Warrier's Collage 08082020 : Friendship

Prayer https://youtu.be/19S0Ip0rubo Srisuktam : A Vedic Hymn A meaningful prayer. Listen carefully, especially the last few lines.( If interested in English meaning, use this link : https://youtu.be/RTuvKX8I6sg) Warrier's Collage 08082020 : Friendship Good Morning Look for : Senior's Healthcare. B Readers Write C Reality & Divinity. D Friendship. E Blogs. F Friendship Quotes G Skip repeats. Notice : There'll be no "Collage" on Sunday, August 9, 2020. M G Warrier A Interaction 1) K S Iyer Ref : Signature Video of Kerala Tourism "Lovely beats and rhythm, such music, I pick up for dance therapy. Was doing stretching in lying position, this music passed like current through my body parts that I got movements while in supine and prone positions. So far, I was doing movements of Dance Therapy in standing and sitting positions for Annamaya Kosha movements, now got other two positions. You are covering nicely the important areas. Best wishes. Take care. 🙏🏽🕉️❤️🕉️🙏🏽" (Thanks for the encouraging words. They mean a lot to me. Uploaded your observation as online comment @ Youtube screen- Warrier) 2) E T Rajendran, Chennai Ref : Collage of August 7, 2020 " Spiritual discourse by Swami Sarvapriyananda on Om and Advaitha Vedantha, (linked in today’s collage) leading the listeners to the path of realisation of Consciousness, referring to Chandokyo Upanishad, is very lively. One may like to hear it any number of times. May be esoteric for an ordinary person like me. But that is what Sree Krishna counselled Arjuna in Bhagavat Gita, ie. The path to ‘realisation’ requires long and continuous practice. Perhaps one among countless Jivatmas may attain it at the end of many births. Sree Krishna also said: Ishwara (Consciousness) (Brahman) dwells in the ‘hridese’ (heart) of all beings. One only has to strive hard to attain peacefulness and Him. This advice is meant for the humanity as a whole, say Acharyas. (Needless to say that I am a novice to this topic)" {Thanks, Rajendran. You have excellently brought out the Collage View on the subject. Made my work easier-Warrier) 3) K P V Karunakaran, Mumbai " The story of the King and the Saint by Tagore is quite revealing." (More about Tagore @ : https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/unknown-facts-about-rabindarnath-tagore ) B eSanjeevani* *Stay Home OPD by MODI Govt.* Government has launched a great novel scheme especially for Sr.Citizens & also for all other citizens~*eSANJEEVANI.* Especially for aged people with blood pressure, diabetes, etc. who take regular medicine, they cannot be taken to hospital immediately for OPD. Even, if they're taken, risk is more. For small problems such as head ache, body pain, they might stay at home not willing to go to hospital. Now, they have eSANJEEVANI website which is handy. You can reach this through Google Chrome and do the following. 1. Opt for patients registration. 2. Type your mobile no. and get OTP to get into the website. 3. Enter patient details and district. Now, you will be connected to a doctor online. Then, through video, you can consult the doctor for your any health problem. Doctor will prescribe medicine online. You can show that in medical pharmacy shop and get medicine. *This is totally free. Quacks will not be there. You can use this service every day from 10 am to 3 pm only. Including Sunday.* Tirupur in Tamil Nadu has got first place in this eConsultation. Please share. The Central Govt Website is : https://www.eSanjeevaniopd.in *Received as a forward from Komal Khatri, Mumbai C Readers Write More on Tagore V Babusenan Tagore's concept of God being in the company of those breaking the stone has few takers these days, but many are, on the contrary, along with the stone. His other story of the dialogue between the King and the Saint about the presence of God in the magnificent temple built by the former, sent to the Collage by Dr. Surendran, is, more or less, similar to the present situation, but let us not bother about it. As regards Tagore's favorite metaphors of the Garden and the Great Gardener, they seem to be the favorite of other poets too. For instance, Kumaran Asan, one among the famous Trio of Malayalam poetry, has used it beautifully in a long poem of his. Asan had been in Calcutta for a few years in his younger days and would probably have come under Tagore's influence. The poem 'Duravastha' (Unfortunate Situation) is about love between a Namboodiri girl and a Dalit youth set against the background of the Mappila Revolt that rocked Malabar in 1921. The famous lines occur at the end of the poem. Roughly translated: "O! garden tenders, wake up And spring to action The flowering season has come. In this garden full of flowers Of stature both tall and small Not a flower is there That does not give pleasure To the Great Gardener of ours Lord Vanamalee. To perfection grow all flowers As designed by Him To prevent all meddling Is your bounden duty O! you garden tenders. The gentle breeze, the sunshine And the raindrops needed by them Does He not give in equal measure To each one of them with love? Let them all blossom and radiate Both fragrance and colour" D Facing Reality and Finding Divinity 1) Collage received the following poem by Dinesh Gopalan from Balasubramanian, Coimbatore, as a forward yesterday : "TOO MUCH FEAR, TOO MUCH DOUBT For the sake of a few lives, A million livelihoods lost. Too much fear and too much doubt, Deadly, is holier than thou! In a race to the bottom, The world is stuck in a morass. Now that everyone is in, How to extricate themselves? Overstating the dangers, Making a fetish of safety, Only makes the threats linger, Prolongs the uncertainty! The world waits for what, it knows not, For a dubious deliverance. No one wants to voice their doubts, To others stuck in the same hell! Dinesh Gopalan, 7 August, 2020" ( Collage View : This poem is being included in continuation of comments* recorded by Collage on Prakash Iyer's BW article yesterday. *Excerpts copied below : " Even if no one knows when the virus will vanish, the 2020 edition of Covid is already 7 months old, although we don't call it C20. *** I'm surprised, even Iyer who is willing to think differently and advise us to think of visualising a bridge where it is needed, is averse to say anything about having a different approach to resources, income, profits, asset accumulation and redeployment of existing resources."-Warrier) 2) Finding Divinity within Oneself* "According to an old Hindu legend, there was a time when all human beings were gods, but they abused their divinity. So, Brahma, decided to take the divinity away from them and hide it somewhere they could never find it. Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide where to hide the divinity. “Let’s bury it deep in the earth,” said the gods. But Brahma answered, “Humans will dig into the earth and find it.” Some gods suggested, “Let’s sink it in the deepest ocean.” But Brahma said, “No, Human will learn to dive into the ocean and will find it.” Then some gods suggested, “Let’s take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there.” Brahma replied, “Human will eventually climb every mountain and take up their divinity.” Then all the gods gave up and said, “We do not know where to hide it, because it seems that there is no place on earth or ocean that human beings will not eventually reach.” Brahma thought for a long time said, “We will hide their divinity deep into the center of their own being, Humans will search for it here and there but they won’t look for the divinity inside their true selves” All the gods agreed that this was the perfect hiding place, and the deed was done. And since then, humans have been going up and down the earth, digging, diving, climbing, and exploring, searching for something, which already lies within themselves. "Divinity lies within us all".... *Received as a forward from S. Thyagarajan, Ex-RBI (Collage View : This is close to Shankaracharya's Advaita Vedanta. Perhaps, whatever exists, existed and will ever exist can be defined as "Divine") E Friendship 1) Friendship Day https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-friendship-day-first-sunday-in-august/ Friendship Day was observed this year on August 2, 2020. 2) Book : How to Win Friends and Influence People https://fs.blog/2012/07/how-to-win-friends-and-influence-people/ Book summary. 3) Selection of friends https://www.forbes.com/sites/amymorin/2014/10/17/5-scientific-reasons-you-should-choose-your-friends-carefully/amp/ This Forbes article is interesting. 4) Friends in the neighborhood https://pendragonhomes.com/2017/09/27/six-ways-make-friends-neighbors/ I have some friends, who very recently came to know that next-door neighbours are very good and helpful. A positive side-effect of the C-thing! 5) Friendship with pets https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/pets-can-help-their-humans-create-friendships-find-social-support-201505067981 F Blogs 1) Home Alone, Stay Connected : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/home-alone-remain-connected-9940/ This write-up was posted on January 31, 2020. I would have written on same lines even today. 2) Pursuit of Self-knowledge : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/pursuit-of-self-knowledge-12103/ Books are best friends. 3) Hostel Life https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/shobika-karuppannan/hostel-reminiscence-24102/ Those who have stayed in Hostels may rekindle nostalgic memories. Thought the article fits into the Friendship edition of Collage! G Friendship Quotes Beautiful 10 quotes* worth pondering over : 📎 1). PRAYER is not a "spare wheel" that YOU PULL OUT when IN trouble, but it is a "STEERING WHEEL" that DIRECTS the RIGHT PATH THROUGHOUT LIFE. 📎2). Why is a CAR'S WINDSHIELD so LARGE & the REAR VIEW MIRROR so small? BECAUSE our PAST is NOT as IMPORTANT as OUR FUTURE. So, LOOK AHEAD and MOVE ON. 📎3). FRIENDSHIP is like a BOOK. It takes a FEW SECONDS to BURN, but it TAKES YEARS to WRITE. 📎4). All THINGS in LIFE are TEMPORARY. If they are GOING WELL, ENJOY them, they WILL NOT LAST FOREVER. If they are going wrong, don't WORRY, THEY CAN'T LAST LONG EITHER. 📎5). Old FRIENDS are GOLD! NEW friends are DIAMONDS! If you GET a DIAMOND, DON'T FORGET the GOLD! To HOLD a DIAMOND, you ALWAYS NEED a BASE of GOLD! 📎6). Often when WE LOSE HOPE and THINK this is the END, GOD SMILES from ABOVE and SAYS, "RELAX, SWEETHEART; it's JUST a BEND, NOT THE END!" 📎7). When GOD SOLVES your PROBLEMS, you HAVE FAITH in HIS ABILITIES; when GOD DOESN'T SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS, HE has FAITH in YOUR ABILITIES. 📎8). A BLIND PERSON asked GOD: "CAN THERE be ANYTHING WORSE THAN LOSING EYE SIGHT?" HE REPLIED: "YES, LOSING YOUR VISION!" 📎9). When YOU PRAY for OTHERS, GOD LISTEN to YOU and BLESSES THEM, and SOMETIMES, when you are SAFE and HAPPY, REMEMBER that SOMEONE has PRAYED for YOU. 📎10). WORRYING does NOT TAKE AWAY TOMORROW'S TROUBLES; IT TAKES AWAY today's PEACE. *Received as a forward from Prabha Ramadurai. Thanks from Collage. · · · ·


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