Warrier's COLLAGE September 10, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday September 10, 2021 Interview : Raghuram Rajan https://youtu.be/uCyzUiYODuE (A recent interaction) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages 1) S K Gupta Panchkula I Thanks and warm regards for giving place to my Letter to Editor in your highly acclaimed "COLLAGE". I always go through its learned and well meaning contents but don't find myself in a position to comment thereabout. II Notwithstanding my own limitations, I was somehow encouraged to respond to Shri B Chandrashekhran's "Rags to Riches" which eventually turned the life of a beggar into a successful businessman (from small "b'' to a big "B"). This story amply proves that 'where there is a will, there is always a way'. 2) Excerpts from media report : "The due date of furnishing of Return of Income for the Assessment Year 2021-22, which was 31st July, 2021 under sub-section (1) of section 139 of the Act, as extended to 30th September, 2021, is now further extended to 31st December, 2021." B National Assets Monetization : M G Warrier This refers to the article "Decoding Asset Monetization" by Rajiv Lall (The Hindu, September 8). Though brief, the article touches the salient features of National Monetization Pipeline (NMP) and takes us through the pros and cons of the proposal without taking 'sides'. In reality, this is an idea which has been waiting for want of the right initiative from the policymakers. Post-Independence, though several decades have passed, India is yet to take stock of the country's inherent strengths in terms of rich resources. The inhibiting factor has been lack of "TRUST" in the government of the day in the context of Scams and Corruption, besides the absence of an In-House model for planning. There were several "give and take" constraints in the initial days of planning as the proportion of capitalism and socialism remained a contentious issue all through. NMP is a right experiment which should be professionally planned, managed and implemented. If we are successful, mapping of the country's resources including domestic gold stock and real estate and a scientific pricing and investment policy can follow smoothly. M G Warrier Mumbai C Book Review : 1) The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck https://citywire.co.uk/new-model-adviser/news/book-review-the-road-less-traveled-by-m-scott-peck/a487483 In a nutshell: Once you admit that life is difficult, the fact is no longer of great consequence. Once you accept responsibility, you can make better choices. Famously beginning with the words ‘Life is difficult’, The Road Less Traveled covers such gloomy topics as the myth of romantic love, evil, mental illness and the author’s psychological and spiritual crises. Its premise is that once we know the worst, we are free to see what is beyond it. It is inspirational but in an old-fashioned way, putting self-discipline at the top of the list of values for a good life. (Continued at H1) 2) Scrambled Monologues : M G Warrier SCRAMBLED MONOLOGUES: Random Essays on Life's Journey https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07H26N2DH/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_M83PEF3TK8ZRPX88EBZ0 About the book* "The title of the book may not describe the content. Individual essays are focused and self-contained. Scrambling is about sequencing them subject-wise or chronologically! These are random essays written at different points of time in different contexts. If you find a thin stream of continuity in thoughts or consistency in perceptions, that could be real. Because thoughts do not grow old with the biological age! Because I have scrambled the content, despite each essay being self-contained, start reading from any page. The only guarantee is, if you gift this book, it will not come back to you. No more promises or claims. Except that, if you opt to read this book, the next book from me will reach you faster. Depends on your risk appetite. Happy reading." *From Amazon website D Resources Management https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/resources-management-challenges-and-opportunities-11102/ “There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi “Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed.” – Albert Einstein Context 1 for the above quotes is a media report that in the United States, jobless claims hit 3.3 million last week (3rd week of March 2020) quadrupling the previous record. Context 2 is a call given while talking to media, by former RBI Governor Dr Raghuram Rajan to the rich nations to mobilize resources to under-developed countries. The appeal is welcome. He added, “think of the poor countries that already start with a paucity of ventilators”. The problem is real. But, having been in India for a reasonably long period of time before his opting to accept a lucrative job in the US and for about 4 years till his tenure as RBI Governor came to an end, he is not unaware of India’s ability to meet challenges. India’s poverty will not stand in the way of procuring ventilators to save precious lives. (Continued at H2) E Readers' Contribution Story Time with Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Why do we need a Master?- An interesting parable Once upon a time, a cow went out to graze in the jungle. Suddenly, she noticed a lion racing towards her. She turned and fled, fearing that at any moment the lion would sink his claws into her. The cow desperately looked for some place to escape and at last, saw a shallow pond. Barely evading the lion's reach, she jumped into the pond, and in the heat of the chase, the lion blindly leaped after her. (Continued at H3) F Unity in Diversity charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 4 To kill mind gone to forest Without God can't do it Fire burns angels & mortals God's name saves devotees Kabir, Rag Gauri, 323 SGGS मनु मारण कारणि बन जाईए सो जलु बिनु भगवंत न पाईए कहि कबीर भजु सारिंगपानी राम उदकि मेरी तिखा बुझानी कबीर https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1435691550558748672?s=20 G Inspirational Career Quotes https://medium.com/career-relaunch/30-inspirational-career-quotes-2c26662adb99 Like : “Our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” — M. Scott Peck (Morgan Scott Peck was an American psychiatrist and best-selling author who wrote the book The Road Less Traveled, published in 1978) H 1) Continued from C Peck is a conventionally trained psychotherapist, but has been influential in the movement to have psychology recognise the stages of spiritual growth. He sees the great feature of our times as being the reconciliation of the scientific and the spiritual world views. The Road Less Traveled is his attempt to bridge the gap further, and it has clearly been successful. Discipline Self-control is the essence of Peck’s brand of self-help. He says: ‘Without discipline we can solve nothing. With only some discipline we can solve only some problems. With total discipline we can solve all problems.’ Someone who can delay gratification has the key to psychological maturity, whereas impulsiveness is a mental habit that, in denying opportunities to experience pain, creates neuroses. Most large problems are the result of not facing up to earlier, smaller problems, of failing to be ‘dedicated to the truth’. The great mistake most people make is believing that problems will go away of their own accord. This lack of responsibility will damage us in other ways. Our culture puts freedom on a pedestal yet people have a natural willingness to embrace political authoritarianism and give up their personal power. Discipline is not only about ‘growing up’ in terms of accepting reality, but in the appreciation of the tremendous range of choices that exist. The road and its rewards One of the book's great insights is how few people choose the spiritual path. Peck observes that people in psychotherapy often have little taste for the power that comes with genuine mental health. Life on autopilot is preferable to any major challenge. The Road Less Traveled is rich with stories of real people. Some demonstrate the transformation of a life; in others people refuse to change or cannot be bothered. Rather than the horror of a mental illness, Peck says, most of us have to deal with the straightforward anguish of missed opportunities. Why, when the rewards are so great? The road less travelled is rockier than the regular highway of life on which people seem happy enough. 2) Continued from D The present crisis should become a wake-up call or an eye opener for the rich and the powerful who own and operate governments and corporates world over. The tragedy of the present times is helplessness of the people when the trustees of their assets mismanage and misappropriate resources legally. Legally, because they are the law makers. This results in the fallacious imbalance of the number of billionaires in certain countries going up when public debt rises by trillions of dollars every year. In India, we need to think of: 1) Mapping nation’s resources including real estate and all valuables like surface stock of gold and jewellery awaiting mainstreaming. 2) Taxing agricultural income. 3) Re-introducing a reasonable estate duty structure. 4) Raising the level of CSR (corporate social responsibility) to a decent level of 10 or 20 percent from the present 2 percent. The suggestions are illustrative. Rich countries should straight away appropriate funds from the super-rich to meet unexpected expenditures including on unemployment doles. Tail piece The monetary policy measures initiated by RBI during this quarter to support the Indian Economy to survive the present crisis deserve special appreciation. In an article on the subject published in the March 2020 issue of The Global ANALYST (pages 35-37), I had observed: “RBI, on its part, has become more active in deploying all weapons of monetary policy management in its armour more judiciously and on an ongoing basis.” ****. ****. **** 3) Continued from E To the surprise of them both, the pond was extremely shallow yet filled with deep recesses of mud. After toppling over each other, the cow and the lion found themselves a short distance apart, stuck in the mud up to their necks. Both had their heads above water but were unable to free themselves no matter how much they writhed. The lion repeatedly snarled at the cow and roared,“I am going to enjoy the sound of crunching your bones between my teeth!” He thrashed about in fury but soon became fretful as he found no prospect of escape. The cow thoughtfully laughed as the lion struggled to free himself and asked him, “Do you have a master?” The lion disdainfully replied,“I am the king of the jungle. Why do you ask me if I have a master? I myself am the master!” The cow said,“You may be the king of the jungle, but here all your power has failed to save your life.” “And what about you?” Retorted the lion.“You are going to die here in this mud too!”’ The cow smiled mildly and said,“No, I am not.” “If even I, the king of the jungle cannot free myself from this mud", snapped the lion,“Then how can you, an ordinary cow?” The cow gently replied,“I cannot free myself from this mud, but my master can. When the sun sets and he finds me absent at home, he will come looking for me. Once he finds me, he will raise me up and escort me home sweet home.” The lion fell silent and coldly glared at the cow. Soon enough, the sunset and the cow's master arrived. He immediately recognized the plight she was in and lifted her to safety. As they walked home, the cow and the master both felt renewed gratitude for one another and pitied the lion they both would have been happy to save if only the lion had allowed them. The cow represents a surrendered heart, the lion represents an egoistic mind, and the master represents the Guru. The mud represents the world, and the chase represents the struggle for existence therein. Its good to be independent and not rely on anyone. But don't take it to an extreme, you always need a partner/coach/mentor/ friend who will be always on the lookout for you. Having them does not mean you are weak, it's just that you can be stronger with their help. Parents and grand parents are the primary gurus to children.What type of Guru you should be-depends on the followers. Whether they are not skilled but expecting directions and orders just like monkeys of Rama's army? Or the followers are like Arjuna who is a great warrior but stuck up with certain issues? If they are of ordinary level, we can give precise orders, instruct what to do. If they are like Arjuna, we have to do as Krishna did,to provide strategic clarity,allow him to take the lead and guide from a distance.Ask them relevant questions so that they could find solutions for themselves Younger generation doesn't want you to tell or show how things are done, they want to know the meaning of their task and how it makes a difference in this world. They are Arjuna's who don't necessarily seek more skill/knowledge but they need someone to clarify the cobwebs in their mind, Guru-sishya match is the most essential requirement in teaching-learning process Vathsala Jayaraman V T Panchapagesan Chennai says : When I chant this invocation song, I am reminded the cow and the lion.... "Om Shahanavavatu, Sahanau bhunaktu, Saha viryam Karavavahai. Tejasvina vadhitamastu Ma vidvishavahai, Om Shanthih, Shantih, Shantih. Om. May He protect us both. May He cause us both to enjoy. May we both exert together. May our Study become brilliant. May we not hate each other." May Guru-Shisya Parampara go on Generation to Generation... 🙏 V T Panchapagesan


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