Manu S Pillai: Tells History in Stories

M G Wa rrier                              

July 19, 2019
History in stories
This refers to “Small bites of history” (Business Standard,  Book Review, July 19) by Uttaran Das Gupta. Manu S Pillai, the young historian who does serious research in under-explored segments of Indian History has mastered the art of telling history through the medium of stories without mixing fiction. He proved this first in his voluminous debut The Ivory Throne. Now, after publishing  his third book “The Courtesan, The Mahatma and The Italian Brahmin” when he discloses his intention to take up writing as a profession, one feels lucky and wishes him success.
We are living in an era known for spread of misinformation, untruths and fake history mostly for personal or political gains. In this scenario, emergence of young talent willing to accept the challenges in research into an area like history which is not as lucrative as politics, science or economics should be welcomed and encouraged. All are not gifted with the command over language and an attitude supported by an inclination to pursue research into the past and above all the courage to reveal truth which cn be unpalatable to certain sections of the establishment.
M G Warrier, Mumbai


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