India's Heritage : Warrier's Collage 19082020

Warrier's Collage 19082020 : India's Heritage Sarvapriyananda on managing desires Today also, only select responses have been included. M G Warrier A Interaction 1) K Ramasubramanian " Good one by Shri CVS. Sadguru says that differences are everywhere and are natural. Complications arise when discrimination is made of differences. Accept differences, do not evaluate, but enquire to understand . This is his way of approach." 2) Vathsala Jayaraman " I am reminded of a shloka in this connection : "Upama Kalidasaya Bharaverartha Gauravam. Dandinah padalaalityam Maghe santhi trayo Gunaha" Meaning Kalidasa was famous for similies, Bharavi was known for significant contents. Dandin's literary beauty (expression of beautiful words) was exemplary. But all the three traits are alive in a single post, Magha. This may be the opinion of modern Sanskrit scholars. Vathsala Jayaraman" ( Just to draw attention to the beauty of Sanskrit language : India is still unaware/ignorant about the rich resources in the country's possession. The saying "Hiranmayena Pathrena Sathyasyapihitam Mukham..." is true about our heritage language and literature as also our gold stock and other physical resources-Collage) 3) Dr T V Surendran " Interesting pieces of information, some NEW and others KNOWN. Worth reading again during these days.Some of them mood elevators. Babusenan, Rajendran, Jayakumar, Vathsala Jayaraman and others. Keep up the trend๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ And the odd man out ๐Ÿ˜„Me, Dr Surendran" 4) S M Sendil, Chennai " All the articles are absorbing. Vathsala ji reveals that it was Chanakya who advised the King to produce and sell madhu, not only for revenue, but also for keeping the people in a drunken mood. The great poet Kalidas's story revolves round the women in his life. The nonagenarians active life in purposeful endeavours infuse confidence in old persons like us-Sendil." 5) R Narayanan A Kalidasa story* (*Link included under Blogs and Links at D2) B Lead Story : India's Heritage 1) Sanskrit language This article brings out the prominence of Sanskrit language, which is yet to be recognised in India. 2) India's gold stock 3) Wise investment by Tirupati Tirupati earns substantial income from gold investment with banks. 4) Temple treasure in gold a) Story b) Media report about gold stock If other institutions/individuals having investible goldholdings follow Tirupati example (see 3 above), it will have a positive impact on Indian economy. C Readers Write 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Abhirami and Anthathi Just as Soundarya Laharai and Shivananda Lahari of Shri Shankara, Abhirami Anthathi also is a famous hymn of hundred verses by one Shri Subramanya Iyer, later popularised by the title Abhirami bhattar. The verses are now a days tuned in hundred different ragas and sung in Shiva temples. The story of Abhirami Bhattar Not very long ago, there lived a Brahmin named Subramanyam Iyer in a small town called Thirukadaiyur in Tamil Nadu. His town had a famous Shiva temple where the presiding deity was Lord Amrithaghateswar and his consort, Goddess Abhirami (an avatar of Parvati). Subramanyam was a regular visitor to the temple. He was deeply devoted to Goddess Abhirami. So intense was his faith that he saw the goddess in every woman and much to the discomfort and annoyance of the women in his town, he chased them around and showered them with flowers before prostrating at their feet at every given opportunity. Naturally then the women reacted in horror and anger and the town dismissed him as a lunatic. On one new moon day, the local king, Sarfoji, came to the temple for a darshan. At the sanctum sanctorum of the goddess, he found Subramanyam deep in meditation. The king, who was used to having people rushing to his beck and call, but Subramanyam’s complete oblivion to his presence angered him. Sarfoji asked the locals who had accompanied him to the temple and they were quick to tell the king that this was a mad man. The king decided to run a test of his own on the man sitting before him. He nudged the meditating Subramanyam and asked him if he knew what day of the lunar month (thithi) it was. Now everyone knew it was the new moon day, when the night sky would be moon-less and dark. But Subramanyam, whose eyes were fixed on the face of the goddess which looked like a thousand moons aglow at one time to him, blurted out that it was a full moon day. Incensed by the wrong answer, the king ordered that Subramanyam be punished. As per the king’s order, Subramanyam was to be suspended on a wooden deck hung over a blazing fire with the help of ropes. The deck hosting Subramanyam was to be purged into the fireplace below, at dusk, if the moon did not rise, as he had predicted. But, as happens with all men of god, Subramanyam remained unperturbed. It is said that, it was while hovering over the blazing fire that Subramanyam composed and rendered over a 100 hymns in praise of Goddess Abhirami. After each hymn was rendered, the deck was lowered further. The onlookers waited with bated breath to see what would transpire. Legend has it that just as Subramanyam finished rendering his seventy-ninth hymn, Goddess Abhirami appeared before him, removed her earring (jhumka) and threw it at the sky where it shone like the silvery moon. Subramanyam’s words had indeed come true! There was now a round silvery moon that shone like a brilliant jewel, turning an otherwise dark night sky into a brightly lit celestial canvas. The king’s pride took a fall and he sought forgiveness from Subramanyam and set him free. From that day on, Subramanyam came to be known as Abhirami Bhattar. The hymns are called Abhirami Andhadhi, a unique piece of devotional poetry, where every verse starts with the same word that the previous verse ends in. Abhirami Andhadhi is still read and rendered by millions of Tamils even today. It is believed that rendering these hymns on full moon and new moon days can make the most impossible of a devotee’s dreams come true. This is the place famous for conducting Shashtiabdha poorthi and Shathabhishekam festivals as per sastras. In this kshetra Lord Shiva protected Markandeya from Kaala and is famous as kaala samhara moorthi.The presiding goddess is Devi Abhirami.The main hotel is known as Shathabhishekam, an event manager for the festival especially for NRIs residing in Malaysia and Singapore. One of the employees of Cash Dept of RBI Chennai, a Tamil scholar ( I think His name is Mr..Santhanam) has written a grand thesis on Abhirami Anthathi and I had the opportunity to read and enjoy the same." 2) V Babusenan A Queer Experience "A couple of years ago, while talking to a friend of mine over the phone, I casually mentioned that the sweetest word, according to me, was the Tamil word 'kannamma'. That created silence at the other end for a few seconds. Then my friend* started equivocating and somehow the conversation came to an end. The sum and substance of what he said was that I might do well to consult a psychiatrist as early as possible. The fact of the matter was that I was, at that time, bewitched by the Subrahmania Bharati song 'Chinnamchiru kiliye' sung together by M.K.Thyagaraja Bhagavathar and M.L.Vasantha Kumari for the film 'Manamagal'. For many days, not a single evening passed without my listening to this song. It so happened that I came across a few love songs of Bharathi beautifully sung by Bombay Jayasree. These songs also I added to my daily list with the result that I was emboldened to write an article in Malayalam captioned 'Subrahmania Bharathi 's Love Poems'. It was accepted gratefully by an enlightened Residents' Association in Thiruvananthapuram for publication in their Souvenir which they did wonderfully with a large photograph of the singer Rajkumar Bharathi to go with the article!" (*If this friend reads this, position may be directly clarified to Babusenan-Collage) D Blogs and links 1) M G Warrier @ WarriersViews Overcoming a world economic crisis 2) Kalidasa's thirst quenched 3) Good weather for lotus in Kerala 1000 Petals lotus bloom in Kerala


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