Warrier's Collage May 29, 2022
Welcome To
Warrier's COLLAGE
May 29, 2022
(Description of
Good Morning
Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday June 4, 2022.
Thankamani & Dr T V Surendran (Mananthavady) and Sudha & M G Warrier who married at Lokanarkavu Temple, Vatakara on May 27, 1973 had their 49th Wedding Anniversary on May 27, 2022.
Best Wishes and Ayurarogyasaukhyam to all 🙏
Nice Day
M G Warrier
1) Jyothilakshmi Anil Kumar
Mr V Babusenan's story about the Lizard was so moving!! Very touching element.
2) AAP : M G Warrier
https://www.moneylife.in/article/aam-admi-party-dilemma-of-accepting-current-political-practices/30092.html This is what we said about AAP a decade ago. Please see my online comments, copied below :
9 years ago
AAP, or for that matter, any political party or social organisation in India, in the present situation, may not be in a position to insulate against the kind of infiltration or misuse of platform of the kind mentioned here. What could be tried is, transparent functioning, vigilant approach to feedbacks like this and online corrective measures. It may not be teething trouble and may last longer. But let us hope, as competition from new generation banks compelled old banks to provide better services, the vision and mission being announced by AAP will give opportunity for introspection and reform for major political parties which are trying ‘coalition’ tactics on a day-to-day basis.
1) Mainstream Weekly : Gabriel Gracia Marquez
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a big name in Latin American Literature. One may be interested to know how he made his entry into the world of literature. To put it in his own words: “It had never occurred to me that I could be a writer, but in my student days Eduardo Zalamea Borda, editor of the literary supplement of ElEspectador, in Bogota, published a note in which he said that the younger generation of writers had nothing to offer, that a new short-story writer, a new novelist, could not be seen anywhere...Then a feeling of solidarity with my generational companions arose in me, and I resolved to write a story simply to shut the mouth of Eduardo Zalamea Borda, who was my great friend or, at least,became my great friend later”. (‘How I Began to Write’ in Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I’m Not Here to Give a Speech, Viking, 2014)
In his Nobel Lecture (1982), Marquez highlighted the poetic roots of his writings: “In every line I write I always try, with greater or lesser success, to invoke the elusive spirits of poetry and leave in each word a testimony to my devotion because of its powers of divination and its permanent victory over the muffled powers of death”. (‘A Toast to Poetry')
2) Poetry : Madras Courier
1) Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan
An elderly Teacher was being interviewed by a young professional.
The professional started interviewing the teacher as planned earlier.
Young professional : "Sir, in your last lecture, you told about "Contact" and "Connection." It's really confusing. Can you explain?"
The Teacher smiled and apparently deviating from the question asked the young professional :
"Are you from this city?"
Professional : "Yeah..."
Teacher : "Who are there at home?"
The Professional felt that the Teacher was trying to avoid answering his question since this was a personal question. Yet the young Professional said : "Mother had expired. Father is there. 3 brothers and 1 sister. All married."
The Teacher, with a smile on his face, asked again : "Do you talk to your father?"
The young Professional looked visibly annoyed.
The Teacher : "When did you talk to him last?"
The young professional, suppressing his annoyance said : "May be a month ago."
The Teacher : "Do your brothers and sisters meet often? When did you meet last as a family gathering?"
At this point, sweat appeared on the forehead of the young professional.
It seemed that the Teacher was interviewing the young professional.
With a sigh, the Journalist said : "We met last at a festival 2 years ago."
The Teacher : "How many days did you all stay together?"
The young professional (wiping the sweat on his brow) said : "3 days..."
Teacher : "How much time did you spend with your Father, sitting right beside him?"
The young professional looking embarassed and started scribbling something on a paper.
The Teacher : "Did you have breakfast, lunch or dinner together? Did you ask how he was? Did you ask how his days are passing after your mother's death?"
Drops of tears started to flow from the eyes of the young professional.
The Teacher held the hand of the young professional and said : "Don't be embarassed, upset or sad. I am sorry if I have hurt you unknowingly. But this is basically the answer to your question about "Contact and Connection." You have 'Contact' with your father but you don't have 'Connection' with him. You are not connected to him. Connection is between heart and heart.
Sitting together, sharing meals and caring for each other, touching, shaking hands, having eye contact, spending some time together. All your brothers and sisters have 'Contact' but no 'Connection' with each other."
The young professional wiped his eyes and said : "Thanks Sir for teaching me a fine and unforgettable lesson."
This is the reality today.
Whether at home or in the society everybody has lots of contacts but there is no connection. Everybody is busy in his or her own world.
Let us not maintain just "Contacts" but let us remain "Connected." Caring, Sharing and Spending time with all our dear ones.
Please be connected with your well-wishers/friends.
V T Panchapagesan
2) Dr Charan Singh
Unity in Diversity - 264
इकु उतम पंथु सुनिओ गुर संगति तिह मिलंत जम त्रास मिटाई
इक अरदासि भाट कीरति की गुर रामदास राखहु सरणाई
Aware that company of Guru is the best path to remove fear of death/Yama
Prayer: Guru, keep me in your care/guidance
Bard Kirat, 1406, SGGS
Unity in Diversity - 265
जामि गुरू होइ वलि धनहि किआ गारवु दिजइ
जामि गुरू होइ वलि लख बाहे किआ किजइ
When Guru favors, then what importance is wealth/richness
When Guru favors, then what can lakh arms of adversaries (vices) do
Bard Nalh, 1399, SGGS
Current Affairs
Reserve Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India had announced setting up of a Committee for Review of Customer Service Standards in RBI Regulated Entities (REs) for examining and reviewing the state of customer service in the REs and adequacy of customer service regulations and suggest measures to improve customer service. Accordingly, the Reserve Bank of India has constituted a Committee :
Media Response :
1) Dr T V Gopalakrishnan
Bank Customer Service
Very good move badly needed by the suffering customers. The banks have simply forgotten that they survive because of the customers. Customers seem to have given up the expectation of any improvement in service leave alone getting improved service. Having been appointed Retired Senior Officials particularly from RBI it is hoped that they would do full justice to the assignment allotted and come out with some solid and practical suggestions to improve the services and rationalise the service charges. The Fast Eroding TRUST in BANKS and their Services can be regained only if banks care for customers, understand the customers,and are able to extend services based on their expectations, needs and capabilities to appreciate the gaps now seen particularly in the Tecnological advancements in banks and Customers abilities to cope with to get the services. Ignoring Customers emails and sending standard replies without any intentions to act seem to be the trend in most of the banks and from this angle the customer gets a feeling that they can very well go in for Crypto currency transactions as no identity is known as to with whom they are dealing.The digital world has completely taken away even the very little rapport the customers had with banks is the sorry state of affairs. The time given to the Committee however, is totally inadequate as the committee members should have some interactions with customers who are suffering and the banks to experience themselves the issues faced by customers without revealing their identities.
TVG Krishnan
This was in response to :
2) GOI's Budget Exercise
May 25, 2022
GOI's resources management*
This refers to the report "PSBs may step up dividend to make up for RBI's lower transfer" (The Hindu Business Line, May 25). Traditionally, central government budget exercise has been depending on "appropriation exercise" post-Budget announcement.
Since last decade, original government investments in government owned organisations and PSUs have started earning profits and paying dividends to GOI. Of late, there is a temptation to pre-harvest income from organisations like RBI, PSBs and LIC to make up for budget deficits. This approach results in depletion of reserves and affects the strength of the balance sheets of the organisations concerned. For example, RBI's reserves level has come down from 11 per cent to 5.5 during the last 12 years.
Perhaps, a comprehensive review of overall budgetary exercise with focus on sources and uses of funds may help to restore trust in governance.
M G Warrier
*Published on May 26, 2022 :
Blogs & Links
https://www.moneylife.in/article/aam-admi-party-dilemma-of-accepting-current-political-practices/30092.html This is what we said about AAP a decade ago. Please see my online comments, copied below :
9 years ago
AAP, or for that matter, any political party or social organisation in India, in the present situation, may not be in a position to insulate against the kind of infiltration or misuse of platform of the kind mentioned here. What could be tried is, transparent functioning, vigilant approach to feedbacks like this and online corrective measures. It may not be teething trouble and may last longer. But let us hope, as competition from new generation banks compelled old banks to provide better services, the vision and mission being announced by AAP will give opportunity for introspection and reform for major political parties which are trying ‘coalition’ tactics on a day-to-day basis.
ATMs dispensing water
The concept of Water ATMs is a widely researched subject and some projects have already taken off, though in a limited sense. The idea was first broached to the Delhi government in 2012 by some entrepreneurs. As the adage goes, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ and it was acute shortage of potable water in the vicinity of certain residential areas that made the government support the project which would supply water through unmanned kiosks, now known as Water ATMs.
1) Posthumous tribute for snoring
Evening classes for men. Starting this month!
Summer camp
Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty of the content, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants each.
Topic 1.
How to fill ice-cube trays and why to fill water bottles before putting them back in the fridge.
Step by step with slide presentation.
Topic 2
Differences between the laundry basket and the floor.
Pictures and explanatory graphics.
Topic 3
Learning how to find things, starting with looking in the right place instead of
turning the house upside down while screaming.
Open forum.
Topic 4
Health watch: bringing her flowers is not harmful to your health.
Graphics and audio tape.
Topic 5
Real men ask for directions when lost.
Real-life testimonials.
Topic 6
Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly while SHE drives?
Driving simulation.
Topic 7
Learning to live: basic differences between mother and wife.
Topic 8
How to be the ideal shopping companion.
Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques.
Topic 9
How to fight cerebral atrophy: remembering birthdays, anniversaries, other important dates and informing when you’re going to be late.
Admissions are open
*Received from Dr T V Surendran Manathavady
Children Are Quick and Always Speak Their Minds
3) Kidding with kids*
TEACHER: Archana, go to the map and find North America .
Archana: Here it is.
TEACHER: Correct. Now I ask the class, who discovered America ?
CLASS: Archana.
TEACHER: Mani, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?
MANI: You told me to do it without using the tables.
TEACHER: Raju, how do you spell 'crocodile?'
TEACHER: No, that's wrong
RAJU: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.
(I Love this child)
TEACHER: Aswin, what is the chemical formula for water?
TEACHER: What are you talking about?
ASWIN: Yesterday you said it's H to O.
( A Classic)
TEACHER: Rani, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.
( Bowled Out)
TEACHER: Ravi, why do you always get so dirty?
RAVI: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
_( Stunning)
TEACHER: Ramesh, give me a sentence starting with ' I. '
RAMESH: I is...
TEACHER: No, Ramesh...... always say, 'I am.'
RAMESH: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet'
( You Asked for it) _________________________
TEACHER: Palaniappan not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Mani, do you know why his father didn't punish him?
MANI: Because Palaniappan still had the axe in his hand......
(Down to Earth)
TEACHER: Now, Raghu , tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
RAGHU: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.
( So Practical)
TEACHER: Guru , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's.. Did you copy his?
GURU : No sir, It's about the same dog.
(I want to adopt this kid!!!)
*Received from K Balasubramanian Coimbatore
Quotes on spices
Like :
But in truth, should I meet with gold or spices in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, opening the way for the widespread European exploration and colonization of the Americas.