Weekend Yoga

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE Saturday March 13, 2021 Collage Weekend Refresher I Edwin Bryant: Patanjali Yoga Sutras https://youtu.be/cp1X-ar76nA (Link Selection: M G Warrier) II Standing Exercises for Seniors https://youtu.be/q_nsKip_VLw (Link Courtesy: Reshmy Warrier Mumbai) Good Morning Morning Prayer O Lord, Grant that I will permit none to degrade my Soul by making Me hate them! To err is Human, to forgive is Divine.. How glibly we quote this soul-lifting advice, but how rarely we follow it.. If a friend fails us once, we brood on his ingratitude.... If relatives slight us, we keep aloof from them till we have squared the account. If a neighbor or office colleague says something disparaging about us, We immediately strike back.. We go through life paying back meanness with more Meanness, so Adding to the world’s misery and our shame and unhappiness.. If we harbor resentment, nurture revenge or nurse our hatred, what do we reap For a harvest? Only a crop of bitterness, frustration and narrow negation, resulting In a mode of life that is devoid of Hope, of happiness and of good health... O Lord, Let us be God-like and forgive! Let us be charitable and forget. Let us always remember our body is meant to do service with sincerity Controlling feelings and emotions through Mind with self controlled living Nobly towards Realizing Self! V. T. Panchapagesan How about revisiting Yoga? Yesterday there was a reference to breathing. Let's pause and "Inhale... Exhale..." Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 A Interaction K Ramasubramanian Mumbai Ref: Rudra Chamakam "Our Pandit who taught us the Rudra Chamakam etc chose Prathamai as a holiday for chanting between both the pakshas." B Current Affairs Yoga Vidya Niketan https://yogavidyaniketan.org/ Excerpts: "It has always been a dream of our beloved Guruji Padmashri Sadashiv Nimbalkarji to take Yoga to every household, “Yoga Vidya Gharoghari”. At Yoga Vidya Niketan we have been conducting meticulously planned ONE month’s Yoga Summer Courses continuously for the past 46 years, at various localities of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. Even during this period of social distancing we will not deviate from our commitment of spreading Yoga to every house hold for a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, from 1st June we will be literally reaching your home to promote Yoga for improving immunity and mass well being through our online Yoga practical classes. Please come forward and register for the online course by completing the online application form." C Edwin Bryant a) Introduction Edwin Francis Bryant is an American Indologist. Currently, he is professor of religions of India at Rutgers University. He published seven books and authored a number of articles on Vedic history, yoga, and the Krishna tradition. b) Books https://wanderlust.com/journal/edwin-bryant-why-read-the-yoga-sutras/ Excerpts: "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali—written around 400 CE—are required reading in every yoga teacher training. And as a yoga student at some point in our lives we will inevitably find ourselves led in a chant of Sutra 1.2 “Yogas citta-vritti-nirodhah” (Yoga is the stilling of the changing states of the mind)—just as yoga students would have chanted 1,600-odd years ago. “We forget that people throughout time are the same as us today,” says Edwin Bryant, translator and commentator on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. “Their minds too were subject to fears, anxieties, stresses, and insecurities. Just like we suffer and look for a way out, so did they.” As with science and religion, yoga seeks to provide a solution to that suffering, says Edwin, which means the Sutras are as relevant today as they have always been. “While religion may go as far to say you are not the body, yoga takes this one step further—that the cause of human suffering is because we believe ourselves to be—not only the body—but also the mind. And so the Sutras begin with this: citta-vritti-nirodhah. It is a teaching of how to move beyond the mind.” D Readers' Contribution 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram The epoch- making Malayalam poet Changampuzha took generally a dark view of life,but his contemporary,M.P Appan( he was only two years younger) took the exactly opposite view.He concluded one of his poems thus: "Aavila hridantharaay enthinu kazhivoo naam Jeevithaanandamrutham aavolam nukaraathe?." (Why should we live with hearts full of sorrow instead of enjoying the amrith of life as much as we can?) Perhaps that was why he found a fascination in the Persian poet Omar Khayyam's attitude towards life minus his jug of wine. Appan, in his younger years, translated all the 101 verses of the Rubaiyat in the majestic Sanskrit metre' Saardoolavikreeditham' in a superb manner that it excelled, in its beauty, all the earlier attempts by well-established poets. .If am permitted to borrow the cliche and say that he carved out a niche for himself in the domain of Malayalam poetry with his inimitable sonnets,I am not much mistaken to say that his 'Jeevitholsavam(The Festival of Life)-translation of Rubaiyat-was his magnum opus. Appan Sir(all of us addressed him like that) once told me:"Senan,when my 'Jeevitholsavam' was published,Sardar K.M.Panikkar ,who himself had translated Rubaiyat wrote to me saying that I made a mistake in describing the wine in the glass jug as ' foaming'.He was correct."After saying this, he laughed. The reference was to the 12 th stanza of Rubaiyat as translated by Fitz Gerald: " A book of verses underneath the bough A jug of wine, a loaf of bread and thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness Oh,Wilderness were Paradise enou!" Appan Sir had translated 'A jug of wine ' as"Poompatha thingi veenju nirayum susbhaadika kinnavum'(jug of glass full with foaming wine) Sardar K M Panikkar, that famous diplomat-cum-historian-cum-writer, who would have accepted Omar Khayyam lock, stock and barrel, immediately knew where the translator had erred and why. One of Appan Sir's poems begins like this: "Kutthikkurichu kondingirunnaal Atthaazhamoonininnenthu cheyyum?" (If you sit scribbling like this, what will we have for dinner?) This is what the exasperated wife asked her poet husband. Many poetry-loving readers might have taken it as autobiographical. Far from it. Once his son told me: "Will you believe? My father has not seen the kitchen in our home." Appan Sir devoted his time to his work(he was teacher of mathematics and retired as District Education Officer) and writing, while in service, and, later, entirely to literary matters. 'Behind the success of every man, there is a woman', goes the saying. AHow true! 2) M G Warrier Aparokshanubhuti In verses 100 to 132 of Aparokshanubhuti, Shankaracharya briefly explains the 15 steps by the help of which one should practise profound meditation at all times. The fifteen steps include the eight steps of Patanjali, but with a reorientation of meaning (See excérpts below). For details, please access the link: http://yogananda.com.au/upa/Aparokshanubhuti/aparokshanubhuti_05.html Excerpts: The steps—These fifteen steps include the eight steps of Patanjali ( **), but with a reorientation of meaning as will be evident from the following. 1. Yama ** – don'ts: noninury to others, truthfulness, non-stealing... 2. Niyama ** – dos: purity of mind, self-discipline, self-study, devotion... 3. Tyaga – renunciation 4. Mauna – silence 5. Desha – auspicious place 6. Kala – auspicious time 7. Asana ** – posture 8. Mulabandha – restraining root 9. Dehasmya – straightening of the body, balance of the body 10. Drik Sthitchi – fixing of the gaze 11. Pranayama ** – control of prana (energy) 12. Pratyahara ** – the withdrawal of the mind 13. Dharana ** – focus on the object of meditation 14. Dhyana ** – meditation 15. Samadhi ** – Oneness E Blogs & Links 1) Yoga Quotes and Poems https://www.theyogawriter.com/single-post/inspiring-yoga-quotes Like: "The moment is now. The present moment is not just a progression of past moments, but is alive in its own way, complete and perfect. And it is this new moment that demands our attention. Only in the moment can we be fully awake and respond to the real needs of ourselves and others. Only in the present moment can we be fully attentive." ~ Llewellen Vaughn Lee ( Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee is a Sufi mystic and lineage successor in the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Sufi Order. He is an extensive lecturer and author of several books about Sufism, mysticism, dreamwork and spirituality) 2) Buy Peace https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/thedocpoet/rose-tinted-glasses-my-new-accessory-to-flaunt-30247/ Posted online comments: "You are making a valid point, actually a highly philosophic one, reduced to common man's language. There is no better way to buy peace. Keep writing." 3) Comorbidity https://www.bgs.org.uk/resources/morbidity-comorbidity-and-multimorbidity-what-do-they-mean#:~:text=Comorbidity%20simply%20means%20more%20than,person%20at%20the%20same%20time. Excerpt: "Due to an ageing population and improved detection and treatment of disease, many older people now have more than one illness. Common comorbid conditions in older people include heart disease, hypertension, respiratory disease, mental health problems (including dementia), cerebrovascular disease, joint disease, diabetes and sensory impairment." F Leisure Yoga for Leisure http://blog.lifeleisure.net/fitness/yoga-for-everyone/ Excerpts: "If you’ve not tried yoga, or sometimes even if you have, you may think you need to be incredibly flexible, lithe-limbed and able to bend into seemingly impossible positions. Viewed by many as a female-dominated fitness class, the images of yoga in the media and on advertising can make many people think it’s not for them. The reality, however, is very different. With so many different classes and styles of yoga out there, I firmly believe there’s something for everyone. And there are also lots of good reasons why you and your family should think about giving it a go. The health benefits of yoga are numerous, but with the hectic pace of modern life one of the biggest benefits it brings is stress relief. The slow deep breathing techniques and flowing repetitive movements in yoga are a brilliant way to help your brain and body unwind." G Quotes about dead ends https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/dead-ends.html Quotes like: "Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." Denis Waitley (Denis E. Waitley, is an American motivational speaker, writer and consultant. He has been recognized as the best-selling author of the audio series, The Psychology of Winning and books such as "Seeds of Greatness" and "The Winner's Edge". Waitley has been inducted into the International Speakers' Hall of Fame.)


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