Warrier's Collage on Tuesday November 1, 2022 : Keralappiravi

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday Keralappiravi Day November 1, 2022 Kalyanasougandhikam Kathakali https://youtu.be/49lTzt1cZgI Good Morning 🌅 Today this was conceived as a special edition on the occasion of "Keralappiravi Day" celebrations ( See C to G). Couldn't do full justice to the theme owing to time constraints. Nice Day M G Warrier A Responses/Messages 1) Sitendra Kumar I Collage Dear Shri Warrier, A treasure trove that's what is synonymous of the Collage. It has lot of matter to think over, to ponder for one and all. PM's visit to the army contingent is a great morale booster. This army group is from ASC who are responsible for supplying the troops with necessary provisions including transport. The comments by Shri Rangarajan explain in lucid style the recent developments in England. I have Shri Warrier's book "Restoring Trust in Governance" and I recommend my friends to read the same. The story on 'Cleansing the mind' underlines the importance of listening to good things; even if we don't understand, at least our mind is cleansed. The old couple joke lifts our spirits. Through the story of CA-IT couple, the importance of taking necessary precautions regarding our assets has been succinctly explained. A priceless collage, a gift of Shri Warrier to us. Sitendra Kumar II Monsoon in "Tea Cup"* Sitendra Kumar A literary masterpiece by Shri Nallasivan. His experience in rains in lush green Kerela has been described in a manner which will do credit to Shri R K Narayan. Just savour as to how he has described his monsoon experience in Kerela as a school boy and contrast the same with his experience as a RBI inspector in the midst of the desert in Rajasthan and one gets to experience the thrill of the Monsoon. Even in the the desert , one can have the flavour of the Saavan-Bhadon as they call it in Hindi filmdom. Shri Nallasivan has introduces us to Alexander Frater, the writer who used to write in The Punch, the magazine I read several times in 60s but have not seen afterwards. No idea where it has disappeared. For us the monsoon has staged a comeback after reading his mail even though winter has set in in Delhi. The temperature dips to below 16 degree centigrade with the pollution level rising to very poor/severe level. As far the response to his highly praiseworthy mail is concerned, Shri PPR had raised his concerns several times regarding the niggardly low level of responses by the members but to no avail. Disgusted, he even closed his mails on his experience in RBI with various officials which I always treasured and enjoyed and generally saved in my personal folder. The number of our members who send their mails and respond can be counted on finger tips. What about the rest 1000 members? Are they sleeping or are they in state of intoxication? Perhaps they do read and I believe so. In case of personal help or tragedy, they do come to our rescue but otherwise remain dormant. May be active in social and religious activities. Now since Shri Nallasivan has awakened the soul of our members, let's resolve that they'll respond in larger numbers. It does no credit to us if the same set of members keep on sending the mails and responding as well. Let others be also part of the Jamboree. *See H : "Southwest Monsoon, a reverie" By S Nallasivan 2) M G Warrier Responding to Sitendra Kumar Dear SitendraJi Many Thanks for the encouraging words. This morning 🌄 I was responding on the role of responses in groups*. Collage has become a "pleasant burden" for me. You may be aware of the cat's behaviour. Even if you put it in a sack and carry it to a distant location and leave it there, before you reach home you will be listening to its "Myavo...Myavooo..." For me Collage reminds that. Regards 🙏 M G Warrier *Copied below : Dear Badri, Gupta, Jayakumar and Nallasivan Happy to read some interesting healthy interaction on group interactions and responses. I've also noticed the tendency in the larger groups to form several sub-groups for mutual appreciation or selective critical observations on sensitive issues. Besides my own preoccupation, this was also one of the reasons for the recent occasional breaks in bringing out Collage. I found Collage turning into a group within groups not bound by the general discipline of groups. No, none of the moderators has raised any objection. On the contrary, when I brought this unhealthy trend to the notice of one of the moderators, he asked me to ignore considering the "popularity" or universal acceptance of Collage. I'm not convinced, though. Coming back to the main issue, I agree with the view that members who think they have become "indispensable" (they really are not!) in groups should introspect and play a proactive leadership role in encouraging universal participation, as we all are interested in increasing participation by all members irrespective of their background or quality of individual contributions. We are not playing for taking home the trophy 🏆 Regards 🙏 M G Warrier B Current Affairs Media Response : M G Warrier October 31, 2022 India's golden moment This refers to your editorial "Going for gold "(The Hindu Business Line, October 31). The SEBI initiative can become a historic step in the country's gold management history, second only to the government decision to explore the possibility of reviving Kolar mines and the unsaid proposal to explore the potential of yet to be mainstreamed and accounted domestic gold stock estimated at 24,000 tons. The present global gold scenario gives India a once in a lifetime opportunity to quickly redeploy a part of the country's idle domestic gold stock for productive use. Illustratively, if one-fifth of the estimated 24,000 tonnes of the stock can be mainstreamed and accounted, over a period of next five years, import of gold will come down substantially. Impact will be two-way. One, as those who invest their gold will earn at least 2 percent per annum on their gold investment and there will be foreign exchange savings to the extent gold imports come down. There will be other long term benefits also for the nation's economy. All these will become more feasible and socially acceptable, once a gold hubb of international reputation develops around Kolar gold fields with state of the art facilities for gold management "from mines to market". Standardization, mainstreaming and accounting, as also creating awareness among the people of India about gold as a productive investment option, besides "store of value", will improve the chances of India's faster economic growth during the current decade. The present SEBI initiative, integrating various backward and forward linkages is a step in the right direction. M G Warrier Mumbai Bonus : Collage Books Forks In The Road By C Rangarajan Forks In The Road : My Days at RBI and Beyond https://amzn.eu/d/9fugNgU 'One doesn't plan one's life fully. Some of it is planned, but some of it is purely accidental. Much of my life is a matter of circumstance,' says C. Rangarajan. In this book, the veteran economist and policymaker provides a captivating account of his professional journey, starting with his purely accidental entry into the RBI in 1982. Rangarajan, regarded as one of the tallest figures in the history of India's economic reforms, provides crucial insights into the role he played as part of the team which initiated far-reaching reforms in India's economy in the early 1990s. The path-breaking reforms that he implemented during his tenure as governor of RBI included deregulation of interest rates, strengthening of the banking system by a gradual tightening of prudential norms, creation and nurturing of financial markets, giving them depth and vibrancy, shifting to market-determined exchange rates, making the rupee convertible on the current account and the cessation of automatic monetization of budget deficit. Rangarajan describes the key events between 1982 and 2014, particularly in the areas of money and finance, explaining not only what happened but also the motivations and processes behind them. As a public figure and an architect of economic change in India, he also ruminates about his interactions with both political and economic actors. Forks in the Road is not only a memoir of a man who shaped India's economy and positively impacted the lives of many, but also a fascinating account of India's growth story. It is a description of what we did and what we did not, and where we succeeded and where we failed. C Keralappiravi, November 1 M G Warrier Unified State of Kerala came into being on November 1, 1956. That was a memorable day for Malayalees as Travancore, Kochi and Malabar till then governed under different dispensations came together. Two years after India's independence, Cochin and Travancore Provinces were united as Travancore-Cochin state. The present state of Kerala was constituted on a linguistic basis in 1956 when the Malabar Coast and the Kasaragod taluka (administrative subdivision) of South Kanara were added to Travancore-Cochin. For various social and political reasons, the then Malabar District in Madras State which transformed into the present five northern districts of Kerala had remained backward till the formation of Kerala. The State of Kerala since formation is privy to several records of sorts and later came to be known as God's Own Country, despite having started its political existence under the first ever Communist Government elected through democratic electoral process. Literacy Kerala stands first among other Indian states in literacy. Recognizing the need for a literate population and provision of elementary education as a crucial input for nation building, the state government with the backing of the central government, has launched a number of educational development activities over the past years to encourage elementary education in Kerala. D Festivals of Kerala https://www.holidify.com/collections/festivals-of-kerala E Art Forms of Kerala https://somatheeram.in/kerala-art-forms F History of Media Houses in Kerala http://keralamediaacademy.org/?page_id=317 Leisure Meaningful Questions*😁🤣 _👊Why is the place in a stadium where you SIT, called a STAND?_ _👊Why is that everyone wants to go to HEAVEN, but nobody wants to DIE!!_ _👊Shall I say that there is racial discrimination even in chess, As the WHITE always moved FIRST._ _👊We have FREEDOM of SPEECH, Then why do we have TELEPHONE BILLS?_ _👊If money doesn't grow on TREES, then why do banks have BRANCHES?_ _👊Why doesn't GLUE stick to its BOTTLE?_ _👊Why do you still call it BUILDING, when its already BUILT?_ _👊If its true that we all are here to HELP others, What are others HERE for?_ _👊If you aren't supposed to DRINK and DRIVE, Why do bars have PARKING lots?_ _👊If All The Nations In The World Are In Debt, Where Did All The Money Go..?_ _👊When Dog Food is 'New With Improved Taste', Who Tests It?_ _👊If The "Black Box" Flight Recorder Is Never Damaged During A Plane Crash, Why Isn't The Whole Airplane Made Out Of That Stuff?_ _👊Who Copyrighted The Copyright Symbol?_ _👊Can You Cry Under Water?_ _👊Why Do People Say "You've Been Working Like A Dog", When Dogs Just Sit Around All Day??_ _👊We all are Living in a Seriously Funny World. So, Laugh Often!! 🤣😅👏👏 *Shared by Shivaram Shetty Mumbai G Quotes on God's Own Country https://www.tripoto.com/trip/that-s-why-kerala-is-called-god-s-own-country-5abb5a45a91ad H What Collage is reading : The Southwest Monsoon, a reverie : S Nallasivan The Southwest Monsoon has hit the Southern tip of the Kerala Coast a couple of days back and is lashing the entire State with heavy downpour. Two days down the line the monsoon came unobtrusively and very softly, like a mother's caress to the people sitting on the other side of the Western Ghats in the border district of Tamil Nadu. I was sitting in my arm chair in the veranda and the hissing sound of the drizzle which occasionally increased in its intensity as a mild shower was mesmerizing. I was having a book to suit the occasion, “Chasing the Monsoon” by renowned American travelogue writer Alexander Frater. His fascinating narrative reveals the exotic, often startling, discoveries of an ambitious and irresistibly romantic adventurer. The Southwest Monsoon is associated with our school re-opening, and we were accustomed to walk the Kilo Meter and half distance to school in the light drizzle and alternating heavy showers with gale blowing as if attempting to uproot anything on its furious path. It was least in the minds of parents to provide their children with a rain coat or an umbrella leave alone the affordability of such luxuries for a lower middle class family. Footwears were unheard of during those days. We never considered it a discomfort to get wet on the way to school. There were always chances of the wet school uniform getting dried by the time we reached school in the weak sun breaking out from the clouds from time to time. After all, we were used to wearing half dried cloth through out the day thanks to our hand to mouth life style. The only valuable possession to be saved from the rain was our second hand text books procured from our senior students at discount counters, wrapped in plastic. Our lunch box invariably was a long brass vessel with a hand hook safely hung over in a jute string over our shoulders, cold curd rice with green chilly chutney. Some of our adventurous seniors considered it below their dignity to carry their lunch box, and during the one hour break for lunch, they would run home, to devour on the same cold rice we were carrying. Walk to school itself was an event full one. The roads were lined with towering tress and enroute we had to cross the river in spate and two vast lakes brimming to capacity, and ferocious waves crashing against the main road. The weekends were another pleasant story altogether. The experience of the 3 Kms. walk to the Courtallam Main falls could not be expressed in words. We were to be alert all the time to save our lunch from the monkeys hanging from the trees. My mother would not approve of the weekend journey until I was soaked in gingili oil, which the elixir cascading from a height of 200 feet would wash the very moment you merge one with the water. From Courttallam, we would walk next to Tiger Falls another couple of Kms away, an artificial, man made one to suit kids with a small pool thrown in as an added attraction. Our journey next would take a dangerous path and we would climb along the water course in the thick jungle, which would make a dare devil adult nervous. As the Tiger falls is fed from a tributary from Courtallam, the path leads to the top of the mountain from which the stream flows down into the immeasurable deep cavity (Ponguma kadal) and travels down at Courtallam. When we cleared the forest we would find ourselves standing on top of the mountain, close to the fast moving stream, hardly about a few yards from the thundering water cascading down. The slippery mountain path had claimed many a lives. Still the thrill we underwent found no expression. It was a rare combination of lurking fear, nervousness and pure bliss and ecstasy. The affluent flocked the Five falls which lays another five Kms west off Courtallam Hills, and its poor height made it unworthy of the adventurers, we looked down with scorn. My parting with the Southwest Monsoon was a sad event when I moved to Chennai which the Southwest Monsoon very scrupulously skirt out of its course on its way to the Himalayas, Gangetic plain and further towards the Kashi hills. When we observe the satellite picture of the sub-continent during the mid July, when the monsoon has reached its zenith, the country is found to be engulfed in streams of black cloud, except two dry spots. We can appreciate that the Monsoon, having witnessed the Thar Desert, swallowing the mythical and holy river Saraswati would certainly shun the dry and barren Aravalli Range with apprehension. But why and how it should shun Tamil Nadu is shrouded in mystery. One more intriguing and interesting event with the Monsoon had happened when I landed in the Desert State of Rajasthan, at Jaipur. Could it be possible that the monsoon did a sort of miracle by not only entering Rajasthan, but caused an unheard of floods in the Desert State. The State enjoyed the bounty of the monsoon in the following two years in a row, during our stay, an unusual experience for the desert State. Now it was my turn to meet the monsoon at its birth place, Trivandrum, where I had spent nearly seven years with a water starved dry spell of five years in between, in Chennai. Since 2004, when I opted out of Bank service on voluntary retirement I am not only back Home and has made our reunion and enjoyed the bliss in close company of the Southwest Monsoon for an uninterrupted seven years. One thing I missed in Trivandrum was the significance of the event, the very breaking of the monsoon and the gait and splendor associated with it. I am grateful to Alexander Frater and the Director of Meteorology, Santosh, occupying the office at the vantage position of the building, next to the heritage observatory founded by Swati Tirunal in 1836, which is the window that gives them a clear view of the sea. An experience in the gloating words of Santosh, the Met Director: “There is a change in the colour, smell and look of the sea. There is turbulence and the water turns choppy. We can see the rain advance from the hill. For days before the onset of the Monsoon, heavy dark cumulonimbus clouds gather on the horizon. They can stretch up to 14 km to the troposphere,” It was a proud moment for Santosh when he proclaimed that the westerly monsoon winds not only brought succor to the sub-continent, the rain clouds, but they brought traders and travelers from Rome and Arabia who were lured and guided by the trade winds, which in a fitting tribute is named with Arabic, “Mausam”, which the English as it was their wont, changed it to suit their convenience. I rather would not torture our friends, with Alexander Frett’s long journey tracking the Southwest Monsoon, commencing from Thailand and Madagascar. But it is interesting read when we find a man, a foreigner at that struggles and wait, catching-up and at times spends sleepless nights when there has been delay in its journey in the sub-continent. But he had to wage a war with the Administration to reach the boundaries of Sohra, in Meghalaya, the wettest place in the world, known best by its British name Chirapungi. His struggle and trouble some journey lasting about two months was worth, every penny, when he experienced beauty and ecstasy in the valley of the Khasi Hills swathed with pregnant rain clouds, bursting, a labour of pain carried long through the plains of Bangladesh. It is cloud burst one after another that sub-merges the hills and valley with more than 12000 mms of rain. It is another interesting factor that both Southwest Monsoon and winter monsoon other wise known as Northeast Monsoon merge as a single season in Chirapungi. The Khasi Hills is totally bald thanks to the deluge of a rain which washed away even the sub-soil. It is also an irony of nature that the Southwest Monsoon which skirted away from Tamil Nadu and where it has unloaded all its bounties in a fury Chirapunji suffer water scarcity. The Southwest Monsoon traces its way back to Kerala in September and withdraws into the Arabian Sea. As if remembering to make recompense Tamil Nadu, which it had left it literally, high and dry, on its way to enrich the whole of the Country, returns back through Bay of Bengal as winter Monsoon, to quench the thirst of the Tamil population. PS : This was posted by me in June 2010 at RBICF when I was still a stone throw away from Courtallam waterfalls and the monsoon was very active, at its best-Nallasivan Chittanandam's message to Nallasivan : Dear Nallasivan, Your essay on South West Monsoon is very interesting. It gives us a rare feeling of experiencing the monsoon. You take to various places along with the monsoon. I have no experience of the fury of the monsoon. Your essay gives a vivid picture of SW Monsoon. One of the best essays by you. Sending this to all my contacts. Thanks and regards, Chittanandam


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