Warrier's Collage on Tuesday July 26, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday July 26, 2022 1) Ravi Shankar meeting Ustad Allauddin Khan https://youtu.be/kYb-f_JYy88 2) Camels are Mammals https://youtu.be/tiq0NX6B1n8 3) Prayer : Adityahrudayam https://youtu.be/Tok_1EiQOSA Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) V R Chittanandam I am making regular donations to various charitable organisations regularly. I like to make a similar contribution to Collage as soon as the amount is fixed. Let it be a monthly one. Chittanandam 2) A Chandramauliswaran Shared a message Caution When someone pays money into your account by error, that person has to report it to the bank FIRST for THE BANK to do the REVERSAL, NOT YOU!! More details at E 3) Times Blog https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/vedic-education-system/ancient-education-system-43981/ Upakrama” means the initial part of work, treatise, and “upasamhara” the conclusion. If the first and concluding parts of a work speak of the same idea, it is to be taken as its subject. “Abhyasa” is repeating the same thing, the same idea, again and again. If the same view or the idea is repeated in a work, it must be understood as its theme. “Apurvata” denotes an idea not mentioned before or mentioned for the first time. So a view or idea expressed afresh in the course of work or discourse is to be taken as the purpose or message intended. “Phala” is fruit, benefit, reward or result. If, in the course of work or speech, it is said, ” If you act in this manner you will gain such and such a fruit or benefit”, it means that the purpose of the work or speech is to persuade you to act in the manner suggested so that you may reap the fruit or “phala” held out. B Current Affairs 1) Speech by RBI Governor https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_SpeechesView.aspx?Id=1318 Banking Beyond Tomorrow (Speech by Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, Reserve Bank of India - July 22, 2022 - Delivered at the Bank of Baroda’s Annual Banking Conference in Mumbai) Going ahead, the world of banking is expected to be more collaborative as well as competitive, with newer players offering innovative financial products. Banks need to prepare themselves for facing the dynamic environment, while keeping their focus on appropriate business models, sustainability, stability, and consumer centrality. More importantly, good governance remains fundamental to success and should not be compromised. Due care needs to be taken to protect the stakeholders from digital frauds, data breaches and cybercrimes. At the end of the day, banking is a service, and enhanced customer protection and experience should be given the primacy it deserves. From the regulator’s perspective, the Reserve Bank is fully committed to build an enabling environment for accommodating the new disruptive innovations in a sustainable manner, while preserving financial stability. History suggests that when technology, market participants and regulators join hands, revolutionary innovation and growth would follow. I hope our banks of tomorrow make it come true. 2) Media Response : M G Warrier July 25, 2022 'Smart' villages This refers to the article "Towards creating more 'smart' villages" (July 25). The recent initiatives to make the benefits of modern science and technology to percolate to the village level is making commendable progress. Still, much remains to be done by way of coordination, identifying area-specific problems and solutions to protect life and environment. In thickly populated States like Kerala where politics plays a negative role, policy formulation and implementation, especially in areas like agriculture and cooperation which are subjects coming under concurrent jurisdiction, become an uphill task. Even remodeling the villages by rehabilitating residents to safer geographical areas from flood and landslide prone areas with appropriate transport facilities to farms etc may have to be thought of, taking people into confidence. As transport and communication facilities are fast improving, such a realignment of residential areas will release resources like land also. M G Warrier Mumbai C Babusenan's Column The Master Carpenter Vararuchi, the well-known grammarian-cum-astronomer and one of the nine gems of king Vikramaditya's court, accidentally married a Paraya girl. He yet loved her dearly and, in order to save her from the wrath of orthodoxy, he decided to spend the honeymoon in distant Kerala. It was an extraordinary honey moon. The couple were always on the move for years together and adapting the wise policy : 'less luggage, more comfort' (much later the motto of Indian Railways) left each child where it was born and returned to the North as if nothing happened in Kerala. Continued at H2 *Recital of first portion of the poem Perumthachan by G Sankara Kurup (Malayalam) https://youtu.be/qJ8luLNAZTM D Collage Counseling with Caroline Ghosn https://www.teenvogue.com/story/levo-ceo-caroline-ghosn-founders-week What’s the best piece of career advice you would give? The biggest misnomer about successful careers are that they are a place. “When I am a [insert cool job title here] then I think I will have made it, right?” Wrong. Successful careers are a feeling. Being successful is about understanding YOURSELF, the pilot, as well as you can and aligning the work you do in the world with that every single day. Bonus : A book on Career Counseling and Planning* Career Counseling and Planning https://amzn.eu/d/dwf5N6D Career counseling, planning and guiding is a very important and contemporary topic. Many books, articles and studies dealing with related issues are available from qualified and well-experienced persons. There are several career counseling institutes, firms and professionals which/who enroll, train, test and prepare students for different career options. As career planning and development is an ongoing aspect at different phases/periods of one’s life, many available books and literature deal more with the career development of the working individuals and are concerned less with the beginners. This book does not intend to go for high sounding and glaring names, jargons and descriptions. Instead, it concentrates on practicalities with reference to Indian scenario, mainly from a beginner’s viewpoint. The subject matter of the book has been divided into ten illuminating chapters. Chapters 1 to 4 deal with theoretical aspects of career counseling, career skills, etc. Chapters 5 to 7 give sufficient practical illustrations and sample questions and guidelines, mainly on résumé, interview and career change. Chapters 8 to 10 briefly explain the education system and facilities in India, give various career paths and routes for various options/ opportunities at different educational levels and also financing of higher education. These chapters also provide details, prospects, study routes, institutes and competitive examinations for over 50 major careers. The book has been revised and enlarged to include more details on career counseling and planning. The aim of the book is to serve as a professional career counselor. A complete and thorough study of the present book will enable the students to assess and take adequate decision regarding their career. About the Author Sushil Kumar Srivastava, B.E. (Mech.), is a retired Chief Mechanical Engineer (AGM/I/c Mechanical), Alloy Steel Plant, SAIL, Durgapur. He was Member of Institution of Engineers, India, and Member of Fluid Power Society of India. He has also worked as General Manager at IITian General Services Ltd., Kolkata. He is a certified Surveyor and Loss Assessor since 1996 and is empanelled with several public sector insurance companies. Besides, he is a prolific author. He has written numerous articles on Maintenance, Planning (PERT and CPM), Lubrication, Lubricants, Oil Conservation etc. * Random Selection E Collage Social Media Share Caution* When someone pays money into your account by error, that person has to report it to the bank FIRST for THE BANK to do the REVERSAL NOT YOU!! A must read Yesterday I received notification on my cell phone of a deposit into my account of R82 000. I could not work out who would have deposited it, only a reference J002. At midday yesterday I received a call from " Revenue dept" stating that they had erroneously deposited a VAT Return of R82 000 into my bank account, Reference J002 and that they needed me to reverse this payment as it should have done to TLB Towers. They faxed through to me a very official looking letter with all the information and their banking details . Last night I went into my banking to do the transfer but decided to print a bank statement first. I saw that the R82 000 was in my account but still "uncleared". Gut feelings were quite strong, so I did not reverse the amount but waited till this morning to phone my bank. They could not identify who the deposit came from. I then asked to be transferred to the risk/fraud division and explained everything to them. The investigators phoned me a short while ago to let me know that this was a scam, 1) The bank account that I was to transfer into was a personal account with no funds in presently. 2) They also expect that the cheque deposited into my account will be a stolen cheque 3) And will bounce and they would reverse it in a few days. This means that I would have "paid back" the money into someone's private account, they would have withdrawn the money, and then the cheque would have bounced, leaving me with R82 000 less in my account. Please can you pass this onto everyone that you know. I have been advised that this is happening with people saying that they are from TELECOM, Water and Electricity Municipal Departments etc. *Forwarded message but eye opener. Shared by A Chandramauliswaran F Leisure 1) Collage Controversy : View & Counter-View Opening contribution from K Balasubramanian Coimbatore Shared a WhatsApp message : View : "Cost-Benefit Analysis with a perfect example Let's say you donated Rs.5000 to PM/ CM Relief Fund. On the other hand, I bought a whisky bottle worth Rs 5000/- The question is who contributed more? 1. On the Rs 5000 you donated, you got a 30% tax rebate. Therefore, you actually landed up earning back Rs 1500 In other words, by donating Rs 5000 you made a net contribution of just Rs 3500 2. On Alcohol, the total taxes (excise and GST) added up to approximately 72% of the MRP. So when I paid Rs 5000, Rs 3600 went to the state exchequer... ...and 12.5 pegs of pleasure from a 750 ml whisky bottle came to me. Therefore, not only did I contribute more, I created jobs at the Distillery, their suppliers of labels, bottles, caps, machinery etc., jobs at the Marketing Company, jobs at the Wine Shop and moreover I was in high spirits doing so, while you do not even know where your money went. Think of it. Next time, Buy a Bottle of Whisky to serve your Nation. Be a responsible citizen!!" WhatsApp message ends here 🙏 Collage View : Above is representative of the abuse of commonsense by Social Media and analysts and columnists of international reputation. During the World War, British Government permitted adulteration of chicken meat with horse meat in 1 : 1 ratio. When there was a surprise check it was found that the meat served to the defence personnel had negligible chicken content. In-Charge of the Kitchen was questioned. Response : "We followed the instructions from the top in letter and spirit. The retio 1 : 1 was strictly adhered to. For every chiken, one horse 🐎" This is how these days, Media and writers console their conscience about adulterating facts with fiction -Warrier 2) Dashavatar* Vasu asked. "Mom, I am a genetic scientist. I am working in the US on the evolution of man. Theory of evolution. Charles Darwin, have you heard of him? " His Mother sat next to him, smiled and said, "I know about Darwin, Vasu. But Have you heard of Dashavatar? The ten avatars of Vishnu?" Vasu replied yes. "Ok! Then let me tell you what you and your Darwin don't know. Listen carefully- The first avatar was the Matsya avatar, it means the fish. That is because life began in the water. Is that not right?" Vasu began to listen with a little more attention. She continued, "Then came the Kurma Avatar, which means the tortoise, because life moved from the water to the land. The amphibian! So the Tortoise denoted the evolution from sea to land. Third avatar was Varaha, the wild boar, which meant the wild animals with not much intellect, you call them the Dinosaurs, correct?" Vasu nodded wide eyed. "The fourth avatar was Narasimha, half man and half animal, the evolution from wild animals to intelligent beings. Fifth, the Vaman avatar, the midget or dwarf, who could grow really tall. Do you know why that is? Because, there were two kinds of humans, Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapiens won that battle." Vasu could see that his Mother was in full flow and he was stupefied. "The Sixth avatar was Parshuram, the man who wielded the axe, the man who was a cave and forest dweller. Angry, and not social. The seventh avatar was Ram, the first rational thinking social being, who practised and laid out the laws of society and the basis of human relationships. The Eighth avatar was Balarama, a true farmer who showed value of agriculture in the life. The Ninth avatar was Krishna, the statesman, the politician, the diplomat, the Ambassador, the sutile interpreter, the lover who played the game of society and taught how to live and thrive in the adhaarmic social structure. And finally, my boy, will come Kalki, the man you are working on. The man who will be genetically supreme." Vasu looked at his Mother speechless. "This is amazing Mom, how did you .... ? This makes sense!" She said, "Yes it does, son! We Indians knew some amazing things, but just didn't know how to pass it on scientifically. So we made them into mythological stories. Mythology creates faith and makes man sensible. It is just the way you look at it - Religious or Scientific. Your call." * Shared by Saravana Varma Mumbai 3) Advocacy Lawyers Like That* ADVOCACY! A student group asked a lawyer : "Sir, what does 'advocacy' mean?" The lawyer replied : "Two persons come to me, one is very clean and the other very dirty. I advise both of them to take a bath. Now tell me, who amongst them will take a shower ?? " Student 1 : "The one who is dirty will take a shower." Lawyer: "No, but the clean person will do it, because he has the habit of bathing, while the dirty one does not know the importance of cleanliness. Now tell me, who will take a shower ?? " Student 2 : "The clean person" Lawyer : "No, but the dirty person will take a bath because he is the one who needs cleaning. Now tell who will take a shower ?? " Students 1 & 2 : "The one who is dirty will take a shower." Lawyer : "No, both will take a bath because the clean person has a habit of bathing, while the dirty one needs a bath. Now tell me again who will take a shower ?? " Students 1, 2 & 3 : "Both will take a shower." Lawyer : "Wrong, no one will take a bath, because the dirty one is not used to bathing, whereas the clean one does not need to bathe. Now tell me once again who will take a shower ?? " Student : "Sir, you give a different answer every time and every answer seems to be correct. How do we know the correct answer ???" Lawyer: "THAT, my dear student, is 'advocacy'!" It is not important what the reality is. What matters is, how many possible arguments can you offer to prove your point".... *Shared by S Venugopal who received this through Rajasekar Nagarajan G Quotes on abuse of Social Media https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/social-media-quotes Like : Your morning sets up the success of your day. So many people wake up and immediately check text messages, emails, and social media. I use my first hour awake for my morning routine of breakfast and meditation to prepare myself. Caroline Ghosn Caroline Ghosn is an American businesswoman. She is the eldest child of former Nissan and Renault CEO, Carlos Ghosn. In 2011, she founded Levo, a professional network dedicated to helping millennials navigate the workplace, and has been managing its development since then. H 1) Continued from C1 The twelve children, thus abandoned, were brought up by kind people and they earned their niche in the folklore of Kerala. They were largely confined to the North of Kerala. The eldest among them was brought up in a Nambudiri family known as Mezhathol in Tritthaala. One of these twelve was brought up by a carpenter family and, in due course, he became a wizard in carpentry and was widely known as 'Perumthatchan'(master carpenter) There are several wonderful stories connected with his inimitable skills of which here are two: Perumthatchan was commissioned to construct a temple pond. Three powerful groups in that area had different opinions as to its shape. One group wanted it to be square, another rectangular, while a third one wanted it to look circular. The story goes that he had it constructed in such a manner that its shape satisfied all the three groups. Perumthatchan built not only temples and big manor houses, but bridges too. One of these bridges had a peculiarity. When a person stepped on the bridge to cross the river, an artefact that looked like a man would start moving under the bridge in the same direction without his knowing it. When he reached the other end, the artefact would come up before him with mouth full of water and spit the whole thing on his face. This mischief entertained everyone. One day, suddenly, another artefact, which also looked like a man, sprang up from nowhere just when the first one was about to spit and gave a blow that turned its face! That was the work of his son. Soon the son turned out to be more skilled than his father. This situation, however, did not last long as the son was killed in an accident at the workplace where both the father and son were working. People believed that it was a murder and not an accident and the murderer was Perumthatchan himself and the motive, professional jealousy! The Perumthatchan story was made into a memorable Malayalam film in1991 in the same name. The greatest living literary figure in Kerala, Shri M T Vasudevan Nair, wrote the screenplay for it and the late Tilakan immortalised the role of the master carpenter. The father and son fired the imagination of two great Malayalam poets. The earlier to write was G Sankara Kurup, the first Jnanapeet awardee, followed by Vyloppilly Sridhara Menon. The Indian-English poet, A K Ramanujan, translated the former's poem into English. Perumthatchan is said to have lived sometime in the first few centuries of the Common Era. There is a Siva temple in Aluva believed to have been constructed by him. In another temple, somewhere in Palakkad district, Perumthatchan's tools are said to be preserved.


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