Warrier's Collage on Sunday October 9, 2022 : Lonavala

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday October 9, 2022 Tourist places : Lonavala* https://youtu.be/Vb1aoMEbfLo *We were in Lonavala this weekend. Good Morning 🌅 Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday October 15, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes. M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Shri Warrier's concluding part of spirituality (Message on Friday) and philosophy dragged my thoughts to a book in Tamil which I read years back. Religion is in charge of the "to do". Spirituality is in charge of the "to BE".!! I happened to read another text in Tamil on the subject recently. Continued at H1 2) M G Warrier Mumbai Weekend we visited Lonavala. A nice hill station close to Mumbai and Pune. Worth a visit. See link at E. B Babusenan's Column Utility* Dr Watson, the Boswell of Sherlock Holmes( who needs no introduction at all ), was initially not much impressed with the latter's range of knowledge. 'His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge' was his overall assessment. While on subjects like chemistry, anatomy and sensational matters his knowledge was deep and profound, on literature, philosophy, astronomy and politics it was abysmally poor. Once when the doctor mentioned Carlyle's name, Holmes asked who he was. The former seized on that opportunity to tell him this sad fact. He was astonished to find that his friend knew next to nothing about the solar system and the Copernican theory. The doctor then explained both as best as he could. When he finished, Holmes laughingly said:" Now that I do know it, I shall do my best to forget it." For him, the storage space for knowledge was inelastic and it was of the highest importance that useless knowledge should not be allowed to elbow out useful ones. "You say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon, it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work. " This master detective's predilection towards utility should not be confused with a social theory that sprouted in England earlier during the same 19 th century. It is known as 'Utilitarianism' whose propounder was an English thinker, Jeremy Bentham, who is regarded as the founder of the University College, London. ( Bentham died in 1832 and his hay-filled and fully dressed body is displayed in sitting posture at the entrance of the college.) What he meant by 'utility' was not in its restricted sense of usefulness, but as maximum good to the maximum number. It was later developed and popularised by his disciple, the famous John Stuart Mill(the mentor of Bertrand Russell's parents) Mill interpreted utility as happiness. One's actions should be such as would bring about happiness to society and it shall be the aim of a government to provide maximum happiness to the maximum number of people governed by it. An almost similar idea was expressed later by Sree Narayana Guru, the saint and social reformer of Kerala, when he said: Avanavan aatmasukhatthi Naacharikkunnava Aparannu sukhatthinaay Varenum. (Whatever one practises for one's own happiness should result in the happiness of another.) Our ancient India went the whole hog and declared: 'Lokaah samastaah sukhino bhavanthu' (Let there be happiness for all beings in the whole world!) One monarch in Bharat itself tried to implement this grand ideal in his kingdom and he succeeded. But jealousy raised its ugly head and he was ousted from his kingdom. Those who know the puraanaas say that Lord Vishnu sided with these people to oust him despite he being the grandson of the Lord's greatest devotee, Prahlada. What this story seems to tell us is that unbiased minds, free from jealousy and all sorts of spites, are an essential pre- condition for the fruition of this magnificent ideal. Maybe, it is very very difficult of attainment, yet let it be kept as the ultimate goal of mankind. Happiness, however, eludes a clear definition.It must be something very, very precious as the great Malayalam poet Ulloor aptly says: Sukham, sukham Bhoomiye naakamaakkaan Vedhassu nirmiccho Ranarkha vasthu. Atheng, athengennu Thiranjuthanne Aayussu pokkunnu Hathaasar nammal. (What we call 'sukham' is a very, very precious thing created by God in order to transform our earth into heaven. We, the desperate humans, waste away our lives serching it here, there, everywhere.) *A part of this write-up appeared earlier. This is the complete version. C Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan SUNDAY COLLAGE PERSONALITY TRAITS ARE : Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism ( or Emotional stability ) These components are generally stable over time And about half of the variance appears To be attributable to a person's genetics rather than the effects of one's environment. Your authentic Self elevates to a higher plane of positive thought. A silent meditation, a deep search of the inner man initiates an authentic SELF. Nikos Kazantzakis , the popular Greek author conveys the same message in a poetical vein : A command rings out within me, ‘Dig! what do you see ?’ ‘Men and birds, water and stones.’ ‘Dig deeper! What do you see ?’ ‘Ideas and dreams, fantasies and lightning flashes!’ ‘Dig deeper! What do you see?’ ‘I see nothing! A mute Night, as thick as Death. It must be Death.’ ‘Dig deeper!’ ‘Ah! I cannot penetrate the dark's partition! I hear voices and weeping. I hear the flutter of wings on the other shore.’ ‘Don't weep! Don't weep! They are not on the other shore. The voices, the weeping, and the wings are in your heart.’ Eyes, Ears, Speech, Mind & Buddhi are the five motivating factors making The Heart with tender and compassion in functioning making Authentic Self building Personality. 👌🌹🙏🏿 V T Panchapagesan D Useful links The following link gives the free issues of The Illustrated Weekly of India to read. Our many friends may be interested in that. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.534037/page/n19/mode/2up Illustrated Weekly Of India (Link Courtesy : Sitendra Kumar) E Collage Tourism Lonavala https://weekendhome.in/blog/places-to-visit-in-lonavala.php Lonavala Lake Lonavala Lake is located on the outskirts of Lonavala, sourced by the Indrayani River. The lake normally fills up during the monsoons and dries up during the winter, making it the monsoon lake in Lonavala. It is a popular picnic spot among travelers offering activities like bird watching, swimming.... F Leisure http://www.laughfactory.com/jokes/clean-jokes G Quotes on hill stations https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/hill-quotes Everyone goes down a road that they're not supposed to go down. You can do two things from it. You can keep going down that road and go to a dark place. Or you can turn and go up the hill and go to the top - try to go to the top. Julian Edelman H 1) Continued from A1 I share the thoughts of the author. A rough translation of what I read is produced hereunder. What is spirituality? Is continuous character development spiritual unless applied in real life to experience it? A Simple definition of spirituality says, “Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. It also relates to the process of developing beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with others". Character development is important but unless it is applied in real life to gain experience, the effort will be futile. The purpose of this article is it to look at some of the practical ways to improve our spirituality. A systemic view of actions performed by us and contribution in the world promotes links between sustainability and an awareness of our limited resources. This approach to thought process, action and interaction is being increasingly associated with spirituality because it seeks to contribute to the greater good in the world. It also has the potential to actually increase spiritual value and enhance the company of good people around us. This systemic view of greatest good of the world means that we as spiritually developing person will constantly reassess the long view of risks and rewards associated with doing our actions in the long run, including a careful ongoing review of potentially negative and unintended consequences of our actions to the individuals, societies, or the environment. An individual life is an important element of the society around that life. In reality, the society is the macrocosm of the collective values of all the individuals in that society. Respecting values in individual life experiences and learning lessons out of it is an important component of a society. Therefore, it is critical that every life should have respect for other individuals irrespective of their race, color, sexual orientation, ethnic background, etc. There has to be a firm conviction that exclusion of anyone from this learning process is an impediment not only for the individual growth but also overall growth of the society. Increasingly, the societies are seeing the value of the individuals working together in a society toward a commonly held vision. They have a sense that the concepts of love and acceptance within a cultural context of care builds a sense of community that supports the welfare of everyone in the society and brings a great level of happiness and peace. In a way sharing our thoughts and experiences in a group like ours is also 'spirituality' in a sense. Learning and sharing life experiences promote all of us together. This type of principled emphasis includes everyone providing knowledge that help everyone else better understand self and others, develop successful professional and personal relationships and enhance core values and skills. We begin to recognize the impact others have in our respective life and each one of us have on others' lives. Thoughts presented here are building blocks toward exploring a model of spiritual development framework for engaging in a broader conversation. Learning is a life-long exercise and learning from the experiences is the purpose of life. Every word we read and every word we write here makes a difference to me as well as to others around me and hence communication should be with a purpose


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