Reaching out : Warrier's Collage 25082020

Warrier's Collage 25082020 : Reaching out Mind Power Swami Sarvapriyananda on three powers of mind Government College Madappalli and Advantage Lockdown @ WarriersViews : See D1&2 Panchapagesan's thoughts on thoughts at E. M G Warrier A Interaction R Jayakumar " a) Taking advantage of one's position in a particular situation and degrading a helpless person is quite common anywhere and everywhere. Shri V Babusenan Sir has brought out this tactic clearly citing examples of two exponents of Chakyar Koothu. b) I was interested in reading the article Gaming the Lockdown by Indu Balachandran in The Hindu Open Page and the article titled Mukhti appearing in The Hindu Faith Column. But when I opened the links it said that I have to subscribe Rs 699 for two months if I wanted to read the full articles." (Thanks. I'm also not a subscriber. In my case, they say "you have read 6 out of 10 free articles allowed for the month". I don't know their criteria and when the month starts!. I don't get print edition and have not subscribed for online editions of any newspaper so far.-Warrier) AA Current Affairs Posted for information B Reaching out 1) Friendship Some Sanskrit Stanzas on friendship etc. Hindi and English meaning 2) Reach out How's your neighbour ? C Readers Write 1) C V Subbaraman Sanskrit Language " Shri Babusenan's piece on Chaakyaar was interesting reading. The Raamacchaakkiyaar ....brings to my mind some interesting episodes as to how some "sandhis" of words in Sanskrit had the unexpected results: Once a king had gone for jalakreeda along with his queen and friends. During the merry making jalakreeda the king splashed the water on his queen's face. She was rendered uncomfortable after some time and told the king, "modakam preshayaamaasa". The king thought that the queen wants to enjoy some sweets at this sweet moment and ordered his men to bring some sweets immediately. Modakam in Samskrit means a sweet, preshayaamaasa means send for. After a few minutes the king's men returned with some sweets and the king very enthusiastically offered them to the queen. But the queen expressed surprise and told the king, "I never wanted sweets!". The king was non plussed. "You only said, 'modakam preshayaamaasa'" he countered. To which the queen replied, " I said to mean 'maa udakam preshayaamaasa' - to mean " don't splash water" "maa udakam" when combined becomes modakam! In another one: one Bhattathiri was there in a village, he would always find out if there is any "athithi" outside before he would sit for his lunch. To invite an athithi for lunch was considered a great act of "punya" in those days. One day, he told his litle son to find out if some one is there outside. The son went out and came back to reply, "naasti". So the father thought there is none outside and sat for lunch. After finishing his lunch, he came out only to find that a person was sitting outside. He went inside the house, called his son and asked him why he said "naasti" when there was a person there. The son coolly replied: "Thaata, I said correctly "naa asti" { naa = naraha= a person, asti = is there} when combined it becomes "naasti" which can also be interpreted as none is there. It is said that this boy later on became to be known as the famous Kaakkassery Bhattathiri." Word-Sandhi effects in Samskritam and Malayalam: Once someone said, "Mani Anju aakaaraayi" ( to mean it is about to strike Five O'clock), which degenerated to "Mani anjaakaaraayi". And in colloquial terms these words pronounced in quick succession, came to become "Manianjaakaaraayi", to be corrupted yet again as "manian chhakaaraayi" to mean Manian is about to die! " 2) V Babusenan Ottam Thullal For one, having a sweet tooth, Ambalappuzha Sreekrishna temple is Mecca. There is nothing in this world like Ambalappuzha Paalpayasam. The temple is famous in another respect too. It is the birth place of Thullal, the most popular performing art form of Kerala. In the discussion on Chakyar Koothu, we have seen that it is governed by a peculiar rule that the performing artist should not be questioned by anyone during the course of his performance. We have also seen that the background material for a Koothu is minimal-one mizhavu and ilatthalam. Playing the mizhavu is the prerogative of a Nambiar. He has not much to play,however. He has to keep on watching the Chakyar. His role comes when the latter, depending upon his mood and context, shifts from prose narration to poetic text. This long wait of inaction is a golden chance for the villainous sleep to interfere and this was what exactly happened to Kunchan Nambiar. Nambiar was playing mizhavu for a Koothu performance in the Ambalappuzha temple during the course of which he missed the talam under the influence of sleep. The Chakyar, however, did not miss the opportunity to castigate him, of course, by making him a character in the story. This incident hurt Nambiar deeply. Nambiar was a master in Padayani, a dance form popular among the largely illiterate common folk and after leaving the Koothambalam he set to write, on more or less similar lines, a 'Thullal' (dance) based on the Kalyana Sougandhikam episode in the Mahabharatha. The legend is that, a couple of days later, when the Chakyar commenced his Koothu in the koothambalam, Nambiar started his Thullal on the Kalatthat of the temple (it is still there ,preserved) and that most of those assembled in the Koothambalam came running to the Kalatthat where Nambiar was performing his Thullal. How many days he would have actually taken to wreak his vengeance is not relevant here. But one thing is certain. It was an instant success. Nambiar is unanimously regarded as the originator of Ottan Thullal. But all Thullals are not Ottan Thullal. Some are Sheethankan Thullals and some are Parayan Thullals. Their differences are mainly in dress and the pace of the song. On the main stage there will only be the performer. He will narrate the story which is in poetic form in a particular metre. Along with dancing, he will sing a line of the text which will be repeated by another singer in the background, to the accompaniment of mridangam and idakka. Unlike Koothu, the vehicle for satire, humour and social criticism is only poetry. Another very significant distinction is that, while Koothu remains only as a performing art, Thullal is a very valuable contribution to Malayalam literature also. Names of the three forms of the Thullal are an equally important factor. Ottan represents the Ganaka community which is traditionally astrologers and indigenous medical practitioners. Besides, they once functioned as carriers of news and messages. (The word "Ottan" means he who runs) Sheethankan is another name for the Pulaya community. Paraya is the community of Pakkanaar. All the three are so-called Avarnas for whom temple entry was denied. In one Thullal, Nambiar declares: Chandaalan paranjaalum Nallathenkil grahikkenam (One must accept a good advice even if it comes from a chandaala ) In another: Saarabodham kalikaale Neecha jaathikkerumatre (It is said that, in KaliYuga, the lower castes will have a better sense of good and bad) Kunchan Nambiar's predilection towards the lower castes, in a caste-ridden mad house that Kerala was, deserves to be treated as a unique feature. Mainly because of this, his pungent humour and outspoken nature, this great artist-cum-literary figure suffered a lot during the sunset period of his life. Let us end this brief discussion with a famous quotation of his: Embraan alpam kattu bhujicchaal Ambala vaasikal okke kakkum (If the leader steals, those under him will surely do the same) This is what we see everywhere today, though he said it almost three centuries ago." ( Collage adds : Watch Ottam Thullal performance by Kalamandalam Geethanandan : ) D Blogs and Links 1) Advantage Lockdown : M G Warrier 2) Government College Madappalli M G Warrier's nostalgic memories. 2020 may be remembered as "Friendship Year"! 3) Alone E Leisure A study of our thought process V T Panchapagesan "A large percentage of our thoughts is negative and this is The root cause of stress. By increasing the percentage of Positive thoughts, we can experience a relaxed state of mind, say Brahmakumaris. Our mind creates 25-to 30 thoughts per minute on an average. This number increases when we are under stress and decreases when our mind is relaxed or we are asleep. Overall, our mind creates around 30000 - 40000 thoughts in a day. There are four main types of thoughts: Positive thoughts. Necessary thoughts. Waste thoughts. Negative thoughts."


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