Warrier's Collage 02082020 : The Four Vedas

Prayer https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=1484961011565223&_rdr If the link opens please find the Sanskrit lyrics, English meaning and an audio of Vedic Shanthi Manthra starting with "Sam No..." appearing in Taittariyopanishad Today's content inspired by the following observation made by Shri V T Panchapagesan, ExRBite, settled in Chennai, in a recent message : "Living has become pathetic even after Independence.. An awareness in right direction has come up, which is a great source of inspiration for us all....now Pragyanam Brahma..........Intelligence is Divine. Rig Ved Aham Brahmosmi. I am Divine. Yajur Tatvamasi. You are That. Sama Ayamatma Brahma. Soul is Divine. Atharva Be Well, V. T. Panchapagesan" Vedic knowledge is not exploited to the extent necessary and possible, even after several modern tools for research and dissemination have become available to mankind. People avoid peeping into this territory because of ignorance. It was not a joke, when Shankaracharya observed that removal of ignorance will result in "Gyan" (Wisdom/Knowledge). M G Warrier M Warrier's Collage 02082020 : The Four Vedas A Interaction 1) Edassery Madhavan, Thrissur "Whatever you intended while searching for the Parasu, I cannot help enjoying the poetry in it. Yes, the land reclaimed from the sea by Parasuram has been lost in the sea of wickedness and there is need to redeem it back. Let me express in English two lines from the poem of M. Govindan : " Thousand great grandfathers need today the bed of arrows, And you with the hands bearing the bows, get ready for the act!" {Strangely, I'm also M Govinda (Warrier) and feel the same way, though didn't know how to express it. Needless to clarify, the reference is to Bhishma Pitamaha's bed of arrows. Thanks-Warrier} 2) R Jayakumar, Mumbai " Dear Nallasivan I don't agree with you that you can ever feel insecure and threatened by the presence of others in any college or collage. After reading the views and writings of others I have come to the conclusion that you write with more common sense, authority and knowledge. ***. *** Your memory power is far superior to many of them whether it is in judicial matters or life history of any politician or prominent personalities or about anyone in the RBI past and present. I like the way you call a spade a spade even if it relates to the people in power. Your way of telling stories of your personal life is also very touching and absorbing. I have also read some of your articles in Tamil sent to Chennai group. Your love for the spoken Tamil of the southern part of TN is very much evident in your writings and all those who read will enjoy the same. I did not get any opportunity earlier to appreciate you as a good writer of articles and I hold you in high esteem. Thank you." ( Here in this "Collage", we will not aim at winning or losing or passing verdicts. Just harmless exchange of information and sharing of views. One more thing, the prayers or links to articles on spirituality have no religious purposes. My understanding is, religions came long after Vedic period.Thanks for giving an opportunity to clarify this-"Collage") 2) C V Subbaraman, Mysuru " Babusenan's Fun with Words was, as usual, very interesting and the first thing I did after reading that portion was to select, copy and paste it in a mail to my daughters. It makes worthy of universal reading. Thanks for Babusenan and to Warrier for providing it the deserving space. The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan link provides links which take us to a Mahaa Samudra of knowledge and clicking each of those will provide, I believe, materials which will take us many weeks of reading. Has Warrier proposed to take a "break" for some days, one would be led to think!" (Thanks. It's a comfortable feeling one gets when someone tells that "Collage" is becoming a conduit for passing on stories from our generation to the next. As I said elsewhere, my wish is, "Collage" should continue indefinitely, irrespective of who does the liaison work- Warrier) Response to debate on "God's Own Country" (Collage, August 1, 2020): " Lord Padmanabhaswamy Temple was established by the Royal family many centuries back. I remember to have read an article written by a member of the Royal family many many years back to the effect that a group of about 70 Verma families from Gujarat migrated to Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, as a member of the leading family there had a dream that they should go to the city and establish a temple there. Later one of the family became the ruler of the State of Travancore. They then established the Temple and dedicated their life to the Lord Padmanabha Swamy. Thus the Temple was built and managed by the Royal family and this tradition continued for decades. The States of Travancore and Cochin then acceded to the Union of India. The Temple was not the property of the State or part (territory) of the State and therefore there is no question of the Temple having been also considered as acceded to the Union of India. The Temple and its properties (assets) are not even the property of the Royal family because the latter had given the Temple and the assets to the presiding deity and the Royal family members are the Swamy's daasaas (servants). The "Kingdom" of the Lord therefore now consists of only the Temple and its properties, for the management of which the Royal family is alone entitled. This right of the family has been confirmed by the decision of the Supreme Court of India. There is therefore no question of the Temple being part of Union of India now, or earlier a part of the state of Travancore at any time." ( CVS Sir, thank you very much for the clarification. For now, Collage treats the discussion on "God's Own Country" as closed.) 3) V N Kelkar Ref : Collage of August 1, 2020 Observation about "Aano Bhadrah..." " Really melodious. As we listen there is peace and divinity around. The Mantra is also in Rig - Veda 1.89.1. Rishi of this Sukta is Gautama and the deity is Vishvadevas. This is swastimantra where swasti means blessing seeking wellbeing of people. These mantras are used to invite peace and wellbeing or drive away negative thoughts/ destructive forces. This mantra shows willingness of Vedic people and culture to receive noble and worthy ideas from all quarters. But it is also said that let us not accept them under pressure. VN Kelkar" B The Four Vedas Introductory https://www.giffordlectures.org/books/physical-religion/lecture-2-veda-and-testimonies-its-early-existence I'm aware that if those who are familiar with the present status of Vedic Knowledge open this link, Collage will have to create links to cover the responses. I'm referring to the possibility of diverse views. 1) Rig Veda https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/interpreting-rig-veda Salient features of Rig Veda https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/origin-and-history-of-rigveda Just to have an idea of the depth, before one decides to dive. 2) Yajur Veda https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/yajurveda-says-not-to-worship-the-things-which-are-part-of-the-falsehood Just to have a feel of the content. 3) Sama Veda http://www.mahavidya.ca/2015/03/03/the-sama-veda/ Chandogya Upanishad is part of Sama Veda https://youtu.be/W5WbEDrIVmM Sama Veda chanting 4) Atharva Veda https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/mantravidya-of-atharva-veda I suggest readers may please access this link. I didn't know all these had a base in Atharva Veda. I'm reminded of a Mohanlal advertisement : Veettil swarnam vatchittentinu...(With so much stock of gold at home, why one should remain poor...). Read with this the article suggested by my son (D below) --Warrier C Current Affairs EGROW Shadow MPC Meeting, July 30, 2020 https://egrowfoundation.org/newsroom/eleventh-egrow-shadow-monetary-policy-committee-meet-on-july-31-2020/ Dr Charan Singh, Ex-RBI is CEO and Director with EGROW Foundation. He informs : *EGROW SMPC - July 31, 2020* *Key Takeaways* 1. Focus on financial stability, Transmission & Credit 3. NBFC sector needs serious attention 4. Widen corridor between Repo & Reverse Repo rate 5. Extend HTM to banks to incentivize them to invest surplus money 6. Need to relax Basel Norms 7. Pause to Inflation Targeting *Recommendation of EGROW Shadow MPC* *1. Reduction in Repo Rate* 1 - 50 bp in August + 50 bp in October 1 - 25 bp in August 1 - 25 bp in August + 75 later in the year 3 - Pause *2. Widening the corridor between Repo and Reverse Repo* D Alma Mater I Sree Narayana College, Quilon (Kollam, Kerala) V Babusenan "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive And to be young was very Heaven" Thus sang Wordsworth about the French Revolution. I am tempted to say the same about my alma mater, Sree Narayana College, Kollam. I am referring to a period almost seven decades ago and I thank my friend Nallasivan for rekindling those fond memories through Rt. Hon. Srinivasa Sastri. In those days, it was prominent among the few colleges in the private sector in Kerala like Mar Ivanios and M.G colleges in the state capital, S.D College ,Alappuzha, St.Berchman's College ,Changanassery and St.Thomas College,Thrissur. Apart from the Principal who was an authority in English, the college was blessed with excellent professors like Mathew Tharakan, a widely known economist, D.Gopalan, student of Sir.C.V.Raman, M.P.Balakrishnan Nair( brother of writer and literary critic M.P.Sankunny Nair) and, of course, 'Shakespeare' Velayudhan Nair, to mention a few. A.K.Ramanujan, who later became famous as an Indian- English poet and translator of the classic Tamil Sangha poetry taught here. He was a very handsome young man, always immaculately dressed, with an almost womanly voice, and when he taught (he taught us Tennyson) youngsters would flock the windows of the lecture hall hoping to see some lady lecturer in action! Nithya Chaitanya Yathi also taught In the college for some time. He was then known as Jayachandran. Prominent among the students were Veliyam Bhargavan, O.N.V .Kurup, Pudusseri Ramachandran and Sambasivan. Bhargavan was a self- made man, eloquent both in Malayalam and English and was well-read in Marxian philosophy. He was a student of economics. It was a sight to see him arguing with the professor in the open class! The latter would often ask: "Bhargavan,which is the latest book you have read? Please get me that." He rose to become the Secretary of the C.P.I in the State. He is no more and was one of the very few political leaders with vision and absolutely free from corruption. O.N.V .Kurup needs no introduction. He retired as a professor of Malayalam. He was very much more than that. As a distinguished poet, besides getting the Padma award, he reached the pinnacle of glory beyond which no poet could aspire in India. He was catapulted to fame overnight by Paravoor Devarajan who himself was at that time not much known beyond as a melodious singer well-versed in Carnatic music. Devarajan took a poem from O.N.V's printed collection of poems, gave it his Midas touch and transformed it into a beautiful song. He himself sang it in a function in the college.The entire audience was electrified. (I was present at the function) It was a very rare case of both the singer and the lyricist becoming famous together over night. This incident, I would say, contributed a lot to a renaissance in the theatre movement in Kerala. I do not think there will be a Malayalee who has not even once sang the first two lines in the song: 'Ponnarivaal ambiliyilu Kanneriyunnoley Aa maratthin poonthanalilu Vaadinilkunnoley.' [Dear girl that stands tired in the shade of the tree full of flowers and sends side glances at the crescent moon that shines like a golden cycle] Pudusseri Ramachandran also was well-known as a Professor-cum-Poet but better known for his research in old Malayalam which greatly helped the language to get classical status. Kadhaprasangam is a very popular art form in Kerala. Its roots are in the Harikadhaprasthanam. In the former, the narrator does not need to be a trained singer and the stories are not confined to Bhakthi. Sambasivan rose to very great heights in this art. He introduced the classics in Russian, French and English literature to vast Malayalee audiences in his inimitable style. Looking back I feel extremely happy to have studied in a College that rendered pivotal service to the culture and politics of Kerala. ****. ****. ****. **** E Alma Mater II Reserve Bank Staff Collage, Chennai S Nallasivan, Hyderabad Now Shri Warrier's Collage has become synonymous with a regular College. We now find very Senior Guest Faculties have joined, S/Shri C.V.Subbaraman, V.T.Panchapakesan, Dr.T.V.Gopalakrihsnan, and of course like the lonely Andaal among the 12 male Azhwars Smt.Vathsala Jayaraman. It was rather surprising that the Yoga Guru K.S.Iyer who lost his way to the EXRBITES, somehow managed to join Warrier's College. In fact I feel threatened, nay feel insecure among these veterans. Then why can not restrain myself from posting responses to the Lectures one might wonder; for one Shri Warrier knows my weaknesses and of course generosity flowing from his heart ; and abundant tolerance to bear my waywardness. Now it may not be inappropriate to discuss my College, certainly not the three Colleges I attended as a student. But the College for the grown up run by the RBI at Chennai the RBSC. There is a reason, as some bird whispered in my ears, that the K.Ramasubramanian, the guest faculty that frequent Warrier College must be the longest serving faculty at the RBSC, a typical School Teacher, a no nonsense disciplinarian and one who closely came near Goldsmith's Village School Master with abundant gift. The RBSC with all sincerity saw to it that every single programme they ran had rich contents and imparted through dedicated and committed team and outsourcing veterans from the field as Guest Faculty. But the participants orientation was altogether different. Those who were uprooted to far off centres used it as a god-sent opportunity to be with their family and visit their parent Office at Bank's cost. Those who arrived at the College had their own schedule during the Training programmes. Ashok Caterer's sumptuous food with individual attention from Thomas, daily visit to Nalli / Kumaran at T'Nagar, Burma Bazaar and weekend trips, to Aurabindo Ashram, Thirupathi Baalji and of course the inevitable not to miss, Mahabalipuram. They knew, after all, that one day even the Chinese President would make it to the Pallava King's immortalised shore Temple. Ah, we were discussing about Shri.K.Ramasubramanian the Faculty. One never knew but when sneaking out from the lecture Hall to visit the Main Office unfailingly heard the Oracle, voice calling you to return to the Lecture, he might be standing on the Second floor corridor or remained invisible under the shades of the Green Wood tree and watching these stealthy fugitives on the stroll. He would step into the Lecture Halls though you heard the faculty to handle the session was not present and make the otherwise free hour loaded with any thing had a bearing on the DBO&D. Subjects were no barrier and he could handle even Greek and Latin had the matter related to the DBOD. He was attired in sparkling white pants with light shade half sleeved slack shirts. The pepper salt hair kept under strict check his forehead had the unmistakable sandal wood paste, even if the session happened to be the last one for the day. Post Lunch Sessions were always an insurmountable challenge to any Faculty and one had to carry on to the mild music of snores. But when it came to the case of Ramasubramanian nobody would believe even sworn on oath that his post lunch sessions were as fresh as the first session of the day. The participants knew had they become a Victim of Thomas's food, on landing at their Office would be given the memo sent under his signature. While talking about Sessions how one could forget Shri K.M.Abdullah the master of Working Capital Finance a veritable genius to a fault . One could easily vouch that he must have been possibly a member of both Tandon / Chore Committe if not the Secretary. Even during those days Computers had not made much stride and were borrowed from the Narayanan Company, Abdullah had a software made on teaching the Working Capital Finance. His lectures would be nailed home not only to the conscious mind but even the sub conscious. I had retired from Service 15 years back, still if one care to wake me in the night I could easily recite the First method, Second method of lending with various level of inputs demanded to strike the right level of fund as Working Capital. The Committees recommendation were bible to those who ventured out for Bank Inspection. Those were the days when the RBI was breathing behind the shoulders of Banks and kept their financing at tight leash with no discretion what so ever. But the Banks considered the Reports of Tandon / Chore as the most contemptible and sacrilegious documents and when the RBI chose to go easy on Tandon / Chore all Banks celebrated it as their liberation from the tyranny of the RBI by pooping out Champaign Yes not all faculty members were born teachers who were at ease with their participants and made them to be on the same wave length ever. Faculty who had not been inside of the DAD were handling sessions on Banks's Annual closing and the Bank's Balance Sheet and Annual Reports. I had the privilege of visiting the RBSC at least a dozen times and some more. **************** F Voices 1) Success Manthra* https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200722-the-mindset-you-need-to-succeed-at-every-goal A change of mindset can help you achieve your goals faster. *Link contributed by Kiran Warrier, Navi Mumbai 2) Humour on Humour ? https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/blink/cover/no-funny-bone-im-vegetarian/article32231084.ece# Try your luck. Consider laughing if it works. If it doesn't, forget it. Stop laughing.


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