Warrier's Collage May 21, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Saturday May 21, 2022 Entertainment https://m.timesofindia.com/entertainment/telugu/movie-reviews/rrr/amp_movie_review/90433950.cms Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Kaliyamardhanam : Malayalam Poem by Sugathakumari https://youtu.be/PC0v2_EJMSA (Sugathakumari : 1934-2020 : https://openthemagazine.com/columns/sugathakumari-1934-2020-poet-empathy/ The ingenious acquaintances she forged amid her richly diverse poetry, commitment to nature and culture and the profound determination in her fight for gender justice, ecological sustainability, the rights of children and the destitute lot were all amazing. Her devotion to poems was as important as her resolution to stay firm on myriad issues of environment, justice and rights.) B V Babusenan's Column Post-Retirement Life Again the itch for being auto biographical has caught hold of me. I now feel convinced that this tendency to bore obliging readers increases with advancing age. In coming September ,the span of my post-retirement life will equal my service in the RBI. I did not idle away my time. In my own way I tried to serve the literature of my mother tongue Malayalam by writing books and articles. I wrote about a dozen books on various subjects-from Bertrand Russell's biography to nuclear reactors, the last one being an appreciation of Sherlock Holmes stories. One prominent writer who wrote in the 'Hindu' on those retired but not tired, included my name also in his list. Those days have gone. I feel very tired now. My accomplishment is not big enough to boast off, but, whatever is there, was possible only because of the financial security provided by the Bank's pension scheme introduced in1990. It makes me very sad to think that there is powerful effort to scuttle it. It is common knowledge that, although the pension scheme was started with the permission of the CG, the latter was not in favour of it mainly because of two factors : Its linkage with the wage revision in the Bank taking place once in five years and the assurance to the pensioners that the benefits that the CG pensioners get once in ten years will be given to them too(once in five years) In my view, these two were the dominant factors, and not the so-called 'snowballing effect' in the banking sector, that culminated in the notorious 'roll back' of 2008. Let us not forget that, if the authorities were really interested in the Pension Regulation, there was more than enough time to amend it to get rid of the objection raised by the CG. If things happened as assured by the Bank, the super-senior pensioners would have been enjoying now the extra benefit that the CG pensioners of the same category have been enjoying since2006. I have two sons who have been fairly well educated. The elder one is a post graduate in English literature with a doctorate in film narratology. The younger one is an M Des from IIT, Mumbai. Their dominant genes being from the mother's side(their maternal uncle was a close associate of the great G Aravindan and a film director of repute in his own right) they worked in tandem to produce some films in Malayalam and earned a good name. But the balance sheet was not as bright as the films they produced. Whatever meagre savings we possessed had evaporated in that venture which was like an impossible drama with only exits and no entrances. At that critical juncture the reverse mortgage scheme of SBI came to my rescue. The father of this scheme was the FM who insisted on the implementation of the 'roll back'. One may recall here what the great Malayalam poet Kumaran Asan said about Dame Destiny : Oru kai prahariykkave piditch Oru kai kondu talodumeh ival ( While she beats you with one hand, with the other hand, she will stroke you lovingly) The idea of resort to reverse mortgage was suggested by Dr Subbarao, a former Governor of RBI, who generously responded to Shri Warrier's request to give his opinion on his article on post-retirement life. Among his candid views, one was the under-utilisation of the reverse mortgage scheme. He would have been happy had there been more persons like me. I am in total agreement with his view that one should not be unduly sentimental in such matters. How I wish it were some other senior bureaucrat who came to the Bank as Governor with the warrant to effect the 'roll back'! C Heritage Advice https://theapeiron.co.uk/6-lessons-from-ancient-hindu-philosophy-to-unlock-your-full-potential-7537cb6a9d73 Final Words Life can get overwhelming at times. But taking a moment to reflect on the wisdom of our ancestors is an effective way to find peace. I devoted a few minutes each day to read the Bhagavad Gita, and it changed my life. These concepts taught me that no matter what we have today, it might as well disappear tomorrow. There’s no point in obsessing over things you can’t control. The best way out is to do your karma — the tasks you’re supposed to do — and leave the rest to the universe. Believe in your potential, and even if you don’t get immediate results, keep pushing on. Based on what you tell yourself, you can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Don’t let your self-talk convince your heart that you can’t succeed. D Blogs & Links 1) RBI Surplus Transfer https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_PressReleaseDisplay.aspx?prid=53740 The Board also discussed the working of the Reserve Bank during the year April 2021 – March 2022 and approved the Annual Report and accounts of the Reserve Bank for the accounting year 2021-22. The Board approved the transfer of ₹30,307 crore as surplus to the Central Government for the accounting year 2021-22, while deciding to maintain the Contingency Risk Buffer at 5.50%. 2) The idea of gift : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/the-idea-of-gift-31516/ The idea of gift has an ethically sound history engraved in the principles of sharing and mutual help. To understand that, the various aspects of the model of fund-raising for various social and family functions in the Malabar area (North Kerala) during the last century which is still followed in some areas need to be studied. The “panappayattu” (contributing cash) system works like this. Suppose there’s a marriage or any other expensive function in my house. A few days in advance of the function, I invite my neighbours and friends for a tea party. All the invitees come and contribute money, enjoy my hospitality and go back. Every individual contribution is accounted for. When a similar occasion comes in the family of one of the invitees, I will be invited to a similar tea party and when I participate, I will contribute a slightly higher amount than what I received from that person. Actually, such mutual help developed into cooperatives and chit funds during the first half of the last century. 3) Media Response May 20, 2022 Agricultural Development and Kerala This refers to the report "Kochi to host India Rubber Meet on July 22" (May 20). It is a lesser known fact that Kerala's share in India's rubber production is over 90 percent and the state produces over 70 percent of the country's coconuts. Kerala's share in overall plantation crops is also substantial. In fact plantation owners play a decisive role in Kerala politics. Having said that, it's doubtful whether modernization of cultivation practices, establishment of industries which can use local agricultural products including rubber, coconuts and spices and promotion of export/marketing of local products are getting the priority they deserve. Perhaps the scope of conferences like the ensuing Rubber Meet could be expanded with higher level government and industry participation to attract more investment for increasing agricultural production and value addition to produce before export/marketing. M G Warrier Mumbai E Collage Essay : Vathsala Jayaraman Present Day Weddings In olden days all marriages were conducted at homes at pandals extending to five or six houses. Sumptuous food was served on pyols ( thinnais) of all the houses. Now with nuclear families, every one wants to conduct the weddings in the grandest manner possible. Noisy scenes, loads of food, women clad in kancheepuram silks, kids crying for laddus, nosy relatives eyeing for the tiniest flaw-all are symbolic of middle class Indian weddings today. (Continued at H) F Leisure 1) Zohnerism* Why we need to avoid watching too much of breaking news & panel discussions on Indian TV news channels nowadays!? Because, they all follow Zohnerism! What is this notorious concept of Zohnerism? Zohnerism is all about twisting of simple facts to confuse people! To know more about it, please read on : In 1997, 14 year old Nathan Zohner presented his science fair project to his classmates, seeking to ban a highly toxic chemical from its everyday use. The Chemical in question? Dihydrogen monoxide. Throughout his presentation, Zohner provided his audience scientifically correct evidence as to why this chemical should be banned. He explained that dihydrogen monoxide : 1) Causes severe burns while it's in gas form. 2) Corrodes and rusts metal. 3) Kills countless amounts of people annually. 4) Is commonly found in tumors, acid rain etc. 5) Causes excessive urination and bloating if consumed. Zohner also noted that the chemical is able to kill you if you depend on it and then experience an extended withdrawal. He then asked his classmates if they actually wanted to ban dihydrogen monoxide. And so, 43 out of the 50 children present voted to ban this clearly toxic chemical. However, this chemical isn't typically considered toxic at all. In fact, dihydrogen monoxide is simply H2O, which is nothing but water. Nathan Zohner's experiment wasn't a legitimate attempt to ban water, but instead an experiment to get a representation of how gullible people can really be. Also, all of the points that Zohner used to convey his point were 100% factually correct; he just skewed all of the information in his favour by omitting certain facts. In recognition of his experiment, journalist James K Glassman coined the term "Zohnerism" to refer to "the use of a true fact to lead a scientifically and mathematically ignorant public to a false conclusion". And this occurs a lot more often than you think, especially when politicians, conspiracy theorists, etc., use proven facts to persuade people into believing false claims. The fact that people can mislead, and be misled so easily, is highly unsettling! *Forward as received from R Jayakumar 2) Fine for Parking Seen on a road sign on a London street pavement: FINE FOR PARKING. A motorist parked his car below the road sign, but was issued a parking penalty ticket by a policeman, saying that it was a no-parking zone. The motorist refused to pay, and argued with the policeman, claiming that the road sign actually said that it was acceptable (fine) to park in the premises. The English language can be difficult for the law enforcement agencies at times. Shared by S Venugopal : Courtesy Somasundaram G Quotes on Advice https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/advice-quotes Like : When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. Henri Nouwen Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian. His interests were rooted primarily in psychology, pastoral ministry, spirituality, social justice and community. H (Continued from E) Today bulk of the budget goes towards wedding halls. Even mini A/C halls charge nearly Rs 50,000/-, Caterers charge Rs 6L for two day weddings. The venue, status of the host and the guest also decide the cost factor.The marriage expenses take out life time savings. Real expenses always exceed the estimate. Leave alone the jewels and garments. One is more concerned about the Return Gifts, classified severally between near family members, extended families close friends and mere acquaintances. The issue that starts as simple discussion invariably ends in quarrels spoiling the very atmosphere. The person reaping the harvest is the gift shop owner. The articles chosen after much thought process occupy the dirtest corner of the attic of the receiver, ultimately attaining salvation merging into garbage in due course. Tons and tons of instructions are in the air, emphasizing the need for simple marriages. But ego- centric set up never cares. Rigorous organizing and planning of wedding have brought in a new idea of business class, 'Wedding Planners'. Though elders may fume at this very idea of outside intrusion, modern gues and girls consider it a prestige to have wedding arranged through Event Managers. In essence weddings halls have transformed into business houses replete with emotional exhortion or emotional terrorism. In view of the great scientific advancement, marriage has attained the status of an industry that sprouts a host of allied businesses. There is a boom in Real Estate, Design jewelleries, wedding textiles. beauty parlours,vedic pundits, entertainers -not to speak of flower, grocery and vegetable vendors. Social workers have opportunity to collect left over foods and distribute among have-nots and orphans. In a year, around 4 months are considered inauspicious. Is this a way to compensate for no-business days? After all human life is intended for Paropakara. Why should we get deprived of the fruits of Athithi Satkar, attained through ego satisfaction or at the cost of sweat and bloof of the poor? Young brides and grooms,you spend many long hours in planning your mega wedding. Add one more agenda. Devote a few quality hours in realising your social responsibility of assuring everlasting marital harmony notwithstanding normal conflicts, a part of married life. This, in essence, amounts to building a stable healthy society. "Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of BALANCE, ORDER, RHYTHM and HARMONY" Vathsala Jayaraman I Response : Vathsala Jayaraman CARA : Centre for Adoption Resources Agency Today's Collage had a valuable letter from Shri Jayakumar regarding conception with reference to the parents' demanding Rs 5 crores from the son unable to get a child. It reminds of the struggles undertaken by the childless while trying to adopt. It is said that the number of childless couples almost equal the number of abandoned children in orphanages. If each childless couple adopt a child, the country will have no orphans at all. But the procedure for adoption, though stated to be simple is very much horrifying. Whether CARA helps or impedes, I dont know. In a particular case CARA said that they had misplaced all the documents. Shri W R Varadarajan, who was in Delhi entered the premises. traced the documents and helped us to get NOC from CARA. Certain couples are interested in adopting two children. According to Hindu succession Act, only the first adopted can become legal heir and the second one will only be a ward, if the second adopted child is of same sex. That is if a couple adopt a girl first, the second adopted one should be a boy only, if the parent would like him to become legal heir. In India it is very difficult to get male children for adoption. Parents would struggle with bringing up five boys but unwilling to give one male child for adoption. Invariably ninety percent of male children left in orphanages have incurable ailments like acute heart problens or major set back in brain development which the adopting parent cannot handle. When NRIS arrive, they are shown only the children rejected thrice by Indians. This condition implemented some ten years back by CARA stands as a severe impediment for NRI childless couples. Already mothers in law with old school of thought talk of their family blood always. The rules add fuel to fire. Adoption is not that easy. Vathsala Jayaraman


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