Warrier's Collage April 4, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Monday, April 4, 2022 Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Responses 1) P P Ramachandran Mumbai Hearty congratulations on the release of your latest book at the meeting of RBI Retirees in TVM. I shall be happy to review it as I had reviewed your earlier books. All the best to you. PPR 2) S Nallasivan Hyderabad Referring to the audience at the Book Release function on April 2, 2022 (See attachment) : Unlike you, many have lost their crown and of course, Sugunmohan appears to be the very same. Though I have not worked with Shri Babusenen*, he is very much there. How one expect him to miss a Warrier function? The young Jayaraj I know still young among the lot though bald now. I must concede I had actively associated with some but forget their names. After all I too have aged and become very old. *V Babusenan couldn't attend. 3) S W Fadnawis Congratulations dear Warrier on your new book publication. 4) P Aravindakshan Kochi One more feather to your golden cap with the release of yet another book. Aravindakshan 5) M T Varghese Congratulations on the publication/release of your new book 6) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Congratulations. Wish you many more publications 7) T V M Warrier Nashik About book release : Great achievement indeed. Congratulations. 8) E Madhavan Thrissur I am glad that Mr Venugopal from Hyderabad fondly remembers your precious service to colleagues by your unequivocal advocacy of Pension Scheme during its introduction when most of us were confused.... (My emotional attachment to pension is based on several reasons. After I resigned from AG's Office in 1968 and joined Reserve Bank of India, I informed my father about the change of job only after a few months when I went home. The only question he asked was whether pension was there in RBI. On hearing my answer, he walked away, much like the present day Malayalam serial characters leaving the scene after making some "statements". Though he didn't tell me anything, his displeasure was visible. He left us in 1979 and introduction of pension in RBI happened only in 1990. Many of my friends opted for Pension based on my note titled "Why I Opted for Pension"🙏-Warrier) B In-house encouragement My daughter Reshmy Warrier wrote on Face Book : My dad's book, "Restoring Trust in Governance" couldn't get a formal launch due to the pandemic. But today (April 2, 2022), it did at the Annual General Body Meeting of the RBI Retirees Association Thiruvananthapuram. Some 200 Retirees attended the function. The entire sales proceeds got credited to the Relief Fund maintained by the Retirees Association. Happy and proud moment for him. He is a prolific writer. And he has written even more books and publishes regular columns in finance magazines. Not just that, he is successfully running a Daily Collage on WhatsApp which is a compilation/select curation of news, events and insights which he shares amongst his peers and also other interested participants/readers. What I like about this Collage is that its a breath of fresh air from the numerous forwards and extremist opinions that keep circulating. It contains intelligent content, all thanks to dad's editorial instinct and the other equally enthusiastic contributors and readers. The zeal and enthusiasm is highly commendable and inspirational. Though I can't say I will be managing even a quarter of that at his age, if I reach the age. This book is available on Amazon.in. Do buy. And if you read, ensure you like and comment on Amazon. Reshmy on Facebook (Thank you, Reshmy) C Remembering a Freedom Fighter : T R Warrier, Mananthavady Remembering T Rama Warrier, Mananthavady M G Warrier T Rama Warrier from Wayanad was a recipient of Tamra Patra an honour given to freedom fighters who had suffered during freedom movement and survived even after 25 years after independence. Today (April 3, 2022) is TR's 27th Memorial Day. TR is my wife Sudha's father. I met him first on the day after Vishu in 1973. With a senior relative I reached Mananthavady late in the afternoon that day to see Sudha. We knew that at that time TR will be in town. Before we reached the shop where TR used to manage his small business, he had closed the day's work and started walking home. He was walking westwards, protecting his face from the sunrays by holding up the Indian Express in his hand. By a miraculous intuition, my brother in law asked him : "Are you TR Warrier?" He was, and took us with him to his house which was 15 minutes walk from the town. On the way my brother in law explained our purpose of visit, that is moving further on the marriage proposal which he was already aware. I was impressed to find enough food for two unexpected guests late in the afternoon. Sudha was the first girl I was meeting with a proposal and we returned that day after almost settling the marriage. TR was among many staunch Congress workers of 1930's in Kerala who had shifted allegiance to the Communist Party of India (CPI). Seniors to him included AKG and EMS. TR went underground sometime during the freedom movement and was arrested and jailed occasionally. As a front line leader of the undivided CPI, he was considered for being a candidate for Assembly elections, 1957, but was dropped at the final round. That was in a way, the end of his political career. From 1957, he started concentrating on family and children's education. He was Secretary of North Wayanad unit of the undivided Communist Party when he finally left the party following the split. For income, he depended on agriculture and small businesses and he was successful in life. In 1974, during Onam Festival, Sudha and I were walking in the Museum compound, Thiruvananthapuram. As part of Tourism WEEK, a "Keli Kottu" was going on in the Museum lawns. There was a decorated elephant also standing there. In the small crowd around was Mrs & Mr EMS Namboodiripad enjoying the Keli Kottu. We went close to him. Without any prior discussion, I introduced Sudha to EMS as daughter of Wayanad Rama Warrier. He remembered TR and asked some details about TR's family. Said for long they were not in touch. There is a lot to learn from TR for the present generation literally groping in the dark searching for the purpose of life and the means to fulfill that. After knowing TR in close proximity for more than two decades, I learnt the following lessons : 1) We need to be responsible to ourselves first. 2) To do things which we consider right, we should become fearless first. 3) In life, compromises are inevitable. Balancing them to your advantage, is an art. 4) We need not always convince others that we are on the right side. We may not be. Finally time only will tell the scores. In life, be happy, if you manage the "pass marks" D Spirituality/Faith 1) Life & Death : Perceptions https://www.speakingtree.in/article/river-of-knowing/m-lite Excerpts : This collective aversion to the inevitable is largely due to the separate boxes we've stuffed life and death into. Funerals are either closed casket or the deceased is dressed up and beautified so completely that they look like they're going to the prom rather than into a grave. We have clear-cut boundaries between places of grieving and places of celebration, times of grieving and times of rejoicing, times and places where we whisper or wail about death, while the rest of the time we pretend it's only one of several options. In India, cremations take place at cremation ghats, or riverbanks, and the fires and smoke are seen by all around. Death is woven seamlessly into the fabric of life. 2)Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1510356923530747904?s=20&t=9QhIcZzVZ8xOZzgg2UNoCA Unity in Diversity - 210 भाई रे जगु दुखीआ दूजै भाइ गुर सरणाई सुखु लहहि अनदिनु नामु धिआइ Oh brother dear, world is in pain as it is in awe of the other (other than God) Surrender to Guru, enjoy happiness, meditate every day Guru Amardass, Srirag, 29, SGGS E 19th Century English Literature https://interestingliterature.com/2020/05/nineteenth-century-novels-recommendations/ Excerpts : The ‘nineteenth-century novel’ covers Jane Austen's Regency fiction, the comic exuberance of Dickens, the social critiques of Elizabeth Gaskell, the realism of George Eliot, the Gothic inventiveness of late Victorian writers, and the birth of detective fiction. Below, we introduce twelve of the greatest nineteenth-century novels, with some curious facts about them. F Leisure Shankar's Weekly : A 2014 Report* https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/society-the-arts/media/story/19751215-cartoonist-shankar-pillai-decides-to-close-down-his-political-journal-shankars-weekly-824059-2014-07-07 Shankar's decision to close down his essentially political journal has created a gap in the publishing world that will be impossible to fill. For 27 years his unique brand of satire has brightened the lives of, not only his readers, but also those who were the targets for his barbs. *Quoting 1975 July issue of Shankar's Weekly G Quotes on old friends https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/old-friends-quotes Like : It's always great to see old friends, especially those I have not been able to see in 15 months. William Regal


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