Warrier's COLLAGE September 25, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday September 25, 2021 Bhakti Yoga https://youtu.be/v1HD8i2vCek ( With Surya Namaskar) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier M 134 Thayambaka https://youtu.be/oTzSNnAKUIc (Rhythms of Kerala) A Messages 1) Dr Charan Singh charan singh (@CharanSingh60) Tweeted: Unity in Diversity - 19 मनहठि किनै न पाया करि उपाव थके सभु कोइ सहस सिआणप करि रहे मनि कोरै रंगु न होइ गुरु रामदास, सिरीराग, गुरू ग्रंथ साहिब No one has found God by - a) force, stubbornness. Many tried, tired, failed b) cleverness Guru Ramdas, 39, SGGS https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1441126766249078784?s=20 2) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Coleridge, the romantic poet, defined poetry as the best words in the best order. Wordsworth,his friend, went one step further and said that poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquillity. His famous poem on daffodils clearly illustrates this concept. During his usual wanderings in the Lake District, he happened to see 'a host of golden daffodils' Beside the lake, beneath the trees Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.' What a pleasure that sight gave him! But poetry didn't come out then. It took time. He explains when it actually came out. It blossomed in one of these moments : 'For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood They flash upon the inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude'. Dr.Johnson illustrated non-poetry in the following lines: 'I put my hat upon my head And walked into the Strand. And there I met another man Whose hat was in his hand.' It needs no further explanation. But, compare it with two lines scribbled on the desk by the romantic Malayalam poet Changanpuzha while he was studying for the MA course in the University College,Thiruvananthapuram: ' Innale raathriyil njaanoru poomottin Mandasmithatthil kidannurangi.' (Yesterday night, I slept in the sweet smile of a flowerbud) That is poetry. The poet was, as a matter of fact, more romantic than the movement he led. 3) A P Ramadurai Cheñnai Sri Subbaraman's article on long words makes fascinating reading. I was intrigued and looked up in the net for the longest words in English. I was led to "14 of the longest words in English” and traced a slight familiarity with Floccinaucinihilipilification and Antidisestablishmentarianism. Fortunately I don't have too many occasions to use these words. 1) I am reminded of the scientist who wanted from a pharmacist some acetylsalicylic acid. The latter asked if he meant aspirin. ‘Yes’-said the scientist ‘.I can't ever remember the name’ 2) A rose by any other name, is a rose. But a chrysanthemum by any other name is easier to spell. 4) Dr T V Surendran Mananthavady What Is Monoclonal Antibody Therapy & Who Is Eligible to Receive It? Aug. 20, 2021 - Katie McCallum When the pandemic first began, no specific treatment for COVID-19 existed. Since this time, however, the FDA has granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to several monoclonal antibody therapies as a treatment for COVID-19. "For the first eight months of the pandemic, there was very little that clinicians could do for those who tested positive for COVID-19 but did not require hospitalization — beyond taking a wait-and-see approach, explains Dr. Howard J. Huang, medical director of the Houston Methodist Lung Transplant Center. "If a person's symptoms became severe, we could at that point manage and treat the resulting complications via oxygen therapy and other methods. But, the ideal scenario is to prevent severe symptoms from ever developing in the first place." (Continued at H1) B Current Affairs 1) PM Modi's US Tour https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/pm-modi-presents-kamala-harris-gifts-from-kashi-1856682-2021-09-24 PM Modi presents Kamala Harris, other world leaders with unique gifts from Kashi During his ongoing US visit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held bilateral talks with Vice President Kamala Harris and presented her with a bunch of unique gifts from India. PM Modi presented Kamala Harris with a copy of old notifications related to her grandfather, PV Gopalan, in a wooden handicraft frame. PV Gopalan was a respected government officer who served in various positions in India. 2) Finance Minister says : https://mobile.twitter.com/nsitharaman/status/1440858993941880833?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet The DICGC…will pay the depositors of 21 stressed cooperative banks including the…PMC Bank..up to Rs 5 lakh within 90 days. Of the 21 banks, 11 are from Mahar­ashtra, 5 from Karnataka & 1 each from UP Kerala, Rajasthan, MP & Punjab. C Swami Vivekananda 1) Books by Vivekananda https://gladreaders.com/swami-vivekananda-books/ Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk who stands as one of the most inspiring personalities of all time in India as well as abroad. He traveled to many parts of the world and gave lectures on philosophy, religion, yoga, spirituality and more. Most of his books are based on these lectures that were first recorded and later transcribed into books. 2) Relevance of Vivekananda today https://www.iasparliament.com/current-affairs/relevance-of-swami-vivekanand-for-youth-in-21st-century What is his relevance to today's youth? Swami Vivekananda is the greatest youth icon produced by India and one that influenced millions of youth across the world. In the 21st century, when the youth of India are facing new problems, pushing boundaries and aspiring for a better future, thoughts of Swami Vivekananda have become more relevant. His ideas can be understood by this fourfold mantra to live a meaningful life - Physical, Social, Intellectual and Spiritual quest . (Please access the link for more) D Readers' Contributions 1) Hare Krishna : Vathsala Jayaraman Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Many may not know what 'Hare' means?” It's a strong request to Radha. By chanting ‘Hare,' we beseech Mother Hara, another name for Radha. Hare is the vocative form of Hara. Basically, the mantra is asking Mother Hara, Radha, ‘Please engage me in the Lord's service.' What does the word Radha mean? The word is derived from Aaraadhanaa or worship. It means‘She who worships Krishna best. (Continued at H2) 2) World outside* In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense,” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?” The second said, “I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.” The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.” The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it's different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.” The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery, there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.” “Well, I don't know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.” The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?” The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her, this world would not and could not exist.” Said the first: “Well I don't see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn't exist.” To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.” Maybe this was one of the best explanations of the concept of GOD. *Forward received by Dr T V Surendran Mananthavady from his batchmate Dr Kamala Unnikrishnan Bangalore E 1) Bhakti Marga https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/am-i-making-progress-on-the-bhakti-marga The nine stages of DEVOTION are : 1. sraddha: faith 2. sadhu-sanga: association with devotees 3. bhajana-kriya: performance of devotional service 4. anartha nivrtti: decreasing of unwanted attachments 5. nishtha: steadiness 6. ruchi: taste 7. asakti: attachment 8. bhava: love 9. prema: pure love for Krsna 2) Bonus : Uddhav Gita https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/sri-krishanas-conversation-with-his-friend-uddhava-gita Even though Uddhava did not ask anything for himself, he had been observing Krishna from his childhood, he had always wondered about the apparent disconnect between Krishna's teachings and actions, and wanted to understand the reasons for the same. He asked Krishna, ‘Lord, you taught us to live in one way, but you lived in a different way. In the drama of Mahabharat I did not understand many things, the role played by you and your actions. I am curious to understand the reasons for your actions. Would you fulfil my desire to know?’ Krishna said, ‘Uddhava, what I told Arjuna during the war of Kurukshetra was Bhagavad Gita. Today, my responses to you would be known as ‘Uddhava Gita’. That is why I gave this opportunity to you. Please ask without hesitation.’ Uddhava starts asking – ‘Krishna, first tell me who is a real friend?’ Krishna says, ‘The real friend is one who comes to the help of his friend in need even without being called’. F 1) Psychic Readings https://www.rd.com/article/all-about-psychic-readings/ 10 Things You Must Consider Before Seeing a Psychic Reader Erica Lamberg Obviously fortune-telling is more of an art than a science. But if you're considering consulting a medium, these guidelines can help you find the seer you seek. 2) Magnificent Puns* Magnificent puns I recently came across 1)"Immanuel doesn't pun, he Kant." {This quote is referring to the famous Enlightenment-era philosopher Immanuel Kant. As for the author of the clever pun itself - it is credited to Oscar Wilde himself.} 2)"A Roman walks into a bar. He holds up two fingers and says, 'Five beers, please!' The punch line refers to the resemblance of the Roman numeral for five to a "V" (or a peace sign). Hence, only two fingers are necessary to make the gesture. 3)"If you're going through hell, keep going." We love when a good pun is also a great piece of advice. This clever zinger is just that case! The wise saying is usually credited to Sir Winston Churchill himself, although language history experts weren't able to confirm that the British prime minister had actually said it. 4)"Why were the early days of history called The Dark Ages? Because there were so many knights." 5)"Why should the number 288 never be mentioned in company? Because it is two gross." {Believe it or not, this mathematical witticism dates all the way back to the Victorian Era. Even though we don't know the exact author of this 19th-century pun, we can say with complete confidence that this zinger is still able to make a math enthusiast laugh wholeheartedly!} 6)"We Polked you in '44, we shall Pierce you in '52." {This historic pun cost the presidential candidate General Winfield Scott his presidency. This is because it was successfully used as a campaign slogan by the Democratic candidate Franklin Pierce during the 1852 elections. The pun refers to James K. Polk’s 1844 campaign, putting a fun spin on it. If there was ever a worthy pun to change American history, this is it!} 7)"Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man." {The fact that William Shakespeare was a big fan of puns and witticisms will probably surprise no one. If you read through his masterpieces, you'll find many a clever saying. This specific pun is from Romeo and Juliet. It is uttered by Mercutio, who has just suffered a mortal wound in a duel with Tybalt.} 8)"- If April showers bring May flowers, then what do May flowers bring? - Pilgrims." {The May flowers are a direct reference to the Mayflower - the ship that brought the first pilgrims to America in 1620.} 9)"We must all hand together or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin was known for his edgy humor and ability to drop a joke into any conversation. So it's hardly surprising that this dark but witty quotation belongs to the founding father. Reportedly, this utterance was Franklin's way to call for unity right before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. *Received from A P Ramadurai Cheñnai G Quotes about Bhakti Yoga https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/bhakti-yoga.html Like : Who cares for your bhakti and mukti? Who cares what your scriptures say? I will go into a thousand hells cheerfully if I can rouse my countrymen, immersed in tamas, to stand on their own feet and be men inspired with the spirit of karma-yoga. I am a follower only of he or she who serves and helps others without caring for his own bhakti and mukti! Swami Vivekananda H 1) Continued from A4 With monoclonal antibody therapy, physicians now have a way to help prevent severe symptoms from developing in those who are high risk. More recently, the FDA extended the potential application of monoclonal antibody therapy for preventive use in those at risk due to a confirmed exposure to the virus. The authorization was based on the results of a large clinical trial that found the antibodies prevented symptoms in household contacts of people who recently tested positive. The FDA stressed that the therapy is not a substitute for vaccination, however. Dr. Huang is here to answer the common questions you may have about monoclonal antibody therapy for COVID-19. How does monoclonal antibody therapy work? Dr. Huang: Monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy, also called monoclonal antibody infusion treatment, is a way of treating COVID-19. The goal of this therapy is to help prevent hospitalizations, reduce viral loads and lessen symptom severity. This type of therapy relies on monoclonal antibodies. These are antibodies that are similar to the ones your body would naturally make in response to infection. However, monoclonal antibodies are mass-produced in a laboratory and are designed to recognize a specific component of this virus — the spike protein on its outer shell. By targeting the spike protein, these specific antibodies interfere with the virus' ability to attach and gain entry into human cells. They give the immune system a leg up until it can mount its own response. This therapy can be extremely effective, but it's not a replacement for vaccination. The community still needs to step up and get vaccinated to break the virus' chain of transmission. Who is eligible to receive monoclonal antibody therapy? Monoclonal antibody treatment is available to individuals who: Are high risk** for developing severe COVID-19 and Have a positive COVID-19 test and have not yet been admitted to the hospital and Are 12 years of age or older (and at least 88 pounds) Post-exposure preventive monoclonal antibodies are available to those who have been exposed (consistent with the CDC's close contact criteria)* and who are: High risk** for developing severe COVID-19 and 12 years of age or older (and at least 88 pounds) and Not fully vaccinated or vaccinated but immunocompromised *In some cases, direct exposure isn't a criterion. If you meet the criteria above and are at high risk of exposure to an individual infected because of an occurrence of infection in other individuals in the same institutional setting (for example, nursing homes or prisons), you are eligible for post-exposure preventive monoclonal antibodies. It is important to understand that post-exposure preventive monoclonal antibodies are not a replacement for vaccination. We highly encourage everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine. **High risk includes any of the following: 65 years of age or older Overweight (body mass index over 25) Pregnancy Chronic kidney disease Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) Weakened immune system Currently receiving immunosuppressive treatment Cardiovascular disease/hypertension Chronic lung disease Sickle cell disease Neurodevelopmental disorders Medical-related technological dependence Do I still need monoclonal antibody therapy if I'm not feeling sick yet? Dr. Huang: For monoclonal antibody therapy to be most effective, it needs to be taken as early in the disease course as possible. So, the sooner the better — even if you're not feeling that bad yet. In high-risk patients, receiving treatment earlier, when symptoms are less severe, may help prevent progression of the disease that would otherwise require hospitalization. How is monoclonal antibody therapy administered? Dr. Huang: Monoclonal antibody therapy is given through intravenous (IV) infusion. These infusions are given in one of our outpatient infusion centers and require about an hour to administer, followed by an hour of observation and monitoring. One possible side effect of monoclonal antibody therapy is an allergic reaction. These reactions typically only occur during infusion or soon after, and your care team will closely monitor for any signs of an allergic reaction. However, because an infusion reaction can also be delayed, contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following signs of an allergic reaction: Fever and/or chills Nausea Headache Shortness of breath Low blood pressure Wheezing Swelling of lips, face or throat Muscle aches Hives or itchiness When administered for preventive use, monoclonal antibody therapy can be given as a subcutaneous injection. Does receiving monoclonal antibody therapy mean I can cut my isolation short? Dr. Huang: Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 needs to isolate — regardless of whether or not he or she has received monoclonal antibody therapy. This means staying in your home and away from other household members for: 10 days since testing positive or 10 days after your symptoms first appear and at least 24 hours after your symptoms have improved and you've been without fever (without the use of fever-reducing medications) Only after meeting the above criteria can you return to work and leave your home (while still social distancing and wearing a mask). Can I receive monoclonal antibody therapy if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? Dr. Huang: Because there's very limited data regarding how this therapy affects pregnant women and unborn babies, the risk of this new therapy may outweigh the benefits in some cases. If you are high risk and develop COVID-19 while pregnant or breastfeeding, it's important to discuss your treatment options and your specific situation with your doctor. Is there anything I need to know about receiving monoclonal antibody therapy? Dr. Huang: After receiving monoclonal antibody therapy, it's recommended that you wait 90 days before receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. If you already received the first dose of vaccine before monoclonal antibody therapy, current CDC guidelines recommend you wait 90 days before receiving the second dose. 2) Continued from D1 God is the person who does everything best. As Krishna says in the Gita, He's the first and best in all fields. Of mountains He's the Himalayas, of bodies of water He’s the ocean, and so on. So, of worshipers of Him, He's the best. Who could worship Krishna better than He Himself? No one. Therefore, He manifests as Radha, His female form, and shows that He is His own best worshipper. As Radha He is God the worshipper, and as Krishna He is God, the worshiped. Both par excellence. Neither Shrimad Bhagavatam nor Mahabharata speaks of Radha. Actually Radha's story finds a place only in Brahma Vaivarta Purana and Padma Purana which are of recent origin. Uddhava, the apprentice of Krishna, one day expressed his dis-satisfaction to Krishna that in-spite of studying all Vedas ,Upnishadas and Sutras, he still was not recipient of the title “Maha-Rishi”. Krishna sensed the ego and pride of Uddhava. He smiled and asked Uddhava if he thought his study was complete. Uddhava answered in the affirmative. The next day Krishna asked asked Uddhava to visit Vrindavan, where Krishna’s soul mate Radha resided, and to give her a message. Uddhava gladly agreed. After all, getting to do a special assignment for no one else but Krishna, the divine one, was an honor. When he was ready to leave, Krishna smiled and waved him goodbye. Uddhava asked about the message and Krishna said he had none. Uddhava was surprised. He sat in chariot and started on his way, but he could not help wondering what would be Radha's reaction. He was sure Radha would be very angry at this. He did not want to see a problem in Radha and Krishna’s relationship. So just before he entered Vrindavan, he got a parch-paper and wrote a hi-hello message to Radha and forged to look like as if came from Krishna. On reaching Vrindavan, he did not have problem finding Radha's house. She gave him a warm welcome. After he settled, he handed over the message, hoping she would not examine the message in too much detail.For a moment Radha stared at the parch-paper and then she started laughing hysterically. Uddhava was confused. He asked Radha what the matter was. She said the message Krishna wrote was funny. Uddhava pretended surprise and asked what the message was. “The message says Uddhava’s study is still not complete.” replied Radha. On listening this, Uddhava was stunned. ‘How could she have known this?’ he wondered. Radha calmed him and said “I love Krishna and trust Krishna in ways beyond you can imagine.” She said “We are two bodies but same soul. There is nothing to be said in between us.We have walked the path of trust, love, devotion and sacrifices for so long that there are no boundaries in my being and his. He does not need to send me messages. He is my message. He is my love letter from the universe.” “But Uddhava, you have not learned to trust Krishna. You have not learned to give up your self, your ego, and stop your manipulating mind. You ego stands between you and the truth. Between you and the supreme awakening.” Uddhava was speechless. Within a minute, Radha had explained the deepest mysteries of life. He just wanted to stand there and listen. He spent the whole day at her house. She talked about life in layman's terms of love and truth. But Uddhava found answers to his most profound questions in philosophies he learnt all this life. “How did you get so much knowledge staying in this village and living Iife doing chores?” He asked. “Each moment makes you take sides. If you always take side of truth and love, you will gain insights. Each insight awakens you from the illusion and takes you a step closer to the supreme awakening.” “How can you be in Love with Krishna and still remain free from bonds of life ?” “There is distinction between the love that results from insecurity and the love that results from faith. The former results in bonds. The latter results in freedom. The former gets lost, the latter transcends. The former leads to fear of death and abandonment. The latter leads to Nirvana, to enlightenment that is death of death, to realization that Radha and Krishna are just ripples and love is like the water, eternal and infinite.” “How can you get awakened without leaving the society and becoming a monk?” "Where a man reaches by renouncing the world, a woman reaches by embracing the world in its wholeness." Said Radha. "Is there no point in pursuit of knowledge? Then what is the meaning of life?” “Your ability to give it any meaning, is the meaning of life." answered Radha. On hearing Radha's answers Uddhava's ego vanished. The constant chatter of thoughts at the back of his mind stopped and he saw a totally new world at the same place. An eternal, peaceful world where everything seemed OK.On his way back to Dwaraka, Uddhava sensed a big change within him. He did not feel rush to get home and work on getting his title. Next day he met Krishna. Krishna sensed the change too. Krishna smiled and said “So let's talk about your title Maha-rishi.” “I am not that interested in the title anymore.”replied Uddhava and bent to touch Krishna's feet. Krishna rose from his throne. He held on to Uddhava's shoulders and smiled at him. "Your journey is complete. You have arrived. Uddhava, I bestow you the responsibility of writing down my teaching in simple language for all those who do not have luxury of spending their life trying to be Maha-rishi. You will share the gems of knowledge that do not belong to any title such as Maha-rishi."“And for this great contribution to humanity, hereafter you shall be known as Maha-rishi.”The transformation in Uddhava,was made possible not by Krishna but by Radha only It is stated that Vrishabhanu got a female child from a lotus and he and his wife were bringing up the child as their own.The child's eyes were closed and she could not see anything. One day Nanda and Yasodha arrived from Gokula and visited their house. Krishna was a baby in Yasoda's arms and the female child Radha was about 9 years. Yashoda could not take her eyes off the baby girl.Yashoda drew closer with baby Krishna, and as soon as Krishna came face to face with the baby girl, She opened Her eyes for the first time. Appropriately, Her first sight was the moonlike face of her beloved Sri Krishna, and She paused as she gazed upon His lovely form. Krishna too was overwhelmed with love as He saw before Him His eternal consort, in the guise of a girl. Only after Brahma Vaivarta Purana became popular in 10th Century A. D. Jayadeva wrote his famous work "Gita Govindam" or Ashtapadi. The work essentially speaks about the love story of Radha and Krishna .As he feared that the literary work may be termed' romantic' he sang some verses about all the avatars of Mahavishnu before he sang about Radha Krishna episodes. The work is couched essentially in Sringara rasa though commentators denote this as "Antar Bhakti and Bahir Sringara ( Eternal bhakthi expressed as love) Krishna didn't marry Radha. He saw Radha in Rukmini and Sathya Bhama. While Rukmini and Sathya Bhama felt envious of Radha, Radha never even envied Rukmini or Sathya bhama and she actually didn't meet Krishna after he left Brindavan. However some literary works convey that Radha met Krishna in Dwaraka. Krishna was already aware of his completion of his avatar and spoke about it to Radha. While Krishna was stated to have been immersed in thoughts about Radha, she didn't even look back. She knew that nobody could separate her from Krishna's heart. Many commentators used to say Radha was more capable of preaching Gita than Krishna himself, who could not but feel for Radha. Does Krishna also need Gitopadesam? Vathsala Jayaraman


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