Letters: Elusive poverty line

Letters: Elusive poverty line: With reference to 'NITI Aayog to hold regional consultations on poverty debate' (January 18), it is a welcome gesture from NITI Aayog to look for parameters at the regional level to help the planning body understand the extent of poverty in India. A

With reference to "to hold regional consultations on debate" (January 18), it is a welcome gesture from NITI Aayog to look for parameters at the regional level to help the planning body understand the extent of poverty in India. A good diagnosis expedites cure, and we can expect faster results in poverty elimination (as against poverty alleviation sought to be achieved so far) now. As prescriptions from NITI Aayog for a long-term solution for poverty will take time, and politically the delay may be harmful, some first-aid kind of approach is suggested to help out the real poor until they are identified as "poor" by NITI Aayog.

For the purpose of issue of ration cards, states prescribe some norms for identifying (Below Poverty Line) category of families. (LSG) bodies, municipal corporations and gram panchayats can easily access the details of BPL families in their respective areas. Centre and state governments could consider coordinating efforts by LSGs to support these families in improving their lifestyle. For them, better lifestyle will mean better nutrition (plainly put, two square meals a day), health care, educating children below the age of 18 and shelter.

Coming to specifics, encourage social organisations and religious bodies providing free food to give preference to BPL citizens. Establish BPL food outlets, where subsidised food should be distributed to eligible families (where foodgrains are distributed, rampant malpractices are being reported). Ensure adequate facilities in primary health centres for BPL families until the benefits of universal health insurance scheme reaches them; improve affordable education facilities in schools and provide common facilities for families without houses.
M G Warrier Mumbai


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