Warrier's Collage on Sunday October 30, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday October 30, 2022 PM with Jawans in Kargil on Diwali 2022 https://www.narendramodi.in/prime-minister-narendra-modi-spends-diwali-with-the-brave-jawans-in-kargil-565372 Good Morning 🌅 Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday November 5, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 to all and Best Wishes Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) T N C Rangarajan Shared a link : Developments in UK https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/08/warning-minority-ethnic-voters-policy-exchange-tories Comments by Rangarajan The appointment of Rishi as the new PM here is due to an exceptional set of circumstances somewhat like the the seven planets all lining up together, a rare occurrence. So let me explain what I mean; In the last general election in 2019, the Conservatives (right wing like the US Republican Party) won by a landslide in large part due to the charisma of Boris Johnson, A milder version of Trump in my view. Then came COVID which was his undoing. While advocating austere measures to the country he was indulging in a few parties in Downing Street. This was unfortunately leaked out by a secretary (not cabinet) in the office who sent an e-mail to a friend referring to this party. The press got a hold of it and all hell Broke loose. Boris when questioned in parliament denied it and he could never get over that lie. He tried to divert attention through a trip to India and Ukraine but it stuck. Evidence of this was the Conservative party loosing important by elections in key strongholds which started to worry the party elders (also referred to as the 1922 Committee*). Boris had to go. A leadership contest was held and several candidates threw their hat in the ring, including Rishi. Liz Truss won that contest and was anointed not just by the parliamentary members of The Conservative party but the larger Conservative party membership (keep this point in mind). Then when Liz could not outlast a ice berg lettuce she had to go. Her policy of fiscal Loosening while the Bank England was on a path of monetary tightening did not make sense. The bond vigilantes could smell it and were beginning to go on a bond selling spree That would eventually have brought down the govt and triggered a general election. The 1922 Committee stepped in to save the party and asked her to step down and start another leadership contest. However time was running out fast. There were also fewer candidates including RIshi and two others. A vote was held with the parliamentary MPs and Rishi won. Boris tried to come back in but it would not make any sense as he created this mess in the first Instance. However, this time the 1922 Committee decided against going to the larger Conservative membership for a vote and based on the MP votes, selected Rishi. Some in the larger group feel aggrieved that the party did not let them choose. However, it was a case of the boat sinking and the end of the conservative party and a general election with odds favouring the left wing labor including the wokes. The 1922 Committee rightfully decided that RIshi was the appropriate person to right this ship due to his prior experience as Chancellor. Whether RIshi will be able to win over the larger party members as well as white middle England in the next general elections remains to be seen. Much will depend on his ability to right this ship and return UK to prosperity. Time is limited and there is no room for any more mistakes for his party. *The 1922 Committee, formally known as the Conservative Private Members' Committee, is the parliamentary group of the Conservative Party in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. The committee, consisting of all Conservative backbench members of Parliament, meets weekly while Parliament is in session and provides a way for backbenchers to co-ordinate and discuss their views independently of frontbenchers. Its executive membership and officers are by consensus limited to backbench MPs, although since 2010 frontbench Conservative MPs have an open invitation to attend meetings. 2) M G Warrier As many readers are not comfortable with large size, only select responses/contributions are included. When Collage comes out oftener, we'll be able to accommodate more content. B Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan Chennai OBSERVER OBSERVES OBJECT THROUGH KRIYA, ICHCHA, GNANA SAKTHI. WITH Service oriented, seeking guidance, With an upward trend towards achieving making living inspired. Psychologists opine Human Brain grasps when they are in Threes. GPS is one of them. GOD : To see God, we go to Temple. Do we Know Him? Don't know. Then it becomes a Ritual. I love God. If we don't know Him, how can we love Him? I have seen God in close quarters. By paying special darsan ticket. No one was there but Archakas were there. We get Confused. I want Peace. Then Remove first two words. Meditate as it gives a deep silence : Realizing and feeling His presence. GOD is to GO DEEP REVERSING IT LIKE A DOG SINCERE IN ACTION FOCUSSING THE MIND WITHOUT AGITATION YOU WILL FIND PEACE WITHIN As negativity within us is removed. PRAYER : It is an admission/ understanding of our weakness within The longing of The Soul to have a HEART without words than words without a Heart. It gives us a life of Happiness, Self-control and Bliss. Seeking His divine Love and Grace, by admitting/ eliminating impurities by sincere repentance. Prayer should not lead us to begging for our materialistic gains. Prayer puts problems in Perspective and Puzzle pieces in place. SELF : It is Subtle Envisaged Luminous Focussed analyzing step by step BMI which are Physical, Mental and Intellectual through our constant effort. In other words Service through body helping others, sincerity in action with Emotional Stability, humbleness shedding ego towards understanding through Buddhi uplifting Atman/ Soul/Spirit. Just as the crushing of a Rose brings out its Sweet perfume, So the difficulties of Life release the Sweetness within us. If we let them, they can bring out qualities such as Love for others, Tenderness, Compassion all three combined Through GPS. GRACE, PERFECTION, STABILITY. TOWARDS PERFECTION 👌🌹🌺 V T Panchapagesan C Collage Books Restoring Trust in Governance : M G Warrier Restoring Trust in Governance: India's 2020's Challenge https://amzn.eu/d/dZh438m Restoring Trust in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge is a companion volume to M G Warrier's 2018 book “India's Decade of Reforms” which looked at the initiatives taken by Government of India and RBI to restore the country's economic health by an appropriate diagnosis of factors that stalled the 1990's initiatives to introduce economic and financial sector reforms. GOI and RBI are taking forward reform initiatives to revamp the institutional system in the financial sector by infusing transparency and professionalism in policy formulation and introducing structural alterations wherever necessary. This book focuses on policy initiatives necessary to retrieve Indian Economy and the Indian Financial Sector from the present crisis-like situation. Areas covered in this book include agenda for the second Modi government at the centre (2019-24), pros and cons of privatizing public sector, approach towards gold management. Reserve Bank of India's role in confidence boosting viewed in the context of monetary policy implementation since the setting up of Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), some aspects of macroeconomic policy challenges before the Reserve Bank of India, need for a strong central bank, conflicts in formulation and implementation of monetary and fiscal policies. Finally, in a separate Section, namely ‘Professionalizing Financial System’ we look at measures being taken to professionalize and strengthen the Financial Sector with focus on regulation and supervision of the banking system. Bonus : Current Affairs Sun smiling : NASA captured pictures https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/oct/29/sun-smiling-image-nasa-satellite D Collage Food-Stop* https://fb.watch/gnJG12WT6Z/ Onam Sadya for 1,50,000 guests in Kerala. How do they do it? *Link shared by Reshmy Warrier Mumbai E Survival Guide : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai The following is a letter written by a wife, after her husband's death in an accident. "Few things I learnt after my husband's death :- We always believe we will live forever. Bad things always happen to others. Only when things hit us bang on your head you realize... Life is so unpredictable.... My husband was an IT guy. All techie. And I am a chartered accountant. Awesome combination you may think. Techie guy so everything is on his laptop. His to do list. His e-bill and his bank statements in his email... He even maintained a folder which said IMPWDS wherein he stored all login id and passwords for all his online accounts. And even his laptop had a password. Techie guy- so all the passwords were alpha-numeric with a special character not an easy one to crack. Office policy said passwords needed to be changed every 30 days. So every time I accessed his laptop I would realize it's a new password again. I would simply opt for asking him, 'What's the latest password' instead of taking the strain to memorize it. Continued at H 1 F Leisure 1) Cleansing the mind* A gentleman was going daily to the temple to listen to some philosophical lectures. He used to come late. His wife was waiting to lock the door. As it was very late, one day she got dejected and shouted," what is there to listen to every day in these lectures?Daily you are going and returning late. What have you understood in all these days?" He said, "I dont understand anything in particular. But I feel very nice on listening to these talks. The wife got much irritated. She asked him to bring water in a sieve.( salladai) He also went inside the bath room and brought water in a salladai.The water leaked through the tiny holes of sieve and the entire hall was drenched was drenched and wet. When he came by the side of his wife,there was no water inside the sieve. No it was the wife's chance. This is the way you abosorb what is delivered in upanyasam. Just as a sieve you cannot retain anything. The man replied calmly. "What you say is correct.It is true that sieve cannot hold any water.But in the process, the sieve has become clean. The dirty sieve has become fresh and neat. May be that I cannot understand what has been told. But it cleanses my mind and the long sticking dirt is slowly leaving me and I can feel the purity engulfing slowly. What more do we want in life? *Shared by Vathsala Jayaraman 2) Market Watch* https://m.economictimes.com/markets/stocks/news/when-will-sensex-hit-the-1-lakh-magic-figure-heres-some-back-of-the-envelope-calculations/articleshow/95093817.cms? *Why this is included under Leisure? Because all predictions are to be handled lightly 🙏-Warrier 3) Odd Couple Jokes* Odd Couple👫 Jokes Time😄 Why do husbands watch cricket matches on TV in pubs, bars and hotels instead of watching it in the comfort of their homes? Just read this👇👇 You won't ask it again!!😋😇 A couple 👫 watching an IPL 🎾 match on the TV 💻 together. After five minutes: Wife : Is that Bret Lee? Husband : No. He is Chris Gayle. Bret Lee is the bowler. Wife : Bret Lee is smart. He should be in the movies like his brother. Husband : He does not have an actor brother Wife : Then What about Bruce Lee? Husband : No no, Bret Lee is an Australian Wife : OK. Look. Another wicket in just two minutes. Husband : No. It is called action replay Wife : Looks like India is going to win this one. Husband : It is not India. It is Bangalore vs Kolkata Wife : Why is the umpire calling for a helicopter🚡. Husband : He is not calling for a helicopter. It’s a free hit. Wife : Did the spectators not pay for the tickets? Why is it a ‘ free’ hit? Husband : Wife : Now whom is he saying ‘HI’ to? Husband : He is signalling a ‘Bye’. Wife : Why is he saying ‘Bye’. Is the game over? Husband : Wife : How many runs to win? Husband : 72 in 36 balls Wife : Ah. That is easy. Just 2 runs in 1 ball Husband turns off the TV!!! Wife turns it on and watches‘Bharathi Kannamma’ Husband : Who is this Kannamma? Wife : Your mum.... How many times have I told you.. DO NOT disturb me when m watching TV.. Husband : *Shared by S Venugopal Chennai G Blogs and Links 1) Going back in time https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/tonewbeginnings/if-i-could-go-back-in-time-45943/ Posted online comments : ' remembered \"time machine\" by h g wells. the thought about traveling back and forth in time by itself is inspiring' 2) Fact Check https://newschecker.in/fact-check/sudha-murty-false-claim Excerpts : “Over the years, Sudha Murty has come across some fascinating people whose lives make for interesting stories and have astonishing lessons to reveal,” the review reads, once again confirming that the book is not autobiographical in nature, but carried the experiences of other people. Newschecker further perused the book in question, ‘The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk’. The preface of the book reads “One may wonder why I am writing about the personal lives of many people who have confided in me about their problems. Isn't it unethical to do so? However, most of the people I have written about requested me to change their names and use their problems as case studies…” The preface makes it clear that Sudha Murty has written about real life experiences, but of others rather than her own life story. Newschecker also found a video on the popular YouTube channel BeerBiceps in which Sudha Murty recollects her childhood. In the video, Sudha Murty can be heard thanking her parents and teachers for all their support, and also describes her growing up years in Karnataka. She also describes her engineering education in Karnataka, where she was the only woman in her batch. She does not mention any stint in Bombay or about relocating to Delhi, proving that the story is not autobiographical. 3) Collage Fitness* Fit @ Any Age: A Practitioner’s Guide https://amzn.eu/d/9IqnkUX Excerpts from review : Informative, and humorous, Fit at Any Age combines personal anecdotes, science-based logic and simple tips. It is also an inspirational story that will show you anything can be achieved no matter how old you are. Do you want to be fit into your 90s? Most people think being fit requires hours of working out in the gym. Air Marshal P.V. Iyer, a 92-year-old runner, tells us how we can make fitness part of our everyday activities at any age, leaving sufficient time for leisure. At the age of 47, when Air Marshal Iyer was confronted with the Indian Air Force's new policy demanding minimum age-specific physical fitness to be eligible for promotion, he set out to pass the test. In the course of his training it dawned on him that every one of us, irrespective of age and lifestyle, can become fit and it's never too late to learn new habits *Link suggested by : Surej, Kottakkal H 1) Continued from D You may think me being a Chartered Accountant would mean everything is documented and filed properly. Alas many of my chartered accountant friends would agree that the precision we follow with our office documents and papers do not flow into day-to-day home life. At office you have to be epitome of reliability/copmetence/diligence etc but at home front, there is always a tomorrow. One fine morning my hubby expired in a bike accident on his way home from office. He was just 33. His laptop with all his data crashed. Everything on his hard disk wiped off. No folder of IMPWDS to refer back to. His mobile with all the numbers on it was smashed. But that was just the beginning. I realized I had lot to learn. 9 years married to one of the best human beings. With no kids. Just the two of us to fall back on, but now I stood all alone and lost. Being a chartered accountant helped in more ways than one but it was not enough. I needed help. His savings bank accounts, his salary bank accounts had no nominee. On his insurance his mom was the nominee and it was almost 2 years back, she had expired, but this was just a start.. I didn't know the password to his email account where all his e-bill came. I didn't know which expenses he paid by standing instructions. His office front too was not easy. His department had changed recently. I didn't know his reporting boss name to start with, when had he last claimed his shift allowance,


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