Tribute to S P Balasubramaniam : By V Babusenan

Tribute to S P Balasubramaniam By V Babusenan No Indian film had done so much service for the popularization of classical Carnatic music as the Telugu film 'Sankarabharanam' that appeared in1979.It was incredible that the raga-based songs were successfully sung by a comparatively unknown singer, who did not have formal training in the classical genre,when music lovers would expect such difficult jobs to be performed by veterans like Dr.M.Balamuraleekrishna. This unanticipated success would normally have gone into the head of any aspiring singer,but it was not to be with S.P.Balasubramanium.Humility was to him like fragrance to 22 carat gold.He sang,acted,directed music and even lent voice to films.He is said to have sung over 40,000 songs in16 languages besides setting a world record for recording the maximum number of songs on a single day! The inevitable had happened.Shakespeare would say that he had gone to the region from whose bourn no traveller would ever return.No,Sir.We want him back after a brief sojourn in Heaven in the company of that eternal singer Narada .


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