Warrier's Collage on Friday July 29, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday July 29, 2022 1) A Town in Telengana sings National Anthem everyday https://youtu.be/wWvdBexPOHA (A Cop's patriotic initiative. Uploaded 4 years ago. Link Courtesy : Sreekantan Nair Thiruvananthapuram) 2) Shatashloki Ramayanam https://youtu.be/7OLRoQRnRyE 3) Know More : https://archive.org/details/ShatashlokiShataShlokiRamayana360pnew.3gp Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) K Ramasubramanian Public sector banks do have talents. Only problem I felt was that their readiness and willingness to exercise effective customer service. (The Hindu Business Line seems to be of the same view. They didn't publish my response. I wanted to focus on reasons for their unsatisfactory performance and talent drain. Thanks 🙏-Warrier) 2) C V Subbaraman Apropos our good friend PRR Nayar's comment on my experiences of "customer service" in banks and in RBI, I too had received his comments, to which I had replied: I agree. My point was the attitude of banks including the RBI towards "customer service". The slogan stops with lips. It was ridiculous on the part of the RBI to condone bank collection charges at such an exorbitant rate. It did not deal with the issue whether a customer would have got nothing at all if the cheque had been for an amount less than Rs.100. Besides, in the other case, it took five short months for Ombudsman to discover that a complaint had not been made in a prescribed form! With core banking and digital banking, the focus is changed; customer service gets hit in other ways. What is the fun or is it fun to charge a customer Rs.85 for a bank statement of his account? A print out cost even in a "costly" cyber centre does not exceed Rs.3 per page. Subbaraman 3) PRR Nayar Thiruvananthapuram My response was in relation ENTIRELY to the incident over a decade ago when circumstances were entirely different. It was never intended to ignite a debate on public and private sectors. (I'm aware and I understand. My responses in Collage are general, based on subjects influencing my thoughts at the time of writing. As readers would have noticed, even in Media Response, sometimes I take diversions to snuggle my own views. Sorry for the confusion 🙏-Warrier) 4) T N C Rangarajan PayTM has a procedure for verifying wrong payments and restoring them after checking with the recipient. A person to whom I had paid for service wrongly sent some amount to my account through PayTM. He wanted me to reverse it. I asked him to seek help from PayTM. Then they verified from whether the amount has come to my account and whether it was a mistake and then reversed it. 5) Collage Subscription Some readers have enquired "What's the final decision on Collage subscription?" I had clarified that there's no proposal from my side to collect any money through Collage. I quote : "This is my view 🙂 : For now, I don't need any financial support to compensate the resources (Time and Money) I invest in Collage. Collage has no infrastructure to build an institution or manage any kind of charity/funds. Collage has, in good faith, shared appeals for help from one or two NGOs. That kind of sharing 🙏 of information will continue. As of now, I am not planning to receive any contribution C/o Collage for any purpose. If any reader is interested, s/he may buy/gift books published by me. The entire royalty on books received by me, as of now, is ploughed back for buying/publishing books, or goes to charity (Sometime back, 10k was contributed to PM's Relief Fund while sharing my article "Agenda for Modi.2.0" with PMO. Edited version of the article originally published in The Global Analyst appeared as a chapter in my 2020 book "Restoring TRUST in Governance" )" B Collage Profile : J R D Tata (July 29, 1904-November 29, 1993) https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/solving-the-people-puzzle-the-jrd-tata-way/article65694971.ece At moments such as this, it might be opportune to go back in time and learn a few priceless lessons from one of India’s finest talent managers on his 118th birth anniversary. In terms of stature, it is difficult to overstate the contribution Tata group’s longest serving Chairman, JRD Tata made to laying the foundation for India’s economic ascendancy. For over half a century, he nurtured multiple generations of admirable talents, each a contributor to the nation’s economic progress in their own way. Curiously, he would do this at a time when the literature on motivating talented professionals was woefully thin. That was an era where workers were essentially deemed ‘inputs’ into the manufacturing process rather than sentient beings to be inspired. Media Response : M G Warrier July 28, 2022 Silver linings This refers to your editorial "Silver linings"(The Hindu Business Line, July 28). Read with the report "Worst of rupee fall may be over" based on State Bank of India research, this gives India reasons to heave a sigh of relief. Central and State Governments and RBI deserve a word of appreciation for prudently managing country's economy during these tough times. As there will be pressure to relax financial discipline followed during recent times, managers of fiscal and monetary policies will will have to continue to be vigilant to reap the benefits of the changed global scenario. India in the immediate future has the advantage of relatively better growth prospects. The job of balancing a recalcitrant inflation rate and pressure on base rate to meet economic growth expectations will continue to be a tough job in the near term. M G Warrier Mumbai C Babusenan's Column What He Saw "Now I shall be telling the story as promised long ago. Are you interested to listen?" said Vasu Annan suddenly. We replied in one voice : "Yes, certainly." M K Vasudevan, retired Executive Engineer, PWD, Kerala (May his soul rest in peace!) was a good raconteur. He was the first engineer from our village having passed mechanical engineering from the prestigious College of Engineering that bears the name of a successful cashew exporter. He did not have the patience to wait for a job under the government and so he left for Bhilai in the then Madhya Pradesh, now part of Chhattisgarh, where a huge steel plant was coming up with Russian collaboration. He got a decent job immediately but he came back within an year under mysterious circumstances. Continued at H D Collage Poetry : H W Longfellow A Psalm of Life https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44644/a-psalm-of-life Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant! Let the dead Past bury its dead! Act,— act in the living Present! Heart within, and God o’erhead! Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time; Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o’er life’s solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. E Faith https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1552370693945274368?s=20&t=BtOI-UR-Xw93zHqzDbKg8g Unity in Diversity - 326 सतसंगति मिलि रहीऐ माधउ जैसे मधुप मखीरा Praying to the Almighty God, bless me so that I can stay in the company of the holy (sat sangat) like a honey bee in a bee hive Bhagat Ravidass, Raag Assa, 486, SGGS F Leisure Art of worrying* Stop worrying...or, at least stop passing on the worries... make changes in your attitude... and feel the difference! I am greatly worried, the country is in a bad condition, it is going through a very critical situation...... Go to the vehicle showroom, ...there is a long waiting period of more than six months on every new model. There is a long queue & no empty table in many restaurants! Line doesn't end at liquor shops.... demand isn't less for chicken either. In Shopping malls there's no parking space... they are so crowded....... The models of many mobile companies are out of stock, Apple is getting out of stock as soon as it is launched...... In the period of online shopping, there is no place to step foot in the markets in the evening even on a working day... conditions like jam arise everyday! The online shopping industry is booming. But people are telling me that the Govt has broken their backs by increasing the prices of petrol. When meaningless lights are on, the fan is on and the TV is on in my house I don't feel bad, but when the electricity prices go up my conscience moves When my kids sleep at sixteen degree centigrade with AC on and blanket on ... I can't say anything but when the electricity rate goes up my mercury goes up. I don't mind when my geyser is on for 24 hours but when the electricity rate goes up my itching goes up. When my maid or wife wastes cooking gas my tongue doesn't move but when gas prices go up my tongue doesn't stop complaining. I don't like switching off car engine at red light. I go by scooter to buy milk two lanes away from home. On weekends I drive twenty kilometers without any reason .... But if petrol prices increase even one rupee, then I feel chilly. I don't mind eating a dinner of two thousand for one night but parking fees of twenty rupees sting me a lot. I don't care while shopping for ten thousand in the mall, but I can't digest my food without negotiating with the green vegetable cart seller. I curse the government everyday for my salary revision but my BP increases when I hear the salary of my maid. No problem if children don't listen to me but if the Prime Minister doesn't listen to my words, I abuse him in 3 different languages! I am an independent citizen of a free Country. Yes, the government they say is working in the right direction honestly for the benefit of a 130 crore population, but I am just concerned about my family and myself. I will change the government which is changing the country. But I will not change myself, I will never change myself ..... 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙈 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨! Think how much you are contributing / Sacrificing in the interest of Our Country? Where are We All heading? Time for Serious introspection... *Shared by S Venugopal G Quotes on Customer Service https://blog.hubspot.com/service/customer-service-quotes Like : "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou H 1) Continued from C Soon he was appointed as a junior engineer in the state service and, after many years, he returned to his native village for a peaceful retired life. He was a very affable person and, for us who knew him well, he was our dear Vasu Annan. Vasu Annan once promised to tell us what happened in Bhilai that compelled him to abandon a lucrative job, at the proper time and the time had come then. "You know it was in the late 50s that I left for Bhilai" Annan started telling. "The steel plant that was coming up there was Prime Minister Nehru's pet project mainly to produce steel rails and plates essential for the industrial progress of the country. A very vast area there was buzzing with activities, day in and day out. Being an engineer, I was put in charge of a fairly big segment of workforce with half-a- dozen supervisors under me. Most of the able bodied local women were employed as helpers in the construction work. For many of us, engineers, it was Omar Khayyam's paradise, but I didn't bother much about it. One day, it so happened that, during the course of a routine inspection, one of the girls smiled at me. It was such a ravishing smile that I was persuaded to talk to her. I enquired about her background and welfare which was natural in an inspection. She said that her name was Rani, that she had lost her parents in an epidemic a few years ago and that she was living with an old and half -blind aunt. I don't know how it developed. In those days the officers were living in fairly comfortable tents and she started coming to mine and we spent many nights together in great happiness. I told you her name was Rani. She was really a Rani in her looks. I used to wonder that she spoke good Hindi and was an engaging talker. I too thanked my stars for knowing enough Hindi for keeping the talk going. In one of such sweet nights, I was lying on the cot and she was sitting beside me, fully immersed in sweet prattle, in the dim light of a lone candle fixed on a small table at the far end of the tent. I could not see her in my lying posture. I said : "Rani, my sweet girl, would you mind putting out that candle? It is getting late. "Not at all", she replied with a short laugh. At that moment, I turned towards her. What did I see? It was a horrible sight. Without moving from the cot, she extended her tongue to the end of the tent and extinguished the flame! She did not expect that I would turn towards her. She was an YAKSHI! I lost my consciousness." (To be continued)


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