Warrier's COLLAGE 197/17092021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday September 17, 2021 Meditation : charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 11 The person who meditates on all-prevailing blissful God enjoys the ecstasy of union with God. Sain, Rag Dhanasri, 695, SGGS रामा भगति रामानंदु जानै पूर्ण परमानंदु भखानै। सैणु, राग धनासरी https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1438247492106153986?s=20 Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Kanaka Dhara Stotram https://youtu.be/tOXnp1fogPY A Messages 1) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram This is with reference to Smt Vathsala Jayaraman's very informative piece on the song 'Nidhichala sukhamaa'. I have some mild disagreement on its caption.The composer of that famous song and the person referred to in the caption are different. The former is Saint Thyagaraja, the most prominent among the Thrimoorthies of Carnatic music and the latter the most popular actor-cum-singer of yester years of Tamil cinema : M K Thyagaraja Bhagavathar. (The Thrimoorthies are regarded as great Vaggeyakaras-composers- and not as Bhagavathars though they sang too). As to the Pancharatna Kriti "Endaro Mahanubhavulu", I have heard another version connected with its origin. It is this : Shatkaala Govinda Maraar, a very able singer from Kerala, visited Thyagaraja and sang before him and his sishyas. His marvellous singing ability is said to have inspired the saint to compose the quite lengthy song on the different types of bhakthi - singers. He says : "Salutations to them all". Certainly Smt Vathsala Jayaraman is aware of this version. Which of these two versions is likely to be more appropriate, she knows better. (The erroneous caption was my contribution 🙏-Warrier) 2) M G Warrier P P Ramachandran has more to tell us about M K and "Non-M K" Thyagarajas. See H2 B Book Review Frontline Book Review A rednecked green bird https://frontline.thehindu.com/books/book-review-a-red-necked-green-bird-tamil-writer-ambai-many-feathered-fiction-in-gjv-prasad-translation/article36271821.ece Excerpts : ‘A Red-necked Green Bird’ by Ambai, translated from Tamil by GJV Prasad (Simon & Schuster, 2021) C C.S. Lakshmi, founder trustee and director of Sound & Picture Archives for Research on Women (SPARROW), Mumbai who writes fiction (or as the book blurb brackets it, “about love, relationships, quests and journeys”) in Tamil under the pseudonym Ambai, has had the unique distinction of almost all her short stories being translated into English over the past two decades. Introducing “A red-necked green bird”, her most recent book of fiction in translation, she likens her stories to windows through which “the world displays itself in small fragments or large scenes in various ways at many times” to her. C Art & Craft Sandalwood Art https://youtu.be/Z02m54diAMI (Link Courtesy : A P Ramadurai Cheñnai) D Life Puratchi paatti Kaamini Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai sharing a memory : A Revolutionary Tradition started by her grandmother 100 years ago! Normally whenever a marriage, Seemantham or poonal is decided to be celebrated, the first thing asked for is" When is the Sumangali Prarthana Or Pondugal' and Samaaradhanai. We have been following this as per strict family traditions regarding number of pondugal, samayal etc etc. (Continued at H1) E Jointly held Bank Fixed Deposits Sharing of experience : Vathsala Jayaraman There has been some discussion about getting proceeds by the survivor. I also faced certain problems. I did n't want to close the deposits but wanted to continue in my name until maturity, of course with the same nominations. Nationalized banks simply marked 'deceased' against the name of my husband in FDR under their seal and signature.But ICICI Bank didn't allow it. They just closed the deposit and wanted me to open a new deposit in my name.As the amt was not huge ,as I had many more worries,I just left off to their decision.Axis bank agreed to my request with hesitation. In SBI there was no problem. Sometimes I feel that service in nationalized bank is far better under such circumstances. In commercial banks ,for nominating they dont need the signature of the nominee.But in P. O. they insist on getting the form signed by nominee.Even in old deposits where they have not earlier recd nominees signature,they regularise by getting nominees signature.. We cannot just have peace of mind by simply nominating.In every office they have their own rules and regulations. In some of the offices they are updating the software.I find some of the nominee particulars are not found therein.Once in 6 months it is better for us to have a close scrutiny of nomination details in our own interest. Vathsala Jayaraman F Leisure POOR BRAHMINS* It is amazing to see that how fiction can become truth in course of time! Let's examine truth based on facts and real history. 1. To start with, there is not a SINGLE Brahmin God in Hinduism! 2. All Gods are from backward castes, dalits and tribals. 3. Brahmins never created the concept of Gods in Hinduism. 4. There was not even a SINGLE Brahmin king that ruled India. 5. To be able to oppress others requires positions of power. Brahmins were teachers, scholars, priests, advisors but not rulers. 6. The Brahmins' traditional occupation was that of temple priest (purohit), officiating religious functions. Their sole income was _bhiksha_ (alms) given by the landlords (non-Brahmins). 7. Another section of Brahmins was teachers, that too without salary. 8. Vedic literature was mostly written by non-Brahmins. The most powerful of the dharma shaastra, that gives Brahmins a high status, is the Manusmriti written by Manu, a non-Brahmin. Brahmin means a profession (Varna) - not a caste. 9. If the reading and writing of Sanskrit was confined to Brahmins, then how do you have the tribal Valmiki composing Ramayana? Ved Vyas, who classified four Vedas and wrote Mahabharata, was born to a fisherwoman. 10. Sanskrit was used mostly by non-Brahmin writers - there are very few scriptures in Sanskrit authored by Brahmins. 11. We consider the teachings of Ved Vyas, Vashishta, Valmiki, Krishna, Rama, Agasthya, Vishwamitra, Shrunga, Gowtama, Buddha, Mahavira, Tulsidas, Thiruvalluvar, Kabir, Vivekananda, Gandhi, Narayana guru etc. as most valuable. 12. If none of them were Brahmins, why cry out loudly that "Brahmins did not allow you to learn?" There are numerous works on bhakti by non-Brahmin bhakti saints. 13. Brahmins never prevented others from learning. 14. Brahmins were neither rich nor powerful at any point of time in history. Pick up any old Indian story book, you will see _gharib_ Brahmin’ (Poor Brahmin) quoted as a virtue. (Remember Sudama-Krishna story?) 15. Though their profession was considered as highest stature of the society, the Brahmin ascetics' only way of survival was alms given by people. 16. The biggest contribution of Brahmins is sustaining the best language ever spoken in the earth - Sanskrit. If you learn English or Arabic, you have commercial benefits. 17. Nobody ever promoted Sanskrit. Without any benefits, Brahmins took up voluntary task of learning Sanskrit. Now you accuse them of monopoly in Sanskrit! Besides, Brahmins were not Kings. They didn't enjoy powers or had wealth. They worked hard on gaining knowledge and led life of austerity. So there is no question of exploitation by Brahmins. When population of Brahmins range from just 2% in Tamil Nadu to 12% in Uttarakhand, how can they dominate the majority? After reading all this can anyone blame Brahmins? *Forward received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai G Quotes about fruits https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/fruit-quotes Like : "A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love." Saint Basil H 1) Continued from C Some 100 years back there was no treatment for typhoid and TB and mainly many youngsters, boys within 25 to 30 years of age, all married, lost their lives. Having lived in a joint family I know the impact of such cruel ends. In many houses there will be a widowed athai or periamma with or without children, isolated and not allowed to participate in any of the auspicious functions and people avoided seeing their faces. What is the mistake they had committed? My kollu patti( appa's patti) was the head of the family. Hers was the final word at home. She was 86 and thatha was 93 suffering from paralysis. Patti was looking after all his needs. It was the year 1935. One of the grandsons of the patti was getting married. Everybody was talking about Sumangali Prathanai. Patti had altogether different ideas. A week before the marriage, kamu patti convinced and invited 25 young widows belonging to different communities from our village and next village on a particular day. The house was decorated with kolam & Semman. Nice lunch with payasam vadai was ready. Patti as usual gave bath to Thatha and made him sit on an easy chair. All were assembled in the koodam, some to witness and some to gossip. She started the pooja with a small slokam From Kanaka Dhara stavam* of Adi sankara, and performed karpur Aarathi. All the ladies ( all widows) were served good lunch and provided with sarees and blouses. After the lunch she started giving a small lecture ( which my Amma, 35, at that time vividly remembered. Her talk in brief ran like this : (English version) " I was married into a joint family. I had six children. I have seen enough of the joys and sorrows of family life. I myself have taken initiative to conduct 10 to 12 weddings and organized all the arrangements. Everytime when the Sumangali Prathana was conducted, do you know what I felt? A girl is deified just because she died as a 'Sumangali (while her husband was alive), it means that Sumangali Prathana itself is a clear expression of male dominance. Pitiably ladies of those times were brain- washed to accept the same and it has become a celebration gladly accepted by the brain-washed women and celebrated essentially by women, men safely keeping aloof enjoying their dominance. It is no doubt a great blessing that both husband and wife live long with harmony and children are brought forth under the love, care and guidance of both the parents. But when a lady dies as a sumangali, she is deified, whereas a widow is secluded and separated from all the auspicious activities. She is the one who takes the role of father and mother, suffers day and night for educating the chilldren. Though being considered 'Amangal' or 'inauspicious', it is she who toils for the 'mangal' or subiksha or welfare of the family. She keeps herself in the dark, behind the curtains to illuminate the entire family. For all these years I have been a silent spectator, giving respect to the traditions and customs keeping my own feelings buried, deceiving myself. Now only I have stood courageous and I want to give shape to my feelings during the wedding of my grandson. I have performed so many Sumangali Prarthanas following all the suddha, visuddhi formalities, very strictly adhering to the traditions. But the mental solace and satisfaction which I have obtained now on conducting a function without considering caste-creed discrimination, giving due recognition to the really 'auspicious women' is beyond description and far more superior to what I experienced those days. I am neither educated, nor a revolutionary woman. I definitely regard family values and culture. I am taking care of my husband who is laid down with stroke for years. I would like to take care of him until his last breath and would prefer to die only after him. The status of 'sumangali' is nothing compared to the life long service that I am fortunate to do to my dear husband with whom I have lead a harmonious life for more than 75 years. The ultimate date of our life's journey is something beyond our control. I sincerely hope that blessings by these women, who have sacrificed all their enjoyment for the 'mangal' or auspiciousness of others will really be beneficial to the couple entering into wedlock. The grand old man who never opened his mouth for the past five years laughed aloud giving a beautiful 'toothless smile' All the women standing outside the house watching the smart talk given by patti clapped their hands and entered the house. This scene reminded of the traditional sumangali Prarthana in which . women clap their hands to denote the arrival of Sumangali Devathas ( women who died as sumangalis are supposed to have become Goddesses) Everybody was in tears and hugged patti and appreciated her. This practice is being followed in our family and some other families who were supportive of patti's great thoughts. Some people conduct this function even in big halls inviting the so called 'inauspicious women' giving them the due recognition which they richly deserve. My mother had written what her kamu Patti spoke verbatim, and transferred the message to all the children of next geneartion. Paatti had done a silent Revolution those days. Kaamu Patti in her traditional madisar saree, a sincere house wife, opened the eyes of many people. We are not against tradition and culture. It is very rare to think of a lady born in 1850 to think along a different line notwithstanding the criticism she might have to face. When my daughter's/son's marriage were conducted, I spoke about this to my MIL, who, having become a widow at the age of 29, saw reason and allowed me to follow Kamu Patti in our house also. Whenever any family is celebrating Sumangali Praththna in our village and surrounding towns, even today they talk about the Revoutionary Patti( Puratchi patti). It is not about breaking traditions or disrespecting elders. It is altogether a new dimension towards betterment of the society against the atrocities committed against women, who became victims to the cruel fate. Kudos to Kamu Paatti who derived a pet name 'Kamini' after this incident. Vathsala Jayaraman *See A for link 2) Continued from A2 Today's Collage has the following Item. Vathsala Jayaraman about Thyagaraja Bhagavathar Nidhi Saala Sukamo... Vathsala Jayaraman has written about one of the Great Musical Trinity--Saint Thyagaraja. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar was an actor and singer of the 20th Century. Details of both given below PPR Mayavaram Krishnasamy Thiyagaraja Bhagavathar (1 March 1910 – 1 November 1959), also known by his initials as M.K.T., was an Indian actor, producer and Carnatic singer. He is considered to be one of the most successful actors in Tamil cinema ever and the first super star of Tamil cinema.Famous films---Haridas--Sivakavi--Ashokkumar ************************************************* Tyagaraja ( Telugu : (4 May 1767 – 6 January 1847), also known as Tyāgayya, was a composer of Carnatic music, a form of Indian classical music. He was prolific and highly influential in the development of India's classical music tradition. Tyagaraja and his contemporaries, Shyama Shastri and Muthuswami Dikshitar, are regarded as the Trinity of Carnatic music.


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