Warrier's Collage on Saturday July 23, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday July 23, 2022 1) Introducing Association for Learning Disabilities (Interview in Malayalam with Joseph Sir) https://youtu.be/OrxleosP0YQ (Link Courtesy : Edassery Madhavan Thrissur) 2) Surmounting Challenges https://youtu.be/CWsDstDo3Vg Know More : https://www.delhimetrorail.com/pages/en/surmounting-challenges Good Morning 🙏 HOLIDAY NOTICE No regular morning issues of Collage on July 24, 25 & 26, 2022. Will share select responses/messages during the period. Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday July 30, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes to all Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) C V Subbaraman Our very hearty congratulations to Madam Droupadi Murmu on her deserving elevation as President of India! This is part of women empowerment which is still at nascent stage. We have miles to go .......... 2) R Jayakumar Thank you for giving the right information on our first Prime Minister Mr Jawaharlal Nehru and his writings under Collage Books (Discovery of India). These days we come across articles on Mr Nehru and his family in bad light only. Also felt happy to read Collage profile on Dr Rajendra Prasad, former President of India as I had not read about it before. Mr Frank in his short poem has brought out well the sad picture of how man has altered the course of nature for his own disadvantage. My greetings and good wishes to Mr Frank Misquith for giving us short and simple poems of routine events in our life. R Jayakumar 3) Dr M L Jayaram Nayar Shared a LinkedIn post : Managers I have worked with Management as a Zoo Lions They are regal, highly distinctive. They are well groomed and majestic. They carry on their appearances with dignity. They stay aloof from others. They are a cut above. Treated by subordinates with awe. They do not indulge in small talk. They do not need to play politics. They command respect. They work smarter, activity being interspersed with logical think time. They are strategists. They have a 'pride area' of operations and no other department can interfere. They are autonomous managers. However, these majesties more often have flaws ( my idol has feet of clay). They might misuse power quietly to their advantage. None dares question the lord of the land. 4) M G Warrier Mumbai a) Shared a link : Amul sisters https://www.onmanorama.com/news/kerala/2020/08/01/shashi-tharoor-amul-sisters.html The first Amul baby is from Kerala. So is the first colour Amul baby. And both of them are sisters of Shashi Tharoor MP! b) Health Tips Bitter gourd According to Prof Chen Hui Ren from the Beijing Army General Hospital, bitter gourd (Karela) in hot water can help you. Hot bitter gourd (Karela) can kill cancer cells! Cut 2-3 thin slices of bitter gourd n put in a glass, pour hot water, water will become alkaline (alkaline). Drink every day. For anyone, it will be useful. Hot water bitter gourd will emit an anti-cancer substance. This is a new development in the world of natural medicine, useful in treating cancer. Hot water bitter gourd extract will affect the cyst and tumor. Already proven, it can help various kinds of cancer. Using bitter gourd in treating cancer, it will only kill the malignant cells of the tumor. It will not affect healthy cells. In addition, amino acids and polyphenol oxidase in bitter gourd, can balance high blood pressure, blood circulation, reduce blood clotting and can prevent the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis. Take good care of your health. *Shared by William Panakkal. B Current Affairs 1) Media Response July 22, 2022 Call for change in RBI's approach* This refers to the article "Falling rupee calls for a macro approach" (July 22). The article brings in one place most of the recent initiatives from RBI's side to arrest rupee volatility and manage inflation. Usually analysts approach RBI measures from their area of interest and get diverted from the goals RBI keeps in view while selecting the tools from its armoury. Recently an article in this paper observed that "It is likely that the current HR policies and practices of the RBI do not support the transformation that is needed for this purpose". The central bank needs to introspect and initiate remedial measures quickly. Because the present HR Division handling recruitment to post-retirement welfare of employees in RBI needs a thorough overhaul which will need policy support from GOI. Development of In-House talent is a neglected area in public sector and particularly in RBI. While there's some relief in policy formulation after Monetary Policy Committee was constituted areas like forex management are even now outsourced for lack of in-house talent. Outside agencies with dollar domination cannot be expected to be favourably inclined to protect RBI's interests. M G Warrier Mumbai *Published in The Hindu Business Line on July 23, 2022 : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article65672058.ece 2) Association for Learning Disabilities India* https://enabled.in/wp/association-learning-disabilities-india/#:~:text=ALD Aldi created a system called ARMS (Aldi Remedial and Rehabilitation Measures) to help children cope up with several learning problems that affect life. Aldi has conducted several scientific studies in the area. *Please watch Video in Malayalam shared by Edassery Madhavan. Link at the top of this message. C Collage Health Tips : Karkidaga Kanji https://wayanaden.com/blogs/news/karkidaka-kanji-monsoon-medicinal-porridge? Karkidaka Kanji / Oushadha Kanji / Medicinal monsoon porridge is another way to consume Navara rice/ shashtika rice. This is a unique and traditional medicinal/ ayurvedic porridge popular in the South Indian state - Kerala during the Monsoon season. About 10-12 medicinal plants are used for the Karkidaka Kanji. The number and type of plants and ingredients vary according to the availability and the health condition of the individual. The juice extracted from the plants are mixed with the porridge while it is being prepared. This is a special diet in Ayurveda which is good for people of all age groups as it would help to improve immunity and acts as a detoxifying agent. Navara is also used for external applications under Panchakarma treatment. Ayurvedic physicians use Navara for a wide range of ailments including strengthening the nerves, relieving arthritis and curing neurological complaints. It nourishes the tissues, softens the skin and enhances the complexion. 2) Aryavaidyasala Kottakkal Kerala https://www.aryavaidyasala.com/ Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakkal (AVS) is a century old Charitable Institution engaged in the practice and propagation of Ayurveda, the ancient health care system of India. AVS offers classical Ayurvedic medicines and authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies to patients from all over India and abroad. into D Collage Life : 1) Flowers https://www.almanac.com/content/birth-month-flowers-and-their-meanings Do you know your birth flower or the birth flower of your family or friends? See our list of monthly birth flowers and learn the meanings behind them! It’s also a fun way to plan a garden or make a bouquet for someone special! 2) Osho on Life & education https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/toi-edit-page/education-is-alive-when-it-teaches-life-itself/ "The goal of education must be life itself, not merely providing instruction in how to earn a livelihood. In itself this means nothing. It is often mistaken as the aim of education … The means of a man’s livelihood is only the existence of his body, and education will only be alive when it teaches life itself." E Collage in classroom https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/myword/14-strategies-for-improving-your-childs-reading-ability-43858/?comments=show To encourage your youngster to read frequently, there are two highly powerful methods. One is to make books accessible throughout your entire house. Encourage your youngster to read by placing books on shelves or in baskets in all of the rooms in your house. Your child will learn that reading is essential and that books at their reading level are readily available if you keep them in the car, the bathroom, next to their bed, and even in the living room near the TV. Leading by example is a further strategy for encouraging your youngster to read. Since parents are the best role models for their kids, it stands to reason that they will imitate your actions. Your youngster is more likely to read before bed if they witness you doing it every night. Similar to how they will observe personally that reading is about enjoyment and not simply learning when they watch you reading for pleasure. Posted online comments : ' loved reading your concluding observations: \"i want to leave you with the thought that there is no one right way to teach a child to read. itâ s possible that what works for your neighbor's child won't work for yours, and that's fine! the things i strongly advise are patience, daily practice, and emphasizing activities that help your youngster enjoy reading. reading is all about enjoyment, discovery, and education!\ this is where most of the teaching/learning efforts fail. each individual is endowed with different levels of efficiencies in different fields. thanks for sharing these thoughts in simple language'" F Leisure An interrupted conversation* A fight between husband and wife (both are M.A. English Literature). Instead of shouting, abusing or using physical force...they exchange poems to each other. WIFE I wrote your name on the sand, it got washed away I wrote your name in the air, it was blown away... Then, I wrote your name in my heart and got a Heart Attack ! HUSBAND God saw me hungry, he created pizza. He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi. He saw me in the dark, he created light. He saw me without problems,..... he created YOU! WIFE Twinkle twinkle little star. You should know what you are. And once you know what you are, Mental hospital is not so far! HUSBAND The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass and flowers too. If rain makes all things beautiful, Why doesn't it rain on you ? WIFE Roses are red; Violets are blue; Monkeys like you should be kept in the zoo. Husband Don't get angry, you will find me there too, Not in a cage but outside, laughing at you ! Wife I'm in the Kitchen, Darling, Will be back with your reply soon, Sweet & Sour, Have patience, we'll laugh together! *Received from P V Mohan Krishnan Thiruvananthapuram. Same forward received from reader Uzhuthra Warrier also. Last 4 lines added by Collage for survival reasons 🙏-Warrier) G Quotes on July https://holidappy.com/quotes/Quotes-About-July-and-Its-Significance July is : Purposeful Parenting Month Self Care Month Social Wellness Month


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