Warrier's Collage on Wednesday July 13, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday July 13, 2022 🙏 1) Vishnubhujamgam https://youtu.be/ROXra3uUThM 2) Know More : http://www.hindupedia.com/en/Vishnu_Bhujanga_Prayata_Stotram 3) Fear of the unknown https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/poem-on-when-you-overcome-the-fear-of-death-you-start-to-live Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) V T Panchapagesan My dear KNG, It (God) is a symbol kindling nostalgic gradation !!! Our association spreads over five decades creating harmonious blending of friendship. What is Harmony, if one believes that there is no God…? Love Dissolves Hate Compassion Calms Passion Cooperation Evokes Love Kindness Melts Cruelty. I bow, making others to bend! V T Panchapagesan 2) S R Badrinarayanan Responding to KN Ganapathy : A natural compromise, also incidentally benefitting us. The prayers are made with an inbuilt safeguard precaution ie ' in case there is to be such a being' better save for the rainy day attitude at work. And, the caravan moves uninterrupted. It is more the "IF" factor that supplies oxygen energised by mortal fear. And, therefore the existence by fear manured faith continues. Thanks for the nice presentation, Ganapathy Sir. Any auspicious event commences with Ganapathy puja 🙏. .... Badri 3) S Nallasivan We were not only in surprise but in shock when the most pious and religion oriented and erudite C V Subbaraman talked about God, Religion and Faith as if he has become à devotee of Robert G Ingersoll, the greatest Agnostic the world has known. The die hard agnostic as early as the 19th Century questioned whether God has created man or it is the other way round that man created God, strangely in his own Form with consort and children one too many is it not akin to the never dying dispute whether the Egg came first or the Chicken? He craved to eat the fruit forbidden and denied to Adam and Eve and acquire awakening and knowledge. Even attempts were made to reduce the free thinker who never believed in the superstitious compulsions in all kinds of religion, to make a believe drama that he got himself converted to faith and in fact made Confessions in his death bed. (Continued at H1) 4) S W Fadnawis I am very pleased to read that it was Collage Day today. Congrats to Mr Warrier and all Group members. Although I was a member since the beginning, I was a passive member and started contributing in a small manner of late. So far, I had decided not to touch mobile so early in the morning. But since I have become active, I have forgotten my promise to self and first thing I do in the morning is to pick the mobile and go through the Collage. Thanks Mr Warrier and wish you all the best in this grand venture. 5) V S Rangasayee Shared this interesting information via Group mail : External debt US dollars : US 30.4 trillion ;China, 13 trillion;UK 9.02 trillion; France 7.32 trillion; India 621 Billion. UK Forex reserves: $200b; France: Euros 245b. India $600 billion. India's external debt to GDP ratio 21.1%; UK 317%; France 256%, US 101%. Data courtesy : Kanwal Sibal. (Read this with my response on Sri Lankan crisis-M G Warrier) 6) S Venugopal Shared a good news : Rohits Team India won the first ODI at the Oval in a big way by defeating hosts England by 10 Wickets! We won the toss and put the hosts to bat first, Bumrah bowled brilliantly and took 6 wickets and virtually the opponents in the backseat! Bumrah dominated the match to say the least. It was one of the dream spell from him, England fell like 9 pins and were all out for 110 runs! Rohit and his part Dhawan achieved the easy target and won the game! What was said to be an ODI ended up almost like T20! Kudos to Rohits Team India! 7) M G Warrier Wednesday Musings : Rama Rajyam I really don't know what is meant by "Rama Rajyam". If it also means "Justice to all, at all times, and instant", I don't believe it ever existed, even in Mythology or is likely to ever be a reality on this planet. I have said in my article on "Illusion of Money" that world would have been a better place, if money was not invented. In which case, we would not have met, is a different thought. I believe, Karma Phala is cumulative. Gains and losses, pleasure and pain are all relative and perceptions differ from time to time and person to person. One dollar may be sufficient to buy food for two in a middle class family somewhere in India, but may not be sufficient to pick up a 10 gram packet of peanuts when you are in Hongkong. Just trying to say that I may not be able to sell my thoughts with the same arguments/sales talk to all, irrespective of social and economic status. B V Babusenan's Column Devarajan and O N V Kurup The quality of jealousy generally presents itself only among those sharing the same skills. I do not feel jealous when I read the poems of Shri Subbaraman in The Collage as, however much I try, I cannot write a single line of poetry. But I do feel jealous of a few friends who wrote excellent autobiographic pieces in The Collage. I confess that I too have written a couple of such pieces some time ago and I was lucky that these were endured by the good- natured patrons of the Collage. Here is another attempt. Continued at H2 C Current Affairs Media Response : M G Warrier July 12, 2022 RBI Base Rate and Inflation Target This refers to the report "Some MPC members seen pushing for more aggressive rate hikes as inflation persists" (July 12). Last week RBI Governor during a speech in Delhi was optimistic about RBI's actions ushering in an era of prosperity. The words of RBI Governor are reassuring and soothing at a time when the media is flooded with pessimism emanating from negativity supported by happenings, some man-made and others like residuals of 2 year long pandemic which can be attributed to 'divine intervention'. Shaktikanta Das concluded his speech in Delhi with the following remarks : "We will continue to calibrate out policies with the overarching goal of preserving and fostering macroeconomic stability. In this endeavour, we will remain flexible in our approach while being cogent and transparent in our communication. If history is any guide, I am optimistic that our actions will usher in a new era of prosperity in the years ahead. " This should also, hopefully, answer the anxieties of experts debating whether the Monetary Policy Committee is parallel to RBI in chasing "Inflation Target". MPC members are bound to have different perceptions on the performance of the economy and the impact of different monetary and fiscal policy interventions on variables like inflation. They are duty-bound to chase the Inflation Target given by GOI. Having said that, the possibility of difference in views has been factored in, in the constitution of MPC. That's one of the reasons for RBI setting aside three working days for MPC meetings whenever the Committee meets. Such meetings give opportunity to RBI to brief MPC members about application of different monetary policy tools in addition to change in Base Rate. At the appropriate time GOI and RBI may review the Inflation Target also, when need arises. M G Warrier Mumbai D Collage Books Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Rahasya By Bala Gangadhara Tilak Shrimad Bhagwad Gita Rahasya (English) https://amzn.eu/d/bDm4QW3 The original Geeta Rahasya written by Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in 1915. Geeta Rahasya is the analysis of karmayoga in the Bhagat Gita, which is known to be gift of the Vedas and the Upanishad. It includes an external examination of the Gita, the original Sanskrit stanzas, their Marathi translation, commentaries on the stanzas, and a comparison of Eastern with Western doctrines etc. E Indoor Gardening https://food52.com/blog/25193-indoor-gardening-ideas Just because you don’t have an outdoor space to sow a garden doesn’t mean you can’t grow fresh produce and herbs—or really any other plants your heart desires. Container gardening allows you to grow all types of plants indoors, and all you need to get started is a few pots, soil, and fertilizer. You can start with seeds if you’re feeling ambitious (more on that in a minute), or repot some seedlings from your local nursery to give yourself a head start. Snake Plant & Money Plant from Sudha Warrier's Indoor Garden : https://photos.app.goo.gl/YujYenKKiGh2nznG9 F Leisure Cricket live in heaven* Two 90 year old men, Mike and Joe, have been friends all of their lives. When it's clear that Joe is dying, Mike visits him every day. One day Mike says, "Joe, we both loved cricket all our lives, and we played cricket on Saturdays together for so many years. Please do me one favour, when you get to Heaven, somehow you must let me know if there's bat and ball there and the game is played there!” Joe looks up at Mike from his death bed, “Mike, you've been my best friend for many years. If it's at all possible, I'll do this favour for you.” Shortly after that, Joe passes on. At midnight, a couple of nights later, Mike is awakened from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice calling out to him, "Mike--Mike!” "Who is it?” asks Mike sitting up suddenly. "Who is it?" "Mike--it's me, Joe!” "You're not Joe.... Joe just died!” "I'm telling you, it's me, Joe," insists the voice. "Joe! Where are you now?” "In heaven", replies Joe. "I have some really good news and a little bad news." "Tell me the good news first," says Mike. "The good news," Joe0 says," is that there's bat and ball in heaven and they do play cricket! Better yet, all of our old friends who died before us are here, too. Better than that, we're all young again. Better still, it's always spring time and it never rains or snows. And best of all, we can play cricket all we want, and we never get tired." “That's fantastic," says Mike. "It's beyond my wildest dreams! So what's the bad news?” ”You're in the team for this Saturday's match !!!" Friends rock! heaven or hell! (Forwarded Message) *Shared by Vishnu Kelkar via Group mail 2) Laugh with Dr S Radhakrishnan Intellectuals Humour* Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a great teacher, Philosopher and former President of India in whose honour Teachers' Day is celebrated , was an exceptionally witty man. The King of Greece came to India on a state visit. President Radhakrishnan welcomed him at Palam Airport. . “Your Majesty! You are the first King of Greece to come to India on invitation. The last time, Alexander the Great came uninvited.” ***** Gandhiji: Don’t drink milk, which is the essence of beef. Radhakrishnan: “In that case we all are cannibals. For we drink our mother’s milk, which is the essence of human flesh.” ***** Winston Churchill while having a cup of tea said to Dr. Radhakrishnan : Sugar is the only English word where "s" is pronounced as "sh" Dr. quipped : "Are you sure?" ***** Once Winston Churchill hosted a State banquet in honor of Dr Radhakrishnan, who washed his hands before eating and used his hands for having the food while Churchill used spoons and fork. Churchill could not stop himself from advising Dr. Radhakrishnan to use spoon and fork saying that they were more hygienic. Radhakrishnan replied, “Since nobody can use my hand to eat, my hand is more hygienic than any spoon or fork you use" G Quotes on cricket https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/cricket-quotes Like : "I think we judge talent wrong. What do we see as talent? I think I have made the same mistake myself. We judge talent by people's ability to strike a cricket ball. The sweetness, the timing. That's the only thing we see as talent. Things like determination, courage, discipline, temperament, these are also talent." Rahul Dravid H 1) Continued from A3 Though it has been stoutly denied by his wife Eva present at his deathbed and filed affidavits refuting such insinuation on Ingersoll the controversy has not died down. When Shri K N Ganapathy posted the mail on his treatise, thesis why should he not gave up the time consuming religious faith and practices and enjoy the time saved on worry free sleep and some more, I wondered where we are going, when a " Ganapthy" turning into an Ingersoll, nay a C V Subbaraman. Then, thankfully before concluding his mail, K N Ganapathy has been back, safely to his secured path of religion and the attendant practices, so what demanding his time. Remember, we are retired Octogenerarians and Septuagenarian having all the time in the world to spare some for peaceful prayers Belief in religion is essentially one of faith. Did not Poet Kannathasan say it is a kind, compassionate and caring God inside the temple if you believe it, and it is a mere stone if you had no such faith. Once an agnostic who had read the Scriptures and religious texts to make mockery of Hindu way of life, when he had turned into a believer helped him to under stand and comprehend it Hindu Religion better and convince even lay people to understand the greatness of religious, pious way of life. Narendra Nath was a non believer, an agnostic. Did his Guru, Ramakrishna Paramhans perform any magic or miracle to convert him as a realised soul, Swami Vivekananda? Not at all. He was simply guided to perceive God. We have more Godmen than the Gods family. It is less said the better as most of them are cooling their heels inside the Prison for worst, heinous crimes under the IPC. Rajneesh, the Osho had indeed been the most controversial Godman! In one aspect he was right that the Institutions of Marriage and Religion played the Villain and kept believers under Psychological Oppression and suppression and saw to it that the followers were never ever allowed to get rid of their dictated herd behaviour. Now before concluding he never was and allowed anybody to brand Him as a Godman. He did not own fleet of Rolls Royce unlike Rajneesh but always was on his feet and knew not what a luxury transport all his saintly life. He walked all the way to the deeper consciousness of believers and etched a high pedestal in the mind of His simple saintly ways, fasting and spoke eloquently by observing Silence. His compassion, care and kindness to the less privileged had been unparalleled. Should I say who was the Saint who made one and all observe religion and practices as only path to final Salvation? Your inner mind would tell you the greatness of the Saint Shri Chandrasekara Maha Periyava. Had you ever the fortune of meeting Him once would not have any reason to discuss at length and the vexatious indulgence on God and Religion. S Nàllasivan 2) Continued from B I take my esteemed readers 70 years back to the college in Kollam wherefrom I took a degree in physics. Once I wrote about my college and I crave your indulgence for a repetition of some of its features. Our physics professor D Gopalan was a devout brahmin from Tiruchirapalli, a very simple man who was a favourite student of Sir C V Raman. The professor who taught us Shakespeare was an eloquent speaker who spoke like Swami Chinmayananda. Our Malayalam professor was a renowned scholar and the elder brother of a very well-known critic in Malayalam literature.The professor of economics, Dr Mathew Tharakan ,was highly regarded and was often consulted by those in power on important issues. Our principal, A Rama Iyer, besides being an authority on unadulterated English, was an ardent admirer of Rt Hon V S Srinivasa Sastri. Immaculately dressed in khadi, in his rounds, he used to carry a POD and tirelessly reminded us of the need for cultivating the habit of referring to a standard dictionary as soon as doubt arose on the meaning of a word. Our college, established in the name of the great saint-cum- social reformer Sree Narayana Guru, was as good as any reputed college in the public and private sectors in Kerala. It was, as it were, the citadel of the Students Federation. The top leaders then were two of whom one later became the State Secretary of the CPI and the other a great professor and a poet who got the Jnanapeet award and a Padmasree and a Padmavibhushan. In short, the college was to me as the French Revolution was to the English poet Wordsworth. It was the year1952. The Students Federation was celebrating its anniversary. The big pandal was packed with students, teachers and office staff. In the absence of the principal, Shri D Gopalan occupied the chair. The programme was moving forward majestically when the announcer said : "Now, a singer from neighbouring Paravur will sing a song". The singer, with a book in hand, slowly came on the stage. Of middle stature, utterly dark and dressed in white shirt and dhoti, he walked to the mike and said with a bright smile : "I am G. Devarajan, a native of Paravur and a votary of Carnatic music. Mr O N V Kurup, studying here ,is a friend of mine. The book in my hand is a collection of poems written by him. One among the poems, a love poem, entirely pertaining to the working class, attracted me. With the permission of the poet, I changed it into a song. I propose to sing that song here. Now please listen." Ponnarivaal ampiliyilu Kanneriyunnole Aa marathin poonthanalilu Vaadinilkkunnole (O, my darling, I see you standing in the shade of that tree full of flowers, tired after the day's work, and sending glances at the crescent moon shaped like a golden sickle.) The beauty if the song and the singer's mellifluous voice electrified the entire audience. It was a pretty long song and , when it ended, there was what is called 'pin drop silence'. Then erupted a thunderous applause, virtually eclipsing the rest of the programme. Thus were born that moment the legendary music director Paravur Devarajan and the great poet-cum- lyricist O N V Kurup.


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