Warrier's Collage 13082020 : Generation Gap

In today’s mundane world one has to understand very Basic fundamental thing with good ethics and character To proceed further towards learning. I have to respect and you have to reciprocate creating Harmony to begin with.. Then only we can discuss very many things on various topics. Hinduism imparts highest philosophy which in turn has Become a very big question mark now due to various factors... We mix up very many things getting confused as each one Is pulling us in different direction. Result is as we all know . This is the ground reality.. Be Well,  Meditation https://youtu.be/OBs6428zIGc Ishwar Puri explains some techniques to differentiate "I" and "My Mind" Please read my article "An App for handling Generation Gap" at C 1. If you make a profit from the "Business Idea", share with me. If you make a loss, carry forward and wait for new ideas. M G Warrier Warrier's Collage 13082020 : Generation Gap A Interaction 1) R Jayakumar " Where are my answers? It is in a way true that every question comes with an answer. Because questions are raised only by those who know the answer. Everyone in the world is constantly provided with something to learn either through reading what someone has written or by listening to what someone wants to speak. But the majority of the readers and listeners don't want to carry anything home and simply throw out of their head what they read or hear. It is only the few who want to understand raise questions. They have already understood and only want to confirm whether their understanding is right or wrong. So when they pose a question, they know the answer, that, it is going to be an Yes or No. Preachers preaching to large crowds know well that majority of them have come to hear them and clap when others clap but only a few listen carefully to the preacher. That is why preachers prefer to speak giving more of short stories and less of explanation. Many don't want the explanation. But the few who listen carefully meditate over it and raise questions to confirm if their meditation is correct. In other words they know the answers before they raise their question. Confusion. R Jayakumar" (Collage leaves it to readers to remove confusion) 2) Vathsala Jayaraman " A great write up on Chaturvarnyam by Shri Subbaraman. These discussions normally come to the top front whenever some intercaste marriage is to take place in the family. Even after knowing so many things so many murders and terrorist activities like threatening, kidnapping, decoity continue in our nation. Great pity! Poleeople talk so many things on platform but do just the opposite when they face similar situation in their own families" 3) E T Rajendran " More clarity now on Chaturvarnyam and Gotram, thanks to Subbaraman Sir and Collage. Next time when I am confronted with a question on my Gotram by a temple priest I will not have to blink. Discourse on Bhagavat Gita, interspersed with humour, by Chinmayananda Swamiji was inspiring and enthralling. So also Ishwar Puri’s speech on ‘Purpose of human life’." (Thanks, Rajendran. Sometimes, childhood memories save us from embarrassment. In early 2000's, we were attending a wedding ceremony. We were from the bride's side. When rituals were going on, an elderly person from groom's side came to me with a stout middle-aged person and took me aside. It was an inter-community marriage. The stronger person asked me whether I was a close relative of the bride. I said, "Yes" He whispered to the elderly person : "You ask him". The old man, in a lower voice asked : " The Priest wants to know the gotra of the bride's side". I had never thought about gotra during the previous several years. Like Rajendran, I was unaware, I belonged to any gotra at all. Suddenly, a snake bite incident flashed in my mind. As a school-going child, during 1950's, while walking through a paddy field on my way home from the market place, a water snake had bitten me. I had returned to the market place, met a "Visha Vaidyan" who saw the small wound on my foot, gave me some root to chew, made me wait for half an hour and told me "nothing to worry, go home". When I narrated the developments, my mother and sisters were not amused. Later in the day, when my father came to know of my adventure, he said : "Not to worry. We are from 'Kashyapa Gotra'. Reptiles won't harm us. Sleep peacefully. Don't go and announce this everywhere!" So, I said : "Kashyapa Gotra" Both returned to the Priest, satisfied!-Warrier) B RBI's Business Continuity Plan https://theprint.in/economy/1-hotel-2-backup-offices-200-isolated-staff-how-rbi-ensured-covid-didnt-disrupt-banking/479188/ Informative article. In April 2020 issue of The Global ANALYST, referring to the RBI initiative, I wrote : "After the medical fraternity, RBI was one of the major institutional participants which gauged the possible hurdles the invasion of the pandemic will bring with it affecting the smooth functioning of the nation’s lifelines including the financial system. Quickly, the central bank constituted a fairly large ‘Core Team’ under the leadership of Governor Shaktikanta Das which started functioning with War-like cautions to ensure uninterrupted functioning of core central banking functions including currency management and timely policy interventions”. C Generation Gap 1) An App for handling Generation Gap : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/an-app-for-handling-generation-gap-24438/ If you open the link, @WarriersViews and other blogs at Times, you may find more interesting articles (See D below) 2) The Guardian story, 2018 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/14/the-generation-gap-is-back-but-not-as-we-know-it Just to get a feel of what developed world is thinking about generation gap. 3) Generation Gap https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/generation-gap-701345 Interesting thoughts on generation gap. D Blogs and Links 1) An "introvert" speaks out! https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/diaryofanintrovert/confessions-of-an-introvert-24380/ Perhaps from the experiences of many. 2) Let's walk https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/eattravelclickdraw/anyone-can-walk-but-nobody-really-does-24378/ Posted online comments. 3) Soul-mate https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/mind-diving/soulmate-a-quarantined-story-24436/ Thinking differently. E Spirituality Karma and Karma Yogam* "Now we will discuss a totally different approach to karma yoga. This is also based on Bhagavan Krishna’s explanation of Karma yoga in the third chapter of Bhagavad Gita. Here karma yoga is viewed from four different standpoints; and according to our attitude and maturity, we can take any standpoint. We will look at these four different standpoints. The first standpoint - Krishna says accept compulsory karmas or compulsory action, meaning niyatam karmas and vihitam karmas, as commandment from Bhagavān. In other words, accept all the compulsory karmas as Vidhi. Vidhi means commandment. Bhagavān has provided this world for our use and He has laid some conditions, duties and laws. We have to pay tax as a citizen of our country; similarly, as a citizen of this cosmos, we are asked to follow certain rules. When it is a commandment one will obey the rules. It is like people will obey the traffic rules when the traffic police are there. Imagine a situation without the traffic police; it will be chaos. No doubt about it. Nobody will obey the rules. This is going to happen when people are very immature; only when frightened, people follow the rules. And usually we say ‘he is a God-fearing person’. Why can we not change this to a God-loving person? Here Bhagavān’s commandment is for our good, understand this and convert the fear complex into love. Once the person is a little more mature, the very same karma yoga can be approached from another angle. A mature person does not want to accept threat or fear and obey the karma yoga as Vidhi; he likes to approach karmas as yajnas. So, the second approach is performing karmas as Yajnam. Through yajnabhāvana we express our attitude of gratitude towards God. Bhagavān has provided all that we need for our comfortable life. All the five elements – water, air, bhumi ...– all these are given to us free. There is no electric bill or water bill that we get from Bhagavaan. There is only one request from Bhagavān – do your duty. What is our duty? Do pamchamahāyajna. Here yajna means worship of Lord as an expression of gratitude. You need not be afraid of Bhagavān. Carry out the duties with love, understanding and gratitude. Live in this world keeping note of thanks in your mind all the time. The whole world is Bhagavān’s property. Accept this as his Neivedyam. The word neivedyam means acknowledgement. This is the yajnabhāvana, acknowledgement; so, do all our karmas as yajnam. Doing karma yoga as a Vidhi, as a commandment, is the first approach; it is mainly for very immature people. The second approach is doing or taking up karmas as yajnabhāvana; this is for slightly more mature people. The third approach to karma yoga is seeing it as dharma. When we gradually climb up the ladder of karmayoga, we begin to understand that karma yoga is nothing but Dharma. Dharma is that which maintains the harmony of Creation. Thus, karma yoga is to maintain harmony of Creation. The whole creation is interdependent. The whole creation is a cyclic process in which humans being is one of the most important links. Here all other beings contribute what they have to, because they are all programmed by Bhagavān. The cow eats grass and it gives milk; the tree takes very little from the earth but gives back a lot. What about human beings? It is evident that human beings have become a threat to the harmony of the world, a threat to the environment, a threat to the ozone layer and a threat to everything. Why? What he takes is far more than what he gives back. So, humans are responsible for breaking of this cycle. Krishna says very clearly in Bhagavad Gita [3.16], एवं प्रवर्तितं चक्रं नानुवर्तयतीह य: | अघायुरिन्द्रियारामो मोघं पार्थ स जीवति || 16|| evaṁ pravartitaṁ chakraṁ nānuvartayatīha yaḥ aghāyur indriyārāmo moghaṁ pārtha sa jīvati Meaning, Hey Arjuna, he who does not follow the wheel of creation going in this world, that is, does not perform his duties; leading a full and sensual life, he lives in vain. Here, those people who break this cycle, they not only destroy themselves, but in the process, they destroy the whole creation. And karma yoga is for maintaining the harmony of creation by the process of give and take. So, remember the law: anything that we receive from the world should not remain stagnant with us - for stagnant water is not healthy. In the same way, whether it is fame, money or knowledge, one should not keep it with one self. If it is not shared with others, it becomes stagnant and becomes destructive to the person who possesses it. That is why in the olden days, people performed different types of yāgas and gave away their possessions as different kinds of dāna – anna dāna, go-dāna, kshetra dāna, dhāna daana, swarna dāna etc. Yāga is an ideal and excellent opportunity for these dānas. Nowadays no amount of wealth is considered as being excessive. There is a vast difference between what we need and what we want. One who does not want to share his wealth, whether it is knowledge, money or anything else, is called a kripana. Now a days our life itself has become kārpanya life in which we receive more and give less. So, understand that karma yoga harmonises the universe. So far we have seen three approaches to karma yoga. First, karma yoga as Bhagavān’s ājnya or order or vidhi [commandment]. The second is karma yoga taken up as yajna, as worship. Thirdly, karma yoga is seen as dharma, maintaining the cosmic harmony. Finally, Krishna presents karma yoga as samskāra. Samskāra means to purify – a purifying act. Samsaroti iti samskārah. It refines and purifies the mind. Samskāra is supposed to be two-fold: guna adhāna and dosha apanayana. Guna adhāna means add gunas; and dosha apanayana means removal of unhealthy ways of thinking. We are born as Prakṟta manuṣya – from Prakṟta manuṣya one has to transform into Samskṟta Puruṣa. To achieve our goal karma yoga is necessary. Karma yoga makes Prakṟta manuṣya a Samskṟta Puruṣa. In the purified mind, knowledge will shine. The knowledge ‘Aham Brahmāsmi’ – the benefit of this knowledge is freedom from samsāra. For that we have to drop all our attachments. Only a purified mind can drop everything. One may wonder how can we drop everything? It is possible only through mānasam karma. The unhealthy negative thoughts that come in the mind should be dropped at once without carrying it forward. It does not matter what the nature of the thought is, meaning whether they are good or bad. Whatever it is, drop it. After that, you keep your mind in the samattwa bhavāna where the mind does not react to its results. That is samatwam, equanimity. In short understand that ‘karmaphala tyēgam’ is sanyāsam. And this should be our goal, the goal of karma yoga." ********** *Excerpted from the transcript of a talk given by Dr Kamala Unni, Bangalore (Thanks to Dr T V Surendran, Mananthavady, her batchmate for sharing)


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