Butterflies : Warrier's Collage 23092020

Butterflies at A UN@75 By Jayakumar at B1 Babusenan's story at B2 Interaction at C. Posted By : M G Warrier Warrier's Collage 23092020 : Butterflies A Butterflies 1) Buttérflies : Sayings and Poems https://www.wishuponabutterfly.com/butterfly-releases-for-weddings/butterfly-poems-and-sayings/ Colours, Love, Flowers, Gardens, Honey, Life, Uncertainty....Think of butterflies, you can also allow your thoughts to fly, or write poems! They say, a butterfly lives 14 days. Think of the generation gap between the first butterfly you followed in the garden and the one you saw last. No change in DNA? 2) Did you know? https://youtu.be/3OVar6Oitu0 Facts about the life of butterflies. 3) Butterflies Park : Singapore https://youtu.be/SxIobL9H9J4 This is a lesson in Tourism Development. Insects to elephants earn their bread by acting! 4) More about butterflies https://www.butterflyinsight.com/butterfly-mythology.html Imagine, an insect with 14 days lifespan has lived through ancient times and is entertaining you today! B Readers Write 1) R Jayakumar : Responds to UN@75 75th Birth Anniversary of the UNITED NATIONS... The two links attached to today's Collage on the UN's 75th Birthday Celebration provide the positive and negative sides of the Organisation. The first one, UN75-2020 AND BEYOND, is the official message from the Organisation highlighting it's various plans to celebrate the 75th Anniversary as an awareness programme of its aims and why the aims have to pursued without complacency. Opinions will be collected from those who are interested to offer and a year long expo in Dubai to be held from October 1st and programmes with special logos are planned all over the world. We have been taught from school days that the UN was set up after the WW II to work towards peace and cooperation among all nations, to avoid a third world war by securing peaceful coexistence of mankind as one global family and to eliminate poverty and diseases from this planet. The monster pandemic of 2020 has proved that collaboration among all the nations is very vital for control of epidemics and global warming. But the second article by Mr T P Srinivasan paints a very bleak future for the Organisation. It is something like the UN has outlived its utility and is now more like a show-off by the delegates from member nations living in luxury hotels and having lavish dinners and making no useful contribution towards the main purpose of the UN. He himself has worked for twenty years in the Organisation and believes that there is nothing for the UN to celebrate on this 75th anniversary. He cannot be wrong with his first hand account of some of the failures of this Organisation. He has drawn attention to a lesson from the COVID 19 that life beyond 65 is dispensable, and the UN is 75 and so dispensable. Can we accept it and start praying for the closing of the UN! What I understand from the COVID is that it is not the 65 and above who are dying in large numbers in the hospitals but those in the age group of 45 to 65 and those who have existing complications. Age is only a number. Collage is teaching us to see the positives in life. The writer concludes that only a miracle can now revive the UN. Let the miracle happen and peace be given the chance to prevail and the UN survive and remain functional. (Collage applies 4 rules before supporting a view/action : a) Advantages by doing something b) Disadvantages if it is done c) Advantages by not doing d) Disadvantages if not done. UN was established with a purpose. To pursue that purpose, at any time, its survival is a must. Better to allow it to remain, even in "COMA") 2) V Babusenan Poetic imagination is something very precious. For instance, at Kanyakumari, the poet at dusk sees the sun setting and the moon rising at the same time. He perpetuates that beautiful moment in four lines of poetry thus: Ennalla sandhyayaam Thraasinte ponthattam Ennapolarkendu Mandalam randume Ninnoo njodiyalav Oppam, dinabhara Khinnathayaaludan Thaanithu Bhaanumaan. (For a moment, the Sun and the Moon stood as if they were the two golden pans of the Dusk's weighing balance in equilibrium, but then the Sun sank, out of sheer fatigue caused by the governance of the whole day.) Much earlier than this, on one full-moon dusk, the poet happened to be on the seashore. The whole day was like a furnace and the accidental proximity to the sea gave him a lot of solace. He took out his stylus and wrote on a palm leaf: "Pinashteeva tarangaagre Samudrambhena chandanam Thadaadaaya karerindu Limpatheeva diganganaa" (The foam on the edges of the waves of the sea, beating on the shore, is like sandal paste.The Moon takes that in his hand and applies it on the bodies of the maidens that guard the boundaries of the world)" C Interaction 1) R Narayanan " Read the article published by you in the Global Analysist and shared through email. The article contains lot of information on the present and past economic conditions in the country. The quote from Dr.Reddy's book is very relevant to the article. He has praised the professional calibre of the staff of RBI. He has also acknowledged the advices and support he received from Deputy Governors. I enjoyed reading your article. Thank you very much for sharing this." 2) Jyothilakshmi, Chennai " Even I loved reading Mrs Vathsala Jayaraman's story presented yesterday. The parachute was used as metaphor very astutely. Excellent story 👌" D Blogs and Links : One World, One Human Race 1) A Hindu temple in China https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/behind-chinas-hindu-temples-a-forgotten-history/article4932458.ece Tamil links to the templein China. 2) Here Hindus and Muslims pray in the same temple https://youtu.be/JZN0ivFNcwc E Great Human Beings Kalam meets Sam Manekshaw* "Sharing an interesting incident which brought out the greatness of two legendary sons of India. When Dr Abdul Kalam was the President, he visited Coonoor. On reaching, he came to know that Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw was in the Military Hospital there. Dr.Kalam wanted to visit Sam, which was unscheduled. Arrangements were made. At the bedside, Kalam spent about 15 minutes talking to Sam and enquiring about his health. Just before leaving Kalam asked Sam : "Are you comfortable? Is there anything I could do? Do you have any grievance ? Or any requirement that would make you more comfortable? Sam said "Yes, Your Excellency, I have one grievance" Shocked with concern and anguish, Kalam asked him what it was. Sam replied : "Sir, my grievance is that I am not able to get up and salute my most respected President of my beloved country". Kalam held Sam's hand, as both were in tears." *Forward received from Balasubramanian, Coimbatore. (And some of us pursue research to dig out the negatives to enjoy sarcasm- Collage View)


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