SCOPE HR Summit: Role of HR in governance

Role of HR in governance

Apropos the report “Central PSUs urged to follow transparent promotion policy” (Hindu Business Line, February 21), one observes with comfort that the relevance of human resources management gets focused attention from experts in the field of governance across public and private sector establishments, thanks to efforts from organizations like SCOPE. But there is no evidence to show that the periodic presentations on various themes concerning crucial areas of management at various levels and the role of planning in skill-development at graduation level to board level appointments are getting factored in, in policy formulation and financial planning including central budget.
Time is ripe for a comprehensive study at the highest level, may be NITI Aayog can play a leadership role, to have a look at the availability and optimum deployment of manpower in India considering:
(a)  Different skill requirements in various sectors, say in 2022, 2027 and 2032. The assessment will help changing the mix of various streams of graduate and post-graduate educational institutions.
(b) Entry level qualification needs and recruitment processes.
(c)  Career progression and remuneration packages. Though uniformity in career progression and compensation in different organizations may not be possible or desirable, at least organizations dependent on public funding (these include listed companies in which shareholders and ‘depositors’ invest money), there should be transparency in procedures and some relativity in compensations across establishments.
(d) A related issue is timely filling up of vacancies at all levels.
(e)   Succession plans and a reasonably long tenure at top management levels are also crucial.

M G Warrier, Mumbai


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