Self-Knowledge : Warrier's Collage 25092020

AA Atma Vichara BB Real Life C1 V Babusenan's column C3 Heal Yourself Posted By : M G Warrier Warrier's Collage 25092020 : Self-Knowledge Prayer A meaningful prayer AA Atma Vichara I love listening to Sarvapriyananda's discourse, even if it is a repeat. A Interaction 1) R Jayakumar A Big Salute* "Yesterday's Collage was dedicated to Butterflies. When I think of Butterflies the first thing that comes to my mind is colour. The Butterfly Community has acknowledged your dedication by changing the Collage to Colour today. Today when I went out I saw on the road side a small sized butterfly sucking honey from the flowers on a small plant. It's colour and design attracted me and I could not resist clicking a photo. And when we think of the Borders of our Country the first thing that comes to our mind is national security and our Defence Forces. Today's Collage is aptly dedicated to India's Defence Forces. Because there is currently more discussions about defence forces due to the problems in our border. Thanks for giving links to understand our defence forces. I specifically liked the link which gave the history of all our three defence forces in a nutshell through 31 sliding photos covering all the three forces with some interesting short comments. Interesting to be reminded that the origin of our Indian army is traced to the year 1741 and the historical Battle of Plassey and Robert Clive of East India company. That our Gorkha Regiment is world famous and our military academy gives training to cadets from some other countries. Photo of 1971 war hero Kuldip Singh Chandpuri who defended against the advancement of 2000 enemies just having a 100 soldiers with him; photo of the first Woman Officer leading the parade of men soldiers; photo of bridges constructed by the military in Himalayas; and the photo of the War Memorial inaugurated by PM in Feb 2019 all very interesting to take note of. Our Air Force ranks fourth in the world after the USA, Russia and China, and our AF has one Air Base outside India that is in Tajkistan. Photo also shows our Air Force involved in rescue of civilians during flood in MP. The origin of our Navy is traced to the formation of Royal Indian Navy in the year 1612, and the Maratha King Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is considered as Father of the Indian Navy and that the Navy Day is celebrated on December 4th to commemorate the attack by Indian Navy of Karachi harbour in the year 1971. There are also photos of the proud moments of the commissioning of famous missile Brahmohs and the decommissioning of the first warship Viraat in 2017 and of our Marine Commandos involved in the rescue operation during 2008 terror attack. Our Navy is one of the two Navy's in the world to possess Naval Aerobic Team. We are proud of our defence forces." (*Great effort by Jayakumar. Thanks from Collage) 2) Exrbites Group EXRBITES GROUP COMPLETED ELEVEN YEARS on September 24, 2020. Heartiest congratulations to all members and the Group Moderator Madan Gauria. EXRBITES Group has come a long way from the day it was started by 3 friends in Chandigarh. Many have joined on the way to take the membership list to the present four digits figure. Some have dropped out. More joined. But, all through, like the Mumbai locals of pre-COVID days, the compartments were always full. By coincidence, Collage yesterday came out in colours. Perhaps it was in September 2009, I started my own Blog (now Anniversary Celebrations of groups like Exrbites is an occasion for readers to express their feelings of togetherness in black and white, if not in colours. Some of us joined and said some encouraging words. Collage reaches RBI retirees through Exrbites Group and Rbichennaifriends, ably managed by Madan Gauria and B Chandraiah respectively. Thanks to both Moderators-Warrier's Collage, 2020. 3) Shrikant Deshpande " Many many best wishes for your Collage in Colours. Keep it up. Regards." BB Real life* Life's a journey...*Link received from Reshmy Warrier B Self-Knowledgehis 1) Atma Bodha A brief introduction. 2) Self-Knowledge Introductory 3) Pursuit of Self Knowledge A recent Wikipedia posting has a different view on Warrier's community : C Readers Write 1) V Babusenan 'Printer's Devil' saves the editor! At the beginning of the last century, there was a newspaper editor in the princely state of Travancore who was highly respected for his scholarship, fearless pen and call-a-spade-a-spade approach. He was Swadesaabhimaani Ramakrishna Pillai, called so, because of his long and proficient editorship of a newspaper in that name. From 1907 to 1914 one Sir P Rajagopalachari was the Dewan of Travancore. He was said to be a good administrator but, unfortunately, his morals were not so good. During the initial years of his Dewanship, at a grand social function, he misbehaved with some married women. Swadesaabhimaani seized hold of that opportunity and wrote an editorial about that incident wherein the Dewan was called 'Jara'gopalachari, meaning that he behaved in an unbecoming fashion as if he were a paramour to many married women. The Dewan went to the court and the court directed the paper to apologize on its front page. It obeyed. The apology came like this: 'Rajagopalachari jaragopalachari aayathu atchippizha kondaanu.' (Rajagopalachari became jaragopalachari because of atchippizha) The hint was quite obvious. The Dewan happened to become a 'jara' because of his 'atchi's'(wife's) fault. The Dewan went to the court again. But with the help of a well-known Malayalam grammarian, the paper argued that the word 'atchippizha ' was a combination of the words 'atchil' and 'pizha' meaning 'printer's devil'. The court accepted the interpretation. But the Dewan succeeded in his revenge. In1911, Ramakrishna Pillai was deported from Travancore and the Swadesaabhimaani press was confiscated. The great editor, who championed personal freedom all along his life, died a sick man in the Kannur town." 2) E T Rajendran, Chennai Real beauty "Following is an abstract from the column ‘Faith’ in The Hindu on ‘The real beauty’. It reads: “Nature abounds in beauty and men and women have used whatever they can, which nature affords, to enhance their own beauty. Flowers, shells, beads and many others are used as adornment. Physical beauty is clear for all to see and we attach so much importance to it. But is this real beauty? Tamil literature says it is not. What then is real beauty? Different Tamil works give different answers to this question. A verse in Naladiyar says luscious hair is beautiful; so is an elegant saree. But none of these is a match for the beauty of education. . . . Intelligent thinking and writing alone can be called beauty, says Eladhi, another Tamil work . . . The use of appropriate words in a literary work alone can be called beauty, says Sirupanchamoolam. Thirukkural says that if a man does not have the ability to contemplate and analyse things, then his physical beauty is comparable to that of an image made of mud. Kumaraguruparar in his work ‘Neethi neri vilakkam’ says that education alone qualifies to be called a thing of beauty. Those who have read extensively possess this beauty. It is their adornment.They have no need for further ornamentation. All these works show us the respect we must have towards learning. Scholarship alone lasts, whereas a pretty face is lost when youth ends. An educated man is remembered with respect even after he dies.” This is why we continue to remember with reverence eminent persons in various fields. Learning is a continuous process. We are continuing to educate us through the forum of Warrier’s Collage, which provide us variegated knowledge. Who said, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder?" 3) Heal yourself Poem* by Maria Sabina, ( She is a Mexican Curandera, Medicine Woman and poet) “Cure yourself, with the light of the sun and the rays of the moon. With the sound of the river and the waterfall. With the swaying of the sea and the fluttering of birds. Heal yourself, with the mint and mint leaves, with neem and eucalyptus. Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon. Put love in tea instead of sugar And take it looking at the stars Heal yourself , with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain. Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it. Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the eye of your forehead. Jump, dance, sing, so that you live happier. Heal yourself, with beautiful love, and always remember ... you are the medicine. " *Shared by Prof Sasangan, Mumbai (Friends, this poem was not inspired by C-Fear. Was written long ago. For more information : -Collage) 3) M Haridasan, Kannur I am rich *I am rich* Because , I have enough oxygen from the unpolluted air of this village, *I am rich* Because , I have enough well water to drink, *I am rich* Because I can see beautiful butterflies and birds around my house, and I can hear the original sound and singing of some of those birds *I am rich* Because no doctor has ever advised me to control my life style and food *And*..... , *I am fearless* Because ...... I do not fear *GOD* ..... But I have *IMMENSE* *LOVE* to *ALMIGHTY* D Leisure* Q & A Phonetically the following are self contained questions. Q. Who is a Chinese man? A. Hu is a Chinese man. Q. Where house is used for storing goods? A. Warehouse is used for storing goods. Q. Which is a devilish woman? A. Witch is a devilish woman. Q. What is the unit of power? A. Watt is the unit of power. Q. Why is the letter shaped like fork? A. Y is the letter shaped like fork. Q. When is a diagram used in algebra? A. Venn is diagram used in algebra. *Forward received from S Venugopal Chennai. E Blogs and Links Books by M G Warrier This book was published in 2018. Available in 3 formats (eBook, Paperback and HC) at major online outlets like Amazon, Flipkart etc Access this link to read first few pages. Notion Press will be publishing Warrier's third book on Banking and Finance in October 2020. This will be a "Companion Volume" of "India's Decade of Reforms" published in 2018. Watch out for title and more information about the forthcoming book in the coming issues of Collage.


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