Warrier's Collage 26082020 : Achievers of Kerala

Warrier's Collage 26082020 : Achievers from Kerala M G Warrier https://youtu.be/tRxjrc83xAI Inside God's Own Country A Interaction 1) Vathsala Jayaraman " Interesting sandhi patterns by Shri Subbaraman Sir. Between the agreement entered into between Sage Vyasa and Lord Ganesha were born so many complicated sandhis in Mahabharatha very difficult for Ganesha to segregate the syllables and understand the meaning. Vyasa took the opportunity to compose the epic. The famous one is nadhi jalam kesava naari hetuhu. Actually it is nadhija lankesa vana Ari hetu. Drona identifies Arjuna in Virata and secretly informs the nadhija, son of a nadhi or Bhishma about the identity of Arjuna. Sandhis are exciting. In Sanskrit exam there was a special10 mark question in addition to100 marks to identify sandhi" 2) Jyothika ""Ambalapuzha Sreekrishna Temple is a Mecca".. What a communally accommodating term 😀👌 ... The sandhi effects in Sanskrit or any other language for that matter, should be handled very astutely. It should not reach the level of 'verbal killing' literally. Language clarity in communication is very important. And has to be taken care of even if there is any pun intended." 3) Kiran Warrier " Govt College Madappalli very nice. .. I thought it ended abruptly without connecting back with the friendship theme it started with" ( Stories never end... Every end is a beginning. I just wanted to boast that I too had gone to college!) 4) Kasturirangan Narayanan "The song 'Vatapi Ganapatim Bhaje' is really scintillating!" B Achievers from Kerala* 1) Spiritual Leaders https://www.vaikhari.org/sages.html Shankaracharya to Nitya Chaitanya Yati... it's a long list. 2) Iyers http://someachievementsofkeralaiyers.blogspot.com/2006/08/community-which-took-up-to-modern.html?m=1 3) Freedom Fighters https://pinklungi.com/2019/08/11/8-freedom-fighters-from-kerala/ *Categories selected at random C Readers Write Numbers Wizard Sakuntala Devi V Babusenan A few days ago, I happened to see the picture of the film actress Vidya Balan in TOI, together with a report that she has acted in a Hindi film, a biopic, on the 'Human Computer', the late Sakuntala Devi. Although personal beauty is the only common factor, according to the report, Vidya Balan has acted the role extremely well. If so, she deserves our gratitude. May I request my esteemed readers to join me in a journey back to1977 to the big Convention Hall of the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, US. The hall is packed and, on the platform, on a revolving chair, is sitting a graceful and elegantly dressed lady. There is absolutely no sign of anxiety on her face. There is no one on the platform except an old, venerable looking man, seated behind her, close to a huge black board. Perfect silence prevails. Then a bell rings. The old man stands up and slowly walks to the black board. With a piece of chalk he starts writing a number. When he finishes, it has 201digits! He checks and re-checks it several times. All along, the lady is looking in front of her. After checking the long number, the old man (he is a Professor) looks at her and says in a clear voice: "Now, Madam, tell us the 23rd root of this number." She turns in her chair and looks at the number. Exactly at that moment, the Professor presses the button of his stop watch. She begins to give the answer which is immediately recorded on the blackboard. To read the number and give the answer, she takes only54 seconds! Then the Professor feeds the number into the most advanced computer and waits for its answer. He writes the answer just below the answer given by the lady. Both are the same! There is deafening applause. That lady was Sakuntala Devi, the real roving ambassador of India who died seven years ago at the ripe age of 83. The computer took eight seconds more to give the answer!!! This extraordinary affinity towards number was in Ramanujan though not to this extent. He was basically a number theorist. Ramanujan was in Cambridge during the first World War. His strict adherence to vegetarian food, coupled with severe cold and food shortages, played havoc with his health and he was frequently hospitalised. On one such occasion, his professor (G.H.Hardy) visited him in the hospital. On seeing him, the professor said: "Ram, the number of the vehicle that brought me here is a dull one-1729." Ramanujan's tired eyes brightened with pleasure . "Not at all, Sir." he said, "Not at all. It is the smallest number that can be expressed in two ways as the sum of two cubes : 1cube+12cube=1729 9cube+10cube=1729" The world -renowned professor in number theory stood stunned! God is the greatest mathematician dealing in numbers, according to Russell. He is extremely decent too. One of the aspects that make him so is that He does not play dice. We have Eistein's word for that." D Malayalam Literature http://www.keralaculture.org/literature/157 Rich heritage E Blogs and Links 1) Birth, Death and Rebirth https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/mind-blowing-facts-about-birth-death-and-rebirth Interesting thoughts 2) Padma Awards 2020 https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/seven-unique-achievers-bring-laurels-for-state/article30654325.ece 3) Fishermen as saviors https://m.timesofindia.com/city/thiruvananthapuram/swimming-against-the-tide-they-saved-countless-lives/amp_articleshow/65466155.cms


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