Public Debt Management in India: Role of the central bank
What follows is the review of the book “Public Debt Management ---Separation of Debt from
Monetary Management in India” (edited by Dr Charan Singh) by PP Ramachandran.
Hope the book will reopen a healthy debate on the controversies
still current, got initiated through a "dictated" report submitted by
Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission. Dr Raghuram Rajan who had his
own mind, did do whatever was possible to borrow time to rectify the damage
intended to be caused to India by Srikrishna. I cannot comment on the book as
I've not seen it. Probably, there will be very few individuals in India who may
buy the book, priced in five digits.
I think the arguments put forth for continuing Public Debt
Management with RBI in Chapter III.4 “Public Debt Management” in my book
"Banking, Reforms and Corruption: Development Issues in Twenty-first
Century India" which was reviewed by PP Ramachandran in 2014(Free Press
Journal) may still remain valid .
Congratulations to Charan for helping RBI in keeping the options
open. If still GOI usurped the responsibility to manage Public Debt in a hurry,
India's central bank should remain prepared to take the responsibility back, to
borrow a phrase from Hillary Clinton, sooner than many of us can imagine
Warm regards
M G Warrier
Public Debt Management ---Separation of Debt from Monetary
Management in India
Edited by Charan Singh ; Published by
Springer ; Pages 211; Price Rs. 10,099/-
( Import, 25 Nov 2016)
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The Editor Charan Singh is RBI Chair Professor of Economics at
the I I M, Bengaluru. He was for over two decades in the Reserve Bank where he
dealt with debt management and fiscal policy implementation. His credentials
for editing a book on public debt are impeccable.
The book contains papers discussed at the Debt Management Module
under the aegis of the Ninth Annual International Conference on Public
Policy and Management organised by the I I M, Bengaluru in 2014. The Conference
was aimed at exchange of ideas among international scholars, academia and
policy makers connected with debt management.
The Keynote address was given by H.R.Khan, then Deputy Governor
of R B I. There are seven other contributors including two experts from Asian
Development Bank.
Public debt management is the process of evolving and
implementing a strategy of managing government debt which garners the requisite
amount of borrowings, achieves cost / risk aims and also attains
governmental goals. In this direction measures have to be taken to
promote efficient primary and secondary markets for government securities.
The position as it is obtaining in India is that public debt
management is divided between the Central and State governments and the R
B I. The R B I manages the market borrowings of both Central and State
governments. External debt is managed directly by the Central government. The R
B I is statutorily entrusted with the maturity pattern, calendar of
borrowings, instrument design and other related issues in close consultation
with Government.
A Middle Office was set up in the Finance Ministry in 2008 to
formulate debt management policy for the Central Government. There were some steps
taken to set up an Independent Debt Management Office in the Finance Ministry.
However there was a serious reluctance to accept this by R B I since
there exists in R B I a separate Department and during critical economic
periods need for coordination would be intense and Government lacks the
expertise in this field.
The inaugural address of H.R.Khan explores the historical
background and asserts the success of R B I in achieving the objectives
of debt management. According to him, R B I took adequate care of rollover
risk, exchange rate risk and interest rate risk. R B I has also
contributed to a strong government securities market. He argues for a
continuation of the existing system as involvement of the central bank in
managing market volatilities and market expectations becomes necessary and
central bank’s hands-on involvement is much better as is clear from the
experience in recent years.
Peeyush Srivastava explores the aims and strategy of debt
management of the Government. Government should ensure meeting the financial
requirements in a sustained pattern and cost-effective manner. He discusses in
depth debt restructuring, consolidation of securities, market management
mechanism and management of government cash surplus.
The cash and debt management in States are discussed in detail
by Ritvik Pandey. He presents an analysis of State debt, sources of their
borrowings and related issues. He explains Ways and Means and overdraft
facilities available to the States. He throws light on debt cycle, inflexible
sources of borrowing and interest rates on State Government securities.
Kanagasabapathy, who has immense first-hand experience in the
R B I , calls for a holistic approach to debt management. He strongly
commends an Independent Debt Management Office (IDMO) that should be a
policy-oriented agency and allot the operational part to the R B I
as a banker and fiscal agent to Government. The IDMO should handle both
Central and State loans. A separate debt management office on the basis of the
Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission would result in debt
management becoming wholly subservient to the Finance Ministry without any
independent status. He suggests a Debt Management Corporation as an R B I
subsidiary with share holding of Central and State Government and handle
the debt of both Centre and States.
The Editor Charan Singh has given a lucid history of debt
management. Separation of debt management from monetary policy is essential to
preserve the integrity and independence of the central bank. Such a separation
is in the interest of the economy as it grows and facilitates the development
of financial markets.
The two experts from the Asian Development Bank study the
evolution of fiscal balances and public debt ratios in developing economies of
Asia covering 24 countries. Countries in this region have reacted responsibly
to increasing debt ratios through fiscal tightening and prudent fiscal
A final chapter called “ Round Table” offers a discussion on
debt sustainability and its separation from monetary policy authority. There is
a vigorous and healthy discussion of the pros and cons of making debt
management agency function of the government.
The volume—which has a valuable number of tables, charts and
graphs -- is a very useful, meaningful discussion of the problem of public debt
and is of immense use to policy makers, economists, bankers and students of
India economics.
The volume is a part of the India Studies in Business and
Economics dealing with research in areas of economics, business and management