Warrier's Collage: GenNext March 22, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE Monday March 22, 2021 JUNIOR COLLAGE 1) Remembering the Legacy of Nehru: Shashi Tharoor https://youtu.be/xrU9jUAo0Zc 2) Reformer of the year 2020 https://m.economictimes.com/news/company/corporate-trends/et-awards-2020-rbi-governor-shaktikanta-das-is-business-reformer-of-the-year/videoshow/81608030.cms Collage congratulates Shaktikanta Das and Team RBI (Link Selection: M G Warrier) Good Morning Some useful tips after waking up in the morning.The Sun ...besides Collage.. 1..Get up daily at 6 a m just to watch The Sun rise. Stare at it intently and burn it in our memory... 2..Look around and see a thin Stalk of plant finding its place in a crevice on the wall. 3..Appreciate others while eating cooked food. Praise it to Heavens.. 4..Develop a habit to eat together as a family .. 5. Fall in Love in books. It will transport us to worlds far away Keeping us informed and prepared.. 6. Follow The Heart. The mind can waver but The Heart seldom does.. Respect Conscience. It is like a 'post it' note from God... 7. Love your action, depending on your age, performing it well. 8. Money is important but it has its place . Let us not make the mistake of putting it right on top. 9. Guide others by our maturity. Hold them by our tactful handling... 10. Be alert. Try not to live in a State of Fear.. 11. Don’t have Regrets ..They defeat the very purpose of Life.. 12. Treat these tips as a wake up call leading a Peaceful life Duly monitored daily ..... ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ™ V T Panchapagesan. Today's Collage is addressing GenNext... Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 A Interaction 1) S K Gupta Panchkula International Forest Day* Today (March 21) happens to be the International Day of Forests. It was established on the 21st day of March, by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly on November 28, 2012. Countries are encouraged to undertake efforts to organize local, national, and The Secretariat of the United Nations Forum on Forests, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization, facilitates the implementation of such events in collaboration with governments, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, and international, regional and subregional organizations. International Day of Forests was observed for the first time on March 21, 2013. (*https://zeenews.india.com/india/international-forest-day-2021-history-theme-significance-everything-you-need-to-know-about-2349249.html) 2) T V M Warrier Nashik Forget & Forgive Forget and Forgive. To forget is an involuntary action. Depending upon the insinuation and the sensitivity of the receiver this emotion is recorded in memory. For a very sensitive person this recording is like a cast in mould and is impossible to remove (Forget). An insensitive person insinuation hurled at him seldom penetrate and can hardly retain. I believe I am sensitive though can't afford to get forgotten never mull on a vengeance (Forgive). Forgive is a habitual companion of forget and the former has no direct role in forget's functions and hence can be ignored. When a man can't remember anything what can he forgive. Forgetful persons are not fit to be trusted even by their consorts. Can commercial and banking institutions disburse loans on the agreements made out by the forgetful entities? Ignore my old age musings and forget and forgive me. (We may forget, but can't ignore. Do share your thoughts. Please see today's opening remarks by the seniormost reader Panchapagesan Sir-Collage ๐Ÿ™) 3) R Jayakumar Mumbai Happiness, Friendship and Smiles... Today the Collage has included the above three for reading through poems and short articles. When I look at them together I don't find much difference among them and all mean the thing in life, "Being Alive.." They are interdependent. If you are not happy, you have no friends and no smile. If you have no friends, you are unhappy and you don't smile. And if you can't smile, you can't make friends and can't be happy. To know if one is alive and kicking all we need to know is if one has achieved any one these three things, a Heart filled with Happiness, a Faithful Friend, and a Sincere Smile on the Face. The other two follow automatically.. R Jayakumar B Planning in India NITI Ayog http://niti.gov.in/objectives-and-features#:~:text=NITI%20Aayog%20is%20developing%20itself,and%20deal%20with%20contingent%20issues.&text=Design%20Policy%20%26%20Programme%20Framework Excerpts: Features NITI Aayog is developing itself as a State-of-the-art Resource Centre, with the necessary resources, knowledge and skills, that will enable it to act with speed, promote research and innovation, provide strategic policy vision for the government, and deal with contingent issues. NITI Aayog’s entire gamut of activities can be divided into four main heads: Design Policy & Programme Framework Foster Cooperative Federalism Monitoring & Evaluation Think Tank and Knowledge & Innovation Hub C Books a) Remembering Nehru 1) Discovery of India 2) Glimpses of World History 3) Autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/jawaharlal-nehru/260762/ b) M G Warrier https://www.amazon.com/M-G-Warrier/e/B079ZC3JKX%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share Before you purchase books please compare prices/services at other (Indian) online sales outlets. D Self-employment opportunities in India https://parenting.firstcry.com/articles/best-self-employment-ideas-to-start-making-money-on-your-own/ E Blogs & Links 1) WarriersViews @Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/relevance-of-social-capital-28490/ Recent media debates about corruption made me look back and recap. When I completed 75 years of age, a senior acquaintance who is also one of my Gurus, who retired from a central government organisation 20 years earlier, asked me a puzzling question: “Post-retirement, were you called back to RBI for clarifying anything about the work you were involved?” Though my answer was “No”, I was slightly unprepared to take that question. Without hiding my embarrassment, I asked him why he asked that from me. He said, recently there was a discussion in his evening chat group which had more than half a dozen Retirees as members, on the subject. They had concluded that those who had no opportunity to go back to explain actions taken or work done while in service, post-retirement, were having relatively clean hands* and better health. Terrible logic. Though might be, based on research among a small group which wasn’t adequately representative, the conclusion seemed logical. Any activity can be seen as a project. Life cannot be an exception. Briefly, Project Approach is about having a beginning, progressing to a peak level of performance and tapering off to an end/closure. In my case, the main project of my life which was a salaried job, I had closed with my voluntary retirement in 2003. Thereafter, I concentrated on pursuing reading and writing. Till last week when another Guru, Subbarao, mentioned in the communication, I was not aware of the kind of capital I was accumulating from my post-retirement activities. He said: “Your energy and enthusiasm in engaging in contemporary issues are really impressive. It is efforts like this that build social capital” *Of course, they are also washing their hands more often these days, as advised... 2) Warrier's Blog www.warriersblog.com Since 2009. 5000 plus posts. 3 lakh plus page views! 3) Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl A wasp is flying around in your room. It comes to rest on a table two feet from a window. You have a flyswatter. Do you try to kill the wasp or take the risk that if you open the window, it will fly out and not sting you? Would you take what to be the kinder or more just approach? (On your approach will depend tomorrow's Collage ๐Ÿ™-Warrier) F Leisure 1) Caferati Studio https://youtu.be/RJqZTopOVvg (Link Courtesy: Reshmy Warrier Mumbai) 2) Poem** by F R Misquith A little fancy tale of poring over a book and hooking some fish beside a brook: Daily I pick up a good book, And look for a cosy nook, Beside a babbling brook, I also carry a fishing line, with bait and hook, As I may catch a big fish by fluke, On some days I meet up with my bosom pal Luke, But the problem is the smell of fish makes a few folk to puke, If you feel thus you cannot hope to become a Duke, One good thing is Luke is a good cook, But he is not by any chance a crook, While he grills the fish or fishes I get down to reading my book*. * an old frazzled copy of a good book. **Received from F R Misquith in Group mail 3) Majrooh Sultanpuri https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/blink/watch/majrooh-sultanpuri-wrote-songs-for-more-than-250-films-in-his-five-decade-long-stint-in-bollywood/article34099511.ece 4) Jokes/Cartoons https://m.timesofindia.com/cartoons/humour/cartoons/ninans-world/best-mode-for-hikes/cartoonshow/81164377.cms 5) Arab transformed* _An Arab was admitted to Lilavati Hospital at Mumbai for a Heart Transplant ... but, prior to the Surgery the Doctors needed to store Blood in case need arises._ _As the Gentleman had a Rare Type of Blood, it couldn't be found locally._ _So the call went out to a number of Countries._ _Finally a Gujarati in Ahmedabad was located who had a Similar Type of Blood._ _The Gujarati Willingly Donated his Blood for the Arab._ _After the Surgery, the Arab sent the Gujarati as Appreciation for giving his Blood, a new Toyota Prado, Diamonds, Lapiz Lazuri Jewellery, and a Million US Dollars._ _Later, once again the Arab had to go through a Corrective Surgery._ _His Doctor telephoned the Gujarati who was more than Happy to Donate his Blood again._ _After the Second Surgery, the Arab sent the Gujarati a Thank You Card & a Jar of Almond Halwa Sweets._ _The Gujarati was shocked to see that the Arab this time did not Reciprocate the Gujarati's Kind Gesture as he had anticipated._ _He phoned the Arab and asked him that this time also I thought that you would give me Toyota Prado, Diamonds and Jewellery ... But, you gave only a Thank You Card and a Jar of Almond Sweets.._ _On this the Arab replied ..._ _*Mota Bhai, now I have Gujarati Blood in my Veins*_ *Forward received from R Jayakumar Mumbai G Quotes about Emerging India https://knowindia.gov.in/my-india-my-pride/quotes-on-india.php Like: "India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most artistic materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only!" - Mark Twain (Writer, America


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