Warrier's Collage May 10, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE Monday MAY 10, 2021 1) Mahamrityunjaya Mantra https://youtu.be/OV9LXGOXjgs 2) More about 1 https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/magic-of-mahamrityunjaya-mantra-1/219552 Good Morning K Balasubramanian Coimbatoared this link (Iranian short film "Mother") yesterday: https://youtu.be/OQqkZfAm_jk Nice Day M G Warrier M News Update: https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/chinese-rocket-debris-falls-into-indian-ocean-101620560773461-amp.html Satsangam with Panchapagesan Kshanti or Forbearance Gita chapter XIII, Slokas 7 to 11.. GNANI having 20 Qualities Ksanti means forbearance...He who has developed this quality, Never entertains the idea of punishing a wrong-doer even indirectly. He nurses no thought of revenge, nor would he have the evil-doer punished for his wrongs here or hereafter.. In fact, he refuses to recognize his faults as such, and wholly forgets them.. Beings act according to their own inherent nature what we call Vasanas .... It is quite obvious in the case of animals. The tiger is destructive, The cow meek, the rat greedy, the deer mild, etc... The same truth applies to mankind as well. But we do not see it so clearly. The law is that people act helplessly according to their own inner nature.. Some men are destructive like the tiger. Others meek like the cow. We ourselves are an expression of our inherent nature. None can live apart from their basic nature... With this understanding we look at life differently.. We see human beings as helpless expressions of their respective VASANAS. We sympathize if they are bad. We forgive their behavior..their conduct, and their actions.. But when we lack this knowledge, we develop a resistance for them. We become intolerant. We do not forgive others. Our mind gets agitated. We suffer for others’ mistakes. Let us not fall a prey to this kind of weakness. Rise above it. Look at the world as it is, not as we would like it to be. Our mind then remains perfectly calm, peaceful and happy. These are the qualities of a GNANI acquiring qualities by his way of living. V. T. Panchapagesan A Interaction 1) G Sreekumar CheƱnai Appreciation for my article in ET (link shared in Collage yesterday) from a former Governor: "Excellent. Enjoyed reading it. Congratulations. Thanks. Warmly Yvenureddy" 2) Y V Reddy About The Global ANALYST article (By M G Warrier) on Monetary Policy: "Thanks. Your last sentence sums up. Will continue the debate" 3) Dr Duvvuri Subbarao Dear Shri Warrier: Thank you for pointing me to your article on monetary policy*. A very balanced view of the challenges in these troubled times. And the crisis is not yet over - even as we called the endgame prematurely. Hope you and the family are all well. Best regards Subbarao *Ref: Collage on Sunday, May 9, 2021 4) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram The qualities of precision, brevity and relevance are given only to a few although all of us aspire for these. The fun is that, even those who talk or write at great length, would prefer being 'to the point.' Once I asked a friend, who writes elaborately but beautifully, why he often mentioned the names of a couple of persons in his mailing list. He replied that they were 'to the point' in their appreciation. Most of us are like Shri Venugopal's ATM. I am reminded of an anecdote narrated by Bertrand Russell in one of his books. Russell was fond of long walks. While walking along the countryside, he asked a person: "Which is the way to Winchester?" "What, Sir?" "The way to Winchester?" "The way to?" "Winchester." "To Winchester?" "Yes." "I don't know." 5) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai I was surprised to read a response from US written by Shakuntala Iyer. Madam, what you have written is more than 100 percent true. While all the prime newspapers give a statistics of people affected by Covid 19 and those who reached heavenly abode, the Collage by Shri Warrier starts the day with sthotras followed by Satsung by the pitamaha of the group and balanced write-ups by contributors, sprinkles of economics and commerce by Shri Warrier, poems by Reshmy and also fun and frolics as a relaxation technique. I am very glad that Collage has reached far away shores, a testimony of its greatness. Madam, by the way had you been working in RBI Chennai or any other centre? 6) V R Chittanandam I am very happy that the Collage's daily average pageviews is more than 500 and the cumulative figure is an enviable 3,38,000. Truly unbelievable! It is astonishing and I can easily imagine how much time and hard work it would have demanded to accomplish this achievement. Warrier, A very big salute to you. You deserve a standing ovation. In the present conditions, I can offer you a simple gift - a plate of hot pakoras and a Cup of steaming Hyderabadi Chaai. Enjoy! 7) K Ramasubramanian Mumbai Madam (Shakuntala Aiyer), Nice to see your writings in Collage. How are you getting on in USA? We have settled in Mumbai as my daughter is here while my son is abroad. Staying at home and had the two vaccinations . Hope you are keeping good health. Regards RAMASUBRMANIAN B Books by M G Warrier: Update from Notion Press Chennai Hope you are staying safe during these times. Due to the recently announced partial & full lockdowns across most major states to limit the spread of COVID-19, the print version of your book(s) may not be available for purchase via Amazon, Flipkart, and other eCommerce websites. Kindly request you to pause all promotions (if any) for the time being and resume it once the book is available again. The eBook version (If applicable) will continue to be available across all sales channels. While we strive towards our unwavering commitment to fulfilling all orders, here are reasons why your book might not be available: If the delivery address of the buyer is in a containment zone or in lockdown. If the pickup hubs from our e-commerce partners are in a containment zone. If the courier partner's warehouses are in a containment zone. We are also anticipating some shipping delays due to restrictions on the movement of goods across state borders and any new restrictions announced while the package is in transit. Your patience and understanding in this matter are greatly appreciated. I will reach out to you again with an update as soon as there is a change in the situation. Stay home, stay safe. This too shall pass. Regards Naveen Valsakumar Co-Founder & CEO Notion Press Publishing C Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Albert Ellis https://www.verywellmind.com/rational-emotive-behavior-therapy-2796000 Rational emotive behavior therapy was one of the very first types of cognitive therapies. Ellis first began developing REBT during the early 1950s and initially called his approach "rational therapy." In 1959, the technique was renamed "rational emotive therapy," and then became "rational emotive behavior therapy" in 1992. Ellis continued to work on REBT until his death in 2007. D Readers' Contribution Mothers' Day: Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Motherhood is considered to be divine and the greatest blessing of the highest order.Mother and mother-in-law are two phases of motherhood. Actually mother literally enjoys the happiness when her children are young,The uncomparable joy on seeing her baby first, the baby's kicks with its tender legs, the joy of holding the little soft fingers,its great touch on her cheeks,the sleeping beauty on her cosy laps, and even its cries seem to convey some interesting information. This enjoyment slowly fades as the children grow & seems to go into oblivion.The same mother who was considered all in all, a little short of being worshipped, becomes a villain when she tries to bring in discipline,one word that is hated by all kids. Amidst odds, children grow,get settled with their own efforts(according to children). As soon as the children get married, the mother is awarded the grand title of"mother-in-law",an anagram of "WOMAN HITLER'. In Indian dictionary, fortunately or unfortunately the word is associated with the mother of boys only. Such mothers/in-law are not free from short comings. They suffer from various syndromes .'Feel Proud' Syndrome In an essentially male dominant society,mothers used to be proud of having given birth to boys,as if it is an achievement awarded for merit.This proud possession continues unabated. The young beautiful daughter-in-law permeates her entire nervous system ,the fear of losing her possession and monarchy leads to endless conflicts.Knowing no way out, she heaps blames on blames ,sometimes true, sometimes imaginary on the young vadhu.These atrocities continue even this day, of course, with lesser proportion. 'N. V. Syndrome' After 1960 when girls became educated and employed ,it cannot be denied that many mothers/in-law were afflicted with N. V. syndrome caused by envy towards their smart intelligent ,employed daughters-in-law. 108 Syndrome The mothers-in-law, monarchs once, were degraded to the position of cooks and baby sitters.They had to be just like an ambulance ready to pack and go whenever her services were required either by daughter or daughter-in-law, unmindful of their age-related problems . 'Single child syndrome' Due to so many factors single child norm has come to stay. Mothers who spend all their energy to give their only child the best of everything in the world are almost down. Especially when the children are abroad, they have to undertake frequent travels for prenatal care and baby care. It is pitiable to see mothers treated as used curry leaves. 'Suffer-in -silence syndrome' This is the most severe disorder faced by almost all educated modern mothers/in-law. These people try their best to wipe off the accusations heaped on the earlier generation of mothers-in-law by proving themselves to be soft sweet mothers-in-law,But, their efforts go in vain. They suffer in silence tolerating the food for which they have total aversion,haphazard working hours, unethical behaviour of grand chilren, frequent murmurs from their own children or their spouses. On one hand there is a mother/in-law, a personification of torture, .On the other hand is the most versatile mother-in-law, being the mere spectator under the shield of secrecy. From cradle to grave, motherhood revolves round problems.Is itJust to obliterate this, perhaps Mother's Day is being celebrated! The situation of fathers is no less different. But ladies by nature being emotional and sentimental, do not know the knack of keeping things and people at arms' length. That is why the plight of father-in -law( fathers) don't come to surface. Intelligent children, possession of riches, kilos of gold or number of cars do not speak of a mother's success. The sufferings and mental agonies, very rarely intermitted by sparks of happiness,the calamities she faced, the way she got up each time,the sacrifices undergone-all these reveal real motherhood. Let us thank God for having blessed us with motherhood and making us realise the value of sacrifice and giving us the ability to accept things which can never be changed. Not only May 9th, every day is "MOTHER's DAY' Vathsala Jayaraman. E Blogs & Links 1) Doorstep Banking Services https://swarajyamag.com/insta/public-sector-banks-come-together-to-form-a-new-company-to-provide-doorstep-banking-services 2) Poetry: Madras Courier https://madrascourier.com/art-and-poetry/sigh/ Sigh! By Devjani Ray "The clock ticks, the alarm doesn’t beep, You sigh, shut your eyes and pretend Sleep. Flames engulf the darkness. Innocents cry and breathe from their pyres. Dreams melt into nightmares, For want of air! That year innocents walked home. Slumbering, you remained unfazed. Privilege throttled you. Today, you feel the heat. Choked by anger and anguish, You briefly struggle for a voice. That year, they thought they escaped. They sought glory in lies. Unperturbed they were, Blinded by Pride. Today, vanquished by the mighty ‘invisible’, Their steely calm and cruel silence descend. Vanity prevails! You toss, You listen to the cries of humanity. The clock ticks, the alarm doesn’t beep. You sigh, open your eyes only to sleep." *** Madras Courier originally ran as a broadsheet with a poetry section. It was a time when readers felt comfortable sharing glimpses of their lives through verse. If you have a poem you’d like to submit, do email us at editor@madrascourier.com. F 1) Shakespeare accepts a jab!* William Shakespeare came to get vaccinated. Nurse: Which arm? Shakespeare: _As You Like It_ Nurse: Was that painful? Shakespeare: _Much Ado About Nothing_ Nurse: You will have to have a second jab. Shakespeare: _Measure For Measure_ Nurse: So what do you think of the general awareness with regard to Covid? Shakespeare: _Comedy Of Errors_ Nurse: I heard your wife Anne decided to get vaccinated in the company of her friends? Shakespeare: _The Merry Wives of Windsor_ Nurse: Did you try convincing her? Shakespeare: _Love’s Labour Lost_ Nurse: Wouldn’t she listen to you? Shakespeare: _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_ Nurse: So what happened at the other vaccination centre? Shakespeare: _The Tempest_ Nurse: But it worked out? Shakespeare: _The Taming Of The Shrew_ Nurse: So it is okay then? Shakespeare: _All’s Well That Ends Well_ Shakespeare: Will I've any adverse effects? Nurse:. Wait until _The Twelfth Night_ *Received from A P Ramadurai 2) First Aid for Hiccups* A woman went to the emergency room, where she was seen by a young new doctor. After about 3 minutes in the examination room, the doctor told her she was pregnant. She burst out of the room and ran down the corridor screaming. An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was; after listening to her story, he calmed her down and sat her in another room. Then the doctor marched down the hallway to the first doctor's room. "What's wrong with you?" he demanded. "This woman is 80 years old, she has two grown children and several grandchildren, and you told her she was PREGNANT?!" The new doctor continued to write on his clipboard and without looking up said: "Does she still have the hiccups?" *Forward received from V R Chittanandam CheƱnai G Quotes about Psychology https://www.verywellmind.com/great-psychology-quotes-2795695 " The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." -Albert Ellis (Albert Ellis was an influential psychologist who developed rational emotive behavior therapy.  He played a vital role in the cognitive revolution that took place in the field of psychotherapy and helped influence the rise of cognitive-behavioral approaches as a treatment approach. According to one survey of professional psychologists, Ellis was ranked as the second most influential psychotherapist behind Carl Rogers and just ahead of Sigmund Freud.)


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