Shakespeare : Warrier's Collage 20092020

Posted by : M G Warrier Warrier's Collage 20092020 : Shakespeare Prayer Vedasara Shiva Stava by Shankaracharya A Interaction 1) Dr D Subbarao Excerpts from the response to yesterday's Collage : " *** Reshmy is so right. Life forces you to make binary choices although most issues that one confronts are gray. Keep writing and all the best.***" 2) Dr Prabha Ramadurai "I am very happy that the Collage is in full swing. The articles are gems dug out of the deep. No area is left untouched by our efficient stalwarts. As I have earlier mentioned, I am unable to go through the lengthy ones (mostly all are very informative but lengthy). I know the beautiful subjects chosen cannot be presented in a nut shell. So I have to save them and read whenever time permits. My time is divided between routine household chores and my patients. I won’t call them patients. They are people who want a vent and solution to be free from tension, stress, anxiety or sometimes, temporary depression due to present situation. So mostly I read the retiree group messages once in two days. By the time I feel like responding, they become old and new ones stare at me. I wish the untiring effort taken by you to create a platform for all to share and express their views and present their knowledge by writing to continue, and the small sapling sown by you should grow into a big banyan tree. In fact you are supplying an elixir to the retirees to spend their time purposefully. I am not an active participant in your Collage but as a mute spectator I enjoy every bit of it. Thank you very much. Best wishes" 3) K Ramasubramanian "Shri Babusenan again excels. The five classification of LAND recognised the geographical factors people lived close to Nature. Adjusted to Nature and fostered and worshipped Nature. They had strong faith that God lives in each particle of Nature. Life is simple to live in aligning with Nature. Whether it agam or puram Natureis dominant. From there Dharma is derived a way of life is designed and practiced. It was simple and a happy life. Modernity has brought in disturbances in Nature and made life difficult. Elephants enter homes. Rains become rare in some years.Disparities become stronger Man gets confused and is in search an eternal one to find ways of life. The search continues ........." B Current Affairs Bank Nationalisation/Privatization A view against privatization of nationalized banks. C Shakespeare 1) Quotes Memorable quotes from Shakespeare 2) Everyday Shakespeare You are talking Shakespeare everyday. 3) Shakespeare and India Interesting revelations 4) Shakespeare's characters Lest we forget... C Books Shunya By M After reading the review, if interested, listen to M. Here's the link : D Blogs and Links 1) Mainstream article Please open this link only if you are comfortable with unconventional thoughts. If you are sure, your belief systems will not get polluted just because another person has a different view on certain issues, read this interesting article. You will either go to sleep while reading it, or start listing points on which you have a different view. 2) Seven virtues of humanity Posted online comments.


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