Warrier's Collage 17082020 : Real Freedom

Warrier's Collage 17082020 : Real Freedom Prayer https://youtu.be/EV7L9s0E6Pc Stanza 27 from Shankaracharya's Saundaryalahari. Please see D1 for notes. Good Morning At different stages in life and in different situations, our perception of freedom keeps changing. Collage helps you to make a beginning, if you have not thought about real freedom yet. Today's subject credit goes to Shyamala Mohan's observations under interaction at A3. Those who are accessing Instagram, please see the link @ F (Art : Reshmy Warrier) M G Warrier A Interaction : Select Responses* 1) E T Rajendran " Happy Independence Day. This special day feast is very marvellous and delicious. Appreciate the great efforts behind it.” 2) Jyothilakshmi, Chennai " With reference to the article "samasya pooranam", by Mr Babusenan, I am wondering about what might have happened to Kalidasa after he was 'nicely poisoned' by the lady hostess. Pardon my ignorance. But very curious to know !!!" ( I'll include this in Interaction, as I also don't know. As we can't do anything now, let's wait for Babusenan's response on August 17 😊) 3) Shyamala Mohan, Thane, Mumbai " Real independence is to get freed from the influence of pleasure which sense organs need.. This is the need of the mind. Not the truth. Mind and sense organs enslave us and make us do selfish work for just enjoyment. Break all the conditioning of our mind by awakening the light of inner wisdom and get free from all bondages. Soar high! Vande Matharam! Happy independence day! 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬" (Collage believes in "Aa No Bhadrah Krtavo Yantu Vishwatah ". Or "Let Noble Thoughts Come From All Sides!" Also sée D3 - Warrier) 4) V S Rangasayee " We must have heard Nehru's this speech in the past too. But still it is thrilling to hear it again, esp on the Independence Day. Thanks." 5) J R P Ratna Rao " Wish you Happy Independence Day. 🇮🇳 Thank you very much for sharing Nehruji’s First Independence Day speech." *Collage regrets not being able to include all responses received on Saturday and Sunday. Longer responses excluded. B Current Affairs 1) PM's Independence Day Speech 2020 https://www.indiatoday.in/india/video/independence-day-pm-narendra-modi-full-speech-redfort-1711389-2020-08-15 2) RBI transfers surplus income to GOI https://www.livemint.com/news/india/rbi-approves-dividend-of-rs-57-128-cr-to-govt-11597401981077.html https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/rbi-may-transfer-rs-57-000-cr-of-surplus-to-govt-for-fy20-tv-report-120081400955_1.html Like last year, RBI has maintained reserves at 5.5 percent of assets (Jalan Panel had recommended a level of 5.5 to 6.5 percent). We remember with gratitude the efforts of the present governor Shaktikanta Das, Dr Bimal Jalan and Dr Rakesh Mohan in convincing GOI the need for a financially sound central bank. C Readers Write 1) R Jayakumar " Fear Psychosis during Pandemic.. The existence of Fear Psychosis is very much evident during this epidemic. Since March I have been hearing about deaths of persons well known and close to me, at an average of at least one person per weak. That should make around twenty deaths so far which is unusual compared to the pre-Pandemic days. Of the twenty deaths hardly two can be attributed to the novel virus. The other causes include heart attacks and sudden aggravation of existing diseases. What could be the reason? Surely it is the fear factor created by the media on account of the pandemic. Osho is hundred percent right that the fear is the major cause of death than any other disease. I am not a braveheart person. I worry more about tomorrow than today. In the last one month I have increased the dosage of my insulin and tablets for diabetics. I eat the same food as before and walk in the house for one hour still the sugar in the blood shoots up. I have not attempted to visit my doctor for regular consultation. Time for meditation is also doubled, if you call prayer and scripture reading as meditation, but no relief. The culprit should be the fear Psychosis hiding deep somewhere within. Osho's advice is to swich off listening to news about the pandemic. But most of the news we get to read is only on the counting and counting of testing positive and the number of daily toll. Like how the wait for pension revision in RBI ended on a fine day, the pandemic will also come to an end and all our fear of the pandemic will disappear. R Jayakumar" (Motivational quotes are like immunity boosters. Those who promote them say, side effects are minimum. Now youngsters are marketing them. Try this link : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/sedulous-speak/motivational-quotes-24433/ Datta Sanghvi has posted several similar blogs at Times. Also sée the article "Live well, die well" using the link under D. Purely personal responses to this meant for Jayakumar alone will not be included in interaction, but passed on to him by Collage- Warrier) 2) V Babusenan A prosaic person would say that he spent the night with a nice girl, but not Changampuzha, the Malayalam poet who wrote the epoch-making pastoral elegy 'Ramanan'. He is said to have scribbled on the class desk (he was studying for M.A.Malayalam) in the University College, Thiruvananthapuram, the same thing in the following lines: Innale raathriyil njaanoru poomottin Mandasmithatthil kidannurangi. (Last night I slept in the sweet smile of a flower bud) King Macbeth, who made a mess of his own life, could have said his life was blistering barnacles and a thousand things like that, but Shakespeare made him compare his life " to a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Once someone asked Dr.Johnson what poetry was. He replied: " Sir, I shall rather tell you what poetry is not : " I put my hat upon my head And walked into the Strand There I met another man Whose hat was in his hand." Like bits of coloured bangles in kaleidoscopes are words to gifted poets. They weave them into marvellous beautiful patterns which ordinary mortals like us cannot aspire to do. Of the rarest kind of kaleidoscope, Kalidasa was one. Naturally Kalidasa had detractors. Once a dispute arose as to who was a better poet-Kalidasa or Dandi. Nobody could say definitely. King Bhoja said: "I am not able to judge. Let us ask Goddess Saraswathi herself." They started the elaborate ritual for that. At the end of the ritual, Devi appeared on the homakunda. The Raja put the question to her. She replied with a smile: "Why doubt? Dandi is the poet." Kalidasa, like many others including the king himself, least expected this reply. In his annoyance, he forgot himself and asked: "Then, who am I?" "We are the same" came the stunning reply. Devi Saraswathi vanished. The legend is more important than the fact. Dandi lived more than a century later." D Blogs and links 1) Saundaryalahari, Stanza 27 http://www.advaita-vedanta.co.uk/index.php/content/213-saundarya-lahari-verse-27 Sée today's Prayer. A prayer which you will love. If interested, please see some Stanzas of Shivanandalahari by Shankaracharya with meaning, using the following link. See the meaningful observations in Stanza 27 : https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/shivananda-lahari 2) Live well, Die well https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/open-page/live-well-die-well/article32248955.ece May be a repeat. Then please skip. Very rarely we get such balanced views from experts on this subject. I found the article interesting. Posted also in the context of observations at C1 above. 3) Meditation techniques Demonstration by Ishwar Puri https://youtu.be/odCJ_LfBZFs See Shyamala Mohan's observations under interaction. 4) A Thousand Miles to Freedom https://www.readersdigest.com.au/true-stories-lifestyle/drama/A-Long-Walk-to-Freedom https://owlslittlelibrary.com/2018/03/11/book-review-a-thousand-miles-to-freedom/ When free, open the links and glance through. There's a world outside, waiting for a change in the attitude of people who are not hungry. E Exercise Stretching exercise* "Joint pain can rob you of life's simple pleasures—you may no longer look forward to walking your dog, gardening, or chasing a tennis ball across the court. Even the basics of getting through your day, like getting into the car or carrying laundry to the basement, can become sharp reminders of your limitations. Common causes of joint pain include arthritis, previous injuries, the strain of repetitive movements, posture problems, aging, or inactivity. It is tempting to avoid the motions that cause you pain. But limiting your movements can weaken muscles and make compound joint trouble worse. But the right exercises performed properly can be a long-lasting way to subdue ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder pain. For some people, the right exercise routine can even help delay or side step surgery. Your goal should be to pair gentle, targeted joint workouts with a simple walking routine. Your doctor should advise you before you begin a new exercise program, but these simple stretching tips are important to any workout. 1.Warm up first. Muscles stretch more easily when warm. Doing the warm-ups before any workout, or taking a warm shower or bath, will do the trick. 2.Feel no pain. Stretch only to the point of mild tension, never to the point of pain. If a stretch hurts, stop doing it. Reset your position carefully and try again. With time and practice, your flexibility will improve. 3.Breathe. Breathe comfortably when stretching. 4.Practice often. You'll see the best gains if you do gentle stretching frequently—several times a day on as many days of the week as possible." *Received from Harish Tarachandani via email. {My wife, Sudha, is a Yoga Vidya Niketan (Mumbai)-trained Yoga teacher. She has been practicing/teaching Yoga for more than two decades now. My exercise, till last month, was walking only. A doctor recently advised a close relative that walking alone is not a "complete" exercise. That was an eye opener for me also. This month I started doing some standing exercises with Sudha's guidance. I find it useful- Warrier} F Art : Reshmy Warrier My daughter Reshmy Warrier's recent paintings can be accessed @ https://instagram.com/reshw?igshid=paa0mrh1v303


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