Warrier's Collage May 5, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE ON Wednesday, MAY 5, 2021 Where do the Mangoes grow? https://youtu.be/Hcth4VIHqpw (Link selected by: M G Warrier Mumbai) Morning Message : Panchapagesan Good Morning Elections are over. Expectations were are all running very high. But the results were not to our expectations. Man expects what we like but God disposes in His own way. This is the reality of our living pattern.. However Living at a sustained pitch of high tension is injurious To both physical and mental health.. Yet most of us can think of two ways to use our time we all have: We either work or play—-and either case, do it hard.. It rarely occurs to any of us that there is another valuable use for the pauses in everyday life: Namely, Meditation... When we see what is going on around us now, it looks as though it has become uncontrollable with all our efforts.. When we are helpless, we think of God as He is only the savior in this hour of crisis... Meditation holds refreshment and rest and helps to keep life balanced And elastic...The practice of going to a quiet place.....suggestive of contemplative thought aided in keeping the mind calm....... Meditation not only helps us but also raises us above petty considerations As we distinguish the important from the unimportant... Let us devote daily only a few moments to reflection and prayer, it is certainly better than nothing at all. This brief raising of our minds and hearts to God may mean the difference between the clarity of vision and be clouding our outlook on life.. Let us meditate spending some time daily that the creator’s/lord’s most excellent light making our intellect inspired by our action in good faith warding off all the evil forces.. V. T. Panchapagesan Nice Day M G Warrier M A Interaction 1) Prabha Ramadurai Cheñnai Though I don’t send my comments regularly I always read and admire the articles. In today’s collage two things attracted me most. I find no words to praise Reshmy Warrier’s poem : Exposing reality. True feeling about the present condition of helplessness is well highlighted and presented through powerful words in a poetic form by Reshmy. The second one made me ponder is ‘Pandemic Puzzle’ forwarded by Shri A.P. Ramadurai. Yes! We have everything but don’t have anything. Prabha Ramadurai 2) T V Gangadhara Warrier Kerala Good morning!. Let me thank you for welcoming me to "Warrier's Collage". I am just a beginner, with no knowledge of India's "ancestral proprietary", whether epics or Vedas. What I know is a few shlokas, knows not their meaning...hence, worthless. Lot of passion, patience and reading is required to understand the shlokas...I lag behind!. 🙏 B Self-Development Fate and Destiny: Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Fate is an outcome that results from unseen and uncontrollable forces that determine the events . while destiny involves a willful participation of one through Free Will in achieving an outcome directly related to oneself. Although one may not be able to fully be in control of the event in one’s life, destiny can still imply how one can still take part in the events, even if it is to only to start to get the ball rolling inexorably forward on the predetermined course of one’s life. I am reminded of some quote “The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny”- But somehow the two terms are used interchangeably. There comes another word 'fortune' which relates to specific events. Not only in India ,throughout the world there is talk about the force of destiny, "que Sera, Sera"( what will happen ,will happen' is a Spanish oft quoted saying. Modern culture is set up to reinforce a kind of restless existence. It glorifies action for its own sake, so that resting feels like giving up. One hears of people who claim to thrive on stress, who exist on thrills and need barely four hours of sleep. See a busy person. He works until he is fully exhausted. Then he seeks distraction with TV or computer surfing. Once he starts working, his focus in intense, rarely goes around.Takes life seriously without any humour. He overschedules, gets addicted to being busy, constantly texting, mailing and multitasking. Does he achieve anything notewothy? All these behaviours push the brain to the breaking point.They mistake stress for stimulation. Que sera sera is a wonder drug that keeps one in balance. This trains you to deal with your anger and anxiety before they erupt. Reaching the breaking point means you are entering a danger red zone. Some so-called workaholics and those branded 'responsible ambassadors' may phoo phoo the idea of 'que sera sera' is a 'fit for nothing' quote. But it is like a speed breaker warning you of the impediments ahead, creating an awareness of realities and impossibilities and above all keeps your balance always. Perhaps it is the mantra of'sthitha pragna'( equi poise) conveyed in Gita. Vathsala Jayaraman C Readers' Contribution 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Kumaran Asan Sree Narayana Guru was standing with closed eyes and folded palms before the sanctum sanctoram of a Siva temple in Kulathoor in the outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram.Two lines of adoration emanated from his lips: "Kolathukare kudikondarulum Baalappira choodiya vaaridhiye" (O! my Lord who hath taken abode in Kulathoor,the very ocean of compassion with thy crown adorned with the crescent moon) A budding youth standing near him completed the quatrain thus: "Kaalan kanivattu kuritchuvidun Nolappadi enne ayakkaruthe" (Kindly don't send me according to the ruthles palm-leaf summons of Kaala.) Swami looked back and smiled approvingly.His liking for the young man, that arose at that moment , continued without a break until the latter's death in a boat accident . The gifted youngster, in due course, became one of the greatest poets in Malayalam.He was Kumaran Asan. D Hot Beverages https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/nutrition/8-healthy-hot-drinks Excerpts: "Coffee in moderation is fine, but a large latte made with whole milk can contain nearly 300 calories. If milky coffees are your thing, go for a smaller size and choose a ‘skinny’ version with low-fat milk to cut back on calories and saturated fat. Avoid flavoured drinks, such as vanilla or gingerbread lattes, which often contain sugary syrup. Want a little extra flavour? Sprinkle ground cinnamon on your cappuccino for sweetness without the extra calories." E Nostalgia: Mango Season 1) Indian Mangoes https://www.holidify.com/pages/mangoes-in-india-1438.html Excerpts: Kilichundan Mangoes Kilichundan Mangoes are relatively large in size and are sold in large quantities in various regions of Kerala. The name of this fruit has derived from the fact that its end resembles the beak of the bird and this is exactly what Kilichundan means in the Malayalam language. One will find that its tropical tree is medium in size and bears a lot of greenish-yellow mangoes. Furthermore, this fruit is used in a lot of households and restaurants in order to prepare delicious curries and pickles. 2) Mango Season in Kerala: M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/mango-season-9044/ Excerpts: "Mango season in Kerala those days* almost coincided with school vacation from around end-March to onset of monsoon in June. Today’s children who find mangos in the supermarkets around the year or at least can smell and taste various forms of mango products, will not be able to imagine the joy we children shared those days under the shade of mango trees waiting for a breeze to help the huge mango trees drop ripe sweet mangos for us. Not only the breeze, crows, squirrels, parrots and other birds too unknowingly helped ripe mangos to fall. Some mangos fell, even while a squirrel or a bird was still enjoying the fruit." *1950's F Leisure 1) Fruits are not just juicy, they're funny too: Discover here https://www.buzzfeed.com/amphtml/jamiejones/pure-and-wholesome-jokes-about-fruit 2) Secret of Success* An insurance agent manages to get an appointment with a very busy executive after several attempts. He wears a lacklustre appearance, stumbles for words, and in 10 seconds the executive says-Nothing doing-Out with you!! The agent begins to leave listlessly without saying a word. The executive suddenly develops compassion for the agent, asks him to sit down, delivers a forcible lecture on how to do business, and takes a policy for a much higher amount than the agent had in mind. And says-This is how to proceed. The agent immediately transforms into a highly self-confident , efficiency personified figure. With a huge grin he tells the stunned executive- Thank you, Sir. This is my technique for high profile executives. *Forward received from A P Ramadurai (It works. I've played the trick with some of my bosses in RBI🙏-Warrier) G Quotes about Self-Development https://www.success.com/15-personal-development-quotes-to-help-you-invest-in-yourself/ Like: "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” ―Ernest Hemingway ( Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), born in Oak Park, Illinois, started his career as a writer in a newspaper office in Kansas City at the age of seventeen. After the United States entered the First World War, he joined a volunteer ambulance unit in the Italian army. Serving at the front, he was wounded, was decorated by the Italian Government, and spent considerable time in hospitals. After his return to the United States, he became a reporter for Canadian and American newspapers and was soon sent back to Europe to cover such events as the Greek Revolution.)


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