Warrier's Collage May 20, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday MAY 20, 2021 Prayer Dakshina Murthy* Stotram https://youtu.be/x8pQ7OsTz1s *Concept explained... https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/guru-dakshinamurthy/m-lite (Links selected by: M G Warrier) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier M G Warrier/Books* & Blogs https://www.amazon.com/M-G-Warrier/e/B079ZC3JKX%3Fref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share *Always check prices @ local online sales outlets like Amazon.in and Notion Press before buying books. A Interaction 1) S Nallasivan Hyderabad E 3, Collage May 19 "There I gave these wheelchairs to these children with my own hands. I saw the strange glow of happiness on the faces of these children. I saw them all sitting on the wheelchairs, moving around and having fun. It was as if they had arrived at a picnic spot where they are sharing a jackpot winning. I felt REAL joy inside me." Warrier's Collage, Nigerian Millionaire Dr Kalam frequently used to refer that the calipers and the stent were ‘icing on the cake’, as far as his accomplishments in innovation were concerned,”. ___________________________________________________________________________ We know Dr A P J Abdul Kalam our 11th President, as an unparalleled and distinguished Scientist, had been decorated with feathers one too many. He was the head of the team of PSLV Rocket, the first one launched in 1980 that earned India the prestigious membership in the Space Club. He came to be known as the Rocket Scientist. He was the driving force behind development of indigenous Ballistic Missiles and his association earned him the name " The Missile Man" Agni the intermediate range ballistic missile and Prithvi, the surface to surface missile were his brain child. He was the Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister and he headed the Secret Team that helped India to join the Nuclear Club. It was under his guidance Pokhran II was launched in 1998. Who does not know he was the recipient of the highest National Civilian Award The Bharat Ratna. Last but not the least he as the head of the Defense Research and Development Organisation involved himself deeply in the Project to reach Health Services far and wide, to remote villages The suffering of Polio afflicted children saw him developing Lightweight Polio Callipers. The lightweight callipers and the Kalam-Raju stent, perhaps country’s first fully indigenous and affordable stent for heart patients, were the two innovations dear to Dr.Kalam. The ingenuity was such that the callipers was developed from the same composite material used to manufacture the nose cone of the Agni missile. Lightweight callipers was made up of glass filled polypropylene which weighed just 300 grams while in those days the polio patients used to wear callipers that weighed around four kg. “Lightweight calipers was lighter, sturdier, easier to make and cheaper. The cost of traditional leather and metal polio calipers at that time was between Rs. 3,500 and Rs. 4,000 but the Kalam Lightweight caliper cost was just Rs. 500/- The ingenuity was such that the calipers was developed from the same composite material used to manufacture the nose cone of the Agni missile. In late 90s, only one stent manufactured by a private manufacturer was available in the country. “The cost of the existing stent was between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 1.75 lakh. Kalam and his team, however, managed to develop a stent for just Rs. 10,000. Dr. Kalam frequently used to refer that the calipers and the stent were ‘icing on the cake’, as far as his accomplishments in innovation were concerned,”. Because the stent was meant for altruistic purpose, there were no margins to dealers, which reduced the costs. At that time, the stent cost started from Rs. 80,000 but we did it for Rs. 10,000. Dr. Kalam knew very well the strengths of our defence laboratories.. After the widespread acclaim for the ‘Kalam-Raju stent', the former President of India, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, and well known cardiologist Dr. B. Soma Raju of Care Foundation are back to their innovating ways. This time around, the duo has come up with the concept of an indigenous tablet PC for healthcare workers at primary health centres in rural areas. S Nallasivan 2) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Pathram, Pushpan, Phalan, Thoyam... Shri Subbaraman has pointed out the significance of Bhakthi in whatever we offer. I am reminded of Ramachaitha Maanas by Tulsidas. It is said that Limited being is Unlimited being under the appearance of Limitation. We will discover that Vishwaroopa Darshanam is nothing but the love and care we give to fellow human beings. When we think of Vishwaroopam we normally think of Arjuna, Sanjay and the magnificent form of Vishnu but forget the simple act of love and affection which is the real Vishwaroopam. In this connection shloka 30 chap 6 of Gita comes to my.mind. "Yo Maam pashyathi sarvatra Sarvam cha mayee pashyathi Thasyaaham na pranasyaami Sa cha me na pranasyathi" One who perceived that sarva vyaapee Lord is inherent in all creations and that all creations are within the Supreme, I don't become invisible to him. Nor does he escape my vision! What more guarantee does one need? Vathsala Jayaraman 3) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Shri Subbaraman's story reminds one of Sabari in the Ramayana. On hearing that the grief-striken Rama and Lekshmana were likely to visit her ashram, Sabari hurriedly collected some fruits to give them. Her joy knew no bounds on seeing them. She gave them fruits to eat. Her devotion to Rama was so great that she tested every fruit by biting it before offering it and Rama, appreciating her devotion ate the fruits without any hesitation. It was Sabari who directed the brothers to Rishyamookaachala where Sugreeva lived. 4) R Jayakumar Mumbai Dear Warrier I remember to have read earlier also your article on Mango Season posted in the Times of India blog in 2019. You have given your childhood experiences of collecting and eating mangoes from under the tree with school friends. We have a mango tree in our housing society compound and for the last thirty five years the tree gives plenty of mangoes at regular intervals. When the tree was small the society secretary used to hire two boys to pluck matured mangoes and distribute to every flat. Now it is grown tall and it is risky to hire someone to climb the tree to pluck the mangoes. The mangoes keep on falling on the floor when the branches sway with the wind and the society watchman, the sweeper, the house maids all make periodical rounds to see if any mango fell from the tree so that they can pick it up and take home. Though my wife tells me to check for fallen mangoes every time I go out of the house I feel ashamed to do so. But yesterday it was raining heavily with gusty winds caused by the storm Tauktae and when I went out I was tempted to go under the tree as no one was seen nearby. I saw many mangoes freshly fallen down and picked about a dozen which were undamaged. The mango increases the taste when it is added to the Avial or to fish curry. It gives a taste similar to that of eating a piece drumstick. The mangoes I picked up yesterday are difficult to be identified* with any of the varieties seen in the market. Regards R Jayakumar *There were four or five skye-high mango trees side by side in our ancestral home compound within a space of less than 3 cents. The tallest and biggest of them gave ball-shaped, fibre-rich, thick-skinned sweet green mangos of size slightly bigger than a cricket ball similar to this. The trees were sold out during 1950's for less than Rs100 each and bought by people who used them to make long and large country boats🙏-Warrier B Current Affairs 1) Post-Pandemic Indian Economy https://www.ibef.org/blogs/indian-economy-post-pandemic-recovery-and-outlook Excerpts: Investments The Indian economy operates on a delicate balance of state intervention and free market principles. The government has progressively worked on making the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy more investor friendly and removed the policy bottlenecks that have been hindering investment inflows into India. FDIs in India have increased by ~16% YoY to US$ 27.1 billion from April 2020 to August 2020. FDI equity inflow in India stood at US$ 49.97 billion in 2019-20, with service sector attracting the highest FDI equity inflow of US$ 7.85 billion, followed by computer software and hardware at US$ 7.67 billion, telecommunications sector at US$ 4.44 billion and trading at US$ 4.57 billion. Foreign Portfolio Investors/ Foreign Institutional Investors (FPI/FII) have been one of the biggest drivers for India’s financial markets; invested ~Rs. 12.9 trillion (US$ 174.31 billion) in India between 2020 and 2021 (as of September 11, 2020), at a time when most Asian markets are suffering from net withdrawals. This points to a high investor confidence in the long-term prospects of the Indian markets. 2) Market Watch https://m.timesofindia.com/business/india-business/investors-richer-by-over-rs-5-78l-cr-in-two-sessions-of-massive-market-rally/amp_articleshow/82739764.cms Indian investors richer by over Rs 5.78 lakh crores in two sessions. C Satsangam with Panchapagesan Anabhshvangah Putradaragruhadishu: 14th Quality Non-identification with son, wife , home, etc...... GNANI is one who has 20 qualities......Gita XIII, 7 to 11 Slokas Close association with one’s wife and children, home and wealth etc. generally makes for special attachment to them. Even after one has developed dispassion towards ordinary objects of senses, this attachment for wife and son etc, often remains lurking behind. Son, wife and home are the most common examples of possessiveness. They are meant to represent the entire range of possessiveness that man is entangled in. The example does not cast any aspersions on the home and family. All Rishis have had the greatest respect for the sacred institution of the Home. What is to be discarded is our mental identification with our possessions. Our feeling of Possessiveness. Our attitude of mine-ness. The modern world has developed a mania for possession and proprietary-ship.. People suffer helplessly from the fever of possessiveness. As long as we are stuck with the sense of mine- ness, we will remain enslaved and unhappy. The moment we claim possessiveness we are possessed by our own possessions. Our possessions start dictating to us, bullying us, oppressing us. Therefore renounce this attitude of possessiveness. We may keep our possessions. It is the attitude of dispossession towards our possessions, that matters. Not the quantum of our possessions. King Janaka was one of the richest men. Sudama was a pauper. Yet both were stalwarts in detachment. They were never identified with anything that this world offered. Strive to gain this attitude with the knowledge of the realities of life. We will then enjoy freedom from the bondage of possessiveness. V T Panchapagesan D Book Review: One Way Love https://jamedders.com/one-way-love-book-review/ Excerpts: "Performancism is the mindset that equates our identity and value directly to our performance and accomplishments. Performancism casts achievement not as something we do or don’t do but as something we are or aren’t. Friends, that is big. He nailed it. When we labor under the tyrannt of performancism, our souls go under a horrible plastic surgery: we are defined by what we do or don’t, and not who we are in Christ Jesus. That’s heresy." E From here and there 1) Reader's Digest https://www.readersdigest.in/conversations/story-the-perils-of-indifference-127134 Excerpts: The Perils of Indifference Holocaust-survivor and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel, delivered this speech on 12 April 1999, at the White House, as a part of the Millennium Lecture series. An edited version of his address.Fifty-four years ago to the day, a young Jewish boy woke up, in a place of eternal infamy called Buchenwald. He was finally free, but there was no joy in his heart. Liberated a day earlier by American soldiers, he remembers their rage at what they saw. And even if he lives to be a very old man, he will always be grateful to them for that rage, and also for their compassion. Though he did not understand their language, their eyes told him what he needed to know—that they, too, would remember and bear witness. Gratitude is a word that I cherish. Gratitude is what defines the humanity of the human being. We are on the threshold of a new century. What will the legacy of this vanishing century be? Surely it will be judged, and judged severely. These failures have cast a dark shadow over humanity: two World Wars, civil wars, senseless assassinations—Gandhi, the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Sadat—bloodbaths in Cambodia and Nigeria, India and Pakistan, Ireland and Rwanda; the inhumanity in the gulag and Hiroshima. And, on a different level, Auschwitz and Treblinka. So much violence, so much indifference. What is indifference? Etymologically, the word means ‘no difference’. An unnatural state in which the lines blur between light and darkness, cruelty and compassion, good and evil. What are its inescapable consequences? Is it a philosophy? Can one possibly view indifference as a virtue? Is it necessary at times to practice it to keep one’s sanity, live normally, as the world around us experiences harrowing upheavals? Of course, indifference can be tempting—seductive. It is easier to look away. It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes. It is, after all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in another person’s despair. Yet, for the person who is indifferent, his or her neighbour are of no consequence. And, therefore, their lives are meaningless. Their anguish is of no interest. Indifference reduces the other to an abstraction." 2) Cookery Old flames: There’s more to fire than just the role it plays in cooking: https://thg.page.link/K5ia2w1nfL7xB6e78 Excerpts: "What is it about cookery shows that draws us to them? We don’t get to eat the food, and often we are so mesmerised by the razzmatazz that we don’t actually follow the process of cooking. But food programmes — hosted by trained chefs, villagers, writers, homemakers, and so on — have us all hooked. Why? I think I’ve found the answer — it’s the sight of a fire burning bright that draws us. Where there’s food, there’s fire, at least in some form. Fire figures prominently in a book I have been reading — Michael Pollan’s Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. The cover is rather attractive — it shows a nicely browned sausage. I could imagine it sizzling over a crackling fire. And I could even get the aroma of a somewhat burnt sausage." 3) Psychology Today Bipolar Disorder https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/bipolar-disorder Excerpts: "Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a chronically recurring condition involving moods that swing between the highs of mania and the lows of depression. Depression is by far the most pervasive feature of the illness. The manic phase usually involves a mix of irritability, anger, and depression, with or without euphoria. When euphoria is present, it may manifest as unusual energy and overconfidence, playing out in bouts of overspending or promiscuity, among other behaviors. The disorder most often starts in young adulthood, but can also occur in children and adolescents. Misdiagnosis is common; the condition is often confused with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, or borderline personality disorder. Biological factors probably create vulnerability to the disorder within certain individuals, and experiences such as sleep deprivation can kick off manic episodes." F Leisure Deft nitions-As seen* Wonderful Definitions School A place where Parents pay and children play 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 Life Insurance A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die Rich. Nurse A person who wakes u up to give you sleeping pills. Marriage It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters.. 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 🏼 Tears The hydraulic force by which masculine willpower is defeated by feminine waterpower. Lecture An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through "the minds of either" Conference The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present. Conference Room A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on Father A banker provided by nature Criminal A person no different from the rest ....except that he/she got caught 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏼 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 Boss Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early Politician One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after Smile A curve that can set a lot of things straight. Office A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life. 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 Yawn The only time some married men ever get to open their mouth. Etc A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do. Committee Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together. Atom Bomb An invention to end all inventions. 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏻 🏼 🏼 🏼 Laughter makes life *Received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai G Quotes about rescue operations https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/rescue.html Like: "God did not rescue me out of the pain, He rescued me through the pain!" Tullian Tchividjian (William Graham Tullian Tchividjian, a grandson of Christian evangelist Billy Graham, is a pastor and author of more than a half dozen books about Christianity and current issues, including One Way Love and It is Finished.)


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