Excerpts from Warrier's Collage 30092020

Inspirational thoughts https://youtu.be/3SDkzDlw1yc Warrier's Collage 30092020 Blogs and Links 1) Pension Rules https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/policy/deceased-employees-daughters-entitled-for-family-pension-even-in-pendency-of-divorce-centre/articleshow/78339797.cms 2) Maskology https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/pen-my-thoughts/masks-essential-component-of-our-attire-26537/ Posted online comments. 3) COVID impact on students https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/covid-19-effect-on-student-life/covid-19-effect-on-student-life-23470/ A student thinks aloud in July 2020. Still valid. Posted online comments. 4) How old are you? https://www.livescience.com/63645-optical-illusion-young-old-woman.html Dug out this woman after accessing this link : https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-cdc-estimates-fatality-rate-covid-19-drops-again-and-may-surprise-you Books by M G Warrier https://notionpress.com/author/m_g_warrier The book "India's Decade of Reforms" by M G Warrier was published by Notion Press, Chennai in 2018. Available in 3 formats (eBook, Paperback and HC) with the Publisher and major online outlets like Amazon, Flipkart etc Access this link to read the first few pages. The same publisher, namely the Notion Press, Chennai is publishing Warrier's third book with focus on Fiscal and Monetary Policies in October 2020. This will be a "Companion Volume" of "India's Decade of Reforms". Follow me at www.warriersblog.com for updates. This Blog has crossed 2.8 lakhs pageviews. There were some queries about availability of my books outside India. These links may help : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Indias-Decade-Reforms-Reserve-Central/dp/1642491438 https://www.amazon.com/Indias-Decade-Reforms-Reserve-Central/dp/1642491438


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