Warrier's Collage May 7, 2022 : Focus on Green

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday May 7, 2022 Japanese Tea Gardens https://youtu.be/9iyb80dqvYo (Let's start with tea todayπŸ™-Warrier) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) V T Panchapagesan VIBGYOR , SEVEN colors finally join with WHITE A SYMBOL OF PURITY….SUN GOD… URUVAM, SURYANARAYANAN…. KAMA, KRODHA, LOBHA, MOHA, MADA, MATSARYA, BHAYA ARE TO BE KEPT UNDER CHECK BY MAN.. ORANGE AND RED ARE SYMBOLIC TO MOON AND EARTH WHILE WHITE IS SUN……. NAMAM BY TILAK IS SYMBOLIC TO THESE. V T Panchapagesan 2) Thanks πŸ™ from Govind Kiran Many Thanks to all readers for the Best Wishes and Blessings 3) R Jayakumar Colours and Confusions Madam Vathsala deserves a PhD for her thesis on colours and their impact on religion, science, history, human emotions etc etc. In fact she deserves doctorate in all subjects on which she enlightens the readers of Warrier's Collage with so much in details in them. She made everything clear about colours and there is no secret remains in our mind about colours after reading her article. But I have faced many confusions while dealing with colours in life, some embarassing moments also.. Long ago, when our engagement date was fixed in 1977, as per custom, we had to buy the engagement saree for the would be bride. Someone in the house suggested that I asked the would be what was the choice of colour she liked for the engagement saree. Taking courage I dialled the UBI number and the Telephone Operator put me to the right extention after I answered her few queries. My would be said that she wanted saree in the colour of the onion. When we went to buy the saree we all settled for a colour which looked little waxy and little brown. (I forgot to carry an onion to be very specific about the colour). On the day of engagement when we presented the saree there wasn't much appreciation for the colour. Later I came to know that the expected colour was that of a peeled onion and not of an unpeeled onion. I secretly took a big round onion to see what was wrong in our choice. Outside it looked somewhat a reddish brown and when I started to peel it, first it was somewhat indigo in colour and after one more peel to looked purple, after another peel pink, and after that light pink and then white. When the time for buying the wedding saree came I was again asked to confirm the colour from the bride. When she said maroon I decided to be smart and told her to take out time and to accompany us to the saree emporium and choose her right colour. All was well. Even today when my wife asks me to buy for her bindis in maroon colour, for safety, I buy them in three to four varieties of maroon colour. At least one will be accepted. Later It was another story how I got confused to find out what was sky blue and what was navy blue to buy school uniforms for my children.. R Jayakumar B Current Affairs 1) Media Response May 6, 2022 Flexibility in inflation targetting* This refers to the well-researched article "There's no escaping a growth sacrifice" by RK Pattnaik (The Hindu Business Line, May 6). Like Railway Time Table for Railways, inflation target is important for RBI. Just like adherence to time table will depend on several factors like quality of the tracks, racks and engines and the skills of the workforce, keeping inflation on track is dependent on multiple factors, many of which are external for RBI. Railways' first priority will be safety of the passengers and RBI's priority in monetary policy implementation will be ensuring need-based money supply and credit delivery. The present broad band of 4 +/_ 2 percentage points within which inflation was to be maintained was given more than 5 years ago. May be, the target itself may be due for a review, considering the changes in the global economic environment. The silver lining in the horizon is the harmony seen in the relationship between RBI and the Finance Ministry in recent years. Together, they own more weapons in the armoury, to balance the compulsions of controlling inflation and supporting economic growth. When the going gets tough, tough gets going! M G Warrier Mumbai *Published in print edition on May 7, 2022 : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article65389449.ece 2) Sankara Jayanti Sankara Jayanti 2022 is observed on May 6, 2022 https://www.drikpanchang.com/hindu-saints/shankaracharya/adi-shankaracharya-jayanti.html Know more : https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/the-philosophers-day-sankara-jayanti Excerpts : Adi Shankara was born in the 8th century AD at Kaladi in Kerala to a Namboodhri Brahmin couple. The parents were childless for a long time and undertook fasts and prayed at the Vadukunathan temple. Lord Shiva appeared to them in a dream and blessed them. It is believed that Adi Shankara was a minor incarnation of Lord Shiva himself. His father died when Shankara was young and his mother took care of him. Shankara was brilliant and excelled in the traditional vaidika learning. After his sacred thread ceremony was performed, Shankara used to beg for alms as was the tradition. Once he called out for alms at the home of a poor woman. This woman was very loving at heart and devoted to God but had nothing to give. There was no food in her home. When she saw Shankara standing at her doorway seeking alms, the effluence from his face attracted her and she was heartbroken that she had no food to give him. She hunted in the shelves of her hut to see if she could get anything. She found a dry amla fruit and offered it to him with tears in her eyes. Seeing her goodness and distress, Shankara invoked Goddess Lakshmi and sang the Kanaka Dhara Stotram – an invocation to the Goddess of Wealth to rain down gold. Sure enough, there was a rain of gold amlas which fell into the woman’s house, shattering the roof and filling her life with riches and blessings. 3) From Collage records RBI Balance Sheet 2010-11 https://www.business-standard.com/article/opinion/letters-reserve-bank-of-india-s-income-and-reserves-111082900004_1.html C Babusenan's Column A Happy Memory Please bear with me for being a bit autobiographical. If anyone is to be blamed for that, it is my esteemed friend Shri C A Jacob. (I shall come to that soon) I joined the RBI in the clerical cadre on the 1stMarch1960, when I was in my sweet 25, a rolling stone having worked in three schools, one college and a couple of tutorial colleges. The only other person who joined the Bank with me on that day at its Trivandrum office is now a well known figure in the RBI circles : Shri V O Gopi, who was, for some years, holding aloft successfully the basket of currencies at Central Office. Around 10.30 I was ushered into the majestic presence of the great M L Gogtay, the Officer in charge(only two departments were functioning in Kerala at that time) He was a man of few words. He looked at me from head to foot with his benign eyes, asked me a few questions and asked his stenographer : "Vembu, where is he posted?" "Returns Section", came the reply. " Take him to Rahaman Shariff" When I got up to leave, he said : "Young man, from now onwards, make yourself useful to the institution". I could never be, then or later, fair to him in this respect. I do not know if that great man gave the same advice to my friend who merged with the office set-up from that very moment as duck to water. For, he was fresh from college and I came from an altogether different atmosphere untouched by bureaucratic show-off. I was duly introduced to Shri Rahaman Shariff. Of middle height, stout, handsome, immaculately dressed in white half-shirt, khaki half-pants of the yellowish -brown variety and with a neck-tie neatly held in position, Shri Shariff smiled at me through his golden -rimmed spectacles. That welcome is still vivid in my mind even after a lapse of clear 62 years! But what did I do in return? Hardly a week passed when the Officer in charge of the section called me to test my knowledge. He was a tall man, walking and talking fast and his first question to me was : "What are ad hoc treasury bills?" I could not answer. The treasury bills I knew about were a painful memory. I worked for quite some time in a private secondary school where the teachers were paid from the government treasury. How many days the school clerk returned empty handed from the treasury disappointing us! How could I tell this to the Officer? He asked me a few more questions. I could answer with confidence only a couple of them : "How many commercial banks were functioning in Kerala and how many of them were submitting returns in time?" After some time Shri Shariff called me to his seat on his return from the Officer's cabin and said in a sad tone: "Senan, you have let me down. Hope this will not repeat." "Sir," I replied, "I am afraid, this will repeat and you may have to put up with me." Another man would have taken it as an insolent reply, but not Shri Shariff. He laughed aloud and said : "All right, all right. Go to your seat." Only 17 years before that RBI got its first Indian Governor and it was only slowly that it was getting out of its British bureaucratic trappings. Only sartorially Shri Shariff was imitating the British bureaucratic aloofness, but in interactions, he was a very amiable person. Might be,he was not that knowledgeable, but one seldom sees a warmer heart. That was what Shri Jacob was referring to in his write-up on Shri Shariff in a retirees' WhatsApp. On a Maundy Thursday, the latter came and warmly shook his hands wishing him a "Happy Good Friday." Shri Jacob was very well aware that he could not blame his boss for not knowing that in old English 'good' meant 'bad' (for Christians )and 'holy' too. He responded with equal warmth : "Thank you, Sir." D Green in poetry https://interestingliterature.com/2019/07/10-of-the-best-poems-about-the-colour-green/ Excerpts : William Wordsworth, ‘The Green Linnet’. In joy of voice and pinion! Thou, Linnet! in thy green array, Presiding Spirit here to-day, Dost lead the revels of the May; And this is thy dominion. Many of the greatest green poems are also spring poems, and this poem sees Wordsworth enjoying a warm spring day under a tree, in the company of the green bird, the linnet. E Sanskrit Language* https://www.indica.today/long-reads/silence-lambs-part-i-drowning-out-native-voice-indology-sanskrit/ This led me to investigate the Indian tradition for a theory of just war. To my surprise, I found not just a large body of original material in the Mahabharata and Smriti texts but also extensive scholarship ranging from Ramanuja and MadhusΕ«dana SarasvatΔ« to P. V. Kane. *Link Courtesy : P V Mohan Krishnan Thiruvananthapuram F Collage Essay Science behind colours : Vathsala Jayaraman The nature of light has been mysterious and difficult to understand for many years. Today, we know that light behaves both as a wave and as a stream of particles. This phenomenon is called a wave-particle duality.Electromagnetic waves with a length of 380-780 nanometres are called visible light. White light is produced by mixing seven simple single colours called the basic colours. After decomposing, they can be observed in the form of the commonly known seven colours of the rainbow. This phenomenon appears in the sky on sunny days when it rains. Falling drops of water act as a prism and split white light into its components, i.e. colours. Each of the seven colours corresponds to a specific wavelength range. Electromagnetic wave with the longest wavelength (635-770 nm) is red, while the shortest one (380-450 nm) is responsible for seeing purple. Let us consider why we see colourful objects.Colour vision results directly from the sensitivity of the respective receptors in the eye to the light wavelength. We can see the colours of different objects (e.g. crayons or flowers) because they reflect and absorb the rays of light that fall on them. These objects do not shine with their own light, but absorb specific electromagnetic wavelengths from the visible light range, reflecting the remaining ones. We see a certain colour because part of the radiation reflected from the surface of the object reaches our eyes. why do we see colors For a better understanding of this mechanism, it is best to explain it with an example. Red poppies absorb electromagnetic rays of all wavelengths except those corresponding to red colour. Waves of this length are reflected, causing the eye to see red colour when the waves reach the eye. When an object is white, it means that all white light is reflected from it. Black objects, on the other hand, absorb all wavelengths in the visible light range Eyes are extremely sensitive organs of the sense of sight, which participate in the creation of images, commonly known as vision.To find out why we see electromagnetic wave as colour, we need to look at the structure of the eye. The sight organ is equipped with photosensitive receptors, i.e. rod cells and cones. Photosensitive cells are located in the back of the eyeball called retina. Rod cells are responsible for perceiving shape and movement. They are so sensitive that they can catch even a single photon. Cones, on the other hand, are responsible for seeing colours. There are three types of cones in the human eye, which react to different wavelengths, and, consequently, allow one to see red, blue and green colours. If the receptors register intermediate wavelengths, all three groups of cones react to the stimulus, creating an impression of an intermediate colour in the brain made up of three basic colours. Visible light is nothing more than electromagnetic waves in the 380-780 nm range. Light falling on an object is partly absorbed and partly reflected by it. Then, the electromagnetic wave reflected from the object is directed to the receptors in the eye, i.e. cones and rod cells in the retina, where a reduced and inverted image is created. In the next stage, the receptors transmit an impulse to the brain, in which the data is interpreted, and on its basis an image of the object is produced. Everything happens extremely quickly, which you can see by looking around. The colours that we see are immediately registered and processed, creating an image. The incredible sight organ, the eye, distinguishes an enormous number of colours. According to literature, there are several million of them. It is worth noting that colour is not a feature of light, but only an impression produced by an electromagnetic wave of a certain length in the brain.Seeing a colour is momentary, and is not recorded in our memory. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to recognize the same colour again because we do not have a pattern to which we can compare a colour. When we talk so much of colours we should know something about colour blindness also. Red-green color blindness The most common type of color blindness makes it hard to tell the difference between red and green. There are 4 types of red-green color blindness: Deuteranomaly is the most common type of red-green color blindness. It makes green look more red. This type is mild and doesn’t usually get in the way of normal activities. Protanomaly makes red look more green and less bright. This type is mild and usually doesn’t get in the way of normal activities. Protanopia and deuteranopia both make you unable to tell the difference between red and green at all. Blue-yellow color blindness This less-common type of color blindness makes it hard to tell the difference between blue and green, and between yellow and red. There are 2 types of blue-yellow color blindness: Tritanomaly makes it hard to tell the difference between blue and green, and between yellow and red. Tritanopia makes you unable to tell the difference between blue and green, purple and red, and yellow and pink. It also makes colors look less bright. Complete color blindness If you have complete color blindness, you can't see colors at all. This is also called monochromacy, and it's quite uncommon. Depending on the type, you may also have trouble seeing clearly and you may be more sensitive to light. Vathsala Jayaraman G Quotes on Green πŸ’š https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/green-quotes Like : Once you got a solar panel on a roof, energy is free. Once we convert our entire electricity grid to green and renewable energy, cost of living goes down. Elizabeth May Elizabeth Evans May OC MP is a Canadian politician who served as Leader of the Green Party of Canada from 2006 to 2019 and has served as the Member of Parliament for Saanich—Gulf Islands since 2011.


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