Kaliyuga : Warrier's Collage 20082020

Prayer https://youtu.be/nwI7njExM Samnyasa... Those who find the recitation of Manthras uncomfortable, please mute the voice and glance through the meaning of these Manthras. I'm just thrilled to know about the understanding of the Universe our forefathers had! Warrier's Collage 20082020. : Kaliyuga "Someone is waiting..." : Please see D1. D2 is also interesting. M G Warrier A Interaction K S Iyer " Desires, how do these come? Our mind gets information through our senses. Information trigger the thoughts, which in turn kindle emotions. The emotions, when become stronger take the form of desires. So long senses are connected to the world, desires are inevitable. Here, Maharishi Patanjali has given the yogic practice Pratyahara to control the senses and the mind is directed inwardly. We must learn to moralize the desires that the practice of the Pratyahara would be easier." (More responses included under C Readers Write-Collage) B Mythology : Kaliyuga 1) Kaliyuga as explained by Krishna https://www.boldsky.com/yoga-spirituality/faith-mysticism/2018/the-kaliyug-as-explained-by-lord-krishna-122513.html Panchapagesan's views : " All these four are caste barriers prevailing now. Declare all are Hindus to be humane... However, they can be classified as under. Worker, Trader, Leader Advisor..... Legs are to go forward to work. Thighs are to share the work. Middle portion , chest, heart are to lead . Finally head and mouth to think to advise. Will this be accepted today ? Just like class 1,2,3,4. Category..... Be Well, V. T. Panchapagesan" 2) Kaliyuga : Srimad Bhagavatham https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/kali-yuga-from-beginning-to-end Interesting story. 3) Kaliyuga Predictions https://planetasia.org/spirituality/kali-yuga-predictions/ Mostly quotes from Srimad Bhagavatham. C Readers Write 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Desikan's Magic So many literary discussions make our collage very interesting. Here I am forwarding shlokas 929 and 930 of Ranganatha Paaduka Sahasram composed by Shri Vedantha Desikan in 1400s. It is a chess board Format. The same words found in shloka 929 find a place in shloka 930 also, but in a different format. It is absolutely interesting to people who know a little bit of Sanskrit. The Knight tour is a mathematical problem where through a sequence of moves according to the rules of chess, a knight placed on any square, moves across the board visiting each square exactly once. The Swiss Mathematician, Leonhard Euler is credited with coming up with the first suitable solutions to this problem in the late 1770’s and hence, it is even referred to as the Euler Chess&Knight problem. One of the earliest paths suggested by Euler is represented below- where starting from the 1 in the corner, the knight traces a path in the order of the numbers- similar to a connect-the-dots problem. Here, the path finishes in the square adjacent to the starting point, and since it cannot directly move back to its starting point, it’s an “open” tour. The Paduka Sahasram, is an epic poem of 1008 verses praising the footwear of Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam written by a mulitilingual poet Sri Vedanta Desika, who lived in India, during the 14th and 15th century. It is said that by the age of 20, Vedanta Desika had mastered most of the scriptures, and was invited to polemics and debates held across the country. Vedanta Desika wrote in the languages of Tamil, Manipravalam and Sanskrit, and the excellence of his work in all the languages earned him the title of “Kavi Tarkika Simha” meaning the Lion among all poets. He also wrote commentaries on a lot of scriptures and was considered to be an authority on Vedanta. It is believed that the Paduka Sahasram was written by him in one night, when he was challenged to compose 1000 verses on Lord Ranganatha before day-break. The work has one shloka, that actually solves the Knight tour problem. In the solution presented by him, there are 2 Sanskrit verses; where the first verse is written in order, in the squares of the chessboard; and a knight tour of this square leads to the second verse! The first verse is- O sacred sandals of the Brahman, you are always adorned by those who have committed unpardonable sins; you remove all that is sorrowful and unwanted; you create a musical sound; (be pleased) and lead me to the feet of Lord Rangaraja. And the knight tour of the above verse will look like this- which leads to the second verse- meaning- The sandals which protect those who shine by their right attitude, whose place is the center of the blissful rays, which destroy the melancholy of the distressed, whose radiance brings peace to those who take refuge in them, which move everywhere, -may those golden and radiating sandals of the Brahman lead me to the feet of Lord Rangaraja. Remember this work was written in the 14th and 15th century, a long time before Euler was even born. The verses reflect the sheer genius of the poet :)- Coming up with two verses, one derived from the other that too by a knight tour! It is remarkable the way early Indians came up with extremely accurate findings in the fields of science, astronomy and math. Sadly we haven’t got credit for a lot of the discoveries, and some have gone unnoticed. This is something the present generations could, and should perhaps use, to derive inspiration. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) V Babusenan Sangha Poetry " Tamil has a rich literary tradition. It is the first Indian language to get classical status. Its classical part comprises, besides the epics 'Chilappathikaram' and 'Manimekhalai', a sizable volume of poems collectively known as 'Sangha Poetry', discovered towards the end of the 19th century. It is called so because it is the product of the Tamil literary Sanghams that flourished during the early part of the Common Era and set up by the Pandya kings, who ruled Tamil Nadu with Madurai as their capital. The celebrated Pandya king Ugra Peruvazhuthi (Ugra Pandyan) chaired the first Sangham as representative of Lord Siva. In all, there were three Sanghams that existed for a period of a little over three hundred years during which 500 poets, belonging to all walks of life, contributed well over 2000 poems. Sangha poems are broadly divided into two categories: Akam(interior) and Puram(exterior) poems. Akam poems are purely love poems and Puram poems are mostly about chieftains, kings and their exploits. If one takes up an Akam poem, one will find, in its content, not only the landscape of its occurrence, but the time and season too. The Tamil landscape is broadly classified as five types: Kurinchi (hillside), Neytal (seaside), Mullai (forests), Marutam (cultivated fields) and Palai (desert). It will not escape one's notice that the first four categories are named after flowers appropriate to the respective landscapes- Kurinchi (a mountain flower) Neytal (blue lily), Mullai (Jasmine), Marutam (Queen's flower)-and the last one Palai is a tree commonly found in deserts. This manner of writing love poems ,keeping in view landscape, season and time is said to be special to Sangham Poetry. The grammar book Tolkaappiyam served as a guide for the writing of both Akam and Puram poems. Among the Sangham poets, the most prominent were three: Kapilar, Paranar and Nakkeeranaar. They were credited with the work of 'chemming' (refining) the then existing Koduntamil to Chentamil. Of the three great poets, we are concerned now with the last mentioned: Nakkeeranaar." 3) Dr T V Surendran " *Beautiful explanation by Swami Vivekananda*: Explaining the meaning of ‘Association’ he said:..“A rain drop from the sky: if it is caught by clean hands, is pure enough for drinking. If it falls in the gutter, its value drops so much that it can’t be used even for washing your feet. If it falls on a hot surface, it will evaporate... If it falls on a lotus leaf, it shines like a pearl and finally, if it falls on an oyster, it becomes a pearl...The drop is the same, but its existence & worth depends on whom it is associated with.”...Always be associated with people who are good at heart..You will experience your own inner transformation"... Worth sharing... D Blogs and Links 1) M G Warrier : Someone's waiting... https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/someones-waiting-for-your-call-24781/ Expand your friends circle ⭕ 2) A 2020 Kaliyuga Story https://www.livemint.com/ I stumbled upon this January 2020 Media report accidentally. I've not understood the Economics and Politics yet. If someone from Kerala will give a short and simple write-up, based on ground realities, Collage would like to share with readers


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