Warrier's Collage May 18, 2022 : Post-Retirement Life

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Wednesday May 18, 2022 Kalamezhuthum Pattum (Malayalam) https://youtu.be/Qx20HdmCKSQ (Know more : http://www.keralaculture.org/kalamezhuthupattu/66) 2) Dog's Life https://youtu.be/3dcli9i_pvA Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A 1) Reshmy Warrier Shared a Video https://photos.app.goo.gl/JPmiuMeSsh6YFQdQ9 (While in College (1959-63), I had a squirrel as pet for about one year. One day morning, it went out, as usual, and didn't return in the evening that day. Few days, we thought he may come back. He was fine when we saw him last. Probably, he joined his friends : Warrier) 2) T N C Rangarajan Re: owner / tenant Off at a tangent as usual, I am thinking of the necessity of living as a tenant. When an elderly couple live alone, and one has to become a survivor one day, they are compelled to relocate as the survivor cannot live in that house without support. This trauma is worse than losing the companion. It is also hard to sell away the house. So I feel that at some point of time the current trend of living in a senior community as tenants is the best option for seniors who cannot live with their children. The advantage is that the survivor can continue to live there without disruption and when the survivor also departs, the children will not have the burden of selling the house. (A Chapter on 'Post-Retirement Life' from my eBook "Chasing Inclusive Growth"* is reproduced at E-Warrier) *Amazon Link : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07B527VZY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_BF29APRXP92DXTA7CNF3 B Groups of Dogs https://www.masterclass.com/articles/dog-breed-guide#what-are-dog-groups For thousands of years, people have been selectively breeding dogs to perform specific tasks—whether it’s hunting, herding, or keeping watch. The term “dog breed” refers to dogs bred for specific genetic traits (from personality traits to physical features). Today, there are over 450 dog breeds, organized into seven main groups. C V Babusenan's Column Lumbini Sneha, my naughty neighbour who likes me immensely and whom I like very much, asked me the other day with a smile : "Uncle, I read in the paper that our Prime Minister is visiting your residence. Were you together in your old Ahmedabad days? I am asking because you used to claim closeness with many celebrities in your college days in North India. For example, you told me that Shatrughnan Sinha was your room mate and he used to write to you even when he was busy as a very popular actor. You told me that Sudha Malhotra, the well-known playback singer ,was your principal's daughter who, as a little girl, came to the college with her father often and you had pinched her cheeks."She asked that question knowing very well that, on the Buddha Poornima day, our Prime Minister was visiting Lumbini*, the garden in Kapilavastu, where Buddha was born. The cause of her mischievous enquiry was my house name which is also Lumbini. Once the great poet M P Appan, in whose name our residential area is known, asked me as to what prompted me to give this rare name to my house. This was my answer : "Sir, I had an aunt who, in her melodious voice, sang to us, children ,Asan's 'Buddha charitham'. Many incidents narrated in the poem, like Buddha's birth and his taking leave of his sleeping wife Yasodhara, got etched in our minds, especially because of the quality of our aunt's reading. When the question of giving a name to my house came up, the birth of Buddha suddenly filled my mind. Hence the name." Onam festival in Kerala has a duration of ten days and culminates on the Thiruvonam day. On all these ten days, boys and girls will be busy making floral designs on the ground. They visit houses for donation to buy flowers to supplement their own collection. When they come to my house, I tell the boy or girl holding the receipt book:"My house name is Lumbini and the donor's name is Maitreyi. If anyone among you can tell me the significance of both names, I will give you an additional ten rupees." So far, none could win that additional ten. *Lumbini : https://youtu.be/-h4J-UuMf0M D Blogs & Links 1) My Take : Reshmy Warrier https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/my-take Excerpts : "Most people reach out to spiritual gurus n spirituality not to actually get to philosophy or God or truth but to solve their daily problems or to escape from it. We are brought up in a world where we are fed definitions of success, status and happiness. To that, our subconscious mind also feeds us with certain milestones of the ideal life. When some of these fall short, and most likely they will, as humans, we feel helpless. God then becomes that absolute source to help you find your way or to help you forget the grimness of your situation." 2) All-Inclusive God : M G Warrier https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/allinclusive-god Excerpts : "If we can mould our attitude in tune with changing times, we can reinvent the "God" in us. I have all along tried to perceive God as the sum total of all existence, present, past and future. Saksharas (The wise and the literate) and Rakshasas (The fools and the illiterate), Amrut and Poison are all part of the same Universal Being which different generations across geographies have been trying to bottle and keep in airtight containers called religions." 3) Bonus : Madras Courier : Environment Protection https://madrascourier.com/environment/u-s-military-emissions-are-causing-heatwaves-in-the-indian-sub-continent/ E Collage in Classroom Post-Retirement Life* : M G Warrier “Necessity is the mother of invention” This is true not only for scientific and technological research, but for any development in the social and even spiritual area also. In India, perhaps till a couple of decades back, care homes for the aged were a government initiative targeting mainly those below poverty line (there is no hope in sight for getting rid of the need for this line!). And if someone who had enough assets to meet his daily needs thought of going and living in a care home, people would refuse to accept it as a normal behavior. Our social security network through the institution of family and neighborhood interdependence was strong enough to take care of the aged and the invalid as long as they survived. Times are changing. And fast. These days, you will find sons and daughters working abroad, during their short visits booking villas or flats in the affectionately called ‘Retirement Villas' as an investment proposition. You will also find old people in groups discussing about someone who has shifted to a Retirement Facility. Not that the values we upheld about the ‘family' has gone down the drain, or that the present generation of youth love their parents less or vice versa. The modern lifestyle, need for everyone to go out for work and the smaller size of families have all contributed to this scenario in different measures. Presently, arrangements for living for the well-to-do aged are available in facilities provided by big builders, some Non-Governmental Organizations or by spiritual/religious institutions. Those who are not so well-to-do depend on the mercy of government. Those who are forced to make a choice to move out of their family do it without getting much opportunity to weigh the pros and cons of their decision. In many cases, they are not able to do the necessary study or scouting before deciding on the choice of the facility. Reason being the issue is not openly discussed in families or among friends for fear of being alleged that something is wrong within the family. This discussion is aimed at triggering a discussion among people planning to opt for the freedom of independent living in groups in Retirement Villages without foregoing the love and affection of family members. Retirement Villages The concept of Retirement Villages is slowly picking up in India. Essentially, Retirement Villages are a specialized category of housing complexes, meant to cater to the accommodation and lifestyle needs of retiring/retired people. Homogeneity of group and a higher level of security awareness are real advantages for this option. Although the worries about failing health, the need for personal security and companionship of people with comparable interests and needs are real concerns and would be met here more satisfactorily, the dramatic changes in lifestyle that will be forced on one should be considered very dispassionately before a choice is made, especially because reversal of decisions at this stage in life would be painful in more than one way. This rider holds good while considering any other option discussed here also. Sponsored Retirement Villages The housing complexes/flats let out to senior citizens for life by various social groups and private individuals/organizations come under this category. Normally, the sponsors take an initial lump sum non-refundable deposit and get reimbursed for recurring expenses by regular monthly payments out of occupant's income(from pension/interest on savings etc.) or remittances from outside. In some cases, a refundable deposit also is accepted to take care of unexpected expenses in medical emergencies. The sponsor ensures arrangements for stay, food, and other support services including medical services and nursing assistance where necessary on a cost-sharing basis. Where the initial deposit is high and almost equals the capital expenditure incurred by the sponsor, a right to nomination whereby a nominee can get the possession of the house/flat, subject to completing certain formalities and payment of a pre-indicated sum, when the occupant dies is part of the deal. Ownership Residential Units The groups of flats/houses being built by groups of like-minded individuals or builders within other residential complexes or outside come under this category. Here, a sense of ownership and a feeling of flexibility in case one changes mind about stay when letting out could be a possibility are the advantages. However, the package of services offered by sponsors either as part of social service or business is absent here and the groups will have to work out arrangements for all needed services by availing facilities available in the vicinity. Hostel for Senior Citizens The concept is yet to develop in our country. The living conditions in the state-run and NGO-sponsored old age homes and charity homes where the invalid and the aged who do not have regular source of income or support from children or family are forced to stay now are far from satisfactory. The right of every citizen for food, shelter and other minimum facilities for living a reasonably comfortable life needs to be protected. Regulating the common stay arrangements for senior citizens, pensioners, invalids, orphans and others who are dependent on care homes of whatever nomenclature and providing need-based financial support to the care homes would be a move in the right direction from the government side. Some related issues As regards the resources necessary to meet this challenging effort, only the lack of political will to canalize the men, material and money now being engaged for purposes like luxurious celebrations (mentioning here the examples of the efforts to find the beginning of universe or scientific research in uninhabited parts of planet earth or in space or development of weapons for massive annihilation may divert the discussion to controversial areas, which is not my purpose!) and wars towards creative and positive purposes at least until the basic needs of every inhabitant of mother earth is met is standing in the way. Agreed, this is a great hurdle, equal in dimension to the greed which results in accumulation of wealth by individuals, families and nations through unethical means. But, if you and I start talking about it frequently and without fear change is not far away. In the interregnum, large builders, hospitals and organizations in the public and private sectors could fill the gap by supporting initiatives for setting up Care Homes/Retirement Villages with all necessary linkages as part of fulfillment of their social responsibility. Argument here is not that government should be burdened with the entire cost for the purpose. Depending on the category of occupants, cost sharing has to be built into the scheme. For example, pensioners could be asked to surrender a portion of the pension towards rentals and a certain percentage for food and asked to contribute to a medical insurance scheme to take care of health care needs. Where feasible, earning children should be made liable to meet costs of maintenance of their parents. We are at crossroads where traditional values are not respected universally and self-regulation to protect human rights and social needs is yet to arrive. It is in this context governments and corporates have a crucial role in this area. (*First, my article on the subject was published in two parts in B Positive, a monthly Lifestyle Magazine from Apollo Group of Hospitals, Hyderabad some 12 years ago. This is an edited and abridged version. 🙏-Warrier) F Leisure Sambar & Rasam Resplendent Rasam* Sambar and Rasam, like Vasishtar and Vishwamithrar, are kulagurus of Tamil brahminical lunches and dinners. Both have an army of admirers and at times one is substituted for the other. In marriage lunches, they go together and in our homes, for the day to day lunches and dinners, we either prepare sambar or rasam but less frequently both. For Sambar in Palakkadu, they use grounded and grated coconut, whereas in Tamil Nadu, sambar powder is preferred. Availability of coconuts and pulses determine this and one is not necessarily superior to the other. However, for marriage lunches, arachuvitta sambar (sambar with grated coconut) alone is preferred. Sambar using sambar powder is looked down upon as if it plays for the B team. Rasam does not entertain such distinction. Rasam powder is universally used. Sambar has to face stiff competition from Morkhuzhambu, Vettakhuzhambhu, ghothsu and pitlaw and it either over shadows or is overshadowed by them. Rasam fears no such alien threats save the competition from the Rasam specie itself. Like Manchester United and Real Madrid Football Clubs followers, the Rasam protagonists are categorised into two fiercely competing groups - those who take their Rasam with the sediments ( kalakkivitta Rasam) and those who would prefer the sediments to remain in the container ( thelivu rasam). Orderliness demands that thelivu rasam group should have its serving first so that kalakkivitta Rasam group can have the rest to its heart' s content. Lime Rasam dispenses with tamarind and is healthy. However, pepper Rasam, geera Rasam and kandanthippili Rasam have therapeutic value and hence are prepared as medicinal prescriptions. They are taken to come out of certain ailments. Pepper Rasam is prepared for those whose temperature level is above 100 degrees. Mysore Rasam has all ingredients and it appeals to our palate. However, senior members of the family frown upon it, for fear that it might promote libido. If pure Rasam is like a Semmangudi swaraprasthara subtleties, Mysore Rasam, like modern day Dire Strait's "Sulthans of Swing", stirring the youngsters soul. For a few garlic Rasam is the greatest. However, it has equally powerful enemies, though garlic wins bidding approvals from doctors. Sambar cannot end our meals. It is not a finisher like Dhoni. Invariably it has to be followed by Rasam or dahi bath. Rasam is independent and can stand apart, alone. When someone is not well, Rasam alone is prescribed, a privilege that sambar looks at with envy. Vadai soaked in sambar is known as vadai sambar, prominence being given to vadai. However, vadai soaked in Rasam is known as Rasa vadai, Rasam stealing the show. One can drink cupfuls of Rasam. If one tries to drink sambar in a cup, his sanity would be tested - another snub again to sambar. As barbeque is connected with a grill and rotis and nans are linked to tandoors, sambar boiled in a kalchatti assumes a significant flavour. Rasam boiled in Kumbhakonam made eeyachombu, lords over our lunches and dinners. When we take rice, quantity of Rasam dominates. In sambar rice, high quantity of sambar is frowned upon. In addition to its intrinsic merits, Rasam is also enjoyed for one more reason. In marriage lunches, Rasam is followed by payasam. If Rasam comes, can Payasam be far behind, a poet Shelley may have sung today. Milagu Rasam in Western garbs has become mulaguthanni soup in star hotels. In fact, Rasam is precursor to many modern day soups. Software techies from South India would enjoy their cupfuls of chosen Rasam even while embarking upon their coding endeavours. No wonder, one sighs, Rasam is resplendent indeed! (I always prefer "kalakkivitta" Rasam). *Received from K P V Karunakaran Mumbai G Quotes on domestic animals https://everydaypower.com/pet-quotes/ Like : He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” – Immanuel Kant Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers. Born in Königsberg, Kant's comprehensive and systematic works in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics have made him an influential figure in modern Western philosophy. Kant's Thoughts : There is, however, something intuitive about the idea that morality is based on reason rather than feelings or consequences. Consider my pet cat Spartan. He performs certain actions like scrabbling under bed covers, meowing at birds and chasing his tail. Now consider my daughter Beth, she performs certain actions like caring for her sister and helping the homeless. Spartan's actions are not moral whereas Beth's actions are. Spartan's thinking and actions are driven by his desires and inclination. He eats and plays and sleeps when he desires to do so, there is no reasoning on his part. Beth, in contrast, can reflect on the various reasons she has, reasons to care for her sister and the homeless. We might think then that humans are moral beings not because we have certain desires but precisely because we are rational. We have an ability to “stand back” and consider what we are doing and why. Kant certainly thought so and he takes this insight as his starting point.


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