I are One.” ― Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas B. Entertainment: Caferati Studio on YouTube Poetry https://youtu.be/LCVDH0PnWf0 Reshmy Warrier recited her poems "Happy Daughter" and "Snap Love" accessible at 8:05 and 11:36 Message from Reshmy: Episode 2 of Caferati Studio is out! Thanks for watching. Do like, share, subscribe and comment on our YouTube video My two poems included in this episode copied below: HAPPY DAUGHTER You may feed her Daal chawal, but they will feed her labels You may teach her independence, but they will call her rebellious You may want her to study, still with an opinion, they may find her headstrong You may treat her equal, but.. They will think she is less harmonious So you give her a bit of this, a bit of that Not quite wanting her to be a misfit Not quite wanting her to belong And then she grows into her own.. Where is all the goodness gone? You wonder, Where is the chubby sweet girl she was? What indeed has hardened her, Where is our Happy Daughter gone? As you look outside, you look within, The answers scream loud and clear, It's not what you make your daughter, It's what the world makes of her Some made her to be the demon, Others took her to be a pawn, And in all that they said, And in all that they thought, She was caught in a quagmire So bad that she couldn't escape unscathed.. You grieve at your loss, though she isn't dead, You grieve at her pain, though she isn't crying, You guilt trip yourself for not doing it right, But she has morphed, she's your Happy daughter no more, still she's a Happy bitch for sure. SNAP LOVE We call for coffee, And as we have a pot served, We look into the other's eyes, Thinking this has to be love.. Swimming in the filmy ocean, Our distant dreams of romance, A spoon stirred into the cup, One sniff of the hot aroma, The heady high of caffeine, Yes, you have got to be, the one Says us, wanting it more than it is, The buttered toast, much like Our polished morning, Not a hair out of place, Lipstick intact, as we bite into.. that divine taste of potential Captured right with hashtags In recently downloaded hues And that splash from the overpour We will ignore, because it's convenient And someone will come right along To clean it up and leave the table looking shiny and new. (Collage received this feedback from E X Joséph Atlanta about Reshmy Warrier's presentation in the maiden Episode of Caferati Studio: "Reshmy is very creative and talented. It is simply beautiful." Himself a poet and Lawyer by profession, Joseph's real contribution to the society has been in giving voice to the helpless and needy first among the working class as a Trade Union leader and then as journalist, lawyer and social activist. Many Thanks to him for the encouraging words-M G Warrier) C. C-TIME Literature 1) C-TIME Publishing https://m.timesofindia.com/life-style/books/features/in-times-of-covid-how-the-pandemic-has-impacted-the-publishing-industry/amp_articleshow/77887915.cms Incidentally, Restoring TRUST in Governance was also published during the C-TIME. 2) Best is yet to be The best is yet to be: https://thg.page.link/6oey8e8QB9NdcG6w6 Posted online comments: M G Warrier "A thought-provoking piece. Many super-seniors have "got back" their old friends "lost in transit", thanks (?) to the C-THING. You and your nonageanarian friend have an additional reason to remain safe and healthy. My intuition tells me you two will physically meet and we will be reading Part II of this episode soon. Allege, it's in my selfish interest too. Don't ask me to elaborate!" P M Warrier's response: " Thanks for the kind words on my piece in The Hindu this morning. I came here (Kerala) during September of 2019 and had different kinds of treatment for my ailments which almost immobilised me! I was to return to the UK in April but Covid -- and age-related problems -- came in the way. I have no idea whether I will ever make it back. My classmate saw the piece and spoke to me. He said he would come and see me soon! Nice to see you are very active. All the best to you. (Thanks. Slightly edited to protect personal privacy. I have been reading PMW's writings since the time he was contributing middlers in The Indian Express (even before it split into The New Indian Express and The Indian Express). There's something called Reader-Writer-Relationship between us, though we are yet to meet. A request to you: Don't hesitate. You too connect with old friends. This is how I made a beginning: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/reconnecting-with-friends-26375/ ) 3) The Hindu : Be Prepared, Stay Safe Be Prepared, Stay Safe We may be young or old, But we must be bold, Against the enemy untold. We can’t go to malls, Nor can we go to waterfalls, Because this virus is a-scaring, Sending our spines into a shivering. If you have to go out, think twice, Wear your mask, be wise. After coming home, sanitise, And wash your hands thrice. COVID-19 is the name, It is playing a hide-and-seek game. By following the rules, we can ensure endgame. Tejas J. Suresh, VII, Alpine Public School, Bengaluru, Karnataka D Positive Thinking during C-TIME https://vertellis.com/blogs/all/positive-thoughts-on-the-coronavirus E C-TIME Books 1) A book on C-thing https://www.amazon.in/dp/0143451308/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_EmFUFb56J83FF 2) Shashi Tharoor: Battle of Belonging* Patriotism and Nationalism https://youtu.be/hLd28UG5rXI *Link courtesy: Dr T V Surendran Mananthavady. He said: "Heard it in full. Usually I skip most of the videos. Once you start listening this one, you can't resist following it till the end👌" (You can't reverse the clock. Still... If he had got through the contest at UN, we would have got a more mature Tharoor now. His own life would have been different. Karan Thapar is fish out of water since 2014. Siddharth Varadarajan, now editing Wire, after losing his Hindu Group tag is trying hard to make both ends meet. He's in the company of people like old Venu.🙏-Warrier) 3) Darshana Sugathan Murder in the Time of Corona https://www.amazon.in/dp/1649511353/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_fpEUFb2KRDP1Y F C-TIME Quotes https://blog.vantagecircle.com/quotes-work-life-covid-19/ G Select online sales outlets for buying "Restoring TRUST in Governance" INDIA 1) Publisher: https://notionpress.com/read/restoring-trust-in-governance 2) Amazon.in https://www.amazon.in/dp/1636335896/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_mRPRFbG3RREQ5 OUTSIDE INDIA Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/1636335896/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Restoring+TRUST+in+Governance&qid=1605532309&sr=8-1 More outlets like Flipkart, Kobo etc are also active.


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