Warrier's Collage 05032021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE Friday March 5, 2021 Durga Stuti: Manju Warrier https://youtu.be/he6A3B-zgnc (Link Selection: M G Warrier)) Caferati Studio Episode 14* https://youtu.be/uQ1qE7uxcXU (Link Courtesy: Reshmy Warrier) *Reshmy's presentations are the second and last in the Video. Please read her two poems included here at B. An independent identity for my daily messages was Madan Gauria's idea. The Title Page of Collage was conceived and designed by Reshmy Warrier. Wish her Happy Birthday today, March 5 πŸ‘πŸ™ Good Morning Friends Today's Collage is little different. As you read on, perhaps, you may guess the reason πŸ™ Collage is a byproduct of C-Pandemic. But, I am not sure whether vaccines will chase Collage away. As it was an experiment in format, ownership, content and coverage, in some form Collage may have successors. Responses included at A today give a broad idea about this informal journal's journey so far. Collage Team* looks forward to more purposeful interaction in the coming days. Needless to acknowledge, Collage has deficiencies. Has no attachments. I too keep Collage at arm's length without any personal attachment, as far as possible. There's an element of self-marketing which is unavoidable in such efforts. For all the support and encouragement, from my side, a big THANK YOU to all of you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ M G Warrier M 134 *You are a team member πŸ™ A Action or Words? Which is better, Action or words.? Choice is ours .... Narrated by my friend in Bombay....Flash back. I Share this with you all ....... While riding home in a taxi one rainy day, A young woman noticed a frail old lady, Standing in the downpour, waiting for a bus. Acting on a sudden impulse, the young woman stopped the taxi And offered the old lady a lift to her destination, Which turned out to be quite a distance away... Without mentioning the inconvenience, The young woman had her passenger taken right to her door, Then she continued her own journey.. Naturally, when the time came to pay her bill, it was quite a sum. However, as she reached into her purse, The driver turned and said with a good-natured smile: “Just pay half of what the clock says, miss. I am going fifty-fifty on the old lady.” Thoughtfulness and Kindness are contagious. Actions speak louder than words.. By showing Love for others in our everyday life, By demonstrating it through actual performance, We will do much to encourage more people to follow .... God is very kind to us all. To repay our debt in some or the other form, If an opportunity comes and if we fail to act, Then a day will come, When none comes to our help when need arises..... V. T. Panchapagesan. B Open House 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Driving force behind starting this 'Collage'. Warrier, a prolific writer might not have had one particular aim. It might have been a combination of factors also, other than what Balu Sir had mentioned. As it evolves, we find Collage as an interesting daily enjoined with so many references to Vedantha Spirituality, articles from doctors, professors, psychologists, historians, homemakers, artists, humorists and veterans in many other fields. I feel that Warrier has allowed Collage to evolve itself without pursuing any particular aim. If he had any particular aim this would not have been such a great success. It is a combination of inner urge consolidating the views of people in multiple layers in an organized pattern coined by Warrier. Heartfelt congrats to Warrier. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) R. Chandrasekharan, Chennai: I refer to the 6 issues raised by Sri Balasubramanian of Coimbatore on "Wondering as to what is the driving force behind this daily edition of "Warrier's Collage"". What I write may not directly reply to any of the 6 issues, but I consider it relevant to share here. In my organization for very senior executives in the rank of GMs a programme was once arranged at Pune for Stress Management and handling Post Retirement Life. I could chance to read a write up given to my GM, contents of which I am giving below. (It is a small book containing some articles from American Universities and Journals on Psychology). In any career, a person is most active just before his retirement. He will be in fairly senior rank, handling multiple assignments at one time, highly stretched for making fast decisions, under extreme time constraints to manage visitors and required to be present in more than one place on a day which involves hectic touring. In effect he will be living at a multiple atmospheric pressure life. The day next to his retirement, he suddenly finds himself staring into a vacuum. If he cannot handle his pressure-free life properly, he would end up as a mental wreck. Brooding over his loss of purpose and importance will kill his zest for life. So the remedy suggested is to keep his mind with any activity that make him think and his thinking should give him a purpose and a pleasure. I think Sri Warrier is doing just that. Keeping his mind active by running a digital journal. God Bless him. 3) R Jayakumar Mumbai Driving force behind the Collage...... Four of the six reasons given earlier by Bala look genuine though coming out of his guess work. 1. We do strange things because others have also ventured to do so. 2. We Want to create our own fan clubs. There is a PPR fan club, there is a SK fan club and there is a VJ fan club in the exrbites Google group (all unrecognised) but there is no Warrier fan club. Collage has made me a fan of Warrier.. 3. An Idle mind is a devil's workshop. After completing the publication of his new book there was a confusion, in the mind of Warrier what to do next and the Collage was born. 4. Lockdown forced Warrier to sit at home entire day (and night) before the computer. If many others are busy WFH why not make the others busy on WFC (Wait For Collage). Some more reasons for the force behind the Collage as I perceive..... 5. The other two exrbites groups where interactions take place have members in hundreds and thousand. Collage has a middle course of recipients of mail in less than hundred. 6. Some readers are members only in Chennai group and some are only in All India Group. Collage brings such people together under a new group. 7. Some good writers have good articles to read but no avenues to present them and Collage comes to help them re-publish. 8. Publicity may be another reason. Collage came immediately after the publication of Restoring Trust in Governance. Collage is used for highlighting Warrier's new book. 9. Show of strength. Collage is a proof how much friendship and contacts its owner has made in his life. 10. Readers need holistic advice for happy life. An incident narrated by Sh Babusenan and a Wisdom line from Sh Panchapagesan and a few Quotes from prominent personalities cited by Warrier can do the trick. Now with the vaccination drive in full swing, once thirty crore people are injected and the herd immunity is achieved, who knows, it may be curtains for the Collage. R Jayakumar. 4) Balasubramanian Coimbatore Wondering as to what is the driving force behind this daily edition of "Warrier's Collage" (Warrier's responses in blue πŸ™) 1.Following the footsteps of Mangesh Tarambale OR spark in your head after reading his "daily digest " Origin of my regular communication can be traced back to the Post Card days when my parents received at least two letters in a month. When my son went to hostel, he used to receive one or two letters a week. Collage is a Lockdown byproduct and will disappear with C-thing OR 2.Balancing act with PPR's daily write ups (entertaining exrbites) North/South Kerala inhibition? I don't have any competition from PPR. We have a beautiful love-hate relationship. OR 3.Just for self gratification of seeing your name in print media Not at all. I had such fancies while in school. Then I saw my name in print in Mathrubhumi Weekly. OR 4.Post covid isolation forcing you to spend time before your P.C. If you are asking about writing, I've enough pending work outside Collage. Practically, I have not written anything for Collage specifically yet. OR 5.πŸ‘Ί..deriving a small pleasure by making fun of me (ooor baffon of me) No 6 GOD ALONE KNOWS....(not you MGW...I mean the real GOD, if at all he is omnipresent) About "My Concept of my friend God, see my response to Babusenan in Collage. Thanks for giving an opportunity to respond to these thoughtful questions-Warrier πŸ™ C Love-Hate OR Hate-Love (Two Poems by Reshmy Warrier) I Contamination Love can look like an uneaten cake, An unanswered call, a forgotten birthday, Now you might think, aww love is everything, Yes go on now, smile a little, But well, this isn't that bubble poem Telling you love is wonderful, Blind it is, wonderful it isn't Love is a bit of this, a bit of that, This isn't that teeny emoji message either That's all too perfect.. In fact, Love never claimed to be anything, But you always wanted the ideal, Love can feel like a throbbing pain In the heart? Nay, In the a**.. Love isn't perfect. It is in the flaws In the everyday. What?! You think Love is your mother. Nay, Love is a passing thought, You think you have caught it, but it slips Flutters its eyelashes, you say? Like a fluffy kitten? Oh please. Love isn't that cute. Love isn't that kind, It is neither gentle nor naive. Temperamental, yes. Flimsy dick, oh yes. Love smells of armpits, has bad excuses, It is the long burp when no one is watching, Or a fart maybe. (Why didn't someone censor* this poem? Ridiculous blasphemy of your favourite word, right? Right.. that reminds me,) Love is the stench of a f***ing garbage can waiting Without a truck, without a man, waiting.. Love, my darling is nothing but trash. (*I've done it for Collage, only here πŸ™-Warrier) II Love Drowns No, not the world, not the alcohol Love my friend drowns us all It seeps in when no one's looking, Plays havoc with our mind, You thought you were the serious sorts, But it makes you bloom into a daisy, Laughing at the slightest, Connecting absent dots. No, try and throw up this pill at once, The pink shiny one, it just glows innocently, But it will wreak your stomach, And not stop at your stomach, It will wreak inside your being, And not stop at your being, See, get what I mean? Don't fall for the serenade, It is just a marketing gimmick, You are taught history and science, And this biggest mystery of all, Is yours to grasp, but grasp you wont, No, no, the story doesn't matter, Being in love, out of love, all the same, Unloved, loved, broken, Love unites us all, and.. Love my friend drains us out. D Books/Articles by M G Warrier 1) Restoring TRUST in Governance https://notionpress.com/read/restoring-trust-in-governance 2) India's Decade of Reforms https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=OxxLDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&pg=GBS.PT21.w.1.0.250 For a Preview 3) Chasing Inclusive Growth https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07B527VZY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_ZMGHC3YN7B9JMV3ZQXAQ 4) More books including Non-Banking/Non-Fiction https://www.amazon.com/M-G-Warrier/e/B079ZC3JKX 5) Moneylife articles https://www.moneylife.in/author/mg-warrier.html E Blogs & Mags 1) warriersblog.com 2) WarriersViews @Readersblog Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/faith-prayer-and-worries-karma-yoga-30001/ If you access this link, you can read scores of my blog posts, mostly on Non-Banking/Non-Fiction subjects. 3) At Speaking Tree/Seekers Blog 4) The Global ANALYST M G Warrier regularly contributes articles on Banking/RBI-related subjects in The Global ANALYST, a monthly magazine on Business and Finance published by Iupindia ICFAI Hyderabad. 5) Others Published articles/responses in newspapers/magazines including The Week, The Hindu, Business Standard, Business Manager-HR Magazine, Dignity Dialogue, Without Reserve, ALIVE, Economic and Political Weekly, B Positive, Life Positive etc Incidentally, Restoring TRUST in Governance was published only in November 2020 and Collage was an off-shoot of the C-Thing which appeared in the first quarter of 2020! F Leisure Intelligence and Wisdom* This is so so good ... I had never known these profound distinctions between Intelligence and Wisdom Worth reading on ... 1. Intelligence leads to arguments. Wisdom leads to settlements. 2. Intelligence is power of will. Wisdom is power OVER will. 3. Intelligence is heat, it burns. Wisdom is warmth, it comforts. 4. Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker. Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker. 5. Intelligence is holding on. Wisdom is letting go. 6. Intelligence leads you. Wisdom guides you. 7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows that there is still something to learn. 8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point. A wise man knows there really is no point. 9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice. A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered. 10. An intelligent man understands what is being said. A wise man understands what is left unsaid. 11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something. A wise man speaks when he has something to say. 12. An intelligent man sees everything as relative. A wise man sees everything as related. 13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow. A wise man navigates the mass flow. 14. An intelligent man preaches. A wise man reaches. Intelligence is good but wisdom achieves better results. *Forward received from A P Ramadurai G Quotes about "Warriors" https://www.wisesayings.com/warriors-quotes/ Getting boared? https://youtu.be/6-80TdR4wsg


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